The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 22 022. Conversation in a dark corner at night

On the way, Scott, who was stimulated, had already forgotten about preparing gifts, and was thinking about how to find a girlfriend as soon as possible to have a sweet love.

So he carefully recalled all the girls he knew, but found that his current situation seemed a bit awkward.

Speaking of which, if it was the sum of his past and present lives, he was already in his thirties. But he was indeed only fourteen years old now.

The inequality between physical age and psychological age caused the embarrassing situation.

He couldn't like girls of the same age or younger like a normal boy.

But if it was a girl older than him... it was highly likely that she would not like him. He even felt that the eyes of those girls in the sixth and seventh grades looked at the boys in the lower grades as if they were looking at monkeys.

Forget it, let it go.

Scott thought sadly and soon walked to the vicinity of Ravenclaw Tower.

A gust of evening breeze blew, and the chaotic thoughts in Scott's mind suddenly dissipated a lot. He remembered that he had two more important things to do at the moment.

One thing is to settle accounts with Eddie as soon as possible and find out the culprit who gave him a nickname behind his back.

The other thing is to prepare Professor McGonagall's birthday gift as soon as possible.

Scott walked into the Ravenclaw Tower without stopping, but stopped again when he stepped onto the spiral staircase.

He sensed the magic of two students, who were hiding outside the Ravenclaw Tower, in the corner where the tower and the main building of the castle meet.

Jasmine Travers and Caitlin Rowe.

One is a first-year Slytherin girl who made Scott a little wary and is very good at disguise. The other is a first-year Ravenclaw girl who had a conflict with Jacob Kent and was too close to Travers.

Combined with the information Eddie found out later, Scott and his roommates have been secretly paying attention to these two little witches and their pure-blood girl group recently.

It's curfew time now, but these two girls are hiding in the dark, which is obviously very suspicious.

Since they met by chance, Scott decided to find out for himself.

Scott took out his wand from his bosom, and whispered a spell while turning his wrist, and pointed the tip of the wand at himself.

In an instant, the color and texture of his body became exactly the same as the surrounding environment.

After using the Disillusionment Charm to completely blend himself into the environment, Scott waved his wand again and used a Quietus Charm.


After getting ready, he turned and walked out of the Ravenclaw Tower, walked around the wall outside the tower, and slowly moved towards the dark corner where the two girls were.

When he was ten steps away from the target, Scott stopped.

At this time, he was a little surprised.

Because he did not see the target's figure, nor did he hear the target's voice.

The two first-year witches actually used the Disillusionment Charm and the Quietus Charm, or similar means.

If Scott's perception of magic was not beyond ordinary people, he might not easily find them when he passed by them.

For a moment, Scott didn't know whether to sigh that the other party was so cautious at such a young age, or to sigh that the family education of these ancient pure-blood families was a bit advanced.

But he knew that this could not be attributed to the family education of pure-blood families, because although there were not many students from pure-blood families in Hogwarts, they were not rare. Other students in the first grade were far from Travers' ability.

Although he could not see the target with his eyes, Scott could clearly perceive at this distance that it was Travers who used magic.

At this time, Scott could no longer move forward.

Because many wizards can perceive magic within ten steps, Scott even judged that Travers also has this ability.

But Scott would not give up.

He stood against the stone wall of the tower, allowing his body to merge with the stone wall, and then took out a small piece of ebony from the deformed lizard skin bag on his waist.

He placed the piece of ebony in the palm of his left hand, and gently waved the wand with his right hand and pointed at the wood block.

The ebony wood block immediately began to deform. Soon, a small black wooden bat appeared in his palm.

Scott could use this level of basic transfiguration silently without spells.

But the black bat he transformed was just a normal wood carving, a completely dead object.

Scott did not stop. He first placed the tip of his wand on the back of the bat sculpture and gently drew a few symbols. The ebony wand was like a carving knife, engraving a few simple symbols on the back of the bat sculpture.

Then, Scott waved his wand slightly again, and the wood grain on the bat sculpture faded immediately, and black fluff grew.

Scott raised his hand gently, and the transformed object, which was exactly the same as a real bat, flew out silently.

What Scott did seemed very simple, but if Professor McGonagall saw this scene, she would be shocked.

Because what he did was very similar to the conjecture in Bill Weasley's paper discussed in the Transfiguration Club today.

This conjecture that everyone in the club said was impossible to achieve seemed to be happening in Scott's hands.

Although he divided the Transfiguration in this conjecture into several steps, the effects of Transfiguration and ancient magic were achieved in stages, and the content of the spell was not used.

But it is still a shocking achievement.

If Scott demonstrated it in front of the editor-in-chief of "Transfiguration Today", the other party would definitely give him the Most Promising Newcomer Award with the highest enthusiasm!

But unfortunately, neither Professor McGonagall nor the editor-in-chief of "Transfiguration Today" had the chance to see this scene. Scott would not rashly show his achievements, which he thought were just beginning.

He was not even proud of what he did. This was just the reward for his persistence in studying and practicing the basic courses of Transfiguration.

At the moment, Scott was looking up at the bat flying away.

The bat, which almost blended into the night, flew silently to the corner where the two girls were, and hung upside down in the gap between the bricks and stones above the two heads.

At such a close distance, even with the existence of the whispering spell, the voices of the two girls talking could not help but be clearly transmitted to the ears of the bat.

Almost at the same time, the sound of the two people talking rang in Scott's ears.

"Jasmine, I... I'm not sure if this will involve you."

Caitlin Rowe said with some concern.

"And... and, you know, I asked the senior Ravenclaw students, Scott Trollope is not easy to mess with, and... plus he is friends with Roger Davis..."


Scott raised his eyebrows and widened his eyes.

What a coincidence! The other party is talking about him?

"Don't worry, Caitlin."

Jasmine Travers spoke softly, with a soft quality in her voice that seemed to soothe people's hearts.

But that beautiful voice was saying something completely unpleasant, "Scott Trollope is just a mudblood, and this is the wizarding world. I just want to teach that arrogant mudblood a lesson. He should understand thoroughly that our affairs are not something that people like him can manage."


Scott frowned when he heard this.

I didn't expect that Miss Travers was so arrogant in private.

"But... he didn't do anything... right?" Caitlin Roll's voice became a little timid.

"No, he has tried to speak to him more than once while we were with Jacob. This is what he is, a mudblood offending us."

Jasmine Travers' voice became softer.

"You said you would always help me, right, Caitlin?"

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