The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 129 Snow Mountain Law and the Restricted Scale of War (5108)

Ivita stayed in Palvega for two more days.

He had stayed in Parvega for six days, but he visited the Parvega market for two days and could not find the mirror that required one hundred gold pounds to buy.

The market is mainly filled with crops and handicrafts from all over the world, as well as a large number of weapons, strange objects from all over, and circuses performing along the streets.

At this time, Iveta was already preparing to set off back tomorrow morning.

But a lot has happened in the past two days.

First, a wide range of insect diseases began to appear in the grain in the fields of rural areas and small towns near Parvega;

Secondly, the Ambrose City Council actually issued orders for conscription and taxation of major cities and territories. Similarly, the Viscount Winchester was not to be outdone, and followed closely, levying orders for the entire territory and cities of Ambrose. , issued orders for taxation and conscription.

Both parties acted as if they were Ambrose's rulers;

Thirdly, the Papal State has brought a new Golden Seal to all the cities and baronies of Ambrose - the Pope's decree is to restrict professionals of the fourth level and professionals above the fourth level from joining. War, and prohibited the total number of combatants in a battle in Ambrose from exceeding 200,000.

Anyone who disobeys this order will be excommunicated by the Pope.

Iveta didn't know why the Papal State calculated the maximum number of people allowed in this war.

But there must be some reason for it.

At the same time, he felt even more the horror of the coming war.

He and his barony were still too insignificant in such a war.

When he fought against the Sons of the Forest before, there were only more than 200 troops defending the city.

The total number of soldiers participating in the terrible coup in Palvega was more than 7,000.

Now the Papal State prohibits both sides of Ambrose from participating in a single battle, and the number of participants must be less than 200,000.

This shows that if the Papal State does not restrict it, the number of people participating in the war will increase a lot.

To be honest, even if these 200,000 people were an army composed of ordinary people, they could easily destroy Palvega or their own territory.

What's more, these armies often have a large number of low-level professionals mixed in, and may also be equipped with some magic items and magic weapons.

Sunset at dusk, in front of the silky calm river of Parvega.

Lady Alice said to Ivita: "This is the lifeblood of our city, a tributary of the Po River, which runs through all the cities in Ambrose."

"Every day, countless ships depart from here to transport goods to various places, and countless ships also come."

"The Pope's messenger, the city council of Ambrose and the orders of Viscount Winchester all use this river to inform everyone. If it is urgent, special boats on the Po River can go within one day. The Po River Basin and the Ambrose Basin.”

“The Po River is the blood vessel of the Ambrose Plain, so to speak.”

Ivita thought. "No wonder, Palvega has been receiving letters from all over the world these days."

"It is indeed much faster to travel by water than by land."

"So, all the important cities and territories in Ambrose are on the riverside. That means that as long as you control this river, you are controlling the lifeblood of Ambrose."

Mrs. Alice nodded and said, "Look, the special mechanism on that ship."

Ivita looked at Lady Alice and pointed in the direction where he saw a ship with eight wooden oars sticking out from both sides, and a huge waterwheel-like mechanism on the back.

This windmill-like mechanism has a small wooden cup hung at the end of each wheel. In this way, after the wooden cup is filled with water, it will automatically pour into the groove next to the waterwheel, and the water in the groove will flow into another waterwheel. The empty wooden cup, then another water wheel drove the wooden gear to rotate, and finally through a series of mechanical structures, the propellers on both sides of the Parvega ship in the Po River were turned.

The energy source of this special mechanical structure is only water flow.

It's actually just a waterwheel, plus a waterwheel version of the transmission and propeller.

Ivita frowned. "A boat like this is very useful, but the premise is that there must be enough water flow in the Po River to allow the mechanical structure of the boat on the Po River to work."

Lady Alice chuckled. "Ivetta, your territory is in the mountains, so you may not understand."

"Actually, the humans of Ambrose are allies with the ice witches on the snowy mountains."

"The source of the Po River is the ice witch's palace on the snowy mountain. All river water flows out of that palace. Therefore, the ice witch blessed all human ships on the Po River. When the ships travel on the river, undercurrents will be generated at the bottom of the river to lift them up. vessel."

"Speed ​​the ship."

"That's why we designed automatic waterwheels and automatic propellers on ships, because human ships will always be lifted up by the current in the Po River. By using this current, we can make all ships in the Po River basin automatic and fast. drive on ground.”

"Huh??" Ivita was a little confused.

Because the Ice Witch has so many allies.

The Children of the Forest are allies of the Ice Witch, Viscount Winchester is an ally of the Ice Witch, and now the entire human race of Ambrose is an ally of the Ice Witch.

Then he figured it out. Originally he thought the ice witch was the enemy of mankind, but now it seems that the co-author is a neutral force.

Because she bets on both sides, she becomes a neutral force.

But, I don’t know why the ice witch did this?

Ivita looked at the old witch, "But does an official witch have such great power to bless thousands of ships in the Po River Basin?"

"Speaking of which, I was troubled by my own fire magic before and when I was on fire, it was in response to the ice witch's magic that I turned a stream into a river and extinguished the flames on my body."

Ivita put her fingers to her chin. "Looks like I have to thank the ice witch."

The Great Witch of Hearthstone was extremely jealous and gnashed her teeth. "Why are you thanking her? Your Majesty, a mere official witch certainly doesn't have this kind of magic power. It's the law. She is just a puppet under the law."

"It is the Snow Mountain Law. Controlling the Po River Basin is an important subsidiary law of the Snow Mountain Law. It is also a compromise between the Snow Mountain Law and the fire of the law: the Thousand Years Fire."

The Great Witch of Hearthstone said: "Legend has it that after the sea of ​​​​big redwood trees disappeared, Ambrose turned into a world of ice and snow for a period of time. The Snow Mountain Law was about to engulf the Ambrose Plain, but the Thousand Years Fire melted the snow mountains and turned them into ice and snow. For the Po River.”

"The ice witch is the protector of the Snow Mountain Law. She can only do this kind of thing with the help of the Snow Mountain Law. If I had such a law, I would be even better."

The old witch said slightly sourly: "If I had the Snow Mountain Law, maybe I would be a high witch now."

"I really don't know why the ice witch on the mountain is still an ordinary witch after so many years."

Ivita was ashamed.

He changed the subject so that some people around him would not be too upset.

Iveta said to Lady Alice: "I see that sequoia trees have begun to grow at the bottom of the Po River. Lady Alice, you'd better prepare - even if the Po River is unavailable, it will not affect Trade to Palvega.”

Lady Alice raised her left eyebrow in surprise, making a funny expression, and she laughed. "It's good to think too much, but Ivita doesn't have to worry so much about things that won't happen at all."

"The Po River is four hundred meters wide at its widest point and tens of meters at its narrowest point. Historically, there have been almost no signs of blockage."

"You're worrying too much."

Ivita didn't want to argue with her. "Speaking of which, it would be great if the Po River could reach the entrance of my territory."

"This saves us time on the road."

If you start from your own territory and take the overland road to Palvega by carriage, it will take four days to go there and back. Then using the Po River, the specially constructed automatic propeller boat, and the blessings of the ice witch and the snow mountain law on human ships, then it is possible to make the round trip. It only takes half a day.

No wonder the commerce and trade in the Ambrose Basin is so developed. It seems that this is not only because of special humanistic habits, but also because of the unique environment.

This equates to an extremely developed highway system throughout Ambrose.

In previous lives on earth, there was a famous saying - if you want to be rich, build roads first.

The Ambrose Basin naturally enjoys this unique water transportation, which is really lucky.

Lady Alice suddenly said to Ivita: "Yes. But you may have to spend millions of gold pounds."

Seeing Iveta's doubts, Lady Alice replied: "Iveta, the Po River on the Ambrose Plain has been transformed."

"Do you know, ancient civilization?"

"This used to be the administrative center of the ancient civilization for a certain period of time. It took the ancient civilization thousands of years to dig ditches here bit by bit, which shaped the Po River Basin today."

"In other words, if you want to have such a river in your territory, the best way is to hire someone to dig it yourself."

"However, it is estimated that such a huge project will be completed in a few decades. This is something that will benefit future generations."

Ivita smiled and said nothing.

The dome murals in the flame sacrificial hall once showed that the Chitose Fire was invited into the Pantheon of ancient civilizations.

The ancient civilization did once regard this as their administrative center, but I don't know why, and it was later moved from here.

In the final analysis, I don’t even know the reasons for the collapse of ancient civilizations.

"Pan said that the same tragedies that happened before are happening now." Ivita thought quietly. "Could it be said that the mysterious demise of ancient civilizations and ancient worlds is similar to the civil war taking place in Ambrose now?"

"Did the Chitose Fire begin to decline because of the civil war?"

its not right.

If this is the case, why did the Chitose Fire not decline during the Judgment War created by Witch Anna's conspiracy four hundred years ago?

This shows that the direct cause of the decline of Chitose Fire should not be civil strife.

It is possible that I have reversed the logical order.

That is, it is very likely that the Chitose Fire declined first, and then the demons and monsters hiding in the shadows appeared, leading to the current civil strife in Ambrose.

Ivita couldn't think about it for a moment, stretched out, and planned to return to the room prepared for herself by the blacksmith's guild.

"Mrs. Alice, I want to go back. I will leave this city early tomorrow morning."

"In the future, we can use carrier pigeons to contact us. If there is nothing too important, the people who trade with our guild will usually be Griffin Knights."

Doing business in this era still requires some strength.

Otherwise, you may be robbed of all your goods on the road.

Therefore, he needs Griffin Knights to protect his caravan.

Lady Alice came a few steps over. "Lord Ivita, I don't quite know...I don't quite understand. What do you think of the current situation?"

Lady Alice said politely.

As partners, they would do well to understand where the other side stands.

Now Palvega's position is very obvious, that is, he is on the side of the Ambrose City Council. If Ivita is on the side of Viscount Winchester, the relationship between the two parties will be very strange.

Ivita smiled and said: "My position is that I have no position."

Lady Alice was puzzled. "No position? Why is that?"

"Because I don't really want to get involved in their war, so I am not prepared to join this civil war." Ivita said: "If possible, I want to remain neutral."

A war involving a total of 200,000 people...

Now if you and your territory can avoid joining this kind of war, then you won't join.

Moreover, Ivita knew that food in Ambrose would soon be scarce, food prices would rise, and the Po River would even be stained with blood.

He'd better prepare more food.

The cast iron business is a long-term business, but if you want to get a large amount of money at once and then buy all the food, you need to do something to make quick money.

As Iveta walked, she thought about what could make money the fastest?

Lady Alice felt relieved when she saw that Iveta was not going to join the obsessive-compulsive Viscount Winchester. "If possible, I would also like to keep Palvega neutral."

"Because if there's a war, the city council will tax everyone."

"And those of us with a lot of wealth are always paying the bulk of the taxes."

"But after this coup launched by Prol, I know that Parvega will either choose to lay down his arms and be humiliated and plundered by the enemy, or he will raise his arms to fight. Ivita, I hope your territory will not cause conflict between the two sides. attention."

"I hope so." Ivita said to Mrs. Alice, "By the way, I recently took out the guild's gold pound reserves and exchanged them for food. It's best to advise the mayor to do the same. Food will be rising soon. The price is..."

Moreover, demand may still exceed supply.

Iveta couldn't talk any more, couldn't tell Lady Alice - he knew that food production in the entire Ambrose Basin would plummet in the future.

Although Mrs. Alice is his partner, she cannot completely avoid others.

There are still some boundaries that should be established.

You must know that in years of famine, angry and hungry people will often vent their anger on the person who first warned them. They will think that this person cursed the fields.

Ivita needs to protect herself and not become the target of the irrational people venting their anger.

After last time, I reported the information about the Sons of the Forest army to Ambrose City and Viscount Winchester. Both sides believed that Iveta was falsely reporting her record, and also expressed her so-called generous understanding to herself. Ta knew that if he dared to tell those two parties, there would be famine in Ambrose's future.

There is a high probability that these two parties will betray themselves when everyone is angry.

After all, it has always been the case that whoever raises a problem solves it.

If you can't solve the problem, you are the problem.

After all, Ivetta is still too humble now.

If he were the ruler of all Ambrose, everything would be very different.

However, if he is a powerful lord or noble, it will be easy to find a scapegoat when the time comes.

Lady Alice mused. "Food reserves...I will consider it."

Ivita nodded, and then left with the old witch.

After parting ways with Alice, Ivita and the Great Witch of Hearthstone returned to their accommodation.

The maids changed Ivita's sweat-stained clothes, and then prepared a wooden bucket for him to bathe in. The bucket was filled with hot water and a white towel.

After Iveta changed her body and received the clean clothes that fit him from the blacksmith guild, after dinner, he read about throwing magic on the bed in his bedroom and read a book about fire magic. Close your eyes and start sleeping.

You should read some magic books every day so that you can increase your magical literacy.

Today is a full moon, the moonlight is too bright, Ivitala closed the curtains.

He drifted off to sleep.

While half asleep and half awake, Iveta heard the sound of her door and window opening. The cold wind outside suddenly rushed in through the window, and the curtains were like the arms of a giant waving, flying in the wind.

Because it was raining lightly outside at this time, the wind and rain rushed into the room, filling the dark bedroom with moisture.

Ivita closed her left eye and got up from the bed. She saw a figure next to her window. The figure cast a huge shadow on the ground and had a pair of horns.

I just don’t know what angle it is.

"Who are you?"

Ivita's magic hand grabbed the broken steel sword and the sword in fire that were placed on the bedside table.

In addition, the rose flower necklace you wear should also provide you with some protection.

The next moment, the uninvited guest who suddenly broke into his bedroom walked out of the shadow next to the window. In the moonlight, his horns were so weird, and his eyes were so magical, unfathomable like a wild whirlpool.

This is an unexpected acquaintance of Iveta!


Ivita didn't expect to see Pan God here, and he immediately darkened his face. Did the other party want to assassinate him, or avenge the Son of the Forest who died in the last battle?

Where has the old witch gone?

God Pan approached, but she didn't react at all. Could it be that God Pan killed her?

Ivita twirled the Ring of Thunder Eyes on her right finger.

Unexpectedly, Pan Shen suddenly raised his finger and put it on his lips. "Please wait a moment."

"Ivetta, there is no need to use force."

"This time, I come to see you as your friend."

"As a friend, I know that you have been full of confusion recently. You even stayed in Palvega for two days and have not returned to the territory."

"Oh, I'm just here to help you solve your problems."

Iveta narrowed her eyes and said, "Are you spying on me?"

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