The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 195 Ryugu Magic and Chitose Fire are in direct conflict!

When Maximian took Ivita to the wilderness, Ivita finally understood what he meant by doing something terrible.

I saw three black bear men holding bees' nests they dug out from nowhere and eating them. Honey flowed from the corners of their mouths after eating. When Maximian saw the honey in their hands, his stomach growled. When he got up, the saliva in his mouth was flowing down.

He roared angrily, and the three stupid black bears were so frightened that they hurriedly scrambled and the bee nests in their hands fell to the ground.

Maximian got down on all fours, rushed over, picked up a beehive, and began to eat it.

Iveta finally knew what he meant when he said he had done something terrible.

It turned out that Maximian actually transformed three black bears.

Iveta raised her eyebrows, waited for Maximian to finish eating, then pointed at the three black bears and said, "What's going on with them?"

The size of these three black bears is quite different from that of Maximian. Maximian is already considered a little monster in size, but the three newly transformed black bears are only about the same height as an adult man.

Moreover, they are black bear men who are all black, and there are no white streamlined lines unique to Maximian on their limbs.

The three black bears stared at Ivita warily, holding the bee nest tightly in their hands, as if they were afraid that Ivita would snatch the remaining honey from them.

Iveta held her forehead and said somewhat speechlessly: "Do black bear people love honey so much?"

Maximian scratched the back of his head and said angrily: "I used to be a black bear, but ever since I broke the curse of the Queen of Hearts with the kiss of true love, I feel as if I have been changed into a different race. This may be pure. The difference between a cursed monster and the Dark Night Transformers is that now I am a Transformer from the Dark Night clan. Then, I seem to be unable to resist the attraction of honey, and after I eat other foods, they all taste the same."

"So are these bear-men."

Maximian said: "They are homeless people who were in the city before. After the witch in the wolf pack summoned the full moon, I seemed to be affected by the full moon. After Christine left, I first took Jenny back castle."

"Then, when I came out again, it was like I had lost my mind."

"My body that should have been reflected under the full moon expanded again, and then I ate three people. After I regained my senses and normal size, I found that I had vomited these three people out, and they turned into black bears. .”

Iveta raised her eyebrows. It turned out that the dark night race of black bears turned humans into black bears by eating people and then spitting them out.

But wolves still have limitations on conversion efficiency. Can the race of black bears create black bears by eating unlimited people?

Ivita frowned and said: "You may be affected by the full moon, which means that next time the full moon comes, you will lose your mind and transform humans."

Maximian scratched his head. "I can tie myself with chains when the time comes. However, it seems that I can only transform three black bears at most at one time."

"And I just tried it. These guys can't transform black bears by eating people, because they can't get bigger. Before we can transform into humans, it seems that our black bears will expand in size."

"These guys just can't do it."

When Ivita heard this, she immediately understood. It seemed that only the ancestor of the black bear people had the ability to transform black bear people, and each full moon could only transform three humans.

That is to say, a maximum of thirty-six black bears can be transformed in a year.

This speed is still quite slow.

Because the transformed black bears do not have the ability to transform humans, their combat effectiveness does not seem to be strong.

Ivita proposed to conduct a physical test and ability test on the three newborn black bears. After about an hour of tossing, he found that although the physical fitness of the three newly transformed black bears was far superior to that of ordinary humans, it was far lower than that of knights. Attendant.

In addition, these three black bears have no combat experience. I am afraid that one knight attendant can destroy them many times.

And they cannot use the racial skill - Black Bear Roar.

Maximian mentioned this when Ivita was testing the three bears. "I feel like my limbs are a little stronger after this full moon. However, I don't know if this is an illusion."

Ivita was startled when she heard this and looked up at the moon in the sky.

Ivita thought of the curse of the Queen of Hearts and murmured to herself: "Gradual loss of human dignity... This means that your power as a beast will gradually rise and overwhelm your human side. After you pass this full moon, Feeling that your power is rising may not be your hallucination, but reality.”

Ivita said to Maximian: "In my opinion, you black bears will probably increase in strength with each full moon."

"Then that will explain why these three little bears are so weak."

"Because as bear people, they have never experienced too many full moons, but you are different. You have remained in the state of a bear for decades."

"And the Queen of Hearts cursed you to associate with wild beasts. I'm afraid this passage gave you the ability to transform humans into black bears."

Ivita realized that if Maximian lived for hundreds of years, the power he accumulated as the ancestor of the Black Bears would be immeasurable.

Maximian's ears perked up. "Yes."

"I think what you said makes sense. No wonder these three black bears look so weak. I thought my race had always been this weak."

Ivita lowered her head and thought. "I guess that the ancestors of the black bear people should all have the ability to transform black bear people. I am afraid that your descendants in the future will have the power to transform black bear people. I just don't know if the blood left by the humans who are combined with your descendants can. Inherit this ability.”

"Moreover, their conversion efficiency will probably be many times lower than yours."

"But this will have to be verified by time and history."

said Ivita.

Maximian clapped repeatedly, and the big black bear looked a little funny clapping his paws, saying: "It is indeed right to invite you."

"Ivetta, you are so smart."

"Then how can we control our own transformation freely?"

Ivita sighed, "You must control your anger. The strength of you black bear people comes from your anger. If you want to control your transformation freely, you must control your anger freely."

"I'm here to teach you a set of boxing techniques to maintain health."

The bear eyes of the four black bears looked at Ivita, their eyes full of expectation.

Ivita threw a set of punches in front of them, and the four black bears imitated the same pattern. Ivita looked at the four black bears' broad arms that were constantly circling, and suddenly felt a little... Want to laugh.

Of course, this set of boxing techniques has no attack effect. It is just used to help them divert their attention and focus on other things.

In the process of doing Tai Chi, Maximian gradually forgot himself, and then his heart calmed down.

But other black bears are different.

A black bear tried very hard to squat down, but accidentally fell. He subconsciously grabbed the black bear man next to him. As a result, another black bear man also fell. The black bear man also grabbed him before falling. companions, and then all three black bear men fell to the ground.

The three black bears became angry, and the bears howled one after another. They were all angry, and the three black bears actually fought together.

Maximian looked helplessly at the three bears. Instead, he was meditating on the boxing, and actually began to gradually return to his human form.

"Didn't I adopt three sons?" Maximian complained to Ivita.

Seeing that Ivita didn't respond, he turned to look at Ivita, only to see that Ivita's pupils dilated, as if she had seen something terrible.

Yvetta murmured. "This bloody flame is..."

"There is something wrong with the Dragon Palace magic. The Thousand Years Fire is in direct conflict with my Dragon Palace magic."

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