The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 258 The Magic of the Dominion Gate and the Traces of the Lacedaemonians

The Knight of Persepolis found the secret door through which the previous 'man' had entered the inverted cone, and climbed in.

In the first ten minutes after he climbed in, he could still make sounds and talk to Ivita and others, but after ten minutes there was no sound.

While Ivita and others were waiting outside the inverted cone-shaped building, they looked around and discovered that there were bones of a sunken ship deep in the dense forest.

Iveta pointed to the depths of the woods ten meters away and said, "Look, is there a ship bow there?"

The female ranger Servilia immediately trotted over. After careful inspection, she shouted to Ivita: "Yes, sir. This should be the bow of a Caravel ship like ours."

"But this is located in the center of the island, and there are actually shipwrecks coming here."

She looked around and said, "No."

"There are a lot of shipwrecks here and there's even a pirate flag."

The Hearthstone Witch communicated with Ivita: "It seems that we are not the only ones who have set foot on the volcanic island, but the indigenous people here dragged these pirate ships here."

Ivita thought: "Could it be that the reason why Huabeard and the others were able to escape from this island was just because the indigenous tribes were celebrating a festival?"

"What happened to this island."

The Hearthstone Witch and the returning female ranger all shook their heads.

After waiting for nearly an hour, the Knight of Persepolis had not come out yet.

Ivita was a little anxious. "No matter how complicated the interior of the building is, you should be able to explore it several times in an hour. Why hasn't Persepolis appeared yet? Should we go in and explore?"

Ivita looked at the Hearthstone Witch, who immediately shook her head. "Your Majesty, he is a mercenary, and it is his honor to die for you. How about we wait until tomorrow morning and let the soldiers on the ship enter this weird building."

"I think this building is so weird."

The female ranger said to Ivita: "Sir, you and the Hearthstone Witch can wait outside for a while, and I can go in. I am agile and have life-saving skills such as [Dodge] and [Energy Draining], which is suitable for this kind of job." Work. I'm worried that Mr. Persepolis will die inside and you will miss the opportunity to get what you want."

The Hearthstone Witch glanced at her. Although it was good to have a scapegoat, if this ranger was gone forever, would she still be asked to explore this weird building next?


The Hearthstone Witch said to her: "No. Since the knight has not returned, it means that the inside of this building is very dangerous."

"We can't go in one by one. What's that called? That's called committing suicide."

"I suggest that I use magic to circle this place to prevent others from getting close to it, then return to the ship, gather the troops, and then plan for it slowly!"

Ivita glanced at her, they had been together for so long, how could he not know what the Hearthstone Witch was thinking.

Wasn't it just that he wanted to recruit more scapegoats to prevent himself from sending her into that building?

However, what the Hearthstone Witch said actually makes sense.

This building may not be a trap.

When Ivita was about to say that they were temporarily retreating, a voice suddenly came from the inverted cone building, and then the Persepolis Knight stretched out an arm. ""

Iveta's expression changed. "Hurry and help him out."

The female ranger immediately ran over and pulled out the Knight of Persepolis, while a ball of fire appeared in the Hearthstone Witch's left hand, ready to hit enemies who might emerge from the inverted cone building at any time.

Ivita walked to the side of the Knight of Persepolis and found that the armor on his abdomen had been scratched to pieces by someone's claws, and his abdomen was bleeding all the time. His face turned pale and he had fallen into a delirious coma. .

The female ranger has been using healing techniques on him, transferring her life force to him.

Servilia said to Ivita: "There is no immediate danger to his life, but he may lose the ability to fight for a long time."

Ivita squatted down and frowned. "That's good, the most important thing is life."

"Life is the most precious thing in this world. Even magic cannot completely resurrect a life."

Servilia looked at Ivita in surprise. "I thought you would be disappointed, since this involves the magic you were trying to find."

Ivita said: "But your lives are also important."

"Lords like you are rare. People like you should not just be a baron. The world should grant you greater power." Servilia nodded, and then concentrated on the Knights of Persepolis. Cast a healing spell.

Ivita saw that in addition to Tomon's holy sword, Persepolis was holding half a book in his hand. Out of curiosity, he opened his palm and found that it was actually a magic book.

Ivita had not learned the magic words specifically for writing magic books, so she gave them to the Hearthstone Witch.

The Hearthstone Witch smiled at the sight. "Your Majesty, it seems that we have really found the right place. The text used in this magic book is magic text, and the name of this magic book is [Domination Gate]."

"This is a kind of magic with natural magic power!"

"According to the above records, this kind of magic can use magic and ink to draw a door on a certain plane, and then open the door to teleport to a very far place. This kind of magic is very suitable for attacking enemies and escaping... …Strategic shift, tourism.”

The Hearthstone Witch quickly read through the magic book. "This seems to be just a magic suitable for formal wizards to learn. There will be an upgraded version [Juhaimen] later. This magic can teleport an entire army to a certain place."

"But there's only half of it. The remaining half is probably still in the weird building next to us. All subsequent magic books are probably in this building."

"Wait a minute, the last few pages of this magic book mention a few words that are only written in the ancient world - [Corinth Strait], [Messenians], [collectivist barracks], [helots] And [the Lacedaemonians]." The Hearthstone Witch fell into confusion. "This island seems to have a deep connection with the ancient world. So what is this inverted cone building for? And the 'person' who boarded our ship from the Huabeard boat, why did he bring you here? ah."

Ivita looked at Persepolis who was in a coma and said, "We can only know all this when Mr. Persepolis wakes up."

"Hearthstone Witch, you have sealed this place with magic plants."

"We retreat for now."

The Hearthstone Witch planted piranha flowers around the inverted pyramid building.

Ivita knew that this circle of terrifying piranha flowers was fatal to the primitive tribes, because the Hearthstone Witch's magic plants could only be harmed by iron tools, and the primitive tribesmen were afraid that even bronze utensils were precious items.

They took the seriously injured Knight of Persepolis along the original path and returned to the ship. During the process, Ivita sensed that something in the woods had been watching them.

Only as Ivita released her magic power did those things retreat consciously.

When they returned to the ship, they carried the person to the room and woke up the sleeping ship's doctor.

By the busy next morning, everyone on the ship knew that the Knight of Persepolis was injured, but Ivita and the others waited until the afternoon, and the Knight of Persepolis did not wake up.

On the deck, Ivita looked at the sun and said to the Hearthstone Witch: "It will get dark again soon, and Persepolis is too seriously injured."

"We didn't have time to ask him again. We could only take people to the inverted cone building again."

"In addition to the sailors and ordinary people, there are two more warriors, a hunter and the vampire Davina left on the ship. Everyone else will come with me to explore the building deep in the jungle."

The Hearthstone Witch said to Ivita: "Okay, Your Majesty."

In this way, half an hour later, Ivita took three warriors, a trainee hunter, a formal knight, the Hearthstone Witch, the female ranger and the vampire Wilson to the depths of the jungle again.

They followed the previous path, passed through the dense forest, and once again came to the depths of the dense forest they had found before, and found the circle of piranha flowers.

We arrived in front of the inverted cone building.

But this time, there are actually many unclothed indigenous people here. They are besieging the piranha plants planted by the Hearthstone Witch, but they have no iron tools. Many indigenous people have been eaten by the piranha flowers, and the piranha plants are still there. Still digesting.

The indigenous people without iron tools had nothing to do with the Hearthstone Witch's piranha.

Ivita frowned, what are these primitive natives of the indigenous tribes doing here? Could it be that this is their holy land of faith?

The indigenous people soon discovered, Ivita and others.

They immediately surrounded Ivita and the others with stone spears. The red-skinned natives headed by them screamed fiercely at Ivita.

A group of natives rushed over with ferocious expressions on their faces.

The warriors, hunters, female rangers and the old knights of the Persepolis family had already stood in front of Ivita and fought back the natives who wanted to rush over.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, the people on the indigenous side collapsed.

Without professionals, they were like chickens and dogs facing the professionals on Ivita's side.

The hunter and the female ranger were too lazy to use spell-like skills, so they just hit it directly with their fists. They could knock out a native with one punch.

If Ivita hadn't ordered her professionals not to kill, half of these natives would have died long ago.

Soon, the natives discovered that they were no match and looked at Ivita and others in fear.

Vampire Wilson said to Ivita: "My lord, I seem to know a little bit of their language. Their language seems to be very similar to a certain language I once learned."

Vampire Wilson said to Ivita: "Those natives seemed to be saying that our terrible seal breakers, thieves, we stole the stone of the god of one of their tribes, which caused a tribe in their tribal alliance to be horrifically destroyed. The evil spirit killed.”

Ivita saw that among the defeated natives, an old native with many colored pebbles around his neck was grunting at her.

Vampire Wilson translated his words and said to Ivita: "My lord, he said that this seal must not be broken."

"No one is allowed in this building."

"Otherwise the terrible evil spirit will revive."

"You outsiders must accept the judgment of our God. You cannot leave the island, otherwise it will bring disaster to us. He seems to want to commit suicide? He also said that he refuses to communicate with us. He cannot and bring disaster. people speak.”

Wilson hesitated for a moment, then translated the words of the indigenous old man to Ivita.

"Looking for death!" The Hearthstone Witch suddenly became angry. A fireball hit the tree next to the old man who was still chirping and trying to verbally output Ivita. The tree burned directly into a ball of flames. .

Suddenly, the old native man was so frightened that he froze in place and could not say anything.

Some people among the indigenous people actually started to kneel down and worship the Hearthstone Witch.

Wilson continued to translate their words, "They seem to be calling you God? These natives have never seen many professionals at all."

The Hearthstone witches were also dumbfounded. Have they become gods now?

Ivita thought for a while, and immediately cast magic. He released the crowned firebird from his left eye, and the lightning and thundering thunder snake from his right eye. At the same time, a pair of concrete arms wearing armor appeared behind him, and the destruction on his body appeared. The cloak floated in the air with Ivita.

Suddenly, even the old native man knelt on the ground and looked up at Ivita, his eyes bright, as if he was worshiping a god.

The old native man and the other red-skinned natives knelt down and worshiped, and then babbled a lot of words that Ivita couldn't understand.

Ivita looked at Wilson.

Wilson said to Ivita: "They keep calling you some meaningless words, and they seem to worship you as gods."

"They say only gods can use the power of fire and thunder."

"They say you are a messenger sent by the god Leo."

Ivita frowned strangely.

It seems that the natives on this island are just ordinary natives. They are not the ones who destroyed the ships.

Ivita said to Wilson: "Ask them what the god Leo is, why they can't enter this building, and whether there are any monsters on the island. What's going on with the shipwrecks in the woods?"

Wilson immediately asked Xiang, that old native man.

The red-skinned old native man had already regarded Ivita as a divine messenger, and he immediately told everything he knew.

Wilson relayed to Ivita: "My lord, he said that a long time ago, an evil spirit appeared on their island, which made it difficult for the people on their island to survive. But there was a god Leo who came from the sea. Come to this island.”

"Leo God sealed the evil spirit in the inverted cone building and said that no one can enter, otherwise the evil spirit will break the seal."

"God Leo also left them many treasures to protect them from evil spirits, such as the previous treasures similar to opal."

"The Black Wood God they believe in is a god they created after the God Leo left, in order to express their gratitude to the God Leo, and imitate the appearance and power of the God Leo. He specializes in protecting several tribes in their tribal alliance."

"They said that the Black Wood God destroyed the ships of these intruders at night and brought the ships here."

After hearing this, Ivita looked at the Hearthstone Witch.

He looked at the natives who were still kneeling on the ground, and then looked at the Hearthstone Witch. "Can you believe this kind of fairy tale?"

The Hearthstone Witch said: "These myths and stories must have originated from a certain period of their real history, but because they were passed down by word of mouth, they became myths."

Ivita nodded. This is just like a communication experiment. As long as one thing is passed through a hundred people, it will completely change and generally become magical.

Hearthstone Witch said: "But I don't believe what they said."

"Because Leo is a word from the ancient world, now I seriously doubt that there is another version of the story behind this myth!"

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