Chapter 376 A Bold Idea

Xu Mu's magical operation not only stunned many netizens, but also captured the hearts of the Queen of Heaven.

Who would have thought.

Because of this incident, Tianhou will fall in love with Xu Mu even more.

After arriving at Xu Fei's house in Yanjing, Xu Mu also tasted Xu Fei's dishes.

Not to mention.

Xu Fei's cooking is really delicious.

Xu Mu didn't expect that Tianhou not only could cook, but also cook so deliciously.

This is a bit unscientific!

While eating, Xu Mu suddenly glanced at Tianhou.

He has an idea.

A very bold idea.

So Xu Mu asked, "Sister Fei, besides the concert, are you busy with other things these days?"

"Not yet." Xu Fei looked up and frowned slightly in doubt.

"Oh, that's right. I have a movie here and I plan to shoot it. If you're not busy, you can watch it."

Xu Mu hesitated for a while, but still expressed his thoughts.

For the movie "Titanic", Xu Mu planned to find young actors to star in it.

However, after seeing Xu Fei's lovely and pitiful appearance these few hours.

Xu Mu suddenly felt that this day queen seemed suitable to play the role of Ruth.

After all, Tianhou took care of her very well.

With a little make-up, it should fit the character quite well.

Of course, Xu Mu didn't intend to prostitute the queen for nothing.

This time, he planned to give Xu Fei money!

That's right.

Xu Mu wants to give her the salary that the Queen of Heaven deserves!

"What movie, can I watch it?"

Xu Fei didn't agree immediately, but was very curious to know what movie it was.

"Uh, let me tell you about it."

Because he didn't bring the script with him, Xu Mu could only tell the story.

Fifteen minutes later.

"Well, that's roughly the story. How about Miss Fei, are you interested in playing the role of Ruth?"

After telling the general story of the movie, Xu Mu looked at Xu Fei and asked.

And he found that the Queen of Heaven was already in tears at this time.

Both eyes are red.

It seemed that she had just been moved by the love story between Ruth and Jack.


Without hesitation, Xu Fei immediately agreed.

"Okay. By the way, Miss Fei, I will pay you the market price this time. Don't worry about that."

"I don't want a paycheck."

"No salary?"

After hearing this, Xu Mu was taken aback for a moment.

He didn't expect that if he took the initiative to pay others, there were still people who didn't want it.

How is this going?

"That's right. To be honest, based on my acting skills, I'm not qualified to play the lead actress in this movie. It's already very kind of you to let me play, how can I still ask for a salary?

Besides, you helped me recover such a big loss, how could I have the nerve to ask for a paycheck?

Xu Mu, don't you think so? "

Tianhou's words immediately made Xu Mu speechless.

Because he felt that what Xu Fei said made sense!

However, Xu Mu did not agree immediately, but confirmed again: "You really don't want a salary?"

"Need not."

Xu Fei shook her head firmly.

Seeing this, the corners of Xu Mu's mouth curled up slightly uncontrollably.

Can't blame him!

He wanted to pay for the film, but the queen doesn't want it!

Thinking about it, the corners of Xu Mu's mouth became more and more warped.

The smile on the face is getting bigger and bigger.

"Xu Mu, do I have a request to say?"

Just when Xu Mu was secretly happy, Xu Fei stared at Xu Mu seriously and said.

"Tell me, what request?"

At this moment, Xu Mu was in a good mood.

He didn't care about Xu Fei's request at all.

As long as it's not about money, that's fine.

Even if you want him.


People can't.

"Can you play the male lead in the movie "Titanic"?"

When Xu Fei finished speaking this sentence.

Originally, Xu Mu, who was still smiling at the corner of his mouth, was stunned.


I play the leading role?

Xu Mu frowned, and looked at Tianhou in surprise.

"I play the lead male Jack?"

Xu Mu pointed to himself and asked in disbelief.

"That's right."

Xu Fei nodded slightly.

After hearing this, Xu Mu was even more surprised.

What is this requirement?

"Not Miss Fei, I'm a director. Although I know how to teach others how to act, I can't act myself! At least, I haven't acted before."

Xu Mu scratched his head, he was a little embarrassed by Xu Fei's request.

"I know, but I believe you can."

"No, I just want to ask, why do you want me to play the leading role?"

"Because I want to."


After hearing this, Xu Mu didn't know how to answer.

The movie "Titanic" can be regarded as the world's number one love movie.

Except for Xiao Lizi who didn't win the best actor award, it seems that he won all other awards.

And, quite literally.

The movie box office of "Titanic" is the first in the world.

The point is, this movie was released in the 1990s.

If it is released now, the box office will definitely reach another level.

Therefore, for such an excellent movie, Xu Mu planned to shoot it well.

At least, he won't have someone who can't act play the lead actor.

Even though, the person who can't act is himself.

"Director Xu, don't you want to act in such a good movie? Don't you really dare to let others act in it?"

Seeing Xu Mu hesitating there, Xu Fei tried to persuade her.

She wanted Xu Mu to act as the leading man in this movie, but it was actually out of selfishness.

After all, such a poignant love story.

She really wants to act with someone she sees right.

"Here, let me think about it."

This time, Xu Mu did not directly deny Xu Fei's proposal.

Because Xu Mu thought about it for a while, and it seemed to make a little sense.

"Titanic" is such a good movie, why can't he act in it?

He has tried many other identities, why can't he try as an actor?

Moreover, if he plays the leading role himself.

Well, one of the biggest benefits is.

He can save a lot of money.

After all, for such an epic masterpiece, the male lead's salary is at least tens of millions.

That's not much, is it?

No matter what the reason was, Xu Mu felt that he could give it a try.

However, he couldn't answer Xu Fei immediately.

After all, this is no child's play.

Xu Fei naturally noticed the change in Xu Mu's attitude, and she guessed that Xu Mu also had this idea in his mind.

Therefore, she did not continue to urge Xu Mu to express her opinion immediately.

After leaving Tianhou's house, Xu Mu went back to Hengcheng.

And Tianhou will continue to hold concerts.

Back in Hengcheng, Xu Mu was ready to start preparing for filming.

When the news came out, many reporters and paparazzi started chasing Xu Mu again.

After all, Xu Mu is going to make a new movie, so that's a new topic!

New topics mean new popularity and traffic.

You said, how could they not block Xu Mu?

On the Internet, it has already become lively.

"What! Director Xu is going to make a new movie again?"

"Good guy, Director Xu is so good, and you're going to make a new movie so soon?"

"That's right, Director Xu is too prolific! The point is, with such a high yield, the box office of the movie is still good. Are you angry?"

"I want to know what kind of director Xu's new movie is, or is it a movie about prison break?"

"I can't, it definitely can't be a prison break movie! If it's a prison break movie, I feel that Director Xu will go to a prison to eat in prison sooner or later."

"It's not a prison break movie, what kind of movie is that?"

"I don't know. Those reporters didn't find out the news. We can only wait for Director Xu to announce it."

"I really want to know what type of director Xu's new movie is, so that I can know whether it is possible for the movie to come true!"

"No matter what type of movie it is, it's standard if the plot comes true!"

After the news that Xu Mu was going to make a new movie came out, netizens immediately started discussions.

Many people are curious whether Xu Mu's new movie is a prison break movie.

After all, Xu Mu's two movies in a row were about prison break.

Even if the "Shawshank Redemption" movie has a higher intention.

However, the movie story also revolves around the escape.

Of course, there are also many netizens who are convinced that no matter what movie it is, the plot will definitely come true.

Because, that's the standard equipment for Xu Mu to make movies!

In addition to netizens discussing on the Internet, actors in the showbiz also started activities.

That's right, they all took the initiative to contact Xu Mu.

Because, they all want to participate in Xu Mu's movie No. 1 Man and Woman.

Nowadays, Xu Mu's reputation in the film industry is unmatched by anyone.

Even veteran directors don't have as much appeal as Xu Mu.

Because the box office of every movie Xu Mu makes is quite wow.

The key is that the movie was shot very well.

Especially the recent movie "The Shawshank Redemption", which is even more world-class.

Even, at the Oscar Film Festival in December, it is expected to win the big prize.

you say.

Can they not act aggressively?

However, to these people's surprise, Xu Mu rejected their request to play the role.

Even though, many of them said that they could play for zero pay.

But in the end, Xu Mu still rejected it.

There is no other reason, naturally the role of the number one male and female has been decided.

That's right, Xu Mu plans to play the role by himself.

Anyway, he is as handsome as Xiao Lizi.

Starring in the movie "Titanic", at least in terms of appearance, is competent.

As for acting, he can still practice.

After all, as a director, he must be wrong at all.

Moreover, in the end, he still has the final say.

So, these are not problems.

Those people from the show business circle were not able to join the crew of Xu Mu's new movie, so they were very puzzled.


They can't join the crew to play roles without salary?

Therefore, they inquired about it in many ways, and only then did they know the secret.

The role of the number one man and woman has long been decided!

The point, what surprised them was that the number one male was actually Xu Mu.

That's right, they heard the news that Xu Mu was going to play the leading role.

When they heard the news, they didn't believe it at first.

But after multiple confirmations, they found out that the news was true.

No wonder Xu Mu didn't want them.

It turned out that he himself planned to play the male number one role!

And this news was quickly spread to the Internet by some people.

Suddenly, there was an uproar on the Internet.

"What! Director Xu is going to play the leading role himself this time?"

"No way, Director Xu is going to act? What's going on?"

"I don't know, and it seems that the female number one is Xu Tianhou."

"Hey guys, are they going to make a live-action movie?"

"No, can Director Xu know how to act? Why does he want to play the leading role?"

"I don't know. I just heard about it. However, I was quite shocked when I heard the news. After all, I don't think I've ever seen Director Xu act before."

"You said, is there a possibility that Director Xu wants to reproduce the plot of the movie himself? That is to say, it doesn't matter whether the plot of the movie comes true or not.

Because Director Xu himself went off to make a movie! "

"My good fellow, when you say that, it seems that this is really the case."

"I want to know, can Director Xu know how to act?"

"It's funny, does Director Xu need to act? He just needs to show what happened to him!"

After the news of Xu Mu's role as the lead actor in the movie was posted on the Internet by some people, the first reaction of many people was disbelief.

However, they quickly discussed again.

After all, the news seems to be true.

But this news is indeed a bit shocking.

It was unprecedented for Xu Mu to play the leading role in the movie.

Even netizens began to wonder if Xu Mu could act in a good movie?

Not only the netizens doubted, but some people in the entertainment industry also began to doubt.

Originally, it was wishful thinking that Li Hua and the others mocked Xu Mu's "The Shawshank Redemption" last time to hit the Oscars, but in the end they were slapped in the face.

They have been quietly hiding aside without making a sound.

Not a single post on Weibo was updated.

However, when they found out that Xu Mu was going to star in the leading male movie, they seemed to see an opportunity.

Saw a turnaround opportunity.

So, Li Hua and the others seemed to forget the pain again, and began to get angry online.

Li Hua Weibo: "Hehe, I recently heard that some directors want to be the lead male.

Really, I don't see that very often.

You know, the director and the actor are two different roles.

Even when filming, the director is instructing the actors to act.

But you have to know that if you really want to act, the director may not be able to do it.

So, it's not like someone who wants to be a director just becomes a director, and then just becomes an actor if he wants to be an actor.

Some things, it is better not to overestimate yourself. "

Shortly after Li Hua posted on Weibo, Feng Shui also updated Weibo: Yes, I completely agree with Director Li's point of view.

Director and actor are two different professions.

A good director may not necessarily be a good actor.

So, not everyone can be an actor.

You know, actors are all slowly climbing up from childhood.

That acting skill is accumulated bit by bit.

It's not just a sudden whim one day, just say you want to act.

Sometimes, we have to be worthy of the fans who support us.

Otherwise, anyone can act in a movie.

In the end, the movie turned out to be different.

Isn't this very sorry for fans and friends?

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