The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 196 Chitose Fire's request for help

Ivetta noticed that the ocean connected to the Dragon Palace magic was being stirred up and down by the flames, and even the candy house mirror and the washbasin in the mirror that she placed in the baron's castle on her territory were constantly shaking. .

Ivita quickly began to examine herself to see what was wrong.

All signs indicate that things seem to be pointing to the Tide Spirit Murloc.

Just as Ivita was about to take a step, she seemed to have left the wilderness in a trance and came to a wasteland full of hard rocks, with a blood-red flame in the center of the wasteland.

Ivita looked at the flame strangely. The flame was bright red, exactly the same color as the Thousand Years Fire that she had seen stolen by the eldest princess of Alsace.

Because he got the fragment of the Crown of Fire, he became more sensitive to flames.

He was keenly aware that although the Chitose Fire in front of him looked like a Chitose Fire, it was not actually the Chitose Fire.

The feelings the two flames gave me were generally similar, but completely different.

The Chitose Fire that I later saw in the Fire Demon was different from this Chitose Fire. This Chitose Fire was very evil and terrifying inside.

In an instant, Ivita saw a head with a bronze mask in the blood-colored Chitose Fire. The head stared directly at her, as if it were a mummy, and then he actually spoke. "help me."

"Save the flames."

"Save Chitose Fire."

Ivita stood between the flames, in a daze, and he only felt that the surrounding scene seemed to have been changed again.

The originally desolate Gobi desert became a tall altar.

And around the altar were countless half-naked people wearing some wood and grass ornaments. These people cheered enthusiastically towards him and began to kneel down one by one.

Iveta was stunned for a moment, and then realized that these people were actually worshiping her.

They worship themselves as gods.

Wait a moment.

They are not worshiping themselves, they are worshiping the flame!

Ivita looked down and found that her attire had changed. She was wearing a huge bronze mask and many necklaces made of animal bones.

In this illusion, he seemed to have become a high-status person in a primitive tribe.

Ivita felt the heat behind her, and when she looked back, she saw the blood-red flames floating behind her out of thin air, and she saw the bronze mask in the flames.

The bronze mask spoke: 'Help, flame! ’

Ivita said: "You are not Chitose Fire, stop pretending."

The bronze mask in the flame said: 'I am indeed not a thousand-year-old fire. ’

‘I am different from Chitose Fire, but my destiny is connected with Chitose Fire. What I want you to save is not me, but the flames of your time. ’

‘The biggest secret of Flame lies in the difference between me and Chitose Fire. ’

Ivita was shocked, and he wanted to ask again. "Then tell me, what is the difference between you and Chitose Fire?"

But the bronze mask in the flame kept replying repeatedly: 'Save the flame. ’

'help me. ’

‘Please save the flames. ’

At the same time, Ivita heard screams one after another under the altar, and saw several huge creatures appearing behind the believers who were kneeling on the ground and worshiping the flame devoutly. Each of them seemed to be made of magma. Ember Man.

They held terrifying lava scythes and chopped off the heads of the primitive people kneeling on the ground one by one.

The strange thing is that these primitive people don't dodge.

Instead, everyone had a fanatical expression on their face.

A voice that did not belong to Ivita actually came from Ivita's body. He announced an order to the primitive people under the altar and the ash man whose body was covered with lava: "People are not enough. People are still not enough. "

"Almost all the children of the forest have been killed. Just relying on the blood of our own tribal kingdom to donate our own people is not enough to maintain the flames."

"We will wage a war of glory, and put the monarch's crown on the flames. We will wage a battlefield against our neighbors, and we must have enough prisoners!"

The people below became enthusiastic.

Ivita was shocked.

The conflict between Ryugu Magic and Chitose Fire seemed to bring him into the reappearance of things that had happened in history.

But now he should hurry up and let Ryugu's magic break the connection with Chitose Fire.

Otherwise, I will never be able to leave this illusion.

The problematic part should be the tidal fishmen.

The wizard at the Witch Cemetery probably used some kind of magic related to the Thousand Years Fire to attack the tidal murlocs, which caused this very rare situation.

Although I don't know what happened to the tidal fishman, I can transfer part of the magic power to the tidal fishman to enhance the power of the tidal fishman and let him break away from this connection.

In reality, Maximian saw that Ivita was unconscious and couldn't wake him up no matter how much he screamed or shook him, so he had no choice but to pick him up and lead the three bear cubs to Maximian's territory.

Although Maximian didn't know what happened to Ivita, he instinctively wanted to take Ivita to a safe place.

Then, think of a solution.

Maximian said to the three little bears: "Mr. Ivita is my brother. From now on, when you see him, you must obey his orders! Do you understand?"

The three little bears were a little reluctant.

But Maximian roared angrily, and the three bears immediately lowered their heads in fear and said that they would obey this order.

Maximian then remembered that werewolves and werewolves were different.

Werewolves are creatures that need to rely on wolves to have the courage to live, while werewolves are all lone bears.

These bearmen are now equivalent to bearman cubs, so they can still listen to his orders for the time being, but as long as some time passes, they may no longer listen to his orders.

Not long after the four bears and one person left the place, Christine appeared in this wasteland.

The girl also brought ten apprentice hunters wearing fox fur shawls and wolf fur coats.

Christine lowered her head to examine the grass. She found that someone had made a fire here, and she also found bear footprints and fragments of honey nests left on the ground.

Christine said: "Damn Maximian, he has indeed begun to transform the bear-man."

"There are still traces of magic here, Ivita, you still made the wrong choice."

"Everyone, we must take advantage of this last opportunity to kill Maximian."

"Success or failure depends on tonight."

A trainee hunter asked strangely: "Miss Christine, why is this our last chance?"

"Because it is very likely that Hunter Jungle will choose to protect Maximian." Christine said: "Hunter Jungle has been serving the cities of Ambrose. I heard that Maximian's father-in-law is replacing Maximian with Those master hunters of the jungle negotiate.”

"As long as the negotiations are successful, we may only be able to tolerate the presence of black bears in Ambrose in the future. What's disgusting is that some master hunters think that black bears are not more dangerous than werewolves, and they actually want to use the power of black bears to defend Mar. Erlina City.”

After hearing this, the hunters looked very ugly.

Generally, professional hunters are born among civilians and have been harmed by non-human creatures. In the pursuit of revenge, they obtained the power of the hunter's small sword.

They are all professionals who hate inhuman creatures.

They cannot allow hunters in the jungle. Just for political reasons, they ignore the wishes of grassroots hunters and compromise with the branches of the Dark Night Clan.

Christine said to everyone: "Let the hounds go, we will chase them."

Among the ten trainee hunters, five were leading black-backed wolfhounds.

This is the hunter's pet ability. The hunter can choose some animals as his companions and share his abilities with the hunter's animal companions.

Five big black-backed dogs immediately sniffed the scent and led the hunters to chase the black bear man.

Christine said: "Take two dogs, go ahead, go to the route they are going to pass, and set the hunter's trap there."

In the dark night, Christine looked up at the sky strangely and found that it was raining lightly.

Rain may wash away the scent left behind by the bears.

This made Christine frown.

In the woods near the town of Kapa, ​​the tidal murloc was actually grabbed by the neck by the Ash Man with his left hand, and then lifted up. The Ash Man's right hand also reached into the left chest of the tidal murloc, and went straight into the vortex. among.

Hugo Russo took Frankski and another bald wizard elder and laughed. "I knew that the Ember Man was the nemesis of this monster."


"This fish-man is really difficult to deal with. I destroyed him many times and he was able to be resurrected through the whirlpool connected to a body of water. But this time I asked the Ash Man to attack the whirlpool, and as expected, the fish-man monster appeared. Problem."

"In this case, we should choose to seal this fish-man monster."

"Elders, what do you think?"

Frankski's expression remained unchanged and said: "I am happy to do this."

The same goes for another bald wizard.

Hugo Russo said: "Okay, Croak, you did a good job. Stand down and let us seal this fish man."

Croaker didn't move.

Hugo Russo became confused, and then said sharply: "Ashen Man, stand down!"

Under his strong command, the Ember Man who had been cursed by him made a painful sound. He tried hard to move back, but his hands could no longer be separated from the Tide Murloc's body.

His lava hands were tightly connected to the vortex in the tidal fishman's body, as if there was some kind of resonance.

Hu Ge looked ugly. "What kind of whirlpool is that!"

Frankski raised his brows and suddenly thought of one thing. Ivita was the igniter. Perhaps it was the flame that remained five hundred meters deep under the cemetery. It resonated with the igniter. She was trying to tell the igniter something. thing.

She glanced at the furious Hu Ge. She could have told him the truth, but she said nothing.

Hu Ge stretched out his hand and grabbed the sky. The place where he grabbed it suddenly became somewhat dislocated, and a gray javelin appeared in his left hand. "Okay, since the vortex makes it impossible for my Ember Man to be separated, then I will do it myself."

He explained to the two elders: "This is the magic I recently developed [Javelin of Distortion], which obtains equal magical power by distorting a part of the space."

"The power accumulated by this javelin is enough to destroy that fish-man. As long as I use the Ash Man to restrain the vortex in the fish-man's body so that he can no longer recover, the fish-man can be easily killed by me. "

Frankski looked at him doubtfully, sensing something was wrong, and tried to test it out: "Wait a minute. Mr. Hugo, twisted magic is not part of the devil's power. Why do you have twisted magic?"

Another bald elder also looked at Hu Ge in confusion, wanting the leader to give an answer.

Hu Ge nodded casually, "Well, there's nothing surprising about this. I created my own magic through my painstaking research and reading of classics."

He threw the [Twisted Javelin] at the Ashes and Tidal Murlocs. This slender javelin was obviously still at least dozens of meters away from the Tidal Murlocs, but in less than a tenth of a second, Within a short period of time, he ignored the distance and instantly arrived in front of the confrontation between the Tide Fishman and the Ash Man.

Hugo couldn't wait to see the death of the monster that hunted the cemetery wizard.

As for whether the Ash Man will be affected by his magic, that has nothing to do with him.

The bald elder and Frankska also knew that this twisting magic that was unexpected by them was very powerful. The great wizard was already very powerful. In addition, the great wizard used twisting magic, so the strength of this magic was probably even higher than that of even high-level witches. Nothing can be done.

Twisted magic is one of the most powerful of all magic categories.

Its power comes from prejudice and double standards, and it is an evil magic that only demons can master.

Frankski looked at Hugo and began to doubt Hugo's bloodline.

But if he is not human, how can the Witch Cemetery accept him as its leader?

Moreover, if Hu Ge has something to do with the devil, then during the rebellion decades ago, Hu Ge used himself to help him rise to power. Wouldn't that have been planned long ago?

Only then did Frankska realize that the crisis in the cemetery was far more than he thought.

Hu Ge sneered and ordered the two elders. "After destroying the fish-man monster, we will trace his owner through the remains of his body together. Even if the monster turns into water, it will be fine."

"We can extract water from the soil in the land. I want to find out who deliberately placed this monster next to our cemetery and caused so many of us to die. I want his life to be worse..."

Hu Ge noticed something was wrong and looked up.

The two elders and Hu Ge were horrified to see at the same time that the terrifying twisted javelin approached the Tidal Murloc and the Ash Man. The vortex in the Tidal Murloc's chest suddenly grew larger and swallowed the javelin directly.

Hu Ge opened his mouth wide. "ah???"

"Water magic shouldn't be able to resist twisting magic!"

"No, the reason why the connection between them cannot be untied is that there is some resonance."

Hu Ge's face darkened. Through this phenomenon, he discovered the culprit who released this monster.

"It's the igniter."

"The Thousand Years Fire is resonating with the magic power of the master behind the monster through the ash magic. The flame wants to tell the secret to its igniter."

"I will never allow this to happen."

In the strange eyes of the elders, he was furious, as if if this happened, it would infringe on his interests.

In Maximian's castle, Ivita found that her attempt to leave the illusion had failed, and that she had entered a new illusion.

This time he became a king sitting on a high throne, watching a large number of troops escorting men, women and children to the sacrificial platform.

Ivita found that the blood-red flame in the center of the altar no longer seemed so evil.

By the way, the flame I saw at Princess Alsace's side was most similar to this one.

The one I saw before was too evil. It felt like a white ghost wearing a bronze mask, staring straight at you.

Although this thousand-year-old fire is still bright red in color, it is not that evil, just full of cruelty and blood.

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