The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 194 The Origin of the Wolf Tribe, Testing the Racial Characteristics of the Black Bear Peopl

The knight's squire who lost his right hand was a young man with long hair. He immediately said to Christine: "Yes, I was scratched by the alpha wolf."

Christine looked at the wound on his broken arm thoughtfully.

With the knight's strong recovery ability, the wound has stopped bleeding. If it was a smooth wound cut by a sword, it may be possible to directly connect the broken arm to his wound, and maybe restore part of the arm's function.

But the wounds caused by the Wolf King's claws were uneven, so he had to give up his right arm.

Kristen observed it for a while and said, "Oh, then I get it."

Immediately, she actually wanted to leave like this.

Ivita looked at her strangely and asked: "You said that people who are bitten or scratched by the wolf king may become werewolves. Aren't you going to deal with it?"

Kristen said, "Yeah, I did."

"But this guy hasn't turned into a werewolf yet, so there's no point in killing him now. Most people have died before turning into werewolves, and only a handful of lucky ones can turn into werewolves. And it's basically not a simple physique. The stronger you are, the more likely you are to become a werewolf, and bloodline compatibility is also an issue."

Christine spread her hands to Ivita and said: "You misunderstood me. I am not an executioner. I don't like killing people. I just like killing werewolves. When he is lucky enough to become a werewolf, I will do it again. One. A newborn wolf cub has no experience, so it can’t be easier to deal with.”

Ivita nodded. It turns out that she didn't want to be stained with human blood.

Ivita looked at the desperate knights and said to Christine, "Is there really no cure for wolfsbane?"

"You are a hunter who specializes in dealing with werewolves. Don't you have a way to deal with wolfsbane?"

Kristine sighed. She didn't want to say more, but since it was Iveta who asked her, she still had the patience to answer it carefully.

"Using the juice of monkshood and some other herbs, you can temporarily delay the toxicity of wolfsbane. But this only delays the arrival of death. Without the blood of the alpha wolf, you cannot detoxify."

Ivita became confused. "The origin of the werewolf is just the curse of the witch. This is an official knight. Why can't he undo the wolfsbane?"

"The toxicity of wolfsbane depends on the wolf king of the wolf pack. Wolfsbane cannot transcend levels to poison and kill people. But the wolf king of the super wolf pack just now happened to be at the level of a formal knight, which is the second level." Christine was also a little regretful. "If the wolf king just now is only equivalent to the first level, then the wolfsbane of their wolves cannot be fatal to the official knights."


Kristine looked up at the missing moon and pointed at it. "The werewolf race was created and the curse given to the first werewolf [Crescent Werewolf] came from the Queen of the Full Moon. The wolfsbane was a curse given to the werewolves by the Queen. She wanted to deliberately torture the New Moon Werewolf."

"Legend has it that the Full Moon Queen's sister died at the hands of the New Moon Werewolf, so the Full Moon Queen cursed him on the spot. When the full moon comes, he will become the most powerful beast in the world, and his power will make him lose his mind. , and bit every relative around him until he destroyed his own family."

"And people who are bitten by werewolves will know in extreme pain that there is no cure for them before they die."

"This is the Full Moon Queen's hatred for werewolves. The Full Moon Queen wants the original werewolf to feel the pain of bereavement."

"Her curse thus formed the wolf venom unique to werewolves. This wolf venom can be said to have no cure at the same level and is one of the most terrifying poisons in the world. Because the werewolf's power is connected with the full moon, the wolf venom is The essence of poison is the power of the moon.”

Ivita suddenly thought of one thing, that is, the druids once interrupted the connection between the witch and the Dark Night Clan.

It is probably because of this that the Full Moon Queen can no longer control the werewolves.

Christine said: "Originally, the Full Moon Queen had no intention of creating an entire group. She just wanted the original werewolf to kill all her relatives, and then become a loner and live a relatively long time, so the lifespan of a werewolf is usually hundreds of years. "

"However, something happened later that led to the birth of the werewolf race."

"The original werewolf killed all his relatives and was in the most painful and desperate time. He actually found the Black Rose Fairy and made a wish to the fairy so that he would not be lonely forever. So, the fairy gave him the ability to fight through scratches and bites. Create new werewolves and increase your power by forming a pack.”

"Thus, the wolf pack was born."

Christine looked indifferent. "This is the history of werewolves. Werewolves kill their relatives and then form new social groups, replacing human social groups with werewolf social groups."

"Therefore, every newly born werewolf must kill a human. This symbolizes that they have given up all relationships in human society and voluntarily joined the wolf pack."

Ivita suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the werewolves could become the main race of the Dark Night clan because the witch who cursed this race was one of the most powerful witch kings and also received the wolf system given by the black magic master Black Rose Fairy.

Ivita captured the point keenly. "So, there must be werewolves who are unwilling to kill and cannot join any wolf pack?"

Christine nodded. She was surprised by Ivitard's ability to think inferences from one case to another, and quickly discovered the conclusion that the hunters took a long time to draw from experience.

Christine, said: "There are such werewolves."

"Some hunters choose to trust them and then call them companions and even allow them to live in some locations."

Kristine pouted, "Those hunters are so gullible."

"I don't believe that werewolves don't kill people, just like dogs can't forget how to eat meat. Can carnivores really forget to eat meat and remain vegetarians?"

Christine left here.

Ivita lowered her head to look at the injured knight and the group, and could only disperse the water dragon soldiers, and then help them carry the old knight to the doctor in the city.

Wolfsbane is a curse from the Witch King, and it is impossible to cure it.

Ivita was glad that he had not been bitten by the werewolf, and he had already considered whether he should find a way to get some wolf blood from the Alpha wolf and put it in the spiritual mirror space for later use.

There were werewolves in this city, and it was still too dangerous. He should leave the city as soon as possible.

The absolute power of the wolves is not strong, but their wolfsbane has no solution at the same level, which is really disgusting.

If you are not careful, you will be overturned.

It's no wonder that Ambrose's hunters have been targeting the wolves for so many years to make them completely extinct in Ambrose.

Iveta walked through the streets at night, wanting to return to the inn she rented before, where her carriage and groom were still waiting for her.

While Iveta was walking and thinking, he suddenly felt someone behind a commodity shop in the narrow street. When he looked up, he saw a huge bear man standing inside the commodity shop.

Ivita instantly understood the identity of the visitor. He was Maximian.

Ivita said warily: "Mr. Maximian, I remember that you used to do things in a secretive way."

Maximian emerged from the darkness and apologized to Ivita, saying: "I'm sorry, Mr. Ivita. But I'm not here to cause trouble, but to ask for your help."

"I placed my wife in my castle. But after I fought with the red-robed hunter Christine, I found that I was getting more and more excited. I wanted to howl and vent my anger in this way. There seems to be endless power in my body.”

"I even did something terrible."

"I want a powerful and wise wizard to help me."

Maximian said sincerely.

Ivita frowned, feeling weird, and what terrible thing had Maximian done?

He asked: "Why are you looking for me?"

"I have no friends, and you were the only one who chose to help me at the dance." Maximian scratched the bear's head, as if because he was a bear, Iveta realized that this guy actually Very inferior.

Every time this guy talks to himself, he doesn't dare to look at him.

Ivita nodded. "I roughly understand your situation. But Maximian, I can't help you for free. Nothing is free in this world. You have to give before you can get something in return."

Maximian waved his hands repeatedly and said: "Of course I won't let your help go in vain. But I don't have any property, I only have myself..."

"By the way, there's that..."

"Anyway, if you can help me and help me understand my current physical condition, I can help you in the future."

"I think I'm quite useful."

As he spoke, he bent his arms, exposing the muscles of his bear arms.

Iveta wanted to laugh a little. This guy really had the character of a bear. When he was in trouble, he was like a fearless bear.

Now when I beg for myself, I feel like an honest bear with low self-esteem.

How can anyone directly say that they are very useful when asking for help? It is as if I am asking you to recognize me written all over their face.

Ivita thought for a while, it would be good if she could get help from the black bear people.

Christine was thinking about how to fulfill her duties as a hunter and hunt down the Night Clan and the Children of the Forest, while what she wanted to consider was how to form an army to counterattack the Kingdom of Alsace in the future.

The black bear is extremely powerful. It can fight with formal knights and is on par with Christine. The black bear's roar can even make people dizzy. Even Christine is not immune to this ability.

Which means profitable.

Ivita was not in a hurry to sign a treaty with him, because the black bear man himself was also in the development stage.

Ivita is not sure whether this ancestor of the black bear people will have his own army in the future.

Ivita decided to contact him first and let him owe her a favor first.

"So, are you hungry now?" Ivita asked: "Do you want to eat meat? Which meat do you want to eat most, chicken, pork, human meat? Or do you want to eat grass?"

Maximian shook his head in confusion. "Bears don't eat grass."

"I don't want to eat human flesh either. I have no feelings for human flesh, and I have no feelings for chicken and pork. I don't seem to want to eat meat either."

Maximian licked the corners of his mouth. "I want to eat honey."

Ivita felt relieved. It turned out that the staple food of black bear people is honey.

Then rounding things off, isn’t it still a vegetarian?

Werewolves who do not eat meat mean that they are far less threatening and hostile to humans than werewolves.

After all, the witch who cursed Maximian was just the Queen of Hearts, incomparable to the Queen of the Full Moon.

Ivita asked. "By the way, why did the Queen of Hearts curse you?"

Maximian scratched his head and said sheepishly: "Because when I was a teenager, when I met the Queen of Hearts on the street, I said something to the crowd. 'Her head is so big, she is really our queen. ?', this was a child's talk, but she seemed to be very angry, so she cursed me, saying that I would become a black bear that was discriminated against when I became an adult. The sound I made when I was angry was sad and pitiful, Even if you try to attract other people's attention, you will only scare them."

"I will flee in panic from the attacks of the villagers, stay with wild animals all day long, and get angry and hurt people. I will gradually lose my human dignity and cannot be accepted by the crowd. Unless I can meet someone who really likes me for who I am. Girl, otherwise this curse will never go away. But no girl can fall in love with a beast."

Ivita understood. "So after you become a black bear, your roar can make Christine dizzy, because this is the curse of the Queen of Hearts."

A ball of flame appeared in Ivita's hand, and before Maximian could react, it hit the black bear man.

The black bear man was so stimulated that he suddenly became angry and roared suddenly.

The sound spread throughout the dark city, and the wooden doors and windows of nearby buildings were shattered by the huge bear roar.

Iveta covered her ears and faced the terrible sound. She also felt dizzy and couldn't keep up with her movements.

He wanted to raise his hand, but he couldn't.

This phenomenon eased for 3 or 4 seconds before Ivita finally returned to normal.

At that time, the flames on the black bear man's body were also extinguished. He was basically fine, except that the bear's fur was a little burnt.

Maximian looked at Ivita dumbfounded, then at the slightly burnt black hair on his chest, and then apologized to Ivita. "I'm sorry, I just thought you were going to attack me, so I yelled at you."

Iveta waved her hand, "I'm just helping you test your ability. Sure enough, you still have very strong magic resistance. Because the Queen of Hearts cursed you, you will run away in panic amid everyone's attacks. This may make you Improved defense capabilities.”

"And every time you get angry, your power will become stronger. In other words, the key to mastering your transformation lies in whether you can control your anger."

"With the ability to roar, strong defense and strong physical strength, even if you don't have the super self-healing ability of a werewolf, you are still very powerful."

"Okay, you have attracted people's attention. Let's get out of here and go to your castle."

"I'll teach you a few Tai Chi moves to calm you down. Maybe you can return to your human form."

A strange sight of a big black bear doing Tai Chi circles appeared in Ivita's mind.

"But you haven't told me yet what terrible thing you did."

Maximian, the black bear man, quickly followed Ivita. He was grateful to Ivita and said: "I will take you there right away, and you will know what I have done. From today on, you are my brother, Ivita." Your enemy is my enemy. Thank you so much for helping me."

"When people see me, they always call me a monster."

"Except for Jenny, there are very few people who can calmly communicate with me or even pay attention to my heart."

Ivita waved her hands behind her. "As long as you can master how to transform and return to human form, you will soon have a lot of friends. People always like to worship the powerful, and you have the power to make people worship."

The black bear man was stunned for a moment, and then said to Ivita, "But I prefer friends like you who can communicate on an equal footing."

Ivita smiled.

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