The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 24 Is the devil deceiving people? ?

After observing Ivita's spell in the carriage, the old witch fell into doubts. ‘The power and duration of the spell are ordinary. ’

'If the idiot at the door had a stronger mind, even the charm spell might not be successful. ’

‘Although the magic item can be used successfully for the first time, this is considered outstanding among ordinary wizard apprentices. ’

‘But this is Your Majesty. ’

‘Is it because the devil deliberately held back? ’

The old witch glanced furtively at Ivita. ‘There will definitely be more secrets in the magic awakening ceremony using six gods’ names. I will continue to observe it. ’

‘Throughout the history of magic I’ve read, no one has ever used six divine names to borrow power. ’

‘I’m also curious about what will happen. ’

After entering the town of Cali, Ivita sat on the carriage and saw that the buildings in the town were all mixed structures of wood and stone, and even saw something familiar to him - streets.

This is the first time Iveta has been seen in this world, part of urban life.

It's just that the streets here are narrower.

The width of the street was barely enough for a carriage to pass.

Because on both sides of the inherently narrow street, there are shops and stalls set up downstairs.

Most of the people living in towns are workers and small businessmen, so the houses here are equivalent to commercial houses with storefronts.

In order to allow more residents living in the town to use their front and back yards to sell goods, the width of the streets was simply sacrificed to give everyone as much space as possible to set up stalls.

Along the way, there are cloth shops, cobbler shops, crop markets, snacks, and people selling farm tools.

These products are generally produced in houses.

In other words, the town itself plays an important role as a market center and a concentration of workshops in nearby villages.

Before passing a small stall selling mince pies, Iveta asked Alicia to stop the carriage, and he bought a pie as big as a cake for 2p.

Reilly said: "Hey, master, this meat pie can already buy ten pieces of black bread."

"If you want to eat it, Black Wolf and I can actually help you hunt a hare in the mountains and sprinkle some salt on it. It will be much more delicious than this meat pie."

He was a little sore.

Lei Li is usually quite frugal.

Generally speaking, he only eats about 1 penny per meal.

That's why he was able to save so many gold pounds.

Ivita said to Reilly: "Don't feel bad, I just want to celebrate the first step of our grand plan to restore the country."

"Reilly, just think of this piece of pie as a gift from the town's auditor."

Reilly narrowed his eyes and smiled when he thought of the twelve shillings and eightpence.

Yes, there were 12 shillings and 8 pence given by the official. Now they spend the money as if it is not their own money.

Anyway, it’s great.

Ivita stepped out of the carriage.

Rayleigh followed with his sword in hand. "Master, you are still among the targets of the Little Lutheran Brotherhood. Please stay vigilant."

Ivita nodded to him, and then said to the owner of the meat pie shop: "Can you lend me that knife for a while?"

As soon as the owner of the meat pie shop saw that Ivita's right hand was filled with luxurious and embarrassing jewelry, he immediately handed the knife to Ivita.

Unlike the serfs in the manor and the drunken drunkards, the citizens in the town seemed smart and capable.

This is the benefit of free people working for themselves.

If work becomes a public obligation without reward, then it will become like the serfs on the manor, muddle along and have no motivation to work.

Iveta held the knife and cut the meat pie three times, dividing it into six pieces.

He gave the first piece of meat pie to the black wolf, because the black wolf was the first to follow him all the way.

He gave the second pie to the old witch, and the third to Rayleigh.

Then he ate one piece for himself, stepped out of the carriage, and gave the remaining two pieces to Alicia and her child.

Alicia took the piece of meat pie somewhat flattered. "Thank you, my lord."

"The God of all things will definitely reward your generosity and kindness, so that all your plans can be completed smoothly. But my children and I only need to eat one piece. If there is more, then..."

Iveta ignored her and gave a piece of meat pie to the child hiding behind her. "Alicia, don't refuse the Lord's kindness."

"Whatever I say is what you say. This is your obligation to me."

The child timidly took the meat pie. "Thank"

Alicia quickly grabbed his shoulders and said in a low voice with some anger: "You want to say "sir" and the honorific title!"

After Ivita returned the knife to the owner of the meat pie stall, she turned to the people on the carriage and said: "Everyone, we have just entered a town in the Viscount Ambrose country, and we can only share one piece of meat pie. "

"But I believe that when we leave Viscount Ambrose, we can already share the wealth of a territory."

Black Wolf and Rayleigh smiled knowingly, while Alicia felt warm in her heart.

Of course, it was impossible for the old witch to pay for a piece of pie. Instead, her heart sank, and she felt that he was worthy of being a devil, and he was indeed able to win over people's hearts.

In some myths and legends that cannot be traced back, it is said that these demon gods can confuse people's hearts, create rebellions, and plunge various kingdoms into war.

Now it seems that the rumors are true.

Although the old witch was very curious about Ivita, she was still afraid that she would suffer great misfortune if she stayed with the devil.

She said: "Your Majesty, we should quickly go to Ambrose, the capital of the independent country of Viscount Ambrose."

"It was a city with a population of tens of thousands."

"You have the best chance, and there will be my beloved disciples to welcome you."

Ivita looked at her with some confusion.

I don't know what this witch is planning, but she keeps urging him to go to Ambrose.

Black Wolf suddenly spoke. "Before going to Ambrose, why not go to the branch of the Explorers Association in this town?"

"First, we can make some money to pay for travel and purchase of weapons and supplies."

"Secondly, there may be some interesting missions in this town."

"We're here anyway."

Iveta's eyes lit up. "good idea."

The old witch glared at the black wolf, damn the witcher. "Your Majesty, what you want is a mission that can get you wealth and even territory. What kind of mission can you do in such a small and broken town?"

Hei Lang said: "Not necessarily. The reason why this town is so rich should be because it is the only way to enter the Viscount Kingdom. Although the population here is not large, it is a strategic location."

Ivita said: "Then let's go to the Explorers Guild in the town."

The old witch glared at the black wolf hatefully, and suddenly felt the urge to make a little straw man for the black wolf and insert a few steel needles into it.

She had to think of a new way to get Ivita to Ambrose as quickly as possible so that she could reunite with her apprentice.

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