The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 412 412. Scott's Summer Vacation

In the following days, in addition to continuing the Ravenclaw tutor's lessons step by step and completing the homework assigned by her, Scott spent the rest of his time at home studying the items he bought from the Zugaramudi thrift store. A few gadgets.

Regrettably, although these gadgets appear to be intact and somewhat shabby, in fact they have all been damaged to a certain extent and have lost their original magical effect.

Scott could only roughly judge their role, but he was not sure.

Except for that one, which was extremely small, Scott didn't have a ring that could fit on any finger.

After careful perception, Scott checked some information and found that this kind of ring is not uncommon. It is a magical item used by some wizard families to protect young wizards.

Its name is [Nanny Ring], and those who use it are generally wizard families who don't want to trust house elves.

It does not contain powerful magic, and its only function is to provide soft protection when the young wizard bumps into or accidentally hurts himself.

The reason why this ring is so small is because it is usually worn by children.

After finding out, Scott put down the ring first and continued to explore the other three items.

Mirrors, brass balances, sailor's astrolabes.

It's just that because he didn't learn alchemy very deeply, and most of the time he could only rely on his extraordinary magic perception for detection, so the progress was not too smooth.

Alchemy is an extremely complex magical skill and a comprehensive magical discipline.

This subject will involve knowledge of various other magical subjects.

If you want to learn alchemy well, you must be proficient in ancient magic texts. The magic text circuits that produce magical effects through the combination of complex and changeable ancient magic texts are the core of alchemy's magical effects.

In addition, alchemists also need to have a deep understanding of potions, herbs, magical animals, spells and other subjects, because mastering this knowledge is the prerequisite for an alchemist to successfully refine magic items.

Even if a wizard is relatively proficient in ancient magic texts and has learned how to carve an effective magic text circuit, if he does not know how to match various magical animals or minerals, herbs and other materials, he will not be able to use magic potions or spells to If he processes these precious materials, he will never be able to complete a successful alchemical work.

However, because the knowledge involved is too much and too complex, different alchemists should have various techniques when performing alchemy. There is no unified standard.

Just like these few second-hand items that Scott picked up on a whim, they were obviously not made by the same alchemist.

If Scott wants to successfully dismantle and analyze their composition and decipher the magic script circuits in them, then in addition to understanding these different alchemy techniques, he also needs to be extra careful.

Brute force cracking is not advisable. Even if traditional alchemy techniques are used to crack it, carelessness will cause the magic circuit in the magic item to completely collapse.

It was not that Scott did not seek help from his Ravenclaw tutor, but this time the tutor did not provide him with direct help as before.

"It's the holidays now and I've adjusted your study plan. So you have time to try to crack them yourself, my apprentice, go give it a try and hope you get some fun and progress from it."

Of course Scott agreed and was eager to give it a try.

Although he did not major in alchemy, fortunately Scott had his "cheating" method - magic perception.

Since Scott's magical perception awakened after he entered the first grade of Hogwarts, this innate ability of his has grown strongly with the dual promotion of his effective exercise and the natural growth of magical power in his physical development.

Not only has the range of perception expanded, but the perception of subtle magic has also become more sensitive and refined.

Scott's method of deciphering magic items is simple to say, which is to use magic perception to carefully perceive the magic properties contained within the magic items, so as to infer the composition of the magic circuit.

Different ancient magic texts also have different characteristics in perception, which gives Scott some convenience.

However, since many magic texts can not only be expressed in the same way, the magic texts that constitute the magic text circuit also require an extremely precise combination, which undoubtedly adds a lot of trouble to Scott.

Although Scott does not lack opportunities to learn magic text circuits, whether it is a Ravenclaw tutor or [Knowledge Bank], he can meet his learning needs, but this kind of cracking itself is also a kind of learning and exercise, so he is also happy in it.

As the instructor said, he can get fun and progress from it.

Lucio, who contacted Scott on [Book of Prometheus] almost every day, was doing the same thing, even more obsessed than Scott.

He didn't have a "cheating" method like Scott, so he could only crack it through conventional methods, which made his cracking progress slow.

And Bill, since Scott's authority in [Knowledge Bank] has been upgraded, he and Bill no longer need to communicate through normal letters, which makes the correspondence between them more frequent.

Since Bill has been very generous in sharing a lot of precious information he discovered during his work in Egypt, Scott has also reciprocated and shared his progress in transfiguration with him.

Bill was very happy and excited about this, after all, he had written such a paper.

Scott's progress made his conjecture no longer theoretically impossible, and he said it gave him great encouragement and confidence.

It's just a pity that he doesn't seem to have Scott's strange talent in transfiguration. Although Scott explained the theory from his own practice in detail, Bill couldn't restore it in actual application.

But Bill was not frustrated and decided to provide Scott with more help.

[...This is a miraculous talent, and you should be proud of it.

This is a research that interests me very much. Although I cannot apply it myself, it would be an honor for me if I could provide you with some theoretical help...]

As the eldest son of the Weasley family, Bill is a very good wizard.

And he is genuine, friendly, open-minded, knowledgeable, and undoubtedly a great friend.

Scott is also very honored.

Of course, in addition to these, Scott's summer vacation routine also includes an indispensable ritual, which is the Animagus preparation ritual that must be performed carefully at sunrise and sunset every day.

As time passed, he gradually felt the subtle second heartbeat in his body begin to sound.

Everything was ready, he just had to wait for the coming of a storm belonging to the Scottish Highlands.

On this day, Scott was writing a paper in the study, and Amelia's voice came from downstairs.

"Scott, your phone!"

"Okay, Mom."

Scott stood up and ran downstairs, taking the phone from Amelia's hand.

After getting along for a period of time, Amelia no longer tries to change Scott's holiday life.

Of course, Michael's persuasion also contributed to this.

Michael is very aware of Scott's situation and believes that the most important thing for him at this stage is to improve his strength.


It was Roger's voice.

"Hey Roger, is Milton in the paper?"

Scott made a joke.

"How do you know?" Roger blurted out.

"What?" Scott was dumbfounded, "Merlin knows, I was just joking, what happened?"

Roger laughed. "But you were right, brother. Milton was in the newspapers. Not only the local newspapers in Vienna, but also the British newspapers."

Listening to his laughter, Scott felt relieved.

Since Roger was smiling so happily, it seemed like nothing bad happened to Milton.

"Let me guess," Scott said. "Did a famous musician discover Milton's talent and be amazed by it?"

"Oh, you guessed it right again!" Roger sighed.

"It's actually true..." Scott didn't know what to say. "Although with Milton's talent, this is not surprising, it still sounds quite magical..."

"But here's the thing! Milton played his original cello music on the street, wowed a famous musician who was passing by, and he was discovered!"

Roger was visibly excited.

"Milton's composing talent and cello playing skills are both fascinating, and some people are even willing to hold a concert for him. The news has spread back to the UK, and after today's reports in many newspapers, he may have become a well-known music prodigy in the UK!"

"So our wizard friend has become a celebrity in the Muggle world?" Scott still felt a little magical.

"That's right, that's it!" Roger said loudly, "I think many classmates living in the Muggle world have seen today's newspaper, oh, they will not admit it wrong, there is a photo of Milton in the newspaper! "

Roger vented his excitement and ended up leaving the phone number of Milton's current address.

"Milton called me. He wanted us to go to his concert! Oh, I gave him your phone number. I think he will call you soon. Unfortunately, Edina The kid has already gone to the United States..."

After hanging up the phone from Roger, who had become a talker, Scott finally digested what he said.

Still, he was happy for Milton.

It was clear to Scott that Milton's love for music went far beyond magic.

For Milton, becoming a world-renowned musician and performer was more in line with his dream than becoming a powerful wizard.

He was ready to attend Milton's first concert.

That afternoon, Scott received a call from Milton.

"Congratulations, a musical prodigy from the UK."

The first thing Scott did when he picked up the phone was to congratulate him.

"Oh, Scott, thanks, this trip was so dreamy for me."

Milton's voice was filled with obvious excitement and a sense of confidence.

As roommates who live together day and night, Scott realizes that this is something he has never experienced before.

It felt like a seedling that had been suppressed under a stone finally broke through the obstacles and completely unfolded.

Milton on the other end of the phone couldn't wait to start talking about this magical musical journey.

Scott listened quietly and did not interrupt his sharing.

After waiting for Milton to finish speaking, Scott said congratulations again and promised to support his concert.

"Oh, it's just a small concert, not too formal." Milton felt a little embarrassed, "After all, I'm just a newcomer."

"But that must be your starting point." Scott encouraged again.


Milton has said thank you so many times.

"I didn't plan on it, I mean, I didn't plan on being famous like this, but I hadn't found my mom yet. You know, then I thought, if I could be famous, maybe she would see me in the paper."

"It must be possible," Scott said.

At the same time, he also understood the reason why Milton suddenly responded to the trend and became high-profile.

"I don't know where she is now, maybe not in Austria or the UK." Milton added, "But I think if I continue to work hard and get more fame, no matter where she is, one day I will Let her see me in the paper."

At this moment, Scott noticed Milton's true transformation.

It's not the kind of change brought about by losing his musical talent due to the deal with Medea, but the change caused by natural growth.

He became confident and determined, had his own goals and ideals, and had the motivation to fight.

Scott joked in his heart that the title of "British Lady" might really disappear.

With such emotion, Scott devoted himself to his research again.

A day later, Lucio shared his progress on [Book of Prometheus].

[Scott, you must not have imagined it.

I've managed to crack the silver bracelet that's about to break, the one where you sense water and light.

Due to the rarity of water and light attribute magic circuits, I had high expectations for it.

But unfortunately, it disappointed me so much.

I never thought that its function is just for beauty.

Water, water that keeps skin hydrated.

Light, light that makes people radiant.

At the moment when I successfully cracked it, I felt a little desperate...]


Seeing Lucio's "letter" and the listless handwriting in the "letter", Scott laughed out loud unkindly.

I have to say that this kind of thing should be common, but Lucio's expectations for that bracelet were too high.

After laughing, he began to give Lucio advice.

[You should not despair, my friend.

I think you could make a fortune, since there are plenty of witches and wizards out there who love beauty.

Especially our peers, they are often keen on chasing each other in love games...]

Lucio wasn't happy about Scott's idea.

After all, he is not short of money, only knowledge.

After thinking about it, Scott made a deal with Lucio.

He used the [Nanny Ring] he cracked to trade this set of magic text circuits into his own hands.

Although Lucio didn't want to make money from the beauty bracelets, Scott saw it as a business opportunity.

As long as this set of magic circuits is given to the Weasley twins and Eddie, they will definitely earn more gold Galleons for him.

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