The Witch of Zongwang: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 52 Level 3 Wu Jin, bloodline awakening! (First update!)

A night of silence

Although she went to bed late yesterday, Yi Xia still got up early.

The feeling of going to bed early in the morning and feeling groggy after waking up no longer exists.

Yi Xia washed her face. Today is Wednesday when the copy is updated.

As for the day of the week in the real world, it no longer means much to Yi Xia, who no longer needs to look forward to the group book refresh on Thursday and getting off work on Friday.


A ferocious white wolf let out some kind of frightened cry, and was then swallowed by Yi Xia.

Against the unsuspecting beasts summoned by the Void Bait, feasting is invincible.

The can of halfling fleshy war preparations made yesterday has not been finished yet.

Yi Xia was too lazy to go out for breakfast.

While eating a solid and sufficient amount of jerky-like halfling meat, Yi Xia opened his own network panel.

He planned to try to raise the level of the shaman to level 3 first to see the changes in the murlocs.

If you can kill him in 1-2 rounds, it won't be a big problem.

The current fishmen basically cannot survive the second round of poisonous outbreaks.

And if the killing time exceeds 2 rounds, there may be some trouble.

Of course, it is possible to kill.

Without extraordinary toxin resistance and detoxification abilities, and without any brains in the poisonous mist, death will be a matter of time.

Except for those large monsters with strong vitality, low-level monsters below medium size have no natural enemies for poison damage.

However, Yi Xia may also be replaced by a fishman with a higher level.

Yi Xia opened the comprehensive network panel and selected his witchcraft level with his consciousness.

Suddenly, a new message flashed on his retina:

"Would you like to upgrade the shaman career level to level 3? This operation requires 2,000 general experience points."

Yi Xia directly confirmed it with his mind.

Suddenly, a new message flashed on his retina:

"After spending 2,000 general experience points successfully, your witchcraft professional level will be upgraded to level 3."

"You have received a professional baptism, and your comprehensive basic attributes (maximum health, relevant basic immunity) have been improved to a certain extent!"

"You have gained a new professional skill: Witch Blood Diversion/Awakening."

“Based on career characteristics, you need to choose one of the following three factions as your path to trace your ancient bloodline:

1 wild:

Deflection: sacrifice, control, medical treatment, etc.

Brief description of the faction: The ancient blood stirring in your body allows you to glimpse those broken ancient scenes from time to time. You know, this is the choice of fate...

Effect: Your witchcraft resource-related acquisitions will gain additional limited environment and perception bonuses, witchcraft resource consumption and release effects will be greatly improved, and you will unlock bloodline-related limited series: bosses.

2. Descendants of God:

Deviation: sacrifice, prayer, astrology, etc.

Faction Brief: You respect the ancient myths, try to trace the lost time of divine power, and regain the ancient authority of the witches.

Effect: Your witchcraft is converted into divine magic, and you gain relevant bonuses based on the linked gods; your bloodline awakening/witchcraft can choose the targeted god camp to change, and gain additional bonuses such as sacrifice, prayer, astrology, etc., unlocked Bloodline-related limited series: Tongshen

3. Destiny:

Deflection: sacrifice, luck, battle

Description: Divination? Totem worship? Violent spiritual power spurts out from your eyes, and you only believe in your own power...

Brief description of the faction: Your witchcraft resources and combat skills will be improved, strengthened, and advanced, and you will receive substantial bonuses based on personal perception, and unlock the bloodline-related limited series: Destiny.


"Please note: This skill is selected as a prerequisite for the character's bloodline awakening, which will affect the character's subsequent bloodline awakening effect."

Countless powers that are difficult to be seen by ordinary things are surging in Yi Xia's body.

He could feel himself becoming tougher and stronger little by little.

In a daze, Yi Xia felt like she heard the sound of rushing water.

It was not as majestic and vast as the sea, but with a kind of violence and wildness that was cut off from endless space and events.

Invisibly, something seemed to become active.

Yi Xia stared at the prompt information that was refreshed in front of her.

Faction branch?

No, I've been able to see other faction skills before.

Bloodline path?

The "intention" of witchcraft?

Yi Xia was immersed in Zongwang's description, ignoring the many illusions that appeared from time to time.

That is ancient information mixed with the power of witchcraft.

Some may be precursors of bloodline, and some may be messages passively received during sacrifices.

Witches who specialize in divination may be able to gain something from it.


Is it our duty to restore our old glory?

Yi Xia shook her head.

Entrust your power and path to the gods?

Maybe it's a good idea, but it's definitely not what Yi Xia desires.

Yi Xia is wandering between Manghuang and destiny.

Judging from the description, Manghuang's bloodline seems to be closer to the most traditional and ancient witchcraft.

It is probably a collection of many composite elements such as legion commander + astrologer + shaman + healer.

The source of its power is probably ancestor worship and totem worship, and it also has the distinctive color of tribal civilization.

Not to mention the bloodline ability, its direct effect is also simple and crude.

The mana consumption and spell effects have been greatly increased. For Yi Xia, who currently has abundant mana resources, he can directly obtain explosive enhancements.

As for Tianming, it is naturally an individual series.

According to Yi Xia's current understanding, it should be a deep exploration of Wu Jin's idealistic power.

In terms of direct effects, it is somewhat similar to Savage.

But when the basic attributes are weak, the bonus may not be so obvious.

It needs sufficient basic attribute support, which is the kind that can be used later.

Of course, no matter what kind of bloodline, it will not be separated from the element of sacrifice.

As for what destiny corresponds to, Yi Xia is no stranger to this.

Yi Xia's confusion did not last long, and he quickly made up his mind:

He chose to listen to the call of his heart and chose the blood branch of destiny.

Just like the description of destiny, it is best to hold things like the core and source of power in your own hands.

Issues such as this choice of path are naturally extremely important.

But it tends not to cause much distress.

Just like the love of all things, it is already destined, it is love at first sight.

Time modifies the corners, but does not change the original sound.

Just like when you decide your fate with coins, when the coin comes out, everything is already decided.

Yi Xia doesn't think he can become a traditional shaman. He is a human being who grew up in the new era.

The imprints left by the times and civilization are slowly unfolding on the history books printed with ink.

In the complicated and majestic place, Yi Xia couldn't see clearly the original appearance.

All I know is that it is called "man can conquer nature"...

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