The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 340 340. Voldemort is just a half-blood

At this moment, the students who were all reading the newspaper unanimously asked the same question——

"What is a Horcrux?"

Unfortunately, no one here has answered their questions yet.

Scott and Harry, who knew the truth, had no idea of ​​being in the limelight.

So everyone can only continue to watch.

[M: Yes, an extremely evil black magic, the secret of Voldemort's immortality, a Horcrux.

R: Are you saying that the mysterious man is not dead yet? Do you have any evidence about this? As we all know, the mysterious man has disappeared for a long time.

M: Evidence? No evidence is needed, I believe you will see him soon, now that all his Horcruxes are about to disappear.

R: Please tell me in detail.

M: Voldemort created a total of 6 Horcruxes, plus his own main soul, forming the magical number 7.

M: So far, Mr. Dumbledore, the current principal of Hogwarts, has purified 2 of these 6 Horcruxes, and I have purified 3 of them. Moreover, I got the last one recently. ]

Seeing this, Scott gained insight into Medea's thoughts.

Medea obviously reserved a hand on purpose.

She knew the result of Scott's arithmetic calculation of the number of Horcruxes in the principal's office.

She knew what Scott said at that time - Voldemort had seven Horcruxes in total, but the last one was an accidental creation, and even Voldemort himself might not know it.

She knew that Voldemort would also read this newspaper, so she deliberately concealed this in the interview.

Because she believed that Dumbledore and Scott, who also knew this, would never expose her.

The purpose of Medea's interview was not to clear her name as Scott had just thought. Her most important purpose was obviously to force Voldemort who was hiding in the dark to show up.

Now, she holds Voldemort's "last Horcrux" in her hand. If Voldemort cannot show up before she "purifies" this "last Horcrux", it means that Voldemort has lost his reliance on "immortality".

Of course, Voldemort can also choose not to show up and continue to create new Horcruxes to maintain his "immortality".

I just don't know if his broken soul can withstand the torture.

Thinking of this, Scott smiled and continued reading.

[R: Are you saying that you and Dumbledore have a cooperative relationship in dealing with the mysterious man?

M: Cooperation? No, we've always gone our separate ways, we just happened to have the same goals for a while. ]

This answer is also somewhat meaningful.

Scott couldn't help but laugh again.

He thought that Medea did this on purpose, and her answer seemed a bit "covered up", possibly with the intention of dragging Dumbledore into the water.

Dumbledore couldn't refute this.

After sighing secretly, Scott continued to look down.

[R: Do you mean that with the joint efforts of you and Dumbledore, the mysterious man will be completely defeated?

M: You can say that. In order to purify evil black magic items like Horcruxes, I had to look for huge sources of magic power everywhere. This is also the reason why the magic power in Sir Merlin's station and Edin Castle was drained.

R: Did you capture Sir Merlin's headquarters and Edin Castle before to purify evil items like Horcruxes?

M: Yes, although it has brought inconvenience and panic to everyone, this is my explanation.

R: Do you know how Dumbledore purified the Horcruxes?

M: Hogwarts is the greatest magical castle in the world. ]

Scott thought to himself, these two people used Chunqiu's writing style to blur some facts, and they really wanted to drag Dumbledore into the water.

First, he said that in order to "purify" the Horcruxes, he had drained the magic sources in Sir Merlin's residence and Edinburgh Castle, and then hinted that Dumbledore relied on the magic source of Hogwarts to "purify" the Horcruxes.

This is obviously intended to cause some panic.

There are always fools who worry that Dumbledore has drained the magic out of Hogwarts.

As soon as Scott thought of this, he immediately heard an exclamation from the Gryffindor table, "What? Is this why the magic is drained? Is Hogwarts about to lose its magic too?"

It just so happens that this silly question resonates with many fools.

"Is this true? I didn't expect Hogwarts to become unsafe."

"Is it possible that both Ms. Slytherin and the mysterious man came in?"

"I want to go home!"

Panic spread from a small group of Gryffindors to a small group of Hufflepuffs.


Scott heard the Weasley twins laughing maniacally.

He turned around and looked around. Fred and George were singing in unison, frightening several lower Gryffindor students.

In their mouths, it seemed as if Hogwarts Castle was about to collapse.

The rest of the Gryffindors looked at this scene in amusement, and no one came to save the frightened little poor ones.

Even Percy and Hermione, who wanted to seek justice, had their mouths covered by the people around them.

On the other side of the Hufflepuff long table, Cedric and some senior students were comforting the Hufflepuff juniors who were also frightened.

Scott couldn't help but sigh.

The Weasley twins and Cedric are also friends of Scott Trollope, people they often get along with. Why are there such big differences in their personalities?

Of course, even though the students in Hogwarts knew that Dumbledore had not drained the magic of the castle, they were not completely free of worries.

For example, many Ravenclaw students on Scott's side were discussing whether the castle's defenses would weaken.

If the students living in the castle were like this, what about those outside the castle who were far away from the truth?

Shaking his head, Scott turned his attention to the newspaper in his hand again.

Rita Skeeter, the notorious reporter, had obviously surrendered to Medea, or was controlled by her.

Of course, it was nothing if she was just a reporter. The most surprising thing was that this interview could be published in the Daily Prophet.

In the British wizarding world, the Daily Prophet has always played the role of the mouthpiece of the Ministry of Magic.

From this point, it can be seen that Medea's infiltration of the Ministry of Magic has long been shocking.

With some curiosity, Scott looked at the following content.

[R: Can you tell me why you started to deal with the problem of the mysterious man as soon as you were revived? As far as I know, the mysterious man once said that he was the heir of Slytherin.

M: Heir? I have to state that my father has no heirs. But Voldemort and I are indeed related by blood. He is the child of the last pure-blood witch of the Gaunt family and a Muggle man.

R: Merlin, forgive my surprise. Are you saying that the mysterious man, the staunch enforcer of pure-bloodism, is actually a half-blood wizard?

M: Yes, I know you will be surprised, and many people will be surprised, but this is the fact. ]

Scott laughed again.

Is Medea going to break Voldemort's "Slytherin heir" and "pure blood" golden bodies?

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