The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 130 Have current humans been replaced? Curse of knowledge?

Pan Shen said: "We are not specifically monitoring you. We are monitoring people who will pass through your territory and enter the land of Ambrose."

"The point is, I see that you have been wandering around the market for so long, and I can easily find out your purpose from the strangers you asked."

Ivita drummed her fingers on the bed.

If this is the case, he will let Pan Shen know his needs.

I just don’t know how clear the other party is.

However, since Pan Shen sneaked here secretly in the middle of the night to negotiate with him, he probably didn't come to assassinate him. He probably had some other purpose.

Ivita stared at Pan warily. "Maybe I can communicate with you. But we have to make a three-part agreement. You stand still in your position, and I don't move even when I sit on the bed, so that we can still talk quietly."

"If you come even half a step closer to me, I will treat it as if you are going to declare war on me, and we will immediately enter the battle."

God Pan showed a strange smile, as if what Ivita said was extremely absurd.

But he nodded. "sure."

Ivita stared at Pan, thinking about the guy's purpose in coming to her bedroom.

Judging from the diary of Anna Witch in the Clock Kingdom, Pan is a person who will pretend to be your friend to get close to you, but does not know what benefits he is prepared to get from you.

It’s just that Iveta thought about it and didn’t know what God Pan wanted to get from her.

Ivita's right eye stared closely at Pan. Pan glanced at Ivita's closed left eye with some fear. Pan said: "I haven't seen you for a few days, but those eyes of yours are so flattering." Something disgusting."

"The fire of the law, I tell you, is not good at all."

"Of course, the sea of ​​giant redwood trees is not that good either."

Pan Shen said: "These laws are quite deceptive."

"They're just taking advantage of us."

"I think you can go to the ice witch's snow mountain palace when you have time. The combination of the fire of law and the snow mountain law creates the Po River that supports eight million people in the Ambrose Plain. What a great water magic."

"A great creation from fire and ice."

"You should really appreciate it."

Pan walked back and forth near the window sill, but he followed what Iveta said and did not get close to Iveta at all. He just paced back and forth in a straight line near the window sill and danced, as if he really and Iveta are friends.

But the two of them were not even strangers.

They are enemies.

God Pan said: "In the palace of the snow mountain, there are many passages to lower dimensions that are frozen by the laws of the snow mountain. There are many creatures inside the snow mountain that don't know that they are living in other people's experimental dishes."

"Ice witches of all generations have used those low-dimensional people to conduct experiments, and the druids used to do the same. Until the druids felt that their transformation technology had been perfected, they were not satisfied with conducting human experiments in low dimensions."

Pan pointed to the dusty obsidian ring on Ivita's left thumb, which was the Druid's meeting ring.

"Keep the meeting ring well, it will bring you great wealth when your efforts finally bear fruit."

Ivita knew that Pan Shen wanted to lighten the atmosphere. The other party seemed to be chatting, but in fact he wanted to relax himself. But in fact, what Pan Shen said was also very interesting.

It turns out that there are many lower-dimensional worlds frozen on the ice witch's snow-capped mountains.

In addition, the druids are indeed a group of crazy life-changing lunatics.

Ivita couldn't help but ask God Pan, "Pan, what kind of civilization did the Druids support in the first place, so that you will be boycotted by everyone?"

Pan's expression changed and he sighed. "You cannot say the name of this civilization because the name of this civilization is cursed."

"No one who says this name will live for more than a year. This is not a joke, but the result of our experiment using a large group of low-level druids."

"I can tell you that there's not a lot of information about that civilization."

"I can only tell you that they are the real humans. The current humans have stolen their names, these despicable dwarves!"

Pan suddenly became angry and gritted his teeth. He was obviously really angry and not just pretending.

He gritted his teeth, and his demonic eyes became very dangerous, as if he would attack people next moment.

"Ivita, they were everywhere."

"They are real humans. At that time, humans today were just a group of dwarves."

Ivita was a little confused.

It seems like he asked something that hides a huge secret.

The old witch once told herself that the civilization supported by the druids could not be considered human civilization at all, but God Pan actually said that the civilization supported by their druids was the real human civilization.


Ivita asked: "Why do you say that the current human beings are just dwarves, and the civilization you support is human beings?"

Just as Pan Shen was about to speak, a red ominous star streaked across the starry sky outside the window behind him.

Pan looked back, his face suddenly turned ugly, and he said to Ivita: "My friend, I don't want to lose my temper with you."

"But I don't want to talk to you about this anymore."

"There are too many hidden dangers in this topic."

"Please change the question."

Iveta sighed, knowing that Pan would not say much more. Although she didn't know what the red star outside was, it was definitely not a good thing. He asked curiously: "What do dwarves look like now, in the time war - the era when you haven't lost yet? What are they called?"

"..." Pan Shen thought about it for a moment and felt that it would not affect anything, so he said: "The dwarves now were called halflings at that time."

"Okay, let's change to a completely unrelated question, or I want to tell you something directly. This is also the purpose of my coming here."

Pan regretted a little and used some small talk to get closer to Ivitala.

The human child in front of him was too curious and always asked him some very sensitive questions.

These questions involve too many things, deal with too many existences, and run through too many magics and laws.

That's not something you can say casually.

Ivita thought for a while and knew that she could no longer ask questions related to druids, otherwise Pan would be angry, and she didn't know what would happen then.

It's just that a living fossil appeared in front of him, and he was really itching not to ask him.

God Pan has too much knowledge.

Of course, you have to be careful yourself.

Judging from Anna Witch's experience, maintaining a good relationship with Pan is not harmless.

This relationship is even very dangerous.

Ivita thought about it and asked what he wanted to know most at the moment. He said: "Pan, I have been wondering why the tyrant [Xiao] of the ancient civilization was cursed by the Senate, and why the Senate cursed him - —'Those who pursue the law will be punished by God."

"The most important thing is that ancient civilizations also collected laws, so why was only the tyrant [Xiao] cursed?"

God Pan glanced at Ivita, and he felt very regretful at this time. He didn't expect that this guy actually knew so many things, and then asked him. God Pan was extremely embarrassed. "Trust me, sweet Ivita."

"Even though everything about you pleases me."

"But communicating with you is definitely the most tiring thing."

"I felt that even if I talked to ten people at the same time, it would be so tiring to talk to you. And then out of politeness, I had to reply to you."

"You must first understand that the ancient civilization held more than one universal law. It was one of the most powerful civilizations in mankind."

"You who can't even completely decipher the mystery of the Thousand Years Fire cannot possibly understand the ancient civilization."

"For example, do you know how ancient civilizations collected laws?"

"What was the universal law of the ancient civilization? Why did the ancient civilization suddenly and inexplicably collapse? What happened after that?"

"Besides, Tyrant [Xiao], his situation is very special. I can only tell you that he is not just collecting laws, he has also done something further."

"Moreover, it is very likely that the tyrant [Xiao] was part of the reason for the destruction of the ancient civilization."

"In this regard, I told you last time. Due to some reasons, I did not walk in the world, so although there were many things that existed at the time, I did not know them clearly."

Pan Shen thought for a while, and then said: "But I have heard of one thing that made the tyrant [Xiao] the most angry of the Senate."

"That incident represented the transition from prosperity to decline of ancient civilization."

Ivita stared at Pan Shen curiously and said, "What happened? What did Xiao do?"

Pan Shen laughed strangely. "Actually, it's not a big deal. He just did something to make [all living beings equal]."

Ivita looked at Pan puzzledly.

Because this sentence has many meanings and does not have a single direction.

Are all living beings equal?

What's that?

Pan knew that Ivita wanted him to continue talking, but he shook his head and refused to explain. "As long as you maintain this attitude, you will definitely find out from other poor people in the future. I have already committed an evil star today by answering your question."

"I really don't want to do it again."

"Ivetta, you need to understand what the curse of knowledge is."

Ivita shook her head. "what is that?"

Pan Shen explained: "The Queen of Darkness once cursed knowledge. She cursed everyone who liked to explore knowledge. She cursed the endless road to knowledge, so the curse of knowledge came into being."

"Knowledge may be a curse."

"Knowing more is not necessarily a good thing. But not knowing is not a good thing either. This is the contradiction."

"But don't worry, with your knowledge, you won't be able to encounter the curse of knowledge. Only the most knowledgeable doctors in the city will encounter the curse of knowledge. They have recently discovered that the curse of knowledge exists."

Pan rambled on for a while, and then wanted to move on to the last topic immediately, without letting Ivita ask any more sensitive questions. "I came here this time to tell you."

"one thing."

"You should be preparing to leave Palvega tomorrow morning, right?"

"I'm here to tell you that you must not leave Palvega tomorrow. Don't talk yet. I have a special reason."

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