The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 256 The Grafted Law! Stuff that got on board!

After a while, Vampire Wilson walked out of Huabeard's pirate ship carrying a man. The man turned out to be a formal knight. He was thrown onto the deck by Vampire Wilson.

Vampire Wilson took out a logbook, tore off two pages from it, and shouted to Ivita from the air: "There are no gold pounds found on this ship at all, but I found this logbook. This person just wanted to find it on the ship." Destroy this diary in the cabin. I will read it to you."

Hua Beard and others all looked at the logbook in his hand guiltily.

Ivita said: "Read it."

Wilson said: "These are the two most important pages in the logbook. It says that Knight Gaslot ran away with almost everything valuable on their ship."

Ivita had already expected that this might happen, so he didn't look surprised, but nodded.

Wilson continued: "But we don't know whether it was the knight and the children he brought who infected this ship with the plague, or whether it was something we took away from the volcanic island when we left the island."

Ivita narrowed her eyes and looked at the colorful-bearded pirates who lowered their heads guiltily.

The Hearthstone Witch was shocked and angry, "You have been to the so-called volcanic island a long time ago."

"You actually lied to us and said you haven't found it yet."

Hua Beard felt extremely guilty and said nothing.

Ivita said to Wilson: "You continue to read."

Wilson glanced at Huabeard and the others, and continued reading: "This is their logbook before they met the Knight of Gaslot - according to the treasure map, we arrived at our destination, but there were no islands there at all. , there is only an empty sea.”

"But I soon learned the trick. The chart was wrong. The location of the island was at least 10 kilometers away from the position marked on the chart to the east."

"We don't know if it's because the treasure map was marked incorrectly or if the island has moved around during this time."

"But we know that we have finally found this island that was sunk by evil spirits in the middle of ancient civilization. We may also be able to get a glimpse of how the Lord of the Seven Seas, Marco Anson, constructed the laws of the Seven Seas Code. This cross According to records a hundred years ago, the sea was still famous for its calm waves and clear blue waves. However, after Marco Anson established the pirate world, the Cross Sea turned into the current Black Sea, and many inexplicable islands appeared in the sea. and waters that are never on the charts.”

"We saw the legendary evil island in the afternoon, but it looked like an ordinary horseshoe-shaped island. The central part of the island is a mountain with lush forests, and the coast of the island is very suitable for Create a natural harbor for the harbor.”

"I am very happy because even if the island that was sunk by evil spirits in legend is just an ordinary island, it can also be used as our natural base. Ah, the first mate on the ship, I have been unhappy with him for a long time, maybe I can exile him before going back."

"We came to the island..."

Wilson paused: "We thought this place was uninhabited at first, but in the evening, we discovered that there were many artificially polished wooden statues in the woods along the coast."

"Only now do we know that there are actually people living here! This island that has disappeared for a long time is actually inhabited!"

"We found a primitive tribe in the woods. This primitive tribe was worshiping a human-like piece of wood called [Black Woman]. It was a piece of black wood as tall as a man. There were even some growths on the surface of the wood. Mushrooms.”

"There's a part at the top of the wood that looks particularly like an old woman's face, but that's probably just a coincidence."

"It seems that this tribe that has been staying on an isolated island is too superstitious, but after observation by those of us who are best at stealing, we found that there are many gems like cat's eye in this tribe. They What a waste of natural resources.”

"We took advantage of their ceremony and stole the opal-like gem from their tribe."

"We returned to the ship and were going to transport these gems back to the black market on Cross Island to see if they could be sold for a price, but soon... we discovered a terrible problem, that is, someone we didn't recognize appeared on our ship. people'."

"I don't know when he appeared, but he was definitely there. I don't know if he is real because no one could catch him."

"We discovered it at first. There were always dark footprints on the deck of the ship. When we asked who stepped on them, no one answered."

"Then, some of our crew members discovered that when they were in the cabin, they could always see a person folding quilts on the bed with his back to them, but when they came closer, the person with his back to us would disappear without a trace."

"Then, when we were celebrating the festival on the ship, we suddenly discovered that there was an extra person among our crew. Maybe there was a person who took the opportunity to board our ship when our ship was anchored at the volcanic island, but why couldn't we find it? he?"

"Is he really just one person?"

"But let's put these issues aside for now, because we encountered a large merchant ship. We should rob that merchant ship first and then consider this issue."

Vampire Wilson finished reading these two pages of the voyage diary, and Ivita looked at Huabeard and the others and sneered. "Everyone, do you have a big problem?"

"Can you tell me whether you were infected by Gaslot and the children he brought, or whether the source of the disease is the thing you brought on board from the volcanic island."

Hua Beard was on the verge of crying, "If I had known, I wouldn't have fallen to this."

"Maybe it's possible that these two things have nothing to do with each other at all, or maybe there's something on my ship that I don't know about, but this plague was transmitted to us by that plague god Gaslot!"

He rolled his eyes slyly. "But you must help us and save us."

"If you save us, we will have many opportunities to repay you in the future, but if you don't save us, we will jump on your ship and let you be infected with our plague, making you become like us."

Colorful Beard threatened, his little eyes glowing greedily, turning around. Maybe he had planned to use this trick from the beginning to drag Ivita and the others into the water.

Hua Beard said to Ivita: "You ask your two vampires to help us sail the boat back to Cross Island, otherwise we will jump over, hug you together, and make everyone sick together. We are the ones carrying the virus... …”

Before he finished speaking, he saw Ivita throwing a glass bottle towards him, with a parchment scroll in the bottle.

Flower Beard became confused. "What's this?"

Ivita said to him: "Oh, that's your bill, I'll give it back to you."

In this way, he has nothing to do with the donation order.

When Hua Beard opened the scroll and took a look, he and the pirates around him were immediately furious.

These people are about to die of illness, how come there are still people who want to throw the money-requiring decree to them?

This is too much! !

Wilson and Davina jumped back to Ivita's ship, while Ivita burned them all with the fire of the law.

Despite this, Iveta asked the two of them to go to the general room at the stern of the ship for the time being.

At the same time, Hua Beard was stunned when he saw Ivita and the others wanting to leave. "Don't leave, I want you to stay here with me."

He also wanted to jump over, but a bolt of lightning from the sky knocked him back to where he was.

Ivita took out the compass in her arms and saw the compass change the direction of the needle for the fourth time. He immediately asked Captain Sam to give the order to change the course.

Ivita said to Captain Beard: "This kind of thing you do is called self-retribution and God's retribution. I will not get involved. I wish you good luck."


Captain Huabeard and the other pirates were so angry that they went crazy on the deck of their own ship, but because of the plague, they did not even have the ability to die with Ivita.

From the beginning, Ivita did not engage with them, but kept a distance of more than ten meters from them.

Now it seems that this was prescient.

So now the pirates could only watch the man they had seen for the first time in weeks walk away from them.

Captain Huabeard looked at the blackened palm of his left hand and the Seven Seas Code decree in his right hand, and suddenly he screamed in anger.

"Damn it! Bastard! What kind of plague is this?"

After changing direction, the female ranger Servilia stood on the observation deck of the ship's mast and said to Ivita: "Sir, there are also mud footprints on our deck."

Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch came to the deck and saw a mud footprint that was slightly smaller than the feet of an average adult man.

The female ranger closed her eyes and tried to find the owner of the mud footprints with the special perception ability given to her by her elven blood.

The female ranger said: "I can't find any traces, but...but...the feeling our ship gives me has become very evil."

"Something got on our boat while we weren't paying attention."

The Knight of Persepolis said: "We must have stayed beside Huabeard's ship for too long just now. That thing probably jumped into the water and then climbed onto the deck of our ship."

"But where could he go?"

Iveta searched around but found nothing.

The Hearthstone Witch stared at the footprints for a long time, "Judging from the properties of power, it is very similar to the power of demons."

Iveta's eyes lit up, devil?

Then you won’t be afraid anymore.

Now I still have two demons pestering me. Even if there is one more, so what!

Not to mention adding one more, adding two would be no problem, just enough for them to play mahjong together.

The Hearthstone Witch whispered: "The powers of demons are very strange. They can be invincible at the same level."

"I just don't know how demons of the same level can compare with me..."

"But it's not the power of the devil."

The Hearthstone Witch judged it and said to Ivita: "The things mixed on the ship should be the things mixed on the ship of Hua Beard and his friends. Judging from my many years of experience in creating plagues, this thing has nothing to do with the plague."

"But the things mixed among us are probably related to the island that was said to have been sunk by evil spirits during the ancient civilization."

"Your compass of opportunity is pointing to that Pirate Pirate Ship, probably pointing to, let's bring this thing off his ship to ours."

"And the direction your compass is pointing now is probably the so-called volcanic island."

Ivita took out the compass in her arms and stared at it for a while.

Why did Opportunity Compass let them bring an unknown being onto their ship?

What does this have to do with the natural magic I'm looking for?

About evening, when the sun had almost completely set, a horseshoe-shaped island appeared in front of them.

Ivita looked at the island with dense jungle and knew that it was the so-called volcanic island.

Captain Sam, the female ranger and the Hearthstone Witch looked at Ivita, who immediately said: "Find a place to park."

"My compass points to this island. This island contains the natural magic spell I need!"

Ivita looked at her compass. She still had five navigations left, hoping it would be enough.

The Hearthstone Witch sighed. "Natural magic is too rare. It is true that there is only such a spell on the island that mysteriously sank during the ancient civilization and is now floating."

Ivita said while riding the cold sea breeze: "Hua Beard's voyage diary is very interesting. They don't know why a pirate king can construct kingdom-level laws and completely change the environment of the Cross Sea, with many sea charts appearing. I don’t know about the seas and islands that are not found in the world. But I know that there must be a huge secret hidden in it.”

"Just like the Chitose Fire."

"The difference is that although the level of the pirate world is high, they are all scattered soldiers and cannot form an army. Maybe this time I can influence this area more easily."

The Hearthstone Witch said to Ivita: "Your Majesty, there are rumors that the laws in this sea area are grafted."

"They suspect that Marco Anson grafted his own laws onto the original laws of this sea area. But I don't know if this is true. After all, it is just a rumor. But if it is true, where is he? His own law is grafted onto the law.”

When anchored, Captain Sam chose to dock the ship close to the volcanic island mountains, because it was far away from the forest and there was no fear that someone would suddenly attack their ship.

Since it was late at night, they were ready to explore the island again early tomorrow morning.

Ivita agreed to his plan.

After dinner, after nightfall, while Iveta was sleeping in her cabin, she suddenly heard the sound of marbles under the bed.



"What's going on..." Ivita had fallen into a deep sleep and was unwilling to get up. When he turned over in bed, he recited a brief spell, and then the magic cloak of destruction hung on the wall nail suddenly looked like a flying carpet. He flew under Iveta's bed and checked under the bed.

Soon the sound of marbles disappeared.

But not long after, Iveta heard the sound of getting dressed across from his bed. When he opened his eyes, he saw someone in the darkness with his back to him, sitting on a chair in his room. wear clothes.

Ivita sat up from the bed speechlessly, her left eye was the burning law, and her right eye was the terrifying Thunder Snake Lan Lei.

This guy who got on the boat, I plan to find you in a few days, but now he comes to disturb my sleep.

Looking for death.

Ivita said coldly: "As a person, you must have a certain routine and don't act like ghosts in the middle of the night. I just fell asleep!"

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