The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 980 Building the Strongest Dog Gang

Zhao Jun, Wang Qiang, and Jie Chen were about to arrive at the battlefield. The barking of dogs and the roar of pigs were clearly heard in their ears. They also vaguely saw figures jumping forward and back not far away.

But at this moment, a black shadow jumped out from behind a tree and rushed towards Zhao Jun.

The sudden turn of events startled the three of them. They stopped in a hurry and raised their guns.

"Hua Long!" Zhao Jun shouted, and was immediately staggered by Hua Long.

"Brother Jun!" Jie Chen saw Hua Long's shoulder injury at a glance and hurriedly called Zhao Jun, "Hua Long is injured!"

"Don't worry about it!" Zhao Jun raised his legs to push the flower dragon away, and called Wang Qiang and Jie Chen: "Quickly go!"

The three of them rushed to the battlefield between dogs and wild boars. Hualong saw that his master ignored him and that his injuries were not serious, so he took steps to chase Zhao Jun.

Although the green, black, yellow and flower dragons were Zhao Jun's first hunting dogs in his previous life, this dog gang did not exist long. Huanglong and Hualong didn't stay with Zhao Jun for long, and they both died in a hunt.

Especially Hualong, not only did it have a short siege with Zhao Jun, but it also saw few battles.

But careful calculation shows that it has been with Zhao Jun for one year and three months, including two winters. Logically speaking, it should not have seen less battles.

But if you can't stand it, the dog will always get injured. After a battle, it will have to be raised for two or three months.

Anyway, every time I took it out for a siege, when Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu hurried to the battlefield, they saw the green dragon, black dragon, and yellow dragon fighting around the prey, while the flower dragon was lying aside.

Therefore, when Zhao Jun killed his prey, the first thing he shouted was not "eviscerate" but "Baoyu, look at the flower dragon."

Therefore, Li Baoyu called Hualong the Qin Ming among dogs.

In this life, Hualong arrived at Zhao's house relatively early and followed Yong'an's largest dog gang to eat meat. He became addicted as he ate.

Although today's flower dragon is not yet a qualified hunting dog, when it hears the sound of the leading dog, it knows to go out and join the battle.

When Zhao Jun rushed outside the battlefield, he was shocked.

I saw a cannon egg sitting under a tree. It held its front legs firmly on the ground and wrestled unyieldingly with six dogs.

Qinglong may have been a step too late. The wild boar's ears were divided between Erhei and Bailong. Qinglong grabbed the wild boar's right front elbow, while the black dragon was biting the bristles on the wild boar's ribs.

Xiaohua and Huanglong were on the opposite side of Black Dragon and Qinglong. Six dogs were biting the wild boar, all stretching their backs.

Zhao Jun was a little surprised. He had not seen such a scene for a long time.

After Hua Xiao died, the second generation of the Zhao family's dog gang emerged, and wild boars weighing three to four hundred kilograms were taken by force. Relying on the strength of the dog, he forced the wild boar to the ground.

"Brother Jun!" Jie Chen put away his gun, grabbed the pig hook behind his back, and asked Zhao Jun, "Are you catching anyone alive?"

"Don't catch it!" Zhao Jun refused without hesitation the minister's suggestion. Today he took the dogs up the mountain to let off steam. The hunting dogs lived up to their high expectations and captured the wild boar, which they had to disembowel and feed to the dogs.

Therefore, even if the wild boar was captured alive, it would have to be disemboweled and fed to the dogs after being tied up.

In this case, why bother?

But at this moment, only two dog barks were heard, and the flower dragon roared out, rushed over and bit the wild boar's nose.

Zhao Jun was stunned. He remembered that Hualong in his previous life was a dog that specialized in biting wild boar Harappa. Why did he change to take over Big Fat's class?

However, for hunting dogs, dogs biting Harappa are very common, but dogs biting pig noses are rare.

Before Hualong took his mouth, Erhei and Bailong pulled the two ears of the wild boar, one on the left and the other on the right. If they are regarded as a straight line, and the wild boar is also regarded as a straight line, these two straight lines are perpendicular at this moment.

No way, it varies from place to place.

Given the wild boar's current state, Erhei and Bailong didn't stick to it. But they were afraid of being picked up by the wild boar, so the two dogs stretched as far as they could to the left and right to fix the wild boar's head.

Compared with Big Fat, Hualong's weight is much different. But it provided the final push to crush the wild boar.

When it bit the boar's nose and pushed its head down, the two front legs that the boar had been supporting could no longer support it.

The wild boar howled and hit its chin heavily on the snow.

Today, these seven dogs have given Zhao Jun a lot of surprises.

But at this moment, the Dog Gang gave Zhao Jun a shock.

In the previous life, after 2020, wild boars were removed from the Sanyou Catalog. At that time, some places encouraged hunting of wild boars to protect farmers.

During that period, Zhao Jun saw some young people playing knife hunting.

Those people also trained hunting dogs, and then took the hunting dogs up the mountains to hunt wild boars.

In Yu Zui's words, their work was too rough.

However, there is nothing we can do about it.

Since they had no guns, they had to rely on dogs for hunting.

Every time they go up the mountain, they have to take at least twenty or thirty dogs with them.

Most of those dogs have the blood of Pit and Dogo.

In terms of physical fitness, those dogs were much stronger than the dogs at this time.

It's just that those dogs are not as smart as the local dogs.

Moreover, no matter how good the quality of the dog is, it cannot beat the eggs.

In addition, there are no guns, so even if they have more dogs, the success rate of encirclement is not satisfactory.

A hunting dog grows in battle and accumulates combat experience. The more important thing is self-confidence.

Therefore, more than thirty years later, if those knife hunters want to hold down a 450-pound cannon egg, they will not even think about it if there are no thirty dogs, and the success rate is only about 50%.

Someone in the Zhao Gang has a gun, and the second-generation dog gang trained by Zhao Jun travels across the mountains and forests. When the gang of dogs took the wild boar, the main force was Big Fatty, Third Fatty, Huamao, Hualang, Bailong, and Erhei.

The combined weight of these six dogs has reached 700 kilograms.

Now that the main force was only Erhei and Bailong, they were able to pin the wild boar to the ground alive. Zhao Jun couldn't help but think: These dogs are going to become spirits!

Abnormality must lead to demons!

Zhao Jun grabbed Jie Chen who was about to stab him. He carefully observed the wild boar.

At this glance, Zhao Jun saw something was wrong.

I saw the wild boar sitting with its back, hind legs and butt close to the ground and tree roots. When it struggled, its hind legs trembled slightly. It was obvious that the pig was not disabled.

That is to say, the pig did not dare to move from the back seat. It would rather be pinned to the ground by seven dogs, and it never stood up on its hind legs.

This scene made Zhao Jun feel familiar. He glanced at Hei Long, then stopped Jie Chen who was about to stab him, and said: "What kind of hook are you using!"

"Huh?" Jie Chen was stunned when he heard this, and Zhao Jun hurriedly explained: "It's about our eldest brother catching wild boars!"

"Ah!" Jie Chen reacted and quickly took off the black cloth wrapping the pig hook.

Jie Chen solemnly showed the pig hook, went around behind the tree, and hooked one of the wild boar's hind legs first.

Wang Qiang went over with the rope and tied the wild boar's hooves together with Jie Chen.

While the wild boar was being captured, all the dogs were still biting it.

Seeing that the wild boar was captured, Zhao Jun went over to pick up the black dragon, pulled it off the wild boar, and then threw it behind the wild boar's butt.

Looking at the black dragon again, he opened his mouth without hesitation and took two pig eggs in his mouth in one bite.

"Ouch..." The heartrending pig roar sounded. Zhao Jun's expression changed, he raised his finger and pointed at Jie Chen and said, "Hurry up and give it a good time!"

Zhao Jun really didn't mean it, he had forgotten about it.

Before Jie Chen could take action, the black dragon's canine teeth were grinding together, and the two wild boar eggs were grinding against each other in their skins.

The two eggs of the wild boar were reversed in the skin. The wild boar's eyes were so painful that it almost fainted as it kicked off its hind legs.

But soon, Jie Chen gave it a painful blow, stabbing it into the throat and causing blood to spurt out.

"Eviscerate!" Zhao Jun ordered, then took a step back and sat behind the black dragon biting the pig eggs.

Looking at the vicious black dragon, Zhao Jun showed a bright smile on his face: "My dogs are invincible if they stand up."

Then, Zhao Jun raised his head and looked in the direction of the old ghost leader's ridge.

Brothers, there is a shortfall of 2,000 words today, and I will make up for 4,000 words tomorrow night. It's been snowing during the past two days. I'm really sleepy today.

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