The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 231 Recruiting the Army and Writing Letters

After Pan disappeared, two more spheres appeared in the sky and disappeared. However, Ivita felt that when there were three spheres juxtaposed in the sky, the water attribute energy and fire attribute energy in the entire air were constantly flowing. Become more.

Only after the two spheres in the sky disappeared, the extra energy in the air returned to its original level.

"God Pan said before that this is the reopening of the water elemental plane." Ivita murmured to herself, looking at the sun in the sky, and said: "So now it is closed again. Each elemental plane is equivalent to a kingdom. , once the druids gather the four planes, their power will be extraordinary."

It turns out that this is what Pan Shen wants.

Wilson woke up, touched his head, and felt as if his whole head had exploded. He covered his head and said, "It hurts."

"what happened……"

Yvetta and the Hearthstone Witch looked at him.

Ivita shook her head, "It's nothing, it's just that we have to return to my territory."

Before they left, they found that the holes in the cave tomb that Pan had knocked out had also been restored and were buried automatically.

Before leaving the cemetery, Ivita told Milani alone the truth about the Chitose Fire.

Milani was undoubtedly in a very excited mood at that time, and she even began to feel guilty that her belief was not strong enough.

Ivita continued to ask her to pay attention to things about natural magic for her. Milani regretfully told herself that the cemetery did not have such magic at all, but the cemetery was the largest witch society in Ambrose, and they still had very powerful powers. Networked.

Therefore, Ivita asked Milani to continue to keep an eye on her, and even asked some other witches who were connected to the cemetery.

Two and a half days later, Ivita took the Hearthstone Witch, Davina and Wilson back to her territory again. At this time, the four villages directly under her territory had been basically completely rebuilt, with green bricks and red tiles. The village is impressive.

There are two castles standing on the side of the same mountain.

One is the castle of Baron Moreau, and the other is the castle of the count that Puss brought from the Kingdom of Alsace.

The count's castle was already beginning to come into full use.

Just next to the count's castle are the fifty blast furnaces in the Ivita territory. There are also 300 blacksmiths and more than 400 apprentices living there, bringing wealth and positions to the territory. That was already the core of the territory.

When Iveta first came back, Tartax was in the study on the second floor and told Iveta that the iron foundry had brought profits of more than 1,500 gold pounds to the territory every month, which was already a huge profit. .

The cast iron produced in his domain had become popular among Ambrose.

The city faction and Viscount Winchester even sent people to the territory several times to ask if they could only provide them with high-quality cast iron.

However, due to Iveta's neutral strategy, Tartax, Rayleigh, Butler, Black Wolf, Griffin Knight and others in the territory declined them and kept both sides passing through Palvega, selling to both parties. .

In the study, Tartax said: "The people in Ambrose's city council even said that they can add honorary titles to you - such as titles of noble. As long as we give them the cast iron first."

Ivita sneered: "It's a waste of money. I don't want to be in Ambrose's political circle. Why do I want such an honorary title?"

Tartax hesitated and said, "What about Viscount Winchester's promise? He said that after he inherits the position of Grand Viscount, he will upgrade your territory to a viscounty."

Ivita knew that in Ambrose, according to normal procedures, the title of a territory could not be upgraded. Generally, the title of a territory was upgraded for special reasons.

But Ivita still shook her head and sighed. "The city council is treating me with nothing, and Viscount Winchester is treating me like a pie that I cannot eat."

"They are all experts at painting and telling stories. But I know that the best way to make money and develop is to remain neutral."

"As long as I remain neutral, both sides will want to win over me, or at least ensure that I remain neutral and not favor the other side. They will not actively attack me to suppress potential dangers."

Tartax was convinced. "We are on the border anyway, and their wars seldom involve us."

"It's hard for our people to live and work in peace and contentment. It would be a pity if we were easily dragged into war again."

"By the way, Lady Ivita. The price of grain in Ambrose has tripled recently, did you know?"

Ivita nodded, he had already guessed this would happen.

Because soon, famine will come.

But I am afraid that even if famine occurs, the war will not stop.

Ivita began writing letters to important people in Ambrose to explain why the Chitose Fire was now extinguished.

Tartax said: "Lord Ivita, there was a rat plague in Ambrose City. The Ambrose City Council believed that people from the Viscount Winchester's side introduced the plague to Ambrose City. So the city council hired the Little Lutheran Brotherhood to almost assassinate the wives of more than half of the barons in the Baronial Alliance of Viscount Winchester in retaliation."

"I know." Ivita gave the two letters to Tartax. "Help me give these letters to Rayleigh and Black Wolf. I want them to hand the letters to Viscount Winchester and Anbu respectively." The Speaker of the Ross City Council asked them to set off immediately. All travel expenses will be reimbursed by the territory. Each of them can receive twenty gold pounds as travel expenses. This is the work of an envoy, so we cannot save money, lest some people feel contempt for us. It delayed work."

These two letters clearly stated the secrets that Ivita had obtained in the cave cemetery, and required both parties to pay at least 30,000 gold pounds to relight the Chitose Fire. They also included some fragments of murals that he had brought out from the cave cemetery. To prove.

But Ivita actually has no confidence in the role of these two letters and the two messengers.

Because there is obviously too much hatred between the two sides.

At this point, the city council and Viscount Winchester were simply incompatible.

The daughter of Viscount Winchester and the wives of the barons died in a murder committed by the city council, but they were not unjust, because before that, they had massacred many towns and even cities, and even instigated rebellion. Three large cities with a population of more than 100,000.

Ivita is already prepared in her heart. She can leave Ambrose first, go to Cross Island to recruit more troops, and then return to Ambrose to take charge of the overall situation.

But I'm afraid that the power of the pirate world's territory alone is not enough. Iveta tapped her forehead with the end of the pen and calculated each step.

Maybe if you go to the pirate world yourself, you can get more claims to territories in other places.

Tartax said to Ivita: "My lord, you told me before that you were ready to go to sea. So I have started recruiting ships, sailors, carpenters and doctors for you in advance."

"But more importantly, the territory expansion militia you asked me to recruit previously required me to recruit two hundred healthy adult males, and I have already recruited them."

"Even during this time, we recruited two wandering trainee hunters, a ranger, four warriors, and two knights."

"These people are waiting. You summon them. They may be the troops you carry when you go to sea. Cross Island is too chaotic, so you always have to bring some troops there."

When Ivita heard the word knight, she suddenly looked up at him. "Knights? How can I attract knights with such a small salary?"

"Or two?"

"Are you sure the other party is not a spy?"

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