Chapter 377: Taking the initiative

Directors like Li Hua and Feng Shui were slapped badly by Xu Mu before.

However, they seem to have forgotten what they were slapped in the face before.

This time, they saw an opportunity again and again.

That's right, it's an opportunity to fight back against Xu Mu.


When it comes to making movies, Xu Mu has two talents.

But making a movie is making a movie, and acting is acting.

These two are somewhat related, but in essence they are completely different!

Anyone can act as an actor.

Isn't that actor a rotten street?

So, this time, after Li Hua and the others seized the opportunity, they spit at Xu Mu indiscriminately.

Anyway, spray on the right.

They didn't believe that Xu Mu could still act?

Li Hua's attack on Xu Mu soon attracted many netizens to watch.

After all, this is a good show!

Among them, many people think that these clown directors jumped out again, purely to show their presence.

Moreover, they believed that this group of people would definitely be slapped in the face by Xu Mu again.

That's right, you will definitely be slapped in the face.

So, now they will see how arrogant this group of people are.

At that time, how painful it would be to slap the face.

Some bad-hearted people even "helped" this group of directors to hate Xu Mu.

"That's right, if I support Director Li, Xu Mu is nothing, isn't he just a director! What kind of play will he act in? Isn't this nonsense!"

"That's right, don't think that you are a director, the most powerful director in the country just wants to act. Let me tell you, that is simply nonsense.

Making movies and acting are two concepts, and there are too many ways to do it.

So, Xu Mu, just be your director honestly! (manual dog head)"

"I also seriously doubt whether Director Xu can act. No, he probably doesn't know how to act at all. Just like what Director Li said, go make your movie!"

"To be fair, it doesn't matter whether Xu Mu can act or not. The important thing is, what if the plot of the movie doesn't come true when you act?

Who is responsible for this matter, are you responsible?

So Xu Mu, just calm down and be your director honestly, won't you? "

"That's right, Director Xu, it's really not possible. Let's go to the Criminal Investigation Bureau to help investigate the case, or go to the National Archaeological Institute to do archaeological research. If these things don't work, we can escape from prison!"

"Support Director Li, support Director Feng, Director Xu, you are not considered to be an actor at all! Bah, no, it should be Xu Mu, you are not considered to be an actor at all!"

Netizens with "bad intentions" earnestly supported Li Hua and Feng Shui on their microblogs.

After seeing this, Li Hua was deeply relieved.

He knew that there must be someone who thought the same as him.


There are many people who support his point of view.

Look, this is the voice of the crowd!

After seeing these people supporting them, Li Hua's confidence increased greatly.

This time, Xu Mu will definitely die a miserable death.


Regarding these things that happened on the Internet, Xu Mu did not reply after seeing them.

He just smiled and didn't speak.


These people are so interesting.

Why did you just jump out and beat him up?

The key is to get slapped in the face every time.

However, I still have to find him trouble every time.

Isn't this asking for trouble?

Therefore, Xu Mu didn't care about these at all.

Preparations for the film went well.

However, there is a problem with the ship.

Before, when Xu Mu was filming "The Pianist on the Sea", he bought a second-hand cruise ship.

But, that one just wasn't up to Titanic's standards.

At least, there is a big gap in the model.

Therefore, we still need to find someone to help us with this cruise ship matter.

However, what Xu Mu lacks most now is money.

As long as you have money, why can't you rent a cruise ship?

That's right, it's renting!

If he bought it, Xu Mu might not be able to afford it.

Of course, if you can afford it, don't buy it.

What are you doing with that wasted money?

Therefore, Xu Mu asked a friend to go to the shipyard to see if he could rent a cruise ship.

Time passed quickly, and it was mid-November in a blink of an eye.

After entering November, the weather turns cooler.

And the preparations for the film are almost ready.

Xu Mu rented a large cruise ship here.

The rent is very expensive, 1 million a day.

If Xu Mu made a movie for 30 days, he would need a rent of 30 million.

Moreover, 30 days is definitely not enough to shoot.

So, when he heard the rent, Xu Mu felt a little distressed.

However, it was just a pain in the ass.

After all, compared with buying a boat, renting it is okay.

November 12th.

Hengcheng five-star hotel.

This time the new movie launch conference was held at the hotel.

It was mainly held in the stadium last time, which was too big to manage.

So, Xu Mu directly chose the hotel this time.

Moreover, this time Xu Mu also strictly screened and invited the media who came to the press conference.

That's right.

Xu Mu didn't even invite the tricky media!

Soon, the press conference will begin.

"Hi Director Xu, I would like to ask what type of movie "Titanic" is?"

When Xu Mu heard the first reporter's question, he smiled in relief.

Not bad, this reporter is very good!

So Xu Mu replied with a smile, "It's a romance movie."

"Romance movie?"

"That's right."

"Then Director Xu, does the lead actor in your movie want to have a relationship with Xu Tianhou in the movie?"

When the reporter continued to ask questions, the smile on Xu Mu's face suddenly froze.

That's right.

His smile instantly disappeared from his face!

At the same time, Xu Mu whispered in his heart: How did this reporter get in here?

"Director Xu, please answer the question, thank you."

Seeing that Xu Mu didn't answer the question immediately, the reporter urged him.

At this time, Xu Mu's heart was already talking about the quintessence of the country.

However, he still forced a smile and said, "Ahem, no, this reporter friend can really tell jokes.

I made this movie purely because I like this movie and I like the story of this movie even more.

Moreover, this movie is not the kind of love story that everyone imagines.

It's not convenient for me to disclose the specifics right now. When the movie is released, you can go to the cinema to watch it. "

After answering this question, Xu Mu didn't even look at whether the other party was satisfied, so he directly signaled the next reporter to ask a question.

Because the reporter didn't go on the road just now, he didn't want to let him ask questions any more.

But at this time, Xu Fei, who was sitting next to Xu Mu, looked Xu Mu up and down.

As if, there is something to say in my heart.

"Hi Director Xu, can I ask why you didn't continue to shoot prison break movies? Is it because you are afraid that the plot of the movie will come true?"

As soon as the second reporter's question was raised, Xu Mu's entire face turned dark.

Good guy.

This question is plausible!

What do you mean why don't you continue to make movies about prison break, because you are afraid that the plot will come true?

You talk about it.

What is this called!

Is Xu Mu a person who is afraid of such things?

Therefore, when Xu Mu heard this question, he was speechless.

So, he replied with some helplessness: "No."

"Then why didn't you continue filming?"

The second reporter did not give up and continued to ask questions.

At this moment, Xu Mu just wanted to take back what he said at the beginning.

Sure enough, he screened for loneliness at first.

What kind of reporters are these reporters!

It doesn't seem to be much better!

"Like I said, Titanic was a great movie, it appealed to me. And I wanted to make that movie.

Otherwise, why would I want to play the leading role in this movie? "

"Then Director Xu, your new movie "Titanic" is really so good that you even acted as the lead actor in the movie yourself?"

"Well, let's put it this way. I think this movie is similar to "The Shawshank Redemption" on a certain level."

"Director Xu, are you saying that the movie "Titanic" is also an Oscar-level movie?"

The second reporter's eyes widened and he asked in shock.

Not only was she shocked, but other reporters were also shocked.


"Titanic" is also a film that impacts the existence of Oscars?


Is it so powerful?

You know, if a director makes a movie that can hit an Oscar, that's already very powerful.

If he can continuously shoot Oscar-winning movies, he will definitely be a master director.

If Oscar-winning movies are shot continuously, and they are shot in a very short period of time.

That is already a director in the forefront of world-class directors.

That's why the big guy was so shocked after hearing Xu Mu's answer.

After tens of seconds of astonishment, everyone lowered their heads and recorded something.

Or, frantically typing on the keyboard on the laptop.

After all, this is breaking news!

"Director Xu, if you act in a movie, do you think the plot of the movie will come true?"

The third question comes to the fact that the plot of the movie comes true.

Xu Mu didn't answer this question directly.

Because he didn't know how to answer.

Fortunately, others helped answer.

When the reporters asked Xu Mu a few more questions, their target turned to Xu Fei.

As the female number one, Xu Fei naturally came to attend the film conference.

It's just that Xu Mu's attention was too high, and no one asked her questions at first.

"Hi Tianhou Xu, I would like to ask, how do you feel when you act as the female lead in Director Xu's new movie, and as the male lead in Director Xu's movie?"

"I am looking forward."

"What do you expect? Are you looking forward to Director Xu's acting skills?"


? ? ? ? ?

Originally, everyone thought that Xu Fei was looking forward to Xu Mu's acting skills.

However, when the reporter continued to question, Xu Fei's answer made everyone stunned.

I'm not looking forward to Director Xu's acting skills, so what are we looking forward to?

At this moment, many people smelled something unusual.

There is something wrong here!

Immediately, many reporters rushed to ask Xu Fei some questions.

Ultimately, they came to a dire conclusion.

That is, the queen Xu Fei has a different feeling for Xu Mu!

Suddenly, the sound of typing on the keyboard sounded quickly.

This film conference is really worth it.

The harvest is really too much!

After Xu Fei answered these questions, she didn't think there was anything wrong.

However, Xu Mu looked at Xu Fei strangely.

He has a feeling.

There is a very strong feeling.

This woman is interested in him!

The film conference ended, and the reporters dispersed in satisfaction.

Soon, news about the press conference appeared on the Internet.

【Reveal! The real reason why Xu Mu starred as the lead actor in his movie was exposed! 】

[Xu Mu said that his new movie "Titanic" will be another movie that can hit the Oscars! 】

[The reason why Xu Mu didn't make prison break movies was exposed! 】

【Shock! Xu Fei actually looks forward to Xu Mu]

The title is still the familiar squirrel style.

After seeing it, the majority of netizens did not hesitate, and immediately came to watch.

When they read the news, they were all shocked.

First of all, Xu Mu's new movie "Titanic" is another movie that can hit the Oscars.

This news really scared them.

Since when was it so easy to win an Oscar?

Good movie, is it so easy to make it?

Secondly, they also saw from the news that the queen Xu Fei seemed to be interested in Xu Mu.

That's right, it was Tianhou who was interested in Xu Mu!

This news really shocked many people.

It has been rumored that there is an indescribable relationship between Xu Mu and Xu Fei.

But no one expected that it was actually Xu Fei who had admiration for Xu Mu.

In other words, it is very likely that the Queen of Heaven pursued Xu Mu on her own initiative.

Good guy.

This is breaking news!

for a while.

Many netizens are not calm!

"Fuck, shit, shit! Is this movie conference so exciting?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that Director Xu's new movie would be another movie that could hit the Oscars. Good guy, is it so easy to hit the Oscars now?"

"Yeah, I believe that Xu Mu has this ability. But what I'm not confused about is, is it so easy for Oscar now?"

"Yes, Director Xu is too powerful!"

"I don't care about movies for the time being. I just want to know who is chasing who between Director Xu and Queen Xu?"

"You don't need to ask, it must be Empress Xu! Didn't you see what was written in the news? Empress Xu has already revealed herself."

"No way, Director Xu, who was actively chasing after Tianhou, this..."

"I don't think there's any problem with this. Director Xu is so outstanding, talented, and handsome. It's not very reasonable for the queen to chase him."

"If you say that, it seems to be true."

"Hehehe, no wonder Director Xu wants to act in the lead role of the new movie himself, so he wants to have a fair and honest relationship with the Queen of Heaven in the movie!"

"That's necessary, otherwise, how could Director Xu personally play the role of the male number one?"

"At this moment, I understand why Xu Mu wants to play the leading role. All I can say is, I'm so envious!"

When the news of the film conference appeared, netizens also quickly expressed their views.

Many people were shocked when Xu Mu said that the new movie was another Oscar-winning movie.

However, they also believed that Xu Mu had this strength.

That's right, they never doubted Xu Mu.

Of course, in addition to the movie, there is also the self-exposure of the queen Xu Fei at the press conference, which also attracted many people's attention.

Who would have thought that the matter between Xu Mu and Tianhou was actually initiated by Tianhou.

As soon as the news came out, everyone was shocked.

After all, the Queen of Heaven took the initiative.

It's exciting to think about it!

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