The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 257 Guardian Stone Earth Spirit Stone Puppet and the Pattern of Refusing Evil Spirits to Fol

After Ivita sat up, the 'man' who was sitting on the stool in the corner of the room wearing clothes suddenly stood up, opened the door, and walked out. Ivita followed immediately.

He originally wanted to try to see if he could destroy this thing.

But at this moment, looking at this 'person''s actions, Iveta suddenly realized that the other person wanted to lead the way for her.

The other party seemed to want to take him somewhere.

When he came to the deck, he saw that the man who had always turned his back to him actually put down the rope ladders hanging on both sides of the ship, and actually wanted to get off the ship to the volcanic island.

At this time, Iveta hesitated, not knowing whether to follow him or not.

Because he didn't know whether the other party wanted to leave his ship and return to the volcanic island, or whether he really wanted to take him somewhere.

Iveta thought for a while and decided to follow him to have a look, but it was not safe to go alone.

He immediately returned to the cabin and woke up the Knight of Persepolis, the female ranger, and the Hearthstone Witch.

When the four of them came to the deck and jumped to the shore of the volcanic island through the rope ladder, the four of them looked thoughtfully at the people walking on the high ground with their backs to them in the middle of the night.

The Hearthstone Witch said to Ivita: "Your Majesty, I always feel that this island is strange. Do we really want to explore it in the middle of the night?"

The female ranger said to Ivita: "Since your compass is pointing here, and that thing wants to lead us, we have no reason not to follow him. Sir, don't worry, the forest is the home of the ranger profession, where we The strength will be improved, and the perception will also be improved."

"The evil on this island may not contaminate the ranger's power."

Ivita nodded to her. "Then I'll have to rely more on you, Servilia."

The latter showed a confident smile.

The four of them had been following the 'person' who sneaked into the boat and suddenly came down in the middle of the night.

They crossed the highlands and mountains and followed the guy into the forest.

Feeling the feedback from the forest to her, the female ranger took out the arrows from her back and put them on her bow, ready to shoot at any time.

"The forest told me that it is very dangerous here. There are some things in this forest. Everyone should be careful."

Ivita is protected by Persepolis and feels like a subordinate, which is good.

This way he won't be afraid of something suddenly jumping out of the forest and attacking.

As they went deeper into the forest, Ivita found many small man-made stone dolls among the trees in the forest.

But these little stone dolls are all incomplete.

Their biggest feature is that their heads have all fallen off, as if they had been chopped off.

The Hearthstone Witch looked down at these small stone puppets and said, "Look, the stone puppets are covered with moss and lichen-like plants. These things have been around for a long time."

"This kind of thing is a very ancient white magic. Its main function is to suppress and protect. But now it is all broken. This shows that a terrible thing happened here hundreds of years ago. The legacy of that thing The impact continues to this day.”

The Hearthstone Witch was a little scared, but when she thought that she was a high-level witch, there was a demon beside her.

What does she have to be afraid of?

They then followed the 'person'.

They soon came to a river. On both sides of the river were houses made of thatch, mud and stones that looked like enlarged mushrooms.

The houses look very primitive and the architecture is almost as if they were built by primitive people.

Iveta knew that this island had been isolated from the world for a long time, and the people who stayed on it had been separated from the civilized world for a long time, and had long been out of touch with human civilization.

The Hearthstone Witch said: "This is probably the tribe where the pirates came."

"It looks quite large, beyond my expectation. Look, there are actually traces of bonfires on the edge of the river. But..."

"Something doesn't look right."

Ivita saw that all the people in this tribe had turned into corpses.

Some of these corpses were just outside the house, and some died inside the house. Different from what Hua Huzi described, this place was not a primitive tribe with a lot of people.

Looking at these corpses that had been dead for at least a month, Ivita said: "Shortly after Hua Beard and the others left, this tribe must have encountered something, and they all died."

The Hearthstone Witch's eyes widened and she said: "Those pirates took away gems like cat's eye stones. I was originally doubting whether those were [Guardian Stones], but now I am sure. Those stones are white magic." One can only be created by someone casting a spell on the mineral veins underground."

"What stones does this tribe need, not as decorations, but to protect themselves?"

"I know, it was because those pirates stole the stones, so all the people in this tribe died soon after. It's just...just...who killed them..."

The Hearthstone Witch muttered. "Guardian stones, earth spirit stone dolls, these are very ancient white magics. What exactly is there on this island?"

Ivita said: "I just took a look. The black wood used for worship by the primitive tribe here is missing. I don't know who took it away."

Servilia suddenly pointed forward and said, "Everyone, look."

Ivita saw the 'person' in front of her and suddenly stopped in front of a tree. It seemed to be carving something in stone.

Half a minute later, it stood up and continued walking north.

Ivita and others came to the tree and saw a symbol of a triangle and an eye carved on it, but a cross was added to the symbol.

The Hearthstone Witch took one look and said, "This is a pattern that refuses to be followed by demons, evil spirits, etc. This pattern is magical."

"But... isn't it an evil spirit itself?"

Ivita nodded and said: "There are many patterns on this island that control certain evil spirits and protect and suppress them."

"I really don't know what happened on this island during the ancient civilization."

"Let's follow it quickly," said Ivita.

The four people continued to follow, and they went deeper and deeper. After crossing the trees and shrubs blocking the road, they actually saw a huge inverted cone stone building deep in the woods. This building was at least 25 meters high.

The 'man' found a small secret door under the building and got in.

Iveta took out the compass of opportunity in her pocket and looked at it, and found that the pointer of the compass of opportunity pointed completely at the building where the 'person' had entered.

The female ranger said to Ivita: "Sir, there seems to be something very evil hidden in that building. Do we really want to go in?"

The Hearthstone Witch looked at Ivita, but what appeared in her mind was the Titanosaurus.

Puss in Boots couldn't come to help anymore, and there was no Pan around.

If Ivita turns into a titanosaur here, they will all die here.

Ivita didn't think much about it. “The compass of opportunity points to that building, and there’s something in there that I need.”

"We have to go in."

The Hearthstone Witch was very uneasy looking at the weird building. She felt that the building had been overturned, so the sharp building part was inserted into the ground, and the top was a wider building part.

This is an inverted cone shape.

No, no, she is a high-level witch, what should she be afraid of?

At this time, the Knight of Persepolis, who had been silent, said: "Then let me find the way in for you. This is my duty as a knight. With Tomon's holy sword, I will not die. Danger."

Ivita nodded to him. "sorry to bother you."

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