The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 23 023. Scott is used to taking the initiative

"Yes...yes, Jasmine."

Scott heard Caitlin Rohr's voice shake with clear trepidation.

"I...I will do what you say."

From her tone, Scott could tell that she was trying to overcome her emotions to cater to Jasmine Travers.

"Very good, Caitlin." Jasmine Travers said the compliment softly, "Thank you, you will always be my best friend. I am really lucky to meet you."

Caitlin Rohr's voice immediately became happy, "You're welcome, Jasmine! We are indeed best friends!"

Listening to her excited voice, Scott felt that today was an eye-opener for him.

Isn't this the legendary PUA?

And Travers used this trick very smoothly! She already had Caitlin Rohr firmly under her control.

"It's great. With Caitlin's help, I feel much more at ease." Jasmine Travers said beautiful words one after another, "But it's getting late now, you need to have a good rest first, let's go back ”

"Okay, be careful when you go back, Jasmine."

"Don't worry……"

When Scott heard this, he knew he had to leave.

The position where he was standing at this time was the only way for the two girls to come out. If he was too close, he might be discovered.

He wasn't afraid of these two little witches, but he liked the feeling of standing behind the scenes and didn't want to show off just yet.

When the two girls said goodbye, he turned and walked in the other direction.

Although it was a pity that he didn't hear the key information, for him, it was enough to know that the other party wanted to deal with him secretly.

Afterwards, Scott silently came to a corridor near Ravenclaw Tower, stood in the shadow under the pillars, and watched two girls walking out of the dark corner behind the tower.

After watching them say good night to each other again, Caitlin Rohr stood at the gate of the tower and watched eagerly as Jasmine Travers walked towards the Slytherin common room.

It wasn't until Jasmine Travers left her sight that Caitlin Rohr turned around and entered the tower.

But neither of them noticed that a weightless little black bat was holding tightly on the back of Jasmine Travers's sleeves with its small claws, swaying gently as she walked.

Scott did not choose to go back to the common room at this time. He immediately followed Caitlin Rohr at a short distance after entering the tower.

His body became one with the tower and he walked silently.

Little did Kaitlin Rohr know that the person she and Jasmine Travert wanted to deal with was following her, just a few steps away.

Scott was not the type to get attacked and then fight back. On the contrary, he has always been accustomed to strike first.

Scott smiled silently as he walked up the spiral staircase behind Caitlin Rohr.

The best way to deal with danger is of course to make the danger disappear directly, or to deal with the person who is trying to bring danger to you first.

Of course, he wasn't planning on hurting anyone directly. In this magic castle, he still doesn't have the ability to escape investigation after hurting someone.

Who knows how much control their great headmaster had over the castle?

He just let the girl who tried to harm him "naturally" get sick for a period of time.

He couldn't use spells or potions on her because that might be found out later. He would never underestimate the influence those pureblood families had on Hogwarts.

Of course, the biggest reason for this is that their great principal is a very rule-abiding person. This can be seen from the "original work", where the most powerful wizard of this century was repeatedly restrained by some clowns.

Scott took out a small sealed glass bottle from the deformed lizard skin bag on his waist.

He raised the half-finger-long transparent glass bottle to his eyes, shook it slightly, and took a closer look.

A lone syringe needle lay inside the glass bottle.

If you want to make someone sick, you may be found out if you use a spell or potion. But what if he's using a virus that wizards have never understood?

Scott smiled again, carefully opened the sealed glass bottle and held it with his fingers. He took out the wand with his other hand and waved it gently, a little further away.

With a faint fluctuation of magic power, the metal needle in the glass bottle turned into a black mosquito.

This Aedes aegypti mosquito flapped its transparent wings and flew out of the glass bottle, flying straight towards Caitlin Rohr above the spiral staircase.

A few seconds later, Scott heard a soft scream from the other party as he wished.

He stood quietly and waited until the mosquito flew back and turned into a needle again and fell into the glass bottle.

He listened to Caitlin Rohr's footsteps continuing up the stairs, inserted the wand into the wand holster in his arms with his backhand, sealed the glass bottle, turned and walked towards the bottom of the stairs.

Next, he walked unimpeded to the Black Lake, squatted down, put the glass bottle in his hand on the ground, took out his wand and waved it again.


The glass bottle containing the needle disappeared completely in an instant under the influence of magic, and Scott stood up.

Next, while walking along the shore of the Black Lake, he calculated in his mind the approximate location of Slytherin's student dormitory below the Black Lake.

Fifteen minutes later, he stopped again.

He walked to the lake, took off one of his shoes and placed it on the water, and waved his wand to turn the shoe into a boat before it sank.

"It just smells a bit like feet."

Scott climbed onto the boat and muttered softly, and began to shake the oars made of shoelaces. The calm and deep lake surface was rippling, and the smelly boat slowly moved forward.

Five minutes later, Scott stopped and let the boat drift on the lake.

At this time, he had restored the "connection" with the bat that followed Jasmine Travers back to the Slytherin common room.

He waved his wand without hesitation, turning his robe into an iron armor that covered his whole body. Then he used a bubble head spell, turned over and jumped into the cold lake water at night.

Scott sank quickly at a very fast speed, and soon saw the warm light coming from the rows of windows in the Slytherin common room and student dormitories in the depths of the lake.

The time was just right. Thanks to the complicated route in Hogwarts Castle, Jasmine Travers had just returned to the dormitory.

"Jasmine, you are finally back!"

Scott heard the voice of a strange girl. He waved his wand again to turn the armor into a robe, and swam close to the glass window of the dormitory, hiding in the lush water plants.

"I was worried about you just now. If Professor Snape knew..."

"Don't worry, Morgan. I won't be caught by a disgusting thing like Filch." After returning to the dormitory, Jasmine Travers' voice became normal, without the soothing softness.

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