The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 411 411. Zugaramudy Thrift Store


On the bow of the ship, which is raised high and bent inward, a copper bell hangs jingling continuously.

The bright orange wooden boat breaks through the quietly flowing water.

Scott placed a small lizard on his shoulder.

He sat at the stern of the boat and looked down at the clear and deep river water.

You can vaguely see the soft water plants rippling at the bottom of the river, and the fluorescent lights are flashing, dreamy and magnificent.

This moment is like rafting on the Milky Way.

"That's a magical animal that only lives in this Orabida River."

Lucio turned around and sat on the bow.

"Fluorescent fish, they have light-emitting organs on their heads."

He reached out and tapped the side of the boat lightly.

"They can absorb all kinds of light and store it, but they are afraid of real sunlight, which is fatal to them."

So we can only live in underground rivers?

Scott nodded understandingly.

"The Ministry of Magic prohibits wizards from catching them without permission. If you are interested, I can take you to the pet store to buy a few and raise them at home. By the way, in order to keep them alive, you also need to buy a special fish tank."

Lucio gestured as he spoke.

"I suggest you put the fish tank on your desk. Yes, the biggest role of these fluorescent fish is that they can replace the desk lamp on your desk to a certain extent."

Seeing his bright smile, Scott could only reply calmly, "Thank you for the introduction. I don't want to keep this kind of pet."

Besides, is there any difference between raising this thing and raising luminous jellyfish?

Lucio shrugged, not surprised by Scott's answer.

Next, he began to introduce Scott to the shops lined up on both sides of the river.

Scott listened with interest.

In fact, the products in these stores can be said to be similar to those in Diagon Alley in the UK. There is not much difference. The biggest difference is only the architectural style of the stores.

Since the underground river runs around the buildings on the entire street, the shops here often have display windows on the river side in addition to the main entrances on the bank, which greatly facilitates shopping for wizards on boats.

Lucio could probably tell that Scott didn't have much desire to shop, so he chose to be a competent tour guide, the kind who didn't recommend shopping.

Scott also had a sightseeing mentality, sitting comfortably on the boat, observing the bustling scenes on both sides of the strait, as well as the witches and wizards on other boats passing by them.

"Oh, I need to go to this secondhand store."

Lucio suddenly stopped the boat at a small dock under a stone bridge.

Scott had no objection to this, and stood up and went ashore with Lucio, approaching a small building that looked particularly gloomy and dilapidated.

[Zugalamudi Thrift Shop]

A wooden board with an unknown name engraved on it was hung crookedly on the moss-covered, wet stone wall by rusty iron chains.

The open wooden door looked rotten, and the deep, thick black on the door looked like patches of dried and coagulated blood.

The light inside the door looked very dim, and half of the wooden shelves filled with miscellaneous items that looked like they were about to collapse were hidden in the shadows.

"What's wrong?"

Lucio, who was walking in front, noticed that Scott had stopped and turned around to ask.

He looked around again and said with a smile: "Although this place looks shabby, okay, it's a little weird, but this is my favorite store."

At this point, he moved closer and lowered his voice.

“Everything here is very cheap, and I’ve found good things here several times.”

Scott looked at him unmoved, "I'm afraid you should buy more garbage and go back."

"Ahem..." Lucio was a little embarrassed, "I can only say that those are necessary costs."

"As long as you're happy." Scott smiled at him, "Let's go in and take a look."

With that said, he walked into the thrift store first.

It has to be said that the inside and outside of this store seem to be two different worlds.

Although the store was dilapidated, it originally had glass windows, but a thick layer of dust had accumulated on those glass windows, making them almost opaque, making the interior extremely dark.

Although the door was open, the false sunlight outside the door only illuminated a small area at the door, as if out of fear.

The indoor lighting actually relies more on the candles that seem to have been burned to the last on the mottled stone walls.

"Let's hunt for treasures separately. See you later."

Lucio said softly, then rushed to the shelves and began to concentrate on picking out the dusty products.

Scott glanced at him and walked to another shelf to observe.

This thrift store seems to sell everything, old books, old clothes, old stationery...

Most of them are piled haphazardly on the shelves. They all look dirty and tattered. In short, they are completely unable to arouse people's desire to choose and buy.

Scott glanced briefly at the pile of old books, but had no intention of reaching out.

He could imagine that if he pulled one out of this pile of old books, it would kick up a lot of dust.

Just thinking about it makes me suffocate.

"Oh, Scott."

At this time, Lucio called him.

"check it out."

Scott turned his head and saw him holding a silver bracelet that was about to break with two fingers.

"This should be a damaged alchemy work, but it seems to be too damaged, and I can't easily tell what it is used for." He said with some distress, "If it is just a common basic alchemy work, then the magic circuit hidden in it will be useless to me."

Scott raised his eyebrows, reached out to take the blackened silver bracelet, and carefully explored it with magic perception.

"I can sense a little bit, it should be mainly magic runes related to [water], oh, and a little bit of [light]. The specific magic rune circuit effect needs to be successfully disassembled and restored by you, the alchemist, to know."

"Oh, great! I want to buy it!" Lucio's eyes lit up, "I have learned very few magic rune circuits related to [water] and [light]."

He blinked at Scott, "You know, our credits are always not enough."

Scott handed him the bracelet, "Doesn't Beauxbatons have this knowledge? You need to use credits to buy all of them in the [Knowledge Bank]?"

Lucio reached out to take it cautiously, took out a handkerchief and put it on his palm, and then put the worn bracelet on the handkerchief.

"Beauxbatons will only teach us the basics, and our family has no alchemy heritage. If we want to go further, we must either be lucky enough to become an apprentice under an alchemist, or we can only think of other ways."

His expression was a little helpless for a moment, but then he laughed heartlessly.

"You should also go and pick some useful things, my friend. You know, you have an advantage that no one else has."

Scott knew that he was referring to his magic perception, and nodded to accept his kindness.

He didn't look carefully just now, and didn't know that he could find second-hand magic items here. Now that he knew, he couldn't help but pay attention.

Compared to Lucio's careful selection of goods, his operation was much simpler and rougher.

After the fine magic perception was unfolded, the location of all the goods on the shelves that contained magic fluctuations was mastered by him. Even the weakest magic fluctuations could not escape Scott's serious and focused perception.

Scott began to select goods according to his perception.

Of course, he was not prepared to sweep away all the goods containing magic, but carefully selected them.

After careful selection, he found that most of the magic items had no purchase value.

Compared to Lucio, Scott had no shortage of opportunities to learn magic rune circuits, and he didn't even have to spend points to exchange them at the [Knowledge Bank].

With a Ravenclaw, an alchemy master, as a mentor, his learning resources were more abundant than anyone else.

Under such circumstances, he did not think highly of many basic alchemy works.

Finally, he selected a few somewhat strange items according to his intuition and interest.

A relatively well-preserved brass scale with a little medicinal fragrance, a mirror that could only reflect a blurry figure, and a small ring.

The one that interested him most was a copper sailor's astrolabe covered with verdigris.

This sailor's astrolabe looked like a Muggle antique, and it was not even the target Scott originally wanted to choose.

Scott only noticed it when observing another item and sensed a very weak magical fluctuation.

But his intuition told him that this might be the most valuable item in the store.

So Scott picked it up decisively.

As for the others that he did not like, he pointed them out to Lucio.

Lucio was obviously a guy who was not short of money. He bought all the items that Scott pointed out.

Then the two came to the counter in the darkest part of the store to check out.

The owner of this second-hand store was a tall and thin wizard who looked thinner than anyone Scott had ever seen.

His eye sockets were deeply sunken, his cheekbones were high, and his outstretched hands were particularly terrifying, like a dead body without moisture.


He glanced at the merchandise the two had brought over, and slowly opened his mouth, revealing a few gold teeth.

The boss raised his drooping eyelids and looked at Scott with his bulging eyes, as if he was glaring at him.

"I hate customers like you," he said, "you are very purposeful and don't understand the fun of gambling at all."

"Hehehe... Boss, I've bought a lot of things from you..."

Lucio hurried over and said a lot of nice things with a playful smile.

"Hehe, I used to like you."

The boss also laughed dryly twice, then glanced at him.

"Don't you like it now?"

Lucio pretended to be about to cry but had no tears.

"What do you think?"

Fortunately, although the boss complained a few times, he still sold the things to them in the end, and did not deliberately raise the price.

Even Scott's favorite sailor's astrolabe was bought for only one gold galleon.

Although Scott was still not sure whether he had found a bargain, it did not prevent him from being in a good mood at the moment.

Of course, Lucio was also very happy.

After leaving the thrift store, the two returned to the boat again. Lucio warmly invited Scott to taste the special food here, saying that it was to thank Scott for helping him choose useful magic items.

"You're welcome. Should I thank you again for inviting me here to play?" Scott said with a smile.

"Oh, no."

Lucio waved his hand.

"It's nothing, actually..."

He paused and said with some embarrassment: "Actually...well, actually I invited you here just for this reason. I have heard about your ability a long time ago. My cousin Gavin told me , your magic perception and transfiguration are both famous in Hogwarts."

"That's it, it doesn't matter."

Of course Scott was not angry, or in other words, he would feel more at ease with such a reason.

Lucio laughed again, "But this is also a very interesting coincidence. I saw you in the bar, and I happened to have seen your photo. It just so happened that you were also a member of the Scholars Alliance, and you could also communicate with me about alchemy. Knowledge."

He held out his hand to Scott, "Anyway, nice to meet you, Scott."

"Nice to meet you too."

Scott shook hands with him helplessly.

"By the way, my name, my full name is Lucio...Gonzalez."

He spoke a long list of middle names, but Scott's ears automatically filtered them out until he only remembered his given name and last name.

Of course, he could guarantee that the look on his face wouldn't give away the fact that he didn't listen carefully to Lucio's full name.

Under the leadership of Lucio, Scott and he tasted some Spanish specialties that Scott was not used to eating in a lively riverside restaurant.

In fact, Scott didn't hate Muggle restaurants in Spain, but he always felt that wizard restaurants in Spain seemed to have gone astray.

In Spain, Muggle hash browns are made with eggs and potatoes, but wizard restaurants use snake eggs.

Muggles' cold soup is cooked with tomatoes and vegetables, but wizard restaurants use herbs such as belladonna and sage, which taste as psychedelic as potions.

Other foods are also in this magical style.

If it wasn't for the fact that Lucio was eating so vigorously, Scott would have thought he was teasing himself.

Anyway, he didn't take a few bites before putting down his knife and fork with a smile.

Fortunately, the drinks and desserts in this restaurant were pretty normal, and Scott was barely half full in the end.

Afterwards, the two left this underground water wizard street, took the alchemy-modified car driven by the alchemy doll back to Madrid, and parted ways at the door of the bar.

After returning home, Scott didn't even have time to answer Amelia's question and couldn't help but eat a big meal first.

Since both Emilia and Michael were a little curious about his new friend, Scott, who finally had enough to eat, imported the images "photographed" by the little lizard into [Magic Mirror] to share this visit to Wizard Street in Barcelona with his parents. trip.

"I thought you went to Venice..." Emilia looked at the image in the magic mirror, "Oh, this river is so beautiful!"

"Are there such weird guys among wizards in all countries?"

Michael, who had been to Diagon Alley with Scott, looked at the weird-looking wizards in strange clothes who occasionally passed by in the picture.

Scott raised his eyebrows, and he didn't know how to explain it.

In short, in the magical world, many wizards will become strange in their old age.

This may be the result of years of improper spellcasting or random experimentation with spells.

"Oh no, my son."

After hearing what Scott said, Amelia quickly held his hand eagerly.

She said in a sincere tone: "Promise mom, your handsome face will never look like this in the future."

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