The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 128 Shocking Changes and Four Seasons Garden

As a burst of starlight exploded, almost all the wooden benches in the entire courtroom were blown to pieces.

Then the stars disappeared and the sky turned into clear daylight again.

Ivita was stunned for a moment and realized that nothing special happened. The Rose Fairy bowed to Ivita and suddenly said: "I'm sorry that I have brought so much trouble to everyone. The blessing on Prol has been destroyed." I take it back."

"Without the fairy's blessing, you can kill him."

The old witch let out a breath. "Fortunately, the Queen of the Stars is not angry."

The Hearthstone Witch said to Ivita: "The natal magic is deeply related to the realm of the Queen of Stars, so no witch will anger the stars."

The Moon Fairy flew in front of Ivita and suddenly said: "You know, wizard, I really pity your fate."

"You were cursed by a bad fairy when you were born."

"Although I don't know how many fairies there are, it's a vicious curse that prevents you from becoming a knight."

"But thank you this time, bye."

"We may never see each other again."

"This is a gift from me. It represents compensation for the trouble I caused you. I'm going back to [Four Seasons Garden]."

A thumb-sized rose that glowed white fell on Iveta's chest. The rose's light gradually converged and solidified.

Ivita held the rose flower necklace strangely. The necklace was made of silver-white sterling silver, but the rose flower was alive.

Fairy Moon disappeared in front of everyone.

She has left here.

The old witch walked to Ivita and whispered: "Your Majesty, that idiot fairy left you a good thing."

"This is a powerful protective spell. She probably took out the petals on her body that represent defense and gave them to you."

"This is a white magic, and what white magic is best at is protection and healing, so its defensive effect is probably better than all formal black magic."

"Although she did not give you the same blessing as the Lord, she gave you something more precious."

Ivita was a little curious, "Where is the Garden of Four Seasons? She doesn't have protective magic, is that okay?"

Forget it, what does this have to do with myself.

The old witch said: "I don't know which [Four Seasons Garden] she is talking about. There is a [Four Seasons Garden] in the Magic Black Forest, and there is also a [Four Seasons Garden] among the islands in the Mediterranean to the south. This is due to historical reasons. , during the relocation, multiple four-season gardens were created.”

Ivita nodded.

After Prol lost his blessing and the protection of the fairy, he suddenly panicked.

He repeatedly shouted into the air: "Mother, didn't you say you would never abandon me?"

"Mother, come back quickly, you are my fairy godmother."


A man stood in front of him.

Surprisingly, he is the mayor of Palvega.

The mayor raised his ax and looked coldly at the Lord kneeling on the ground. "I said, I will sentence you to death today. I will personally carry out the execution and chop off your head."

Lord Prol lost his protection and immediately surrendered, waving his hands repeatedly. "Wait a moment……"


"I realize my mistake, please give me another chance to do good..."

The mayor waved his axe, "It's too late!"

A head fell to the ground, followed by splatters of blood and applause from the audience.

People who had suffered losses in the failed coup rejoiced and celebrated the Lord's death.

The next person to be executed is the Lord's associates.

Above the court, the majesty of order in Palvega was restored.

Everything is back to normal.

Iveta also didn't expect that if she participated in this court and became a jury here, she would actually get an extra necklace from the Rose Fairy.

Merchant Magli sat next to Ivita. He stared curiously at the rose in Ivita's hand and said, "I have seen something similar to this. I encountered it on an island in the southern ocean. Something for young people. The young man’s wife was captured by a monster, and he was wearing a similar flower on his chest at that time. He told me that this thing can protect you and prevent others from harming you. "

Ivita smiled. "You are really well-informed."

The next court was to witness the execution of the prisoners.

By the time everything was over, it was already night.

Ivita and the old witch returned to the house provided by the blacksmith's guild as usual. At this time, Black Wolf and Griffin had returned to their territory with people and supplies.

However, Ivita and the others can stay here as long as they want, and it is estimated that the blacksmith's guild will not drive them away.

Ivita is preparing to leave in the next few days.

He was planning to go to the market in Palvega in the next few days to see if there were any mirrors that met his requirements.

A place like the market is a mixed bag, and even Mrs. Alice is not sure that she knows every merchant in the market.

Therefore, Ivita was still ready to try her luck.

When Ivita and the old witch got up the next morning after breakfast and prepared to go to the market, Alice sent a hired worker to deliver a message from Ambrose City and the Viscounty of Winchester.

In the house provided by the blacksmith's guild, Iveta spread the letters on the wooden table, and the old witch also squeezed over to read it.

Iveta read softly: "After the Ambrose City Council summarized Viscount Winchester's terrorist attacks on the following cities..."

"Confirming that Viscount Winchester has committed treason, the city of Ambrose announced that all vassals of Viscount Winchester would be relieved of their allegiance to him and that Viscount Winchester would be deprived of his title."

"The city council decided to call on the army to jointly resist the traitors!"

Ivita was slightly surprised. "Ambrose's city council wants to expel the viscount from the country."

"This is written by Viscount Winchester - As the sole legitimate heir to the independent state of Viscount Ambrose, I accuse the City Council of concealing the news of the death of the Grand Viscount, and hereby declare that the Ambrose City Council is an illegal institution and is A dictatorship that monopolizes national resources.”

"I declare that all decrees issued by the city council, past, present and future, are invalid!"

"I'm officially declaring war on the Ambrose City Council!"

Ivita looked at the old witch in surprise.

The old witch chuckled. "The war is coming."

"The end is coming for Ambrose Plains."

At that time, there were exclamations from the children playing on the street outside the house.

"Trees, so many trees, all the streets were covered with trees overnight!"

"Did my uncles plant this? Oh, be careful not to step on it. If we step on these trees, my mother will scold us to death."

After Iveta heard this, she opened the door and walked out. She saw that the entire street outside was covered with redwood saplings.

Overnight, these saplings pushed through the bricks paved on the street and spread all over the street.


Is it because of the two declarations of war just now?

But why did the redwood trees suddenly grow out at this time? Could it be that the Chitose Fire has further declined?

Why did Chitose Fire decline?

How to make it burn?

The Fire of the Law... is so complicated!

Ivita felt crazy for a moment. He looked at the children who were careful not to step on the redwood trees, and couldn't help but said: "You can step on them as you like."

"It's good for everyone."

“These redwood trees should never be there.”

These street kids with dirty faces shook their heads sagely, "No matter who we do good to, our mother will scold us."

The old witch suddenly became furious and wanted to kill these children who dared to contradict Ivita.

Iveta grabbed the old witch's hand and said, "What they said is correct."

"People always don't do things that are really good for themselves. Instead, they always waste time on things that don't matter."

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