The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 230 New firewood that ignites the flame. Druid’s natural transformation of the world

Ivita was troubled.

Because the devil who called himself [us], or rather, the woman he saw among the ancestors in the cemetery who smiled at him and signaled him to go to a certain place, had been following him, but he was unable to discover her existence.

After leaving this cave cemetery, I should go to the church.

The bronze mask said: "Now, I have told you everything. But I am just a shadow of Chitose Fire. There is nothing I can do. Only you living people can promote the development of the times and the changes in history."

"What kind of thing should be used to ignite the Thousand Years Fire now? What nature will it turn into? How should you make the people in Ambrose believe you? These are all your business, not mine. But I can tell you, A generation of fire starters chose to cooperate with King Mortal.”

The Hearthstone Witch reminded it: "The results of the cooperation between the previous generation of Igniters and the Mortal King were not good enough!"

Ivita noticed the teasing tone of the bronze mask.

No matter what identity this guy is, he is actually very evil.

The bronze mask laughed coldly. "It will indeed not be good. No one in power can tolerate Chitose Fire loving someone so much."

"This will make King Fan feel that he is an outsider and a superfluous person."

"But with all due respect, I am the collective consciousness of every person who has voluntarily sacrificed. Their experience tells me that one person's fate is insignificant in the face of the fate of the times and human civilization."

"Sacrifice one person to fulfill the interests of all mankind. Sacrifice one person's interests to fulfill the interests of the collective. What's wrong with that?"

Ivita frowned and said, "Of course it's not good. Because many people will regard the interests of the leader as the interests of the collective."

“Only a collective that respects everyone and values ​​everyone’s interests can truly distinguish the difference between the interests of the leader and the interests of the collective.”

"Ahaha..." Bronze Mask laughed, "Well said."

He stood up from the stone chair and suddenly said in a sinister manner: "Iveta, I have a question for you. How many troops are needed to destroy me?"

Ivita looked at him with a strange expression. "We shouldn't be enemies, right?"

"Not yet." The bronze mask said, "But if there is flame, there will be shadow, and if there is tragic sacrifice, there will be evil desire."

"Civilization also needs to pay for its sins."

"I said that I am the collective consciousness of every sacrifice to the Chitose Fire, but that may not be accurate."

"You can think that I am the sin of Thousand Years Fire and the sin of you Ambrose humans. Your sins have been accumulated for more than 2,600 years. You have sacrificed your lives one by one, but these sacrifices are not free of charge. . When we are willing to sacrifice for human civilization, this evil is accumulating."

"Until now, the Ambrose people must pay for their past."

"Today you are the last fire starter I serve. From now on, I have nothing to do with Chitose Fire."

"When I am free, I will go to the ocean, because that is the best place to absorb evil. There is no church there, no hunter group, and it is the domain of the Yellow and Black Queen and the Lord of Nightmares. Ivita, we will meet again Come on, let me tell you how many troops it takes to destroy me now - a legion of a thousand ordinary soldiers and a hundred knights."

"In other words, you are no match for me, and neither are you, nor is the current God Pan."

"But this is just me who is still bound by the Chitose Fire. I will get stronger soon."

A crack appeared on the bronze mask, and then a line of cyan mist suddenly appeared, floating upward into the sky.

Ivita was slightly shocked by the sudden change of attitude of the bronze mask, but this was considered normal.

The difference between the Chitose Fire now and the Chitose Fire back then is really huge.

And if the mask that remains in Chitose Fire takes the initiative to separate from Chitose Fire, it will be exactly to Chitose Fire's benefit.

The reason why the other party can suddenly get rid of the Chitose Fire may not be because the Chitose Fire is actively getting rid of it.

Ivita said to it: "This is your freedom, Shadow of Fire. But please remember that human civilization is unstoppable. If you try to stand in front of human civilization, you will only be completely crushed. .But this has nothing to do with me.”

"Ah ha ha ha..." The green smoke that came out of the bronze mask went out along the gaps in the cave, and then disappeared, leaving only the bronze mask that lost its power and turned into an ordinary mask.

The bronze mask cracked into two pieces and fell to the ground, breaking into more than a dozen pieces. Vampire Wilson also fell to the ground and fainted.

After the bronze mask shattered, a flame similar to an ordinary flame appeared on the stone chair. The flame looked swaying and was in danger of going out at any time.

Ivita saw this scene and said, "Why does it want to go to the ocean so much?"

The Hearthstone Witch said: "Probably because the ocean is actually another kind of desert. Because there are only some islands, the laws there are very sparse, there are not many resources, and not many people will pay attention to it. There. But many people who broke the law on the mainland had to flee there."

The Hearthstone Witch smiled and said: "Your Majesty, there is no such thing as a holy mountain desert on the sea. The source of people there is very confusing, so many evil things will fish in the troubled waters there. Especially pirates, although Marco Anson, the Lord of the Seven Seas, The pirates have been unified in form, but the pirate republic is more like a pirate world than a republic. Many cultists, heretics, heretics, witches and wizards with too evil reputations, druids, murderers, smugglers, all kinds of Criminals, evil creatures like hair monsters are mixed in."

"If hell is the garbage dump of all worlds, then the pirate world is the garbage dump of all nations."

The Hearthstone Witch sighed. "Marco Anson turned a group of rabble into a country. Although the pirates only have one law of the Seven Seas Code, because of this law, the pirates at least have a country in name. The church is limited by canon law and cannot Declaration of war against a legitimate nation that believes in the God of all things.”

She looked at the vampire Wilson who was unconscious on the ground and tried to wake him up.

Ivita looked at the Hearthstone Witch who was trying to wake up Wilson and said: "The flames on the stone chair should be used to test the firewood we need for the current Chitose Fire."

"Do you have any good ideas?"

The Hearthstone Witch looked at Yvetta, then pulled off a button on her robe and threw it into the flames.

The flames immediately swallowed up the black button, but the next moment, the flames suddenly rose sharply and spit out the button.

The Hearthstone Witch said: "It doesn't seem to be a button, Your Majesty. How about we throw Wilson in and try, maybe the immortal power in his body can just help the Chitose Fire?"

This was originally said half-jokingly.

But the Hearthstone Witch was inspired. She looked at Wilson in a coma and had the idea to try it.

Ivita thought. "The firewood required for the Chitose Fire of every era is the main product of that era."

"The bodies of slaves and captives, the blood of debt slaves, the souls of serfs return to their hometown..."

"But every time the Thousand Years Fire needs something, it will be farther away from human sacrifice. This shows that Ambrose's human society is becoming more and more civilized, and civilization is submerging the barbaric world."

"Then if we were in a world of free trade and capital, what firewood would the Chitose Fire need?"

Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch looked at each other, and the answer was not difficult to guess.

Because it is obvious that in the capital world of free trade, power is no longer the most important thing, the most important thing has become money.

Ivita took two shillings and a penny from her pocket.

He hesitated, finally selected the cheapest coin, and then threw it into the flames.

Suddenly, the flame... remained unchanged.

Hearthstone Witch said: "Did it fail? No..."

Ivita nodded, "The flames didn't spit out the coins I threw in, um, that's right."

"We have found the fuel for the Chitose Fire of this era, which is money."

"It's just that the 1p just now was too little, so it didn't cause much change in the flames. We still need to throw in more money."

The two groped around their bodies, as well as the wallet Wilson was carrying, and finally found a total of about one gold pound.

They threw all the money into the flames, and the flames suddenly rose sharply. The original normal flame color turned into a flame that was half golden and half the color of normal flames.

Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch carefully felt the power of the fire.

The Hearthstone Witch said: "With this increase in power, if you want this flame to turn into a mature flame, according to the most optimistic estimate, you will need at least 40,000 to 50,000 gold pounds."

"Your Majesty, even if you sell your current territory, you won't be able to raise this amount of money."

Ivita rolled her eyes at the number. "How can I pay for this?"

"This money needs to be paid by the taxes of all Ambrose people."

The Hearthstone Witch said: "Ambrose no longer has a central government."

"Moreover, even if you tell them what you know now, it is estimated that no one will donate money. They are only focused on fighting the war now."

"I will not pay for this myself." Ivita said with great determination: "This is the principle of my life."

Iveta held up the flame on the stone chair and closed her right eye. The sea of ​​fire on the retina of her left eye suddenly created a suction force, sucking in the partially golden Chitose Fire flame, so that the flame could be temporarily kept. "I will find a way to write to Ambrose City Council and Viscount Winchester."

"I will also ask people to go to them with evidence and ask them to stop the war and focus on the Chitose Fire first. But if it doesn't succeed, then I can only find another way."

"Try to cooperate with them first. If we can't cooperate, then I can only..."

Iveta paused and did not continue. If he could not cooperate, he would have to take over the land personally for the sake of Ambrose's eight million people as a last resort.

but not now.

Our own military strength is not enough now.

If you think about it carefully, if you want to go to war with the Kingdom of Alsace, you really need a vast land as your rear.

Now Ivita is in a state between not taking over Ambrose and wanting to take over Ambrose.

If everything goes smoothly, there is no need for him to take over Ambrose, but if things don't go well, it only means that God has to take over this land and its eight million people.

Ivita thought about it, but no matter what, she still had to improve her strength first.

To take over Ambrose with the current strength and influence is undoubtedly a snake swallowing the elephant, which will only harm others and himself.

But if you become stronger, such as getting another viscounty, or even taking the opportunity to seize that viscounty and expand that territory to the earldom, then you will bring a new order to Ambrose and stay away from him. Of war.

Yvetta murmured. "The Republic of Belisarius..."

The country has created friction with the pirate world, and may be able to help itself in the future.

By the way, the [National Bank], the highest administrative agency of the Republic of Belisarius, had lent me seven thousand gold pounds before. It seemed that I could borrow money from their National Bank again.

The corpse pool in front suddenly made a sound, and God Pan walked out of it, with a powerful force wrapped around his body.

At the same time, a white-silver flame flew out from the corpse pool, passed through the rock wall, and rushed high into the sky.

Pan also jumped up suddenly, broke through the rock wall, and rushed out directly. Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch quickly followed with Wilson.

Ivita came to this temple and not only figured out the biggest secret of the Chitose Fire, she also got a map of the [Container] from the ancient world.

At this moment, the two of them followed the hole opened by Pan Shen and returned to the ground. However, at the first moment, they felt the sun was extremely dazzling.

Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch looked up and found that two suns actually appeared in the sky.

That's why the sun is so dazzling.

Iveta saw a dazzling fireball next to the original sun. The fireball flickered on and off, but it was actually very much like a tunnel. It was just that the flames erupted in the tunnel were sometimes strong and sometimes weak. It looked like this fireball. The darkness is uncertain.

The Hearthstone Witch said to Ivita: "Your Highness, that is... that... I feel that it is not the celestial sphere in the small world like the cemetery. What Pan took out from the temple... I am afraid it is a Something like a real sun. I’m afraid the whole world has seen this scene.”

Standing under the sunlight of the two suns, God Pan raised his hands and said with a fanatical attitude that Ivita had never seen before: "The crown of the fire elemental plane belonging to the druid has been taken out."

Then, the sky suddenly became dark, and a blue circular tunnel entrance appeared around the two suns.

It looks like there is a big blue water ball in the sky.

Above the sky, three spheres stand side by side.

Pan Shen was surprised and happy. "The water elemental plane belonging to the druids has also been opened."

"Only the wind elemental plane and the earth elemental plane have not yet been opened. As long as they are opened, we will have the crowns of the four kingdoms again, and we can still fight with other countries. Our plan to recreate nature can be restarted. "

Pan Shen's figure gradually faded, and he actually disappeared directly from where he was.

Ivita blinked, not knowing what Pan's so-called plan to recreate nature was, but he knew that what made the druids truly boycotted and hated by everyone was definitely not simple human experimentation.

These guys, don't they want to set the experimental target on nature?

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