The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 341 341. This is just like a joke

Is Voldemort a half-blood wizard?

Medea's revelation in the newspaper caused a fierce reaction in the hall.

This time, the most intense reaction came from the students of Slytherin.

The leader of purism is a half-blood himself?

This made many young wizards who were brainwashed by purism since childhood simply unacceptable.

If someone else said such a thing, they might just sneer and not believe it at all.

But the source of this sentence was Medea Slytherin.

The daughter of the founder of Slytherin College.

Her words were very important to the students of Slytherin, which caused many pure-blood young wizards in Slytherin College to start thinking in confusion.

Especially the descendants of the Death Eaters.

"No! This is not true!" Little Malfoy screamed like a little girl, "This can't be true!"

Pansy Parkinson also screamed in response, "That's right! Draco, this report is fake! Ms. Slytherin will never accept an interview with such a newspaper!"

The silly-headed Goyle and Crabbe nodded repeatedly while stuffing something in their mouths.

"This is just a sensational newspaper!" Marcus Flint, the "Captain of the Trolls" of Slytherin, slammed the newspaper in his hand on the table, and accidentally knocked over the milk cup.

Millicent Bulstrode, who had raised her status through the title of the future mistress of the Travers family, nodded in agreement.

The "mistress" pretended to be wise and raised her fat chin, "Yes, this is a means of confusing people with ulterior motives."

Scott looked at the reactions of others again.

Unlike the students of Slytherin, most of the students of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff believed Medea's revelations.

Especially the students of Gryffindor, they seemed to be 100% convinced and were even discussing loudly.

Of course, it is hard to say how much of this was intended to deliberately provoke Slytherin.

As for the students of Ravenclaw, they did not believe it immediately, nor did they not believe it, but were discussing the significance of Medea's public announcement of this news in the newspaper.

"What do you think, Scott?" Eddie, who had discussed with Roger and Milton for a few words, began to ask Scott again.

Scott shook his head, "Medea is just stating the facts."

"She is not deliberately belittling the You-Know-Who?" Roger asked.

Scott shook his head again, "For Medea, being half-blood is not belittling. I heard her conversation with Dumbledore at that time. She is not a pure-blooded person, and she doesn't even look down on Muggles."

"This is really..."

Everyone around was surprised to hear him say this.

Scott just smiled and said, "Let's continue reading the newspaper. This interview is really wonderful."

After that, he lowered his head and continued to read the newspaper.

[R: It's unbelievable, but if it's you, I will believe it.

M: Thank you. Anyway, when I learned about what Voldemort did, I decided to correct his mistakes.

R: The next question may be a little sensitive. You just mentioned the mistakes of the You-Know-Who, so can I interpret it as... you think pure-bloodism is wrong?

M: I don't want to talk about any doctrine, but I think any concept should not go to extremes. When they hold extreme ideas, point their wands at other wizards, and bring death and panic to the magic world, this is undoubtedly wrong.

R: Do you think that all wizards are equal regardless of their origin?

M: Of course, all wizards are equal. We are all chosen by magic and are enjoying the miracles brought to us by magic.

R: It's hard to imagine. You know, the surname Slytherin has always represented not only a college, but also the interests of pure blood. Now, this surname has become a banner.

M: I know, of course, I was a little surprised when I knew this.

R: Can you tell me in detail?

M: Of course, it is related to my father's honor, so I need to explain. There have always been various rumors in the magic world. People generally believe that my father has been opposing little wizards of Muggle origin to go to Hogwarts, but this is wrong and a fallacy.

R: Yes, I have heard such rumors.

M: The reason why the four founders established Hogwarts was to allow little wizards from non-wizard families to receive a complete magic education. This was their original intention. And my father is a wizard with a firm character, and he will never change his original intention.

R: What do you think is the reason why later generations misunderstand Slytherin?

M: On the one hand, my father left Hogwarts, and he had some conflicts with other founders. The conflict was about whether to teach dark magic in Hogwarts. Another reason came from the legend of the Chamber of Secrets in Hogwarts, but that legend was forged by Voldemort.

R: Can you tell me more about this?

M: There is nothing that cannot be said about my father. The small conflicts with other founders were not the reason for his departure. He left to better protect Hogwarts.

R: Protection?

M: At that time, many dark wizards could no longer accept apprentices because of the establishment of Hogwarts. In order to strike at this new magic school, they would even unscrupulously attack the teachers and students of Hogwarts.

R: It seems that Hogwarts also went through a difficult time at the beginning of its establishment, so what about the rumor about Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets?

M: The things that my father left in the Chamber of Secrets were of course to protect the school. But unfortunately, Voldemort accidentally discovered it when he was studying, and he controlled the things in the Chamber of Secrets with his Parseltongue. He deliberately spread that rumor to make some people confirm his identity as the "Slytherin Heir".

R: No matter what others think, I believe your explanation, Ms. Slytherin. Because I always believe that the four founders of Hogwarts are equally great people.

M: Thank you.

R: Let's get the question back to you, Ms. Slytherin. In the first half of the interview, you said that what you want to do is to make the future of the wizarding world and wizards better.

M: Yes, that's what I want to do.

R: This is of course a good wish, but how do you want to achieve it?

M: We live on this planet with many species, and we humans dominate this planet. But humans are divided into Muggles and wizards, and the number of wizards only accounts for a very small part of humans.

R: Do you think Muggles are our enemies? Will they pose a threat to wizards?

M: No, wizards and Muggles are not enemies, but competitors. Wizards account for a much smaller number of humans, and we must ensure that we have a higher competitiveness than Muggles in order to continue to survive better on the planet. ]

"I knew it! I knew it!"

Just then, Scott heard the excited shout of Malfoy from the Slytherin table next to him.

"I knew that the person being interviewed was not the real Slytherin lady!"

He said loudly and triumphantly as if he had found decisive evidence.

"If this is really Ms. Slytherin, why would she talk about Muggles in this way?"

He said in a contemptuous tone.

"When can Muggles and wizards be compared? This is simply like a joke!"

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