The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 25 Mirror Divination

After asking for some directions, Alicia drove the carriage to the Explorers Guild branch in this small town.

Because the streets are relatively narrow, the carriage moves very slowly. It often has to find a way to go back because a street cannot be passed.

All in all, the experience of driving a carriage in this town is very poor.

There are not many roads in this town. They are all made by people. It can barely be regarded as half a rammed earth road.

On the carriage, the old witch suddenly mentioned divination.

"Your Highness, do you know that every wizard and witch must learn divination?"

Ivita shook her head. "I don't know, why is that?"

"Because this involves being promoted to an official witch, or one of the three conditions for being promoted to an official wizard." The old witch chuckled. She was actually not good at divination, most of which were not acceptable to normal people's tastes. The one who is really good at divination is her apprentice.

Her apprentice's divination skills were so strong that he could even catch a viscount!

The reason why she talked about divination was because she wanted Ivita to go to Ambrose quickly.

Ivita looked sharply.

It turns out that if a wizard apprentice wants to become an official wizard, does he still need to learn divination?

This actually reminded him that it was like the old Taoist priests who lived on the mountain in his previous life and knew some fortune telling.

The old witch hehe said: "If it is an ordinary wizard apprentice or witch apprentice, it may take 20 to 30 years of working here for free before they can know it."

"It also depends on whether I'm in a good mood that day."

"If I'm in an extremely bad mood, I won't necessarily add some wrong information to mislead them."

The old witch suddenly remembered something and smiled strangely. "I once told a female apprentice who made me unhappy that if she wanted to become an official witch, she had to eat ten thousand loaches alive. That fool actually took it seriously, and it wasn't until four months later that he swallowed more than three thousand loaches alive. react to."

"But she was just an apprentice witch in the end because I forgot to tell her that to be promoted to an official witch, she needs to learn divination."

Black Wolf and Rayleigh moved a little away from her at the same time.

They regretted it a bit. In fact, they should have needed two carriages. They and the witch really didn't seem to be from the same world.

This guy is so scary.

No wonder she suspected her teacher of cheating on her, since that's exactly what she'd done herself.

A bad person treats others too badly, so it is difficult for her to believe in true kindness.

Ivita didn't care about the old witch showing off her evil deeds, he was more concerned about another thing. "Then, your beloved disciple... why did you tell her the real way to advance?"

·The old witch suddenly fell silent, and then said: "That is what I regret most in my life."

"I was too young and too soft-hearted."

"I'm not mature enough or bad enough."

So is there any connection between maturity and badness?

Black Wolf and Rayleigh rolled their eyes as they thought.

Ivita was also speechless.

But the problem is that the old witch seems to think that the devil will be her confidant, and by the way, she talks about some other bad things she has done.

Ivita coughed and her tone became slightly stern. "So, why is divination the key to becoming a formal wizard!"

"Remember, don't add any redundant and useless information in it."

The Great Witch of Hearthstone found herself a little proud and forgetful. "Yes, Your Majesty, I swear on my industry reputation that I will never deceive you."

"The reason why you need to practice divination is because if you want to be promoted to a formal wizard, you need progress and changes in your soul."

"Divination can create a unique mist of gnosis in the soul of a wizard's apprentice."

"Not even God nor you have this special soul structure of gnosis and fog. Therefore, it is normal for you not to know."

Ivita nodded, seeming to understand. "What kind of divination do you know?"

The old witch said: "I don't know many divination methods. When I first studied with my teacher, I didn't pay much attention to the study of divination."

"Because even the divination spells at the level of a great witch are still unable to predict the outcome of events accurately, with an accuracy rate of only 30%."

"This is just an ideal result without external interference. The time and location at which I perform the divination, the identity of the divination person, and the location will all affect the accuracy of the divination."

"It's something like divination, it's probably similar to a kind of metaphysics, you know?"

"Sometimes, when a person is in a good mood, the results of divination will be more accurate, so I didn't study hard at that time."

"By the way, if it were a divination spirit, the result of my divination was obviously successful. Who would have thought that you would appear in that manor?"

The old witch whispered in frustration, and told Ivita, "I only know three divination spells."

"Visceral Divination."

"Toad divination."

"Mirror Divination."

"But my apprentice likes this profession very much. I heard that she has collected at least dozens of divination spells, and she even delayed her practice in magic for this reason."

Ivita ignored the old witch's eyes, which were full of expectations: "Let's go find my apprentice."

Although he didn't know what the old witch was planning, there was no need for him to be led by the old witch to go to Ambrose now.

"Tell me about the three divination methods you know." Ivita said, "Since I have resources like you, I don't have to look far away."

“The less variety, the less.”

"Anyway, I just need to learn one thing."

Ten birds in the forest are worse than one in the hand.

He does not need to be greedy for more.

The old witch's face changed a little, and she quickly returned to smiling, but she was obviously not very happy. "Your Majesty, the visceral divination method uses the entrails of animals for divination. This divination method can determine the outcome of things. It is suitable for use in wars, or against life and death enemies, but it is not suitable for divination of trivial matters, wealth and luck. Then it’s not very good.”

"Toad divination is a method of divination using toads. It is most suitable for finding directions. If you want to hunt for treasure, you may be able to learn it, but things like toads are a bit disgusting."

"The mirror divination method is to arrest a ghost in a mirror, use black magic to make it possess erudite knowledge, and then perform divination. This divination method has the most comprehensive functions, but because it can be applied to anything, it often gives A lot of wrong answers.”

"Some wrong answers may even lead you to death. Basically no witch will choose this magic."

Iveta was about to speak when the carriage suddenly stopped and the maid Alicia said: "Several adults, there was a group fight in front."

"We're going around."

Suddenly, the top of the carriage was smashed, and a man fell in with his face covered in blood.

There were still onlookers talking outside.

"As for that, these are all small things."

A crow stopped on the carriage. The crow had one black eye and one blood-red eye.

The blood-red eyes stared blankly at Ivita.

Then he flapped his wings and flew away.

Rayleigh and Black Wolf had already drawn their swords, because they thought that the commotion might be caused by the Little Lutheran Brotherhood or the Boar Knights.

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