"The selection is successful, and the character gains witch blood diversion (destiny)!"


Witch Blood Diversion (Destiny):

Type: bloodline front

Branch: Destiny

Current effect:

When you learn and train witchcraft and combat skills, you will make continuous will tests (invisible). If the test is successful, the character will receive a substantial bonus based on personal perception attributes and the immediate performance of related tests (current basic bonus: 337%, fluctuating range with test: 0%~337%)

Your mana regeneration rate will receive a personal perception-related bonus (current regeneration rate: 0.7/hour)


"Based on your comprehensive network version, you have been given an opportunity to freely choose spells."

"The character's bloodline/witch awakening level is increased by 30%!"

"Based on the bloodline front direction you choose, you will receive a +1 luck reward from this bloodline awakening promotion."

"Your basic attribute is newly added: Luck."

"Your current lucky attribute: 13 (+1)"


"The character's bloodline/witch awakening level is increased by 30%!"

"Your mana has been permanently increased: 6/10 → 9/13 (3↑)"

"Your professional skill library and general skill library unlock some new skills."

"The ancient power is fluctuating in your body, and you can get some secrets from it (the secret of witchcraft is triggered)!"

"Endless spiritual light shines in your mind, invisible perceptions emerge in your heart, you know, you can only choose 2 from them."

"You have gained 1 chance to sacrifice a spell (witchcraft)"

Countless colorful illusions appeared in front of Yi Xia's eyes.

He saw the bright stars lingering in the vast universe, and he saw the Nu River rushing like a long dragon on the yellow earth.

He saw endless mountains.

He saw the vast expanse of white snow, covering the sky and the earth.

He saw the crowds staggering like ants on the wild land, and he saw the fire sweeping through the green forest like a tide.

There is a beast with a green face, screaming on the cliff.

Someone stood upright with a sword and raised his arms on the high platform.

So it was at a loss, like a bright light.

Stars and rivers intertwine, rivers and seas dry up, and mountains overturn.

In an instant, the temples were like forests, and the wheat fields were golden and lush.

Is it a thousand years or ten thousand years?

Tick ​​tock…

On the thick cement floor, the second hand of an old clock moves through a arc that is not so standard.

Yi Xia suddenly opened her eyes, and there were dots of light flowing between her pupils.

He silently watched everything in the room, and an indescribable feeling surged in his heart.

It's like being forced to memorize a text, studying it with concentration for a long time, and knowing it by heart.

There is no longer an empty hesitation and uneasiness in the heart, but a kind of firm and solid self-confidence.

It's like a person with myopia who has put on new prescription glasses. The familiar world in front of them reopens with a clear picture quality that is unfamiliar yet familiar.

Yi Xia was immersed in the sea of ​​consciousness while adapting to this change.

Although my heart is filled with excitement, I still can’t forget the two opportunities to choose spells for free as my level increases.

Otherwise, when the timeliness disappears, it will be a waste.

Currently, the highest spell level that Yi Xia can access is still level one.

Compared with level 1, due to the increase in wizard level, the library of available spells has been expanded.

Yi Xia spent some time and selected 2 new spells from the huge spell library that seemed to be very effective:


Grease Technique:

Type: 1st level spell


As a standard action, the caster can coat a hard surface with a greasy layer of grease. Creatures within the spell's range must make a Reflex save or fall prone.



Proficient in languages:

Type: 1st level spell


After a standard action, the character can understand all languages ​​(languages ​​that must have relevant qualifying elements for the plane). For languages ​​that do not meet the qualifying conditions, such as languages ​​recreated based on a certain language, there is a certain probability of understanding deviations. )


The former gave Yi Xia some new ideas, while the latter was the result of Yi Xia simply being greedy for it.

Mostly it was to realize the dream back then.

Yi Xia still can't forget the painful days of reciting words in school.

Thinking about it now, those words are blurred.

I just remember that before memorizing words, I always like to go downstairs and buy a hot dog.

That hot dog tastes pretty good...

With Yi Xia's choice, two new spell patterns were added to his spell book.

Yi Xia looked at it and put the spell book away.

The acquisition of the Grease Technique gave him some inspiration.

But before that, he had to buy some materials...



azure beach

Because of the acquisition of the greasy skill, Yi Xia was ready to switch from kiting tactics to the tower defense series of positional warfare.

His current location is in the central area of ​​the Fishman Beach Island.

Since a large number of fishmen had collapsed the protruding cliff before, Yi Xia specifically did not choose the area near the cliff.

The reason why he chose this place was because there was a tall tree of unknown species.

Yi Xia climbed up carefully.

Afterwards, Yi Xia took out a can of vegetable oil from her backpack and poured it directly onto the tree trunk below.

After a while, the can of vegetable oil was almost empty.

Yi Xia looked at the uneven tree trunks and took out another can of vegetable oil.

After the two cans of vegetable oil were poured out, the bottom of the big tree was covered with oil and water full of plant fragrance.

Yi Xia took out the rope and fixed herself to the tree.

Calculating the time, the fishmen should be refreshed for two rounds now.

By the third round, the murlocs will no longer stay at the original refresh point.

They will run around the world in search of food and enemies.

Yi Xia had previously tied a circle of iron sheets under the big tree, hoping that the other party could withstand the siege of the fishmen for a longer time.

This currently takes up most of his time.

As for other traps?

Considering the number of murlocs, Yi Xia gave up this idea that was not cost-effective.

And time is running out…

Yi Xia leaned against the tree and waited silently.

Soon, Yi Xia heard the restless voices of the fish people from a distance.

Probably because of the increased level, the roar of these fishmen is more penetrating.

After the level of a dungeon monster increases, its strength changes immediately.

They are not like comprehensive network players, who also need to supplement and train various skills after upgrading.

Once the level is raised, they will be directly equivalent to that level, and there is no inflated combat power.

Not long after, Yi Xia saw a fishman wearing simple armor.

Their weapons have also changed into more powerful, harpoon-like alien spears.


The fish people quickly discovered Yi Xia hiding in the tree. They roared dull but powerfully and rushed directly towards Yi Xia!

The scarlet fish eyes were full of cruelty and violence.

Yi Xia held the spell book that had been summoned for a long time, and the mana flowed in his body:

Grease technique.

The next moment, the bottom of the big tree was filled with a greasy layer full of filth!

Then, a faint mist rose...

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