The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 197 The universal laws of ancient civilizations

Before Ivita could react, a man in gold and silver suddenly spoke to himself, "Great Mortal King, this is the second batch of slaves this month, with a total of more than 5,000 people. Let us take these slaves." Human flesh and blood are thrown into the thousand-year-old fire.”

"Slaves are worthless, you and we are the main subjects of our country."

Ivita looked down at the more than five thousand slaves with no clothes on their upper bodies, many of whom were young boys and girls. They didn't have much time to survive in this world, but now they were going to die.

Ivita couldn't help but resist. He hated this method of human sacrifice. These slaves had parents, wives and children. They were humans, not animals.

If a person can sacrifice these people as if they were animals, then the more serious problem is that he will not have the slightest respect for the weak.

People who are weaker than him are unimportant people in his eyes.

this is not right.

For civilization, it is indeed those 1% who are promoting social progress and allowing civilization to enter the next stage.

But ordinary people are the cornerstone of this society and the basis for this society to effectively implement the 1% idea.

They are the main body of this society and the most important part.

It is the most foolish thing to ignore the value and power of ordinary people.

Ivita sat on the throne, watching the slaves being forcibly pushed into the bloody pit of Thousand Years Fire under the slave master's army, and his heart was filled with anger.

When he saw that the nearest twin siblings were about to be pushed into the fire pit, Ivita's will resisted this behavior.

He stared at the blood-red flames in the fire pit, as if he saw an evil bronze mask staring at him with extremely strange and evil eyes.

"Stop it, this is just a historical illusion."

"Besides, the flame needs a pyre to continue burning. It is the slave owners who dominate these slaves, and history will only record the actions of these slave owners. Only the literary works and war deeds of the slave owners are qualified to be left behind. These people are Slaves of useless people, their role can only be to become firewood for the Chitose Fire. In this era, slaves have only this purpose."

"Ordinary people can realize their value by serving as firewood to the real heroes who dominate the world."

Iveta could bear no more hearing this.

The feeling that this guy who dominates the illusion gives me means that he is definitely not Chitose Fire.

Iveta no longer wants to be forced to watch the other party manipulate her illusions, forced to watch these messy things.

Looking at the slaves being pushed into the fire pit one by one, Ivita stood up angrily and yelled at the sky. "How dare you manipulate my will to watch such things with you."

"You are not Chitose Fire!"

"Ordinary people make up society. Some of them are just hatters, some are just tailors, some are lawyers, and some are shoe shiners who shine people's shoes. But it is the ordinaryness of these ordinary people that forms the foundation of civilization. "

"If every tailor stopped being a tailor and wanted to be a consul, then people would have nothing to wear."

"If every repairman wants to become a big shot, then no one in this civilization will be willing to do work that serves others."

"What I want to tell you is, please respect the virtue of being ordinary!"

As Ivita finished speaking, the bronze mask in the flames laughed.

"You can really see the truth in history."

"But have you forgotten? The Chitose Fire is equivalent to a point in all time and space. In other words, this place can be an illusion, but it can also be a real history."

Then, the mask disappeared in the flames.

Ivita was stunned for a moment, and then saw the general next to him, looking at Ivita with doubts on his face.

The general said: "My king, what were you talking about just now?"

"You're not protecting these slaves, are you?"

"Ivan cannot understand you, but if this is your order, I will order the soldiers to stop."

Ivita nodded and wanted to speak again, but he found that the surrounding environment had changed again. He found that he was still sitting in the highest position, but at that time it was no longer an altar, but a vast arena. .

The drums were beating loudly in the arena. In the arena, which seemed to accommodate tens of thousands of spectators, a battle between gladiator slaves and gladiator slaves was going on.

Ivita looked down and found that on the stone tile floor in the center of the arena, two powerful humans who exuded a terrifying energy were fighting.

here it is……

No way……

Ivita suddenly thought that Ambrose had been the capital of the ancient civilization for a period of time.

This wouldn't be... the history of an ancient civilization, right?

Ivita felt that among the tens of thousands of spectators, there were many terrifying warriors who made her feel terrified. The characters in this historical scene were completely different from the previous ones.

It was as if I had entered a world of another dimension.

The gladiator slave in the arena roared loudly, causing the sun in the sky to fall towards the arena. The blazing flames attacked the opponent, but the opponent was not to be outdone. His body turned into a huge mountain, fighting against the flames of the sun. contend.

Iveta was completely speechless.

What's going on?

Wait a minute, if this is the arena of an ancient civilization, then could my identity be...

'Ivita' suddenly spoke to a person next to her who was wearing silk and wearing a golden armband. "Kantantine, these two slaves you trained are barely capable, but they just make me boring."

Constantine immediately flattered 'Ivita' and said: "Xiao, one of these two people is the son of the Sun God, and the other is the son of the Astra giant. They are already relatively powerful divine-blood warriors. We destroyed Their country put chains around their necks, and then captured them, letting them fight in the gladiatorial arena, becoming our entertainment tools, and sacrificing their blood to the Chitose Fire."

'Ivetta' sighed. "boring boring."

"It's still too boring."

"A fight between these two weaklings would not please me at all, and it would not please Chitose Fire either."

"What a waste to open the universal law: the law to these two men."

Constantine pleadingly said to 'Ivita', "Xiao, great conqueror, you must read it. According to the rules of gladiators, they can redeem themselves with money, or they can buy their freedom by serving you. .”

"They were debt slaves, not ordinary slaves."

While the two of them were talking, Iveta tried to observe the surroundings. He saw the Chitose Fire in a huge metal cup at the top of the arena. The flame was burning brightly and was orange. It didn't feel evil, but just Violent and arrogant, full of a natural and wild feeling.

Ivita thought to herself: "The color of this thousand-year-old fire has changed."


"But this Chitose Fire is not the Chitose Fire that I know and am familiar with."

The bronze mask appeared again in the fire. "The truth is in the Witch Cemetery. Let you see that this is the limit. The previous igniters could not persist here, and they would be assimilated by the illusion and stay in that history forever. But you can come here , In fact, I can’t hold it anymore now.”

"Go to the cemetery and dig out the secrets there. The most important secret of Chitose Fire is buried there."

Ivita frowned.

The other party is definitely not Chitose Fire, nor is he the Three Witches of the East. Who is he that can represent Chitose Fire?

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