The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 970 Explosives and ground guns make it difficult even for a mountain god

Zhao Jun and his party arrived at Yongli Village first. As soon as they entered the village, they went straight to the small shop to buy firecrackers.

When the car stopped in front of the small shop, he happened to meet Song Benxiao who was coming out after buying tobacco leaves.

"Ouch!" Wang Qiang looked at Song Benziao and quickly opened the door and got out of the car to greet him: "Brother Song!"

They are both mountaineers, and they can always meet each other every now and then.

"Qiangzi?" Song Benxiao was startled, then looked at the people who got out of the car and asked, "Are you doing this?"

"Ah..." Since the matter of hunting the tiger could not be explained clearly, Wang Qiang casually gestured to Jie Chen who came around from the front of the car and said: "Come with them to do something."

Song Benxiao didn't know Jie Chen, so he couldn't get to the bottom of it.

At this time, Zhang Yuanmin fell out of the trunk. Because he had short legs and had difficulty getting out of the car, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu reached out to help him.

"Brother Song!" Zhang Yuanmin raised his hand to say hello to Song Benxiao, but when Song Benxiao saw it was him, he was slightly startled, and then said angrily: "Who do you call brother? Are you a tiger?"

"Who is the tiger?" Zhang Yuanmin said with a smile: "My father calls your old man eldest brother. We belong to the son's generation and the father's generation..."

"Fuck you!" Before Zhang Yuanmin could finish his words, he was interrupted by Song Benxiao. But seeing Song Benxiao scolding him with a smile, he knew that the two families were friends and were joking around here.

Wang Qiang, who was watching the excitement, smiled, called Zhao Jun, and introduced Song Benxiao: "This is my nephew."

"It's Zhao Jun!" Song Benxiao looked at Zhao Jun and said with a smile, "It's been so many years since we last met, young man."

"Uncle Song." Zhao Jun called Song Benxiao, and then Wang Qiang introduced Li Baoyu to Song Benxiao.

When he heard it was Li Ruhai's brother, Song Benxiao became even more enthusiastic. Finally, Wang Qiang briefly introduced Xie Zhong and Jie Chen.

After greeting each other, Song Benxiao greeted: "What about... come to my house for a while?"

"I won't go today." Wang Qiang declined politely and said, "I'm waiting for you to come over to see my uncle Song someday."

"Okay!" Song Benxiao just said polite words. After hearing what Wang Qiang said, he hurriedly borrowed the donkey from the slope and said, "Then come over someday!"

After saying that, Song Benxiao said goodbye to everyone and left.

When Zhao Jun and his group entered the small shop, Zhao Jun suddenly thought of something.

In Zhao Jun's previous life, there was a hunting dog in Yong'an Forest Area. That hunting dog was the first dog in Yongan after Hua Xiao and before Qinglong, named Hua Niuniu.

When his own dog gang was gone, Zhao Jun encountered that dog during a siege. That dog was not big, weighing forty-six or seven kilograms.

Since ancient times, there has been no first in literature and no second in martial arts. Especially when it comes to besiegers, no one would admit that their dog is inferior to someone else's dog if there wasn't an obvious gap.

Therefore, those who can dominate among hunting dogs must be worthy of their reputation.

But when it comes to hunting dogs, weight is one of the important factors that determine their combat effectiveness. Hua Xiao weighed about one hundred kilograms at his peak, and Qinglong weighed more than one hundred and ten kilograms at his peak.

But that Hua Niuniu doesn’t even weigh fifty pounds, but she can become so famous, so she must have a special job.

But the owner of Hua Niuniu does not live in the Yongan family area, and that person is withdrawn and likes to be alone, so no one has ever seen Hua Niuniu working. But as long as the dog goes to the mountains, whether it is a big solitary man or a big brown bear, , then one person and one dog can deliver the goods.

This is scary!

A puppy weighing about 40 kilograms can't even hold a small yellow hair in a kennel. How did it keep Xiong Ba?

But people sell goods when they go up the mountain, and two out of ten times are considered too much.

This year, Zhao Jun's family has no shortage of hunting dogs. He is confident that his dogs can run rampant in the mountains.

The most important thing is that the time has not come yet, so Zhao Jun did not worry about Hua Niuniu before.

Now that the Dog Gang had killed five generals and met Song Benxiao, Zhao Jun inevitably had an idea.

In Zhao Jun's memory, the flower girl first lived in Song Benxiao's family. Later, the eldest son of Song Benxiao's family married a daughter-in-law. At that time, they didn't have enough money. It happened that a relative of his family wanted to buy a dog, so Song Benxiao sold the dog for twenty yuan.

But what I didn’t expect was that Hua Niuniu became famous in 1989, and until hunting was banned in 1997, the old dog was still alive. What's even more amazing is that even though the dog's front incisors are missing, it can still go up the mountain to get cannon eggs.

It's now 1987, and I don't know if the dog has arrived at Song Benxiao's house. But this is not a problem for Zhao Jun. As long as Li Ruhai is dispatched for such a matter, then to borrow Zhang Yuanmin's words, he will be able to control it with both hands.

After entering the small shop, I packed up all their belongings and put two sacks in them, and Xie Zhong and Jie Chen carried them into the car.

After coming out of the small shop, the group took a bus and headed to the mountain field. After they came out of Yongli Village, they went straight to Lao Guitouzi Ridge. They started firing cannons at the foot of Lao Guitouzi Ridge and headed all the way to Lao Guotouzi's shack.

At the bottom of the mountain, everyone got out of the car and walked up the mountain carrying rhubarb, supplies, firecrackers, and golden barley.

They first went to Lao Guotou's shack and put down the supplies, and then headed to the top of Linban 62, where the Tengu Gang fought against Tiger the day before yesterday.

Halfway there, Li Baoyu asked everyone to go ahead. He held Rhubarb and went to the hiding place accompanied by Zhao Jun.

They found a pine tree and placed rhubarb under the tree. The two of them covered it with snow. Li Baoyu lit three spring trees and inserted them one by one in front of the snow bag where the rhubarb was buried.

Then, Li Baoyu shook his head and looked around.

Zhao Jun was startled by his move, and then he saw Li Baoyu walking to the side, and after a while he picked up a tree branch and came back.

Zhao Jun twitched the corner of his mouth, thinking that this was quite formal.

I saw Li Baoyu using a tree branch to draw a square with one side missing on the snow, and then poured the golden barley into it.

Zhao Jun was speechless. He tilted his head to the side and refused to watch Li Baoyu act like a monster.

The golden barley caught fire at once, and in the light of the fire, Li Baoyu muttered something.

When the ceremony was completed, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu hurried to chase the large army.

They walked through the mountains and arrived at the place where they had picked up a half-drawn wild boar yesterday. Zhao Jun ordered Li Baoyu, Zhang Yuanmin, Jie Zhong, and Jie Chen to cut down small trees nearby. After cutting them down, they laid them across the nearby mountain road.

This is a roadblock, and on the snow in front of and behind the roadblock, mark it with your feet.

Notation is a triangle, then a line splits the triangle in half. If a mountain runner sees this sign, he or she will know that someone is laying a bomb in front of him, so he will have to go back the same way, or he will be extremely vigilant.

Afraid that no one would be able to see this sign, Li Baoyu and the others also used knives and axes to cut marks on the trees on both sides of the roadblock.

They were doing the rough work, while Zhao Jun and Wang Qiang's uncle and nephew were setting traps for hunting tigers.

In order to avoid being foolproof, Zhao Jun decided to use a two-pronged approach, both explosives and underground guns.

They first fixed Wang Qiang's casing gun on a tree so that the gun was about half a meter above the ground.

Then, Zhao Jun used a thin steel wire to connect the trigger of the gun to a tree opposite the gun.

Normally, the muzzle of the gun should be parallel to the steel wire. When a wild animal passes by, the gun will be triggered when it touches the ground.

But the specific situation must be analyzed in detail. When using guns, explosives, and covers in the mountains, hunters must first know what their prey is.

For example, the elders have a formula, which is called: Roe deer walks at the guard gate, wild boar rushes to the guard beam, and the black blind man drills the colored (sǎi) vines.

Use this to find traces of prey, and then follow the principle that snakes have their own snake paths and rats have their own paths, and then lay traps where the wild animals pass.

But what Zhao Jun wanted to fight today was a tiger. As the overlord of the mountains and the top of the food chain, this Siberian tiger ran rampant in the mountains without any rules.

So, what if it doesn't come from here or jumps over if you put the gun down.

This is also the reason why Li Ruhai asked King Song if there was a secret to shooting underground guns when he was having dinner at the Song family that day. Because Guo Paotou, the tiger-fighting general back then, had a unique skill.

Zhao Jun didn't know this special skill, so he could only use another method, using explosives combined with ground guns.

The explosive was tied in the middle of the wire rope in advance. The beast was attracted by the thick smell of butter. When it opened its mouth and bit it, it not only triggered the explosive, but also triggered the ground gun.

But in this way, it is different from firing a single ground gun. If the ground gun is fired alone, the beast's foot will hit the thin wire. At this time, the ground gun is activated and the bullet passes through the shoulder blade.

But if it's a bomb, the beast will bite it. At this time, if the ground gun is still arranged like that, the bullet will go to the beast's head when it is fired.

If the target for the head is smaller than the body, there is a possibility of missing the target. Therefore, Zhao Jun did not make the ground gun parallel to the steel wire, but moved it an inch to one side.

In this way, the trap will be triggered when a wild animal comes from the side.

Of course, no one can guarantee that it will come from one side. So here, Zhao Jun used the method of destroying the whole house again, cutting down the small trees on the other side and blocking them with branches and branches. In this way, even if the wild beast comes from that way, it can be forced to take a detour.

Zhao Jun deployed a total of three explosives and ground guns like this, with each two places separated by about seven or eight miles.

At this time, if you look down from a high altitude, the three traps form a triangle, and in the center is the shack of Mr. Guo.

After setting up three traps, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon. Seeing that it was getting late, everyone hurried to the shack.

When they arrived at the shack, everyone was fetching water, those who were cooking the kang, and those who were cooking were cooking.

The trap set today may not be triggered today. Zhao Jun and the others are ready to stay here for three days.

Therefore, they often bring food from home to the mountains, and it is all food that is relatively easy to prepare. After all, they are not here for a picnic. They are exhausted after a long day of work. Who has the energy to cook?

Tonight, they will eat boiled noodles.

The big stew pot sat on the stove, and Zhao Jun kept adding snow to it. A stewed jar of snow cannot be melted into a stewed jar of water. Therefore, Zhao Jun rushed to add snow to the snow.

When most of the water in the stew pot was boiling, Zhao Jun took out the painkillers, oxytetracycline powder, and salt noodles that he had rolled at home, and sprinkled them one by one into the stew pot.

There is no way, the conditions must be like this, at least don't get a bad stomach. Otherwise, it would be over 30 degrees below zero, and my butt would be unbearable when I go to the toilet all the time.

Put the medicinal powder and salt into the pot and they will melt instantly.

Zhao Jun pulled the sack next to him and took out square butter paper packets from it.

The bread here is noodles, and they are not dried noodles. They are hand-rolled noodles that Wang Meilan and the women cut at home.

After cutting, put each noodle into an aluminum lunch box lined with butter paper.

Then take it outside to freeze, then pull the butter paper to take the noodles out of the lunch box, then wrap the noodles with paper, and a rectangular noodle brick is ready.

Nowadays, dried noodles are indeed a good thing, but they can’t compare to hand-rolled noodles.

This noodle brick was made from two taels of frozen noodles, and Zhao Jun made three in a row. When the noodles were spread out, Zhao Jun took out two round butter paper packets from the noodle pocket. After opening them, they contained cut, washed, rolled, and frozen sauerkraut.

Zhao Jun threw two balls of sauerkraut into the pot in succession, and then took out a long oval butter paper bag, which contained beef slices that had been pushed with a plane and then frozen.

As the beef slices are put into the pot, when the pot inside is opened again, the noodles that are put into the pot first are cooked together with the sauerkraut and beef slices that follow.

The six of them carried the small helmets they brought from home and had hot noodles, sauerkraut, and beef for dinner. In addition to Zhao Jun, the five people also drank some wine. Although it is cold in this room, sitting on the kang is much better than being outside.

Like Zhao Youcai, he was sitting under a big red pine with Li Chunming, Qin Zhusong, Zhang Dongzhi and Zhao Jicheng.

Five people formed a circle, with a large fire in the middle.

Zhao Youcai used a tree branch to make chopsticks and pulled out a roasted black sticky bean bun from the fire. The sticky bean bun rolled on the snow. After holding it in his hand for a while, the sticky bean bun became hot again.

Zhao Youcai grinned and gritted his front teeth into the sticky bean buns. The outside layer is baked and soft, but the inside is still frozen.

Zhao Youcai turned around and ate it once, then threw the remaining frozen sticky bean buns back into the fire and continued to bake them. Let it bake for a while, then take it out and eat it.

He gnawed like this until Zhao Youcai's nose went down and his mouth and face turned completely black.

The four members of the Tiger Fighting Team were all retired from the army, but when they were in the army, they had never suffered such a crime!

Looking at the calm Zhao Youcai, Li Chunming couldn't help but admire him.

"Boss Zhao." Li Chunming called Zhao Youcai softly. Zhao Youcai, who was chewing bean buns with bared teeth, glanced this way and made a "hmm" sound from his nose.

"I think this big claw is dead." Li Chunming said with a smile: "I think it will make a ditch when it falls on the walk."

"It's not pulling the ditch." Zhao Youcai said with a smile: "It has three legs. If we chase it out, it will stop jumping."

Having said this, Zhao Youcai turned around and looked in the direction of Class 62 Lin, and said, "I guess it has reached Class 62 now."

As he said that, Zhao Youcai threw the sticky bean bun that was three times smaller with only the bean filling left in his hand into the fire, raised his finger and pointed at his head, and said with a smile: "We don't have to worry, it just needs to lie down tonight, and tomorrow it will If you can’t get up, let’s go there to protect you!”

When the four members of the Tiger Fighting Team heard this, they all had smiles on their faces. This trip has been really painful, so let's end it quickly.

"We'd better not be anxious." Qin Zhusong grinned and said with a wry smile: "It's too cold and miserable. I can't sleep."

The fire warms the chest, and the wind cools the back.

Five people started pulling firewood at two o'clock, and the pile of firewood would be enough to keep the fire burning until dawn tomorrow morning.

"Oh!" Zhang Dongzhi sighed, threw the hard frozen bean buns into the fire, and said, "We don't have any pickles, can't we get heartburn after eating this?"

"If there is some, you can eat it." Zhao Jicheng said, "I've finished this meal. I don't know what I'll eat tomorrow morning."

There was no way, the old man surnamed Duan was having a hard time, and it took him a long time to get Zhao Youcai and the others seventeen frozen sticky bean buns.

"Okay, let's spend the night together." Zhao Youcai stabilized the morale of the army and said: "Tomorrow morning we will be beaten to death by the big claws, and then we will run out and find an old man surnamed Guo in a shack. He and I are fine. Let’s eat at his place tomorrow morning.”

The cold wind howled, and a Siberian tiger staggered away on the hill. One of its legs was basically useless, its elbow was bitten by a beast, and half of its lower leg was broken off.

But a tiger is a tiger, and when the beast king is at his end, he has a fierce look in his eyes. From time to time it opened its mouth and roared.

It was already very tired, but it had to demonstrate because it smelled the same kind, and the smell of the same sex.

There is no way to avoid it, and you can only get a chance of survival by rushing through it, otherwise this place will be where its bones are buried.

Now it dares not rest, and needs energy to maintain physical fitness. But in its current state, even if the horse pulling the sledge passes in front of it, it will not be able to catch it.

Fortunately, it smelled a strange smell, and the smell always stayed in one direction, so the Siberian tiger used its last strength to walk that way.

It's late at night.

In the shack, on the earthen bed, Zhao Jun curled up in a ball wrapped in a big cotton monkey. Ma Ling knitted him a hat, a collar, and gloves, so he could sleep even though he didn't sleep realistically.



Suddenly, a crisp sound and a muffled sound exploded in the mountains, and Zhao Jun suddenly stood up from the kang.

And when he sat up, there was another crisp sound and a dull sound. Zhao Jun couldn't help but widen his eyes. Two of the traps he had just laid out today were triggered.

In the dark night, among the mountains, a Siberian tiger's jaw was shattered. The bullet entered behind the left front elbow and exited from the other side.

Where the bullet entered the flesh, the hole was not big, but on the other side where the bullet exited, there was a blood hole the size of a bowl, gurgling with blood.

The Siberian tiger lay on its side on the ground, its upward-facing hind legs twitched slightly twice, and then died.

And on the mountainside seven or eight miles away, the mountain wind brought the bloody smell of the same kind, causing a Siberian tiger to flee in panic.

Brothers, I have finished updating this chapter. I am a little tired and my head and hands are not coordinated. I promised the day before yesterday that I would kill a big claw yesterday. I thought it would be over in three chapters at most. But when I wrote it, I found a lot of details. Although I broke my promise, my attitude was okay.

There won’t be any updates tonight. I’ll take this opportunity to adjust my schedule and try to update during the day.

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