The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 971 Father and Son Reunion

Two traps were triggered one after another, and successive explosions woke up Zhao Jun and others in the shack.

"Brother!" Li Baoyu said happily to Zhao Jun: "The great revenge has been avenged!"

Zhao Jun didn't show much joy on his face. Even before the mouse stepped on the mouse trap, it would step on it several times and observe clearly before taking any action.

If this is true for a mouse, let alone a tiger?

Moreover, this tiger is a mountain tiger, and it will definitely screen out food that suddenly appears in its territory.

Therefore, Zhao Jun believes that even if the Siberian tiger bites the bomb, it will have to wait until the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

"Brother!" At this time, Xie Zhong asked a key question, "Then why do you ring twice?"

There were four sounds outside, but Xie Zhong didn't express what he meant. What he actually wanted to ask was how a tiger triggered two traps.

"Haha!" Wang Qiang, who was beside Jie Zhong, laughed and interjected: "What's that? Then aren't there the mountain animals nearby?"

After saying this, Wang Qiang added: "No matter how hard we set off firecrackers, we can't clear out such a big mountainous area."

After Wang Qiang finished speaking, Jie Chen asked Zhao Jun: "Brother Jun, shall we divide our troops into two groups tomorrow?"

Zhao Jun looked at the people around him and said, "You can't talk about that. Let's go to 64 tomorrow, and then go to 62 when we're done, and finally go to 63."

Jie Chen means that the troops are divided into two groups and set out to escape two traps at the same time. But Zhao Jun didn't want to take risks, it was a tiger after all. Therefore, he asked everyone to act together and escape all three traps.

"Brother!" Xie Zhong said: "The number 63 didn't ring either?"

"If there is no sound, isn't it the back of the mountain?" Zhang Yuanmin said.

The traps that Zhao Jun and others set under the two forest squads of 62 and 64 were located on the hillside diagonally opposite the shack where they lived. The sound echoed in the mountains before they could hear it.

This is not the case for the trap in 63 Lin's class, so it cannot be inferred whether the trap has been triggered based on the sound alone.

Likewise, Zhao Youcai and the Tiger Fighting Team heard nothing. At this time, the bonfire was burning Zhao Youcai's cheeks, but his back was getting colder and colder.

This is because the tiger team took care of him because he was the oldest, leaving him alone to lean against the big red pine.

It was better to have the red pine trunks to block the wind, but the effect was limited. It was hot in the front and cold in the back, which made Zhao Youcai very uncomfortable.

He let go of the steel gun in his arms and turned his body to warm his back, but his chest became cold again.

Not only was Zhao Youcai not asleep, but the four members of the Tiger Fighting Team were also unable to sleep. These five people were spinning around in circles.

It had been freezing for half the night, and they had long lost the interest in chatting. They were just waiting for dawn tomorrow.

I managed to stay up until almost six o'clock in the morning, which was almost the coldest time of the day, and there was only a small bonfire left.

There was no more firewood nearby, and the five people squatted around the fire shivering. But it wasn't daylight and we couldn't go on the road.

At the same time, the heat in the shack took away the cold, the fire boiled the water in the stew pot, and Zhao Jun put the dumplings into the pot.

"Is this thirty?" Wang Qiang asked from the side, holding a small flour bag in his hand.

At this time, the stew pot was cooking dumplings stuffed with wild boar and sauerkraut, while the bag Wang Qiang was carrying was stuffed with beef and carrots.

"Uncle, there's no rush." ​​Zhao Jun said with a smile: "Let's do it one by one. It's not dawn yet outside."

Steaming dumplings were served to the table, and six people gathered around the table to eat dumplings and vegetables.

Yes, there are also dishes.

When they came out of the house, they took a lot of canned lunch meat and fish. According to Wang Meilan's original idea, they opened the cans and put the bottom of the cans on the stove to heat.

In addition, there are fried peanuts and fried soybeans. Wang Qiang and the others would have wanted to have a meal in the morning if they were not afraid of encountering tigers when they went out during the day.

After eating and drinking, it was past seven o'clock. It was gray outside. Zhao Jun and the others put on their leggings and dressed neatly. They put their guns on their backs and put on their knives. They set up the stove in the shack and then left the house and went straight to the 64th Lin Squadron. .

When we got to Lin Class 64, a group of people rushed to the place where the trap was set yesterday. Halfway through, they saw a line of wild boar footprints.

In this mountain, wild boar footprints are the most common. Zhao Jun went over and touched the snow in the footprints and judged that the wild boar had not passed there for more than a day.

"These are not cannon eggs." Wang Qiang came over to take a look and said, "This pig can't be too big."

Under normal circumstances, only the cannon eggs are solitary. But now is the wild boar mating season, so there should be no orphan pigs. And as Wang Qiang said, looking at the footprints left behind, they are not gun eggs.

Come to think of it, this lone wild boar was either killed by a tiger or knocked unconscious by a firecracker.

So, it must be the one that bites the fried rice.

Sure enough, as they approached the trap, they saw a wild boar lying in front of the trap.

This is a little yellow-haired boy, weighing about eighty kilograms, with a flat belly. I'm afraid he didn't eat seriously for several days before he fell in love with Zhazi.

Zhao Jun's explosive was obviously too weak. As soon as the wild boar's mouth was closed, the explosive exploded. Although the entire pig's mouth and nose were shattered, it was not a fatal injury if it did not damage the brain stem.

But there is one more shot.

When setting up this trap, Zhao Jun used a barrel-mounted gun sent by Zhou Chengguo, and the bullet directly penetrated Xiao Huangmaozi. He fell down on the spot and died.

After everyone from the Zhao family came over to watch, Zhao Jun ordered Li Baoyu and Zhang Yuanmin to put away their guns and steel wire ropes, and asked Xie Zhong and Jie Chen to chop the pig legs with small hand axes.

If this wild boar is not disemboweled in time, it will definitely stink, and the meat on its body will be inedible. Only four pig legs are still available.

From the freezing in the middle of the night until now, the inside of the boar's chest has not been completely frozen, but the outside has been frozen solid.

Jie Zhong and Jie Chen first used a curved saw to cut the meat on the pig leg, and then used an ax to chop off the bones. If such a wild boar body is thrown away, the tiger will not be able to eat it.

The four pig legs were tied up with ropes, and Xie Zhong and Jie Chen put them on their shoulders. Everyone returned to the shack, threw the pig legs down, and ran to the trap in Class 62 Lin.

The shack they live in is just below Linban 62. It doesn't take long to go up.

Anyone who often goes up the mountain knows that he or she may not feel energetic the first time up the mountain, but as long as he works up a sweat with the activity, he won’t feel so tired the next time he walks.

Therefore, Zhao Jun and the others walked towards the trap as fast as they could.

On the other hand, the one in the other group who was in the best condition turned out to be the eldest Zhao Youcai. He was holding a semi-automatic rifle and walking at the front with a determined look on his face. He was more than a mile behind the others.

The four members of the Tiger Fighting Team were now like stragglers. It is unreasonable to say that their physical fitness is not good. It's not true that I can't endure hardship.

I just haven't suffered this crime.

Yesterday, I was trekking for a long day. I ate baked sticky bean buns in the evening and felt so tired that I felt heartburn after eating them. The sour water kept pushing up my throat.

I haven't slept all night, my whole body is freezing, I haven't eaten yet this morning, and I can't even break a sweat. At this time, looking at the top of the mountain, Li Chunming and others remembered that Zhao Youcai said that if he turned over, he could meet the tiger, so they kept gritting their teeth and persisted.

The wind became stronger as we reached the top of the mountain, and the mountain wind blew the black coat outside Zhao Youcai's cotton-padded jacket.

In order to chase the tiger in the ice and snow, the five people initially wore white coats. But the past two days, especially the smoke all night last night, turned the white coat into a black coat.

With his black coat flapping, Zhao Youcai quickly climbed over the hill and went downhill along the gangliangzi with a gun.

Zhao Youcai dared to conclude that the tiger was not far away from him. The reason is simple, because it cannot obtain food and has no energy to supply its body needs, so it must lie down.

Based on its condition, Zhao Youcai concluded that as long as it lay down, it would not be able to get up, and it might even freeze to death if it could not survive last night.

In Zhao Youcai's view, even if the tiger froze to death, he was forced to this point by himself. That means that he will soon be a tiger-slaying cannon.

When he thought of this, Zhao Youcai walked faster, one step faster than the other.

Suddenly, there was a fallen tree blocking the road ahead. Seeing that the fallen tree was an ash tree as thick as a human calf, Zhao Youcai slowed down slightly and couldn't help but frown.

The fallen wood was lying across the pillar, and it seemed that it was used to stop mountain runners. Because when mountain runners walk on mountain roads, they usually hold on to the gangliangzi.

"Zhaozi'er?" Zhao Youcai recognized the sign on the ground before he reached the tree. Zhao Youcai frowned and reached out to touch the footprints left by the person next to him. He immediately judged that the footprints were no more than a day old.

The tiger's footprints went down the south slope and passed around the trees, and the human footprints also went that way. Zhao Youcai felt something bad when he saw it.

He knew that the tiger was heading for the fried food. How could a tiger that had been hungry for almost two days not bite the fried food when it saw it?

If the tiger dies by biting the explosive, how should this achievement be calculated?

For a time, many thoughts flashed through Zhao Youcai's mind. He even thought about going there first to see if the tiger was really killed by the bomb, and then he would find a way to change the injury to a gunshot wound.

But after thinking for a moment, Finance Minister Zhao You was angry, turned around and shot the top man, and called Li Chunming and others over.

With Zhao Youcai's ability, it is not impossible to commit fraud. But he was afraid that if the tiger did not touch the explosives and went somewhere else, when he went to chase the tiger, Li Chunming and the others would not be able to distinguish the footprints on the ground, so they would follow the footprints of the person who made the explosives, and then scrape against the explosives. Zi Ke is broken.

Zhao Youcai is a man of great fame and fortune, but at this moment, he decisively chose to wait for the tiger team to accompany him.

Before Zhao Youcai fired, the tiger-fighting team was climbing up with difficulty. As the captain, Li Chunming constantly cheers up the players.

"Oh my god!" Zhao Jicheng sighed: "Brother Li, don't rush me, my calves are trembling right now."

"You are the only one who has a lot of things to do!" Li Chunming used another method to encourage Zhao Jicheng, saying: "Look at the leader Zhao, he is several years older than us, he is a chuā!"

"Brother Li, can we compete with others?" Zhang Dongzhi also complained and said, "They have such a big hunting gang!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Dongzhi became more energetic and said: "There are so many siegemen in my hometown, and there are also hunting gangs, but three or four families can't even get twenty dogs together!"

"How rich they are!" Qin Zhusong said: "If you smoke, just smoke from Shilin!"

"Oh! That's not good!" Li Chunming shook his head and smiled bitterly, saying: "This guy is so clever. He gave us his cigarettes, which made me feel embarrassed later!"

Just then, gunfire rang out.

At this moment, the four people thought that Zhao Youcai had been knocked down by a tiger, and they immediately ran to the top of the mountain as if they were getting blood from a chicken.

After the shooting, Zhao Youcai took out the cigarette case from his pocket, took out the last Shilin cigarette and put it into his mouth. Before he could strike a match and light the cigarette, he heard someone shooting next.

This shot was fired by Wang Qiang. They heard someone shooting from above, but they were afraid that they might be accidentally shot if they went up rashly, so they fired to alert the people above.

Zhao Youcai was startled when he heard the gunshot. He took the cigarette out of his mouth and put it in his ear, and then fired another shot into the air.

At this time, gunfire also came from below.

"It's broken!" Zhao Youcai's heart skipped a beat and he shouted down, "Hey... was it the bomber?"

His voice drifted down with the wind, and mixed with the mountain wind and echo, it changed slightly, so that Zhao Jun and others could not recognize it for a while.

Moreover, Zhao Jun and the others did not shout in response to Zhao Youcai because they arrived in front of the trap.

Seeing a tiger lying there, Li Baoyu, who was walking at the front to clear the way, rushed forward with a roar, but was stopped by Zhao Jun's shout.

Then, Zhao Jun and Wang Qiang moved forward with their guns. The side where they went up the mountain was not facing the other side of the ground guns. There was an obstacle blocking the way. The group had to go around to see the trap.

In the process of circling, Zhao Jun and Wang Qiang were very vigilant, but soon they saw the tiger lying in ice and blood.

Yes, it's ice blood.

After being crushed and shot, the tiger's blood soaked around and underneath the tiger, and the snow melted away, but it soon solidified into slush and finally into ice.

When Zhao Jun saw this, he really thought that his great revenge had been avenged, so he passed away happily.

Seeing Zhao Jun running that way, Wang Qiang, Li Baoyu and others hurriedly followed. Although the tiger was dead when they got closer, Li Baoyu raised his gun to whip the corpse.

"Baoyu!" Zhao Jun stopped Li Baoyu, tilting his head and watching the tiger break the tiger's leg.

The semi-automatic bullet directly shattered the tiger's lower leg, causing it to drop a tiger claw.

At this time, everyone was very surprised to see that the tiger was missing a paw. But until now, no one has ever thought that this tiger is not the one they want to fight.

"Oh my god!" Wang Qiang frowned and said in surprise: "Who is this? So fierce? He was shot twice in one shot!"

"What two shots?" Upon hearing this, Zhao Jun hurriedly turned to the tiger's back and saw a groove on its back, which was obviously made by bullets.

"Holy shit!" Li Baoyu also exclaimed: "Who is this?"

When they arrived at the battle site between the dog gang and the Siberian tiger that day, Zhao Jun first opened fire to scare away the Siberian tiger, and then Zhao Jun, Wang Qiang, and Li Baoyu chased the tiger in the direction of disappearance with guns.

After they finished the shooting, they didn't even look at the rifle, because they didn't even touch the shadow of the tiger, so what could they be shooting at?

"Oops!" Jie Chen pointed upward and asked, "Can't it be the one from above?"

"It's not like that!" Wang Qiang shook his head and said, "We've been wandering around here for two days, setting off cannons and so on, and no one has come."

After saying this, Wang Qiang squatted down, reached out and pressed the tiger's broken leg, then stood up and said, "It doesn't look like a new injury."

"Isn't that right?" Wang Qiang said suspiciously again: "Did we fight it face to face the day before yesterday?"

"Ouch!" Li Baoyu's eyes lit up and he said happily: "Could it be that we shot him that day and swept him up?"

"Not sure!" Zhang Yuanmin followed, but Zhao Jun shook his head and said: "No, we chased him that day and didn't see any bloodthirsty people!"

As he said that, Zhao Jun pointed to the tiger's broken claw and said, "This leg is broken. How much blood will it draw?"

"Tsk!" Wang Qiang looked around and said, "This man is quite evil. Who could he be? Zhou Chengguo?"

At this moment, another voice came from above, and he was heard shouting: "People are coming down!"

When he goes down the mountain, his body will make a sound when it hits the tree branches next to him. At this time, he must tell the people below that he is a human being, otherwise he will be in trouble if someone takes a gun and shoots him.

"Huh?" This man's voice inevitably changed a little with the wind. At first glance, everyone thought it sounded familiar.

Zhao Jun is the most familiar with him, but he can't just recognize his father directly.

"Come down!" Zhao Jun shouted loudly: "Who are you?"

The wind was blowing downward, but the visitor was very close to them. He heard the original voice of Zhao Jun and immediately responded: "Your father!"

These words sounded like curses at this moment. When Zhao Jun was stunned, Li Baoyu became angry at that time.

"Fuck you!" Li Baoyu was about to rush up, but Zhang Yuanmin grabbed him!

Brothers, that’s it for today.

Yesterday, I had some surgery. I finished it at around 2pm. I had just taken off my clothes and lay down. I got a call and asked them to tell me that they had finished beating the corn kernels and gave me the pulp. Now I live in the countryside when I go down the mountain. If I don’t have firewood, I have to burn corn kernels.

After I finished pounding the corn kernels, I was too tired to fall asleep.

I woke up this morning to make carrot soup, but I forgot to add salt. I haven't gotten over it even after a day of slowdown today. Let's see if we can update it tomorrow.

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