The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 981 Another head dog

The white knife goes in and the red knife comes out.

The wild boar howled twice, its limbs twitched, and blood flowed out from its mouth.

"Oh!" Zhao Jun, who came back to his senses, clapped his hands and asked, "Why did you kill the pig?"

"Didn't you ask me to kill it?" Jie Chen was speechless. As for this wild boar, he suggested catching it alive at the beginning, but Zhao Jun refused. Then he wanted to stab it, but Zhao Jun stopped him and said he should catch it alive.

After the wild boar was tied up with four hooves and the black dragon went up and took out two mouthfuls, Zhao Jun asked the pig to be killed again.

Now that he has killed the pig, why does Zhao Jun change his mind?

"I'm thinking of doing it again." Zhao Jun said: "They are a bunch of pigs that were chased away by dogs. It's not even eleven o'clock yet. Why are we going back so early?"

"Then let's chase it out?" Wang Qiang pointed at the wild boar with straight eyes and dilated pupils, and said, "This one's got a pretty good chest."

"Woof! Woof!" As soon as Wang Qiang finished speaking, two dogs barked beside him. Zhao Jun and Jie Chen were both stunned, but then they thought about it, and Black Tiger didn't follow either.

The three of them followed the sound and saw Hualong lying in front of the wild boar's head, with a pair of dog paws pressing the pig's head, and the tail trailing behind him swaying back and forth.

"Little brother!" Zhao Jun glanced at Hualong and said to Jie Chen: "You and my uncle turn the pig over!"

"Hey!" Jie Chen responded, and together with Wang Qiang, he turned the wild boar upside down.

While they were digging wild boars, Zhao Jun tied up Huanglong again.

Then, Zhao Jun said to Wang Qiang: "Uncle, open this pig's chest, and then kick us out!"

"Okay!" Wang Qiang waved his hands and said, "You two put your heads down and go."

He is an old mountain runner, so he naturally knows how to deal with wild boars. Moreover, Wang Qiang is quite capable, so Zhao Jun can rest assured if he is left alone.

At this time, Zhao Jun took out a bullet whistle from his pocket, put it in his mouth and blew it. The six dogs except Huang Long all looked up at him.

"Let's go!" Zhao Jun greeted, and Qinglong and Black Dragon instantly stood up and ran towards Zhao Jun. As for the other four dogs, they were still squatting around the wild boar, waiting for Wang Qiang to disembowel it and feed them meat.

Seeing that the dogs were not moving, Jie Chen also shouted. But Zhao Jun couldn't even shout, let alone him?

Seeing that the dogs were not showing any respect, Jie Chen raised his eyes and looked at Zhao Jun, but he saw Zhao Jun turn and leave. Jie Chen was startled, looked back and followed Zhao Jun closely.

Erhei, Bailong, and Xiaohua looked at the wild boar and then at Zhao Jun. After watching Zhao Jun walk more than ten meters, they started hurriedly and ran towards Zhao Jun quickly.

Hearing the sound of "huhu" coming from behind him, Zhao Jun turned back to look with satisfaction.

But when Zhao Jun turned around, the smile on his face solidified.

One dog is missing!

Hualong is still waiting to eat meat next to Wang Qiang.

Zhao Jun muttered something, and then blew the whistle repeatedly, but Hua Long remained unmoved.

At this time, when he heard the whistle, Wang Qiang raised his foot and used the instep of his outer foot to flick the flower dragon.

But Hualong still didn't respond, and his two dog eyes stared straight at the wild boar.

"I'm calling you!" Wang Qiang gave Hualong another tug and said, "Kow one more time, then eat after you've finished."

Hualong still didn't move.

Wang Qiang raised his foot and kicked Hua Long in the crotch. This kick was not too hard, but it was no longer light.

If this was a black tiger, he would have jumped up and ran away long ago. Although the dog is greedy, he knows what is good and what is good.

But Hualong just looked back at Wang Qiang, and then turned back to look at the wild boar.

"Jun!" Wang Qiang shouted upwards at the top of his lungs. Zhao Jun's cheeks bulged with anger. He handed Huang Long into Jie Chen's hands and walked down angrily.

As soon as Zhao Jun moved, the five dogs followed him down. After a few steps, they arrived in front of Hualong. Zhao Jun raised his leg and kicked it.

"Ouch!" Hualong screamed in pain, but he still didn't get up, and he was still lying in the same position in front of the wild boar's head.

"What the hell!" Zhao Jun was speechless. This guy was more confident than Black Tiger.

Zhao Jun bent down, grabbed the fur on Hualong's back neck with one hand, and tried to drag him up.

But when Zhao Jun pulled him, he didn't move. Hualong fell down, resisting Zhao Jun.

"Pah! Pah!" Zhao Jun slapped Hua Long's face with his two big mouths.

When Zhao Jun went up the mountain, he didn't beat the dog. In the past, he was just trying to teach Black Tiger a lesson.

The key is that the black tiger also knows what's interesting, and the main goal is to be a good dog and not suffer immediate losses. As long as Zhao Jun takes action, it will be obedient.

But Hualong is a glutton for life.

Zhao Jun got angry and beat the dog, which frightened the other dogs. Erhei, Bailong, and Xiaohua all hid aside, and Black Dragon also retreated behind Qinglong.

Qinglong didn't leave, but its upright tail also fell.

This is why Zhao Jun went up the mountain and did not beat the dogs. Beating the dogs would make the dogs and people move away (xiàng).

But Hualong was so irritating. After being slapped twice by Zhao Jun, Hualong slapped his mouth twice, making a "pop" sound in his mouth, and then he still lay motionless in front of the wild boar.

"Pah! Pah!" Zhao Jun shook off his slap and slapped Hualong twice more. After the beating, Zhao Jun felt his hands hurt.

Zhao Jun gritted his teeth and grabbed the back of Hualong's neck with one hand and the fur on Hualong's back with the other. He used both arms to pull Hualong away.

But the flower dragon refused to leave, and its four dog paws left traces on the snow.

"Jun!" Wang Qiang saw this and said hurriedly: "Put a rope on it and tie it up."

"Untie it!" Zhao Jun also lost his temper and said angrily, "I don't believe I can't get rid of it."

But while Zhao Jun was talking, Hualong broke free from Zhao Jun's hand, then turned around and approached the wild boar's head again.

"You idiot!" Zhao Jun was furious, pointed at Hualong and shouted: "Wait for me to find a tree sliver, and I will kill you!"

Hua Long looked straight at Zhao Jun with an unintelligent look in his eyes.


Suddenly, Qinglong rushed towards Hualong and bit the root of Hualong's tail.

The flower dragon screamed, jumped up, and was about to turn back to fight the green dragon, but was jumped by the green dragon and the black dragon.

Hualong twisted his body, got up and ran towards Jie Chen. Qinglong and Heilong were chasing after him, followed by Erhei, Bailong and Xiaohua.

"What kind of dog is this!" Wang Qiang complained: "I will die!"

"It's like you've never seen anything to eat before!" Zhao Jun threw aside the tree sticks in his hand and said to Wang Qiang: "Uncle, after you have opened the pig's guts, you can drive us away as soon as possible."

Wang Qiang agreed and watched Zhao Jun go away.

When Zhao Jun and Jie Chen reunited, they went to look for the traces of the Pig Gang. At this time, Hualong, who had turned around, returned to Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun lowered his head and glared at it, and when he met Hualong's eyes, Zhao Jun saw confusion in its eyes.

You can't get angry with a fool, let alone a stupid dog?

Zhao Jun stopped fighting Hua Long and just walked quickly with Jie Chen.

The pig gang can't run very far, and it won't be long before the black dragon starts to speak.

Sure enough, five minutes later, a series of dog barks came,

This was the sound of a bitch running and barking. Hearing the sound, Erhei, Bailong, and Hualong rushed out together, and they let go of Huanglong with Zhao Jun.

The four dogs, two in front and two in back, quickly disappeared.

Zhao Jun and Jie Chen walked from top to bottom and heard the barking of dogs in the east and west. They knew that the dogs were chasing and fighting with the wild boar, but they were not able to completely control the wild boar.

Therefore, the two of them were not in a hurry. It was not until the dog barking stopped in the east that Zhao Jun and Jie Chen hurriedly walked down.

But on the way downhill, Zhao Jun felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

When Zhao Jun arrived, they saw Xiaohua, Erhei, Bailong, Hualong, and Huanglong, and five dogs holding down a wild boar.

Zhao Jun did not rush forward, but glanced around.

On the nearby snow, there are messy footprints of hunting dogs and wild boars, but there are no green dragons or black dragons in sight!

Zhao Jun finally knew what was wrong!

The green dragon and the black dragon have always been inseparable, and the green dragon's incense is much better than the black dragon. Usually the green dragon smells the prey first, and then it runs away, and the black dragon runs away.

After running a certain distance, the black dragon also smelled the scent of its prey.

Qinglong is a male dog. Even if it smells the scent of prey, it will only bark when it reaches the prey.

But the black dragon is a female dog. Once it smells the scent of prey, it will bark to gather its companions.

This is exactly the characteristic of female alpha dogs, which are called barking and running mad by those who hunt for them.

There was a running barking sound before, which called Erhei and the others away. At that time, Zhao Jun thought that the sound was made by the black dragon.

But if it was coming from the black dragon, when it and the green dragon arrived at the prey, they should be able to hear the green dragon's voice.

But before Qinglong could speak, the barking of dogs became chaotic. Zhao Jun didn't think much about it at that time. Only then did he realize that the barking just now was not caused by the black dragon, but by the little flower.

As for Xiaohua, Zhao Jun always felt that this little bitch could stand out, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

As the saying goes: An army of thousands is easy to gain, but a general is hard to find.

In a dog fight, the leader is the general. No matter how powerful a tough guy is, his value is not as good as that of a lowly top dog.

It is worth celebrating that his own dog gang has become the leader, but at this moment Zhao Jun had no time to be happy because his green dragon and black dragon were gone.

When Zhao Jun came here just now, he followed the dog's barking, not the dog's footprints.

But there was nothing wrong with him. He thought that the dog might circle back and forth chasing its prey, so he couldn't follow the dog's footprints.

But in this case, Zhao Jun didn't know that Qinglong and Black Dragon were not in the team.

"It's broken!" Zhao Jun felt bad and hurriedly asked Jie Chen to kill the wild boar quickly.

"Brother Jun!" Jie Chen said anxiously: "Aren't you going to catch anyone alive?"

What was held down by the five dogs at this time was a female wild boar weighing about 200 pounds.

This kind of wild boar meat is delicious, and the meat quality is far better than cannon egg meat. It can also be sold at a high price. Especially now, not only did Zhao Jun owe Xu Baoshan a mission, but Li Ruhai also had a bunch of orders.

Although Li Ruhai had collected all the idle hunters in the four family areas, even if those hunters could hunt wild boars, they could not catch them alive.

Jie Chen has good intentions, but at this time, Zhao Jun is not in the mood to catch pigs with him?

Just when Zhao Jun was about to give the order to kill the wild boar, Wang Qiang rushed over. But he came here following the footsteps of Zhao Jun and Jie Chen, and it was only after he arrived here that he learned that Qinglong and Heilong had gone missing.

When he saw Wang Qiang coming, Jie Chen, who had a helper, showed off the pig hook again, and the two of them worked together to capture the wild boar alive.

But at this moment, Zhao Jun couldn't care about the wild boar. He raised his gun and shot it!

As soon as the gunfire rang out, Erhei, Bailong, and Xiaohua bit the wild boar even more crazily, which added a lot of difficulties to Wang Qiang and Jiechen.

But Zhao Jun couldn't control that much. He continued to shoot, trying to call Qinglong and Black Dragon over with the sound of gunfire.

In Zhao Jun's previous life of these two dogs, Qinglong was a first-class big-headed dog, while Black Dragon was a first-class big-headed dog, as good as a little bear.

The key point is that these two dogs have a deep relationship with Zhao Jun. Qinglong has followed Zhao Jun for more than four years, and Black Dragon has been with Zhao Jun for six years.

As for their contributions, they are even more remarkable. Qinglong is good at hunting bears and helps Zhao Jun kill bear bile one after another, making Zhao Jun's family richer.

As for the black dragon, it not only helps Zhao Jun hunt, but also gives birth to children and continues to help Zhao Jun hunt.

After the four dragons, the black dragon gave birth to four little dogs and four beasts. These dogs accompanied the Zhao army in the north and south and made great contributions.

Therefore, no matter what, Zhao Jun cannot lose the Qinglong and the Black Dragon.

After shooting, Zhao Jun started to walk back. He wanted to find the footprints of the green dragon and the black dragon, and then chase them all the way.

Zhao Jun left Wang Qiang, Jie Chen and the five dogs behind, and he set off alone to find Qinglong and Black Dragon.

But before he had gone far, Zhao Jun saw a little black dog running towards him.

"Black dragon!" Zhao Jun exclaimed and hurriedly ran to meet the black dragon.

When Zhao Jun approached, the black dragon did not pounce on Zhao Jun as usual, but turned around and then looked back at Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun knew that the black dragon was asking him to follow it, so he immediately took out his whistle and blew it twice.

Hearing two consecutive, short whistles, Wang Qiang hurriedly called to Xie Chen: "Come on, leave this pig alone!"

"Yeah!" Jie Chen quickly stood up after hearing this.

This was their agreement in advance. Once Zhao Jun sounded the whistle like this, he had to go through anyway.

"Let's go!" Jie Chen turned around to greet the hunting dogs.

Erhei, Bailong, and Xiaohua easily accepted such a scene. Although they were reluctant, they all followed Wang Qiang and Jiechen.

Only the flower dragon lay motionless in front of the wild boar.

Wang Qiang and Jiechen didn't hit it either. They carried it away, one on the left and the other on the right.

After reuniting with Zhao Jun, the three of them followed the Black Dragon.

This little bitch is very sensible. She takes a few quick steps and then turns around to wait for someone.

When the three found Qinglong, it was scratching the trunk of a poplar tree.

When Zhao Jun and Wang Qiang saw this, their eyes lit up.

"There's a blind bear!"

This big green poplar is as thick as three people's arms. There is a hole in the tree about four and a half meters above the ground.

There was white frost hanging around the hole, and it looked like something was sleeping inside.

Looking at the tree trunk, the grooved paw prints remind people who the owner of this tree hole is.

Black blind man!

"Army!" Wang Qiang asked Zhao Jun: "Should we kill him or not?"

"What time is it?" Zhao Jun asked, only to hear Wang Qiang say: "It's still fifteen minutes to twelve o'clock!"

"Eat first, uncle!" Zhao Jun looked up at the tree hole and said, "We'll talk about it after we finish eating!"

"Hey!" In fact, Jie Chen was also hungry. Hearing Zhao Jun talk about eating, he hurriedly took out the small bag containing dry food. Then the three of them gathered firewood and started the fire. When the fire was burning, the three of them roasted the dry food. Jie Chen said to Zhao Jun: "Brother Jun, please teach me a good trick from our brother Zhang. Let's try it."

Brothers, there is another chapter at two o'clock. If you are sleepy, go to bed first and read again tomorrow morning.

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