The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 283 Blind and foolish faith and the power of true God

On the floating sea, on the Britannia, Ivita asked the Nagas: "There is one thing I don't understand."

"Why are you all women but no men? If so, how will your species reproduce?"

Gunara Naga said to Ivita: "Great Ivita, our Nagas are divided into male and female, but there are two different life forms among the same race. The relationship between female Naga and male Naga in this world From a human perspective, they are basically two different creatures. Female Nagas are amphibious creatures, while male Nagas live forever in the deep sea."

"Their bodies are also more like beasts."

Ivita nodded, thoughtfully.

Then, he asked the most important point, "How much power does the Valji family have? Do you know this?"

Gunara lowered her head and floated on the sea. "Sorry, great Ivita, we don't know much about this."

"But we know the situation of the Varji family's fleet at the transit port. That is the number of their family's fleet at the transit port. There are more than 800 large three-masted heavy ships in the entire transit port, and each of them may be a member of a certain center. , the capital ship of a large pirate group."

"As for the two-masted ships and single-masted sailing ships, they are countless."

"Great Ivita, as far as we know, the transit sea can connect most parts of the Black Sea, and can even go directly to the central port, so the geographical location of the transit port is very important."

"The power of the Valji family is not particularly large in the pirate world. It is considered a large and medium-sized smuggler family. They have many resource points, slaves, and slave races that have been plundered for a long time. They have a team of people at the transit port. A super fleet composed of three three-masted sailing ships and twenty-seven two-masted sailing ships."

"This should be their family's main maritime force."

"According to our understanding, there should be at least two hundred sailors on their three-masted sailboat, including about thirty professionals."

"There should be at least fifty sailors on the two-masted sailing ship, including about ten professionals."

"Most of these professionals are first-level warriors and first-level trainee knights, but there should be at least one third-level grand knight on their heavy battleships, and the rest of the two-masted sailing ships are captains or first mates, etc. Important positions are held by knights of the second level."

The Gunara Naga snake man seemed to want to gain Ivita's trust, or because he had just taken refuge under Ivita's command and was eager to make meritorious deeds, so he reported every detail to Ivita.

After Ivita heard this, she looked at each other with the Hearthstone Witch and the fourth-generation vampire Wilson.

The fourth-generation vampire Wilson quickly calculated the approximate number of troops of the Valji family at the transit port. "Then they have at least more than 360 first-level professionals, as well as at least three great knights and 27 formal Knight."

"This fleet should not be underestimated. If we go head-to-head with them, we will definitely lose."

"Are there any senior knights of the fourth level among them?"

Vampire Wilson asked the Gunara Naga snake man.

Gunara hesitated for a moment, then shook her head. "I have no idea."

"terribly sorry."

Ivita said to Wilson: "That may be assumed."

The Hearthstone Witch quickly said to Ivita: "Your Majesty, even if they have fourth-level knights, we still have me. I am also fourth-level."

"But the problem now is that we don't have enough basic fighters."

"Their ordinary pirates have more than 1,500 people."

"How should we fight them head-on?"

Ivita thought deeply. Indeed, if you go head-to-head, you will be at a bit of a disadvantage.

But there is a problem. If whoever has the larger army will definitely win, then there is no need to fight. Just form a team and compete to see who has the larger army.

"The only way we can win is through decapitation tactics." Ivita made a quick decision. He said to the two of them and Captain Sam who came over: "If you want to defeat a group of more than 1,500 ordinary pirates with less than a hundred people and six two-masted ships, there are three professional pirates." There are more than 1,600 pirate fleets, and there may even be senior knights, so there is only one way, which is to kill the leader first."

"As long as we concentrate our forces locally, occupy an absolute advantage, and be stronger than the opponent's military strength, we can quickly kill the opponent's main flagship during the decapitation tactic."

Wilson's eyes lit up and he said to Ivita, "Yes, you can do that."

"This plan is good, but how can we do it, locally have more troops than the Valji family, and be able to behead people?" the Hearthstone Witch asked doubtfully.

As a result, she saw Wilson and Ivita looking behind her at the same time, which was on the deck, at a door drawn with stone, and there was a handle on the door.

The Hearthstone Witch also suddenly realized. "By the way, we can use the [Domination Gate] magic. The Lacedaemonians' magic can help us teleport there. We can directly send divine soldiers from the sky to the opponent's main ship."

Ivita said: "In the same way, if we are really defeated, we can use the [Control Gate] magic to leave and avoid dying in the vast sea."

Gunara was also very happy to see Ivita and the others had an idea.

The Varji family has been enslaving their Naga snake-men for a long time. The Naga snake-men who originally lived carefree in another small world are actually being suppressed and forced on this sea and become the Varji family. 's servant.

Today, they finally have a chance to kill their enemies with their own hands.

Gunara said to Ivita: "Great Ivita, even if we go to war with the Valji family today and let the 'Mother of the Sea' leave our family, we still have to make this decision."

"From today on, we are your subordinate race."

As she finished speaking, the other six Naga priests also responded. At the same time, the aura on their bodies became weaker and weaker, and their bodies, which were originally more than twelve meters tall, were shrinking rapidly.

The profession of priest itself is based on the connection with the ancient spirits worshiped by the children of the forest or the evil gods worshiped by the Naga snake people. Their power comes from primitive religious worship beliefs. Therefore, when they decide to turn their backs on the ‘Mother of the Sea’, the power of these priests will begin to dissipate, and not much will remain.

Gunara, who was weak, looked at Ivita with expectant eyes. "Great Ivita, please give us new life and give us new strength."


Ivita couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the Naga tribe to give up their belief in the 'Mother of the Sea' so simply.

But the problem is, he is not the real evil god.

If they can't regain their strength, wouldn't they directly expose themselves and the matter will not end?

After all, there are more than 400 Naga snake-men here.

Ivetta looked at the Hearthstone Witch, wanting to seek some advice from her. But who knew that the Hearthstone Witch was very calm and took it for granted.

By the way, I almost forgot that in the eyes of the Hearthstone Witch, he was indeed not an evil god, but a demon god.

Of course she doesn't think there's any problem now.

Ivita looked at Wilson and Captain Sam, wanting to remind them that the current situation was very dangerous. If the Naga clan who seemed to have surrendered to them just now discovered that he was not the evil god who could bring them strength and so-called guidance, they would immediately Fall out.

However, the latter two did not understand what they meant. Instead, they looked at the Naga snake people on the sea with curiosity.

Captain Sam said: "My Fountain of Youth~What's going to happen?"

Ivita was speechless, what else could happen? I don't know how to give others power.

To support the power of seven second-level professionals, where did he get such a powerful power?

Suspended on the surface of the sea, Gunara's body continued to shrink, and finally she was only about two meters tall.

She felt weak as never before, as if she could be blown down by the sea breeze.

This weakness made her feel extremely scared.

She was worried for a moment that Ivita could not give her power, but the moment she raised her head to look at Ivita, a powerful force appeared out of thin air in her body and poured into her body quickly.

A voice appeared in her heart. The voice was like the cry of the sky and the roar of the sea. ‘I accept your sacrifice. ’

At the same time, the power she had lost due to her betrayal of the 'Mother of the Sea' was poured back all at once, flowing into her body continuously, and the divine power nourished every cell in her body.

The size of Gunara and the other six priests actually increased all the way back, nine meters, ten meters, eleven meters, twelve meters, but they haven't stopped yet.

They are actually still getting taller and bigger.

Gunara's body actually broke through to a height of more than twenty meters, and was still getting taller.

Gunara marveled. "It is also the second level. Sacrifice to the great Ivita is actually more powerful than worshiping the 'Mother of the Sea'."

The sapphire-like fish scales on these Naga priests peeled off piece by piece, revealing the golden fish scales inside. Moreover, the characteristics of these Nagas actually changed, and golden fish whiskers like dragon whiskers appeared on their faces.

A steady stream of pure divine power poured into their bodies.

The Naga priests were all amazed and worshiped Ivita even more.

"This power is too powerful. It is infinitely more powerful than ours before! They are also second-level priests. Because they worship different gods, the abilities and power they obtain will not be different. This shows that the great Ivita is far away. More powerful than the 'Mother of the Sea'!"

"Why is this power so gentle? When we accepted the power gifted by the 'Mother of the Sea', it was full of dangers. There were whispers in our ears and temptations in front of our eyes. If we were not careful, we would become like a male naga. monster."

"Accepting the power of the great Ivita, but completely different."

"Thanks to the great Ivita."

"The great Ivita is the god we should truly believe in. The 'Mother of the Sea' has become a thing of the past! The princess and the leader have become our past!"

Ivita looked down at her shadow on the deck. The shadow turned out to be a dragon with three pairs of wings.

This is Quetzalcoatl!

He raised his head and looked at the Nagas enjoying their new divine power in astonishment.

Only then did Ivita realize that it was Quetzalcoatl who was responding with strength to these snake people who were sacrificing themselves. Help them restore their second career level.

At the same time, Ivita also sensed that the power balance in her body was further out of control.

It seems that as long as there are more races in the sea who sacrifice themselves, Ivita feels. The power in your body will be completely out of balance, and it's hard to say what you will become by then.

At the same time, Ivita looked inside her spiritual world and discovered that there had been changes in the Spiral Tower.

The original black spiral tower extends infinitely at both ends, with one end extending to the inside of the spiritual world and the other end extending to the outside of the physical world. At the same time, the illusory shadows of six emperor stars are lingering around the spiral tower.

But now the spiral tower is surrounded by about four hundred very dim light points. I can get some very subtle power from each of these individual light points, and integrate it into my own magic power to increase my power. .

Since the little power provided by these light spots was too small, Ivita had a slight thought, wanting to accumulate these powers and wait until the critical moment to use them, rather than wasting them casually in normal times.

When his thoughts were slightly moving, a small hexagonal ink-colored pool suddenly protruded from one side of the spiral tower. On both sides of this small pool, there were feathered serpent-shaped dragons connected from head to tail, and those faint light spots All the weak power coming out every moment automatically flew into the small pool and was forcibly collected.

At the same time, Ivita also discovered that there was a golden mist inside the small pool, which could purify the mixed spiritual power coming from the outside world.

Ivita named this pool - Feathered Serpent Pool.

At the same time, he returned his attention to the real world, and then explained to the Hearthstone Witch what happened inside the soul.

The Hearthstone Witch had just finished checking the situation of the Naga Priests. After listening to what Ivita said, she looked at Ivita in astonishment, and the first words she spoke made Ivita confused. "Your Majesty, you actually gave them pure divine power!"

"It's such a waste for you to do this. All they provide you is the power of blindness and ignorance."

"No, the most important thing is that you can actually generate real divine power by yourself."

The Nagas on the side were all shocked when they heard what the Hearthstone Witch said.

Naga priests have an urge to think the world is crazy.

"Could it be that what the great Ivita gave us back is the original divine power!"

"This... what kind of existence are we worshiping?"

On the Britannia, Ivita asked the Hearthstone Witch strangely: "Are there any distinctions between divine powers?"

It is Quetzalcoatl that provides the Nagas with power, not themselves.

So Ivita was confused.

What exactly did Quetzalcoatl give them?

The Hearthstone Witch was even more horrified by Ivita, but why could the demon in the subspace give birth to true divine power on his own?

She has always underestimated Ivita!

The Hearthstone Witch said to Ivita: "Those Nagas provide you with nothing more than some primitive, cruel, blind and foolish power of faith. You can obviously use these powers. This is not surprising, because these powers absorb too much." On the contrary, it is harmful.”

"The evil gods have absorbed these powers for a long time, and that power is just the evil god's power."

"The true divine power is not the harmful belief provided by the mortal race, but the divine power that the world gives back to a certain god in terms of function. It is the true divine power, and its quality and power far exceed the evil god's divine power. Therefore, although the true god and the evil god Both are gods, but completely different.”

"They are completely two kinds of existence."

"And what you just gave to these snake people were all true divine power. The power of faith that those snake people gave you was too complicated, so your spiral tower representing the power of your wizard automatically responded and opened up a place to purify the mixed faith. .”

"It can be said that the small pool on your spiral tower is indeed a dream for those evil gods. They can go crazy for it, but they will never get it in this life. And this kind of thing, as long as you feel the need, you can It will automatically appear on the spiral tower of your soul structure.”

Ivita understands, which means that now she can borrow the power of faith, and her strength will be increased again.

It's a pity that because he needs to balance the power in his body, he can't accept followers at will, and now this opportunity is rare. It happens to be a bastard and a mung bean. Both sides need each other, so the Naga people can fall to him so smoothly.

It is difficult to encounter this kind of thing again.

As for the true power, it has nothing to do with him. It is not his own power at all. Anyway, he doesn't know where he can feed back the true power to the Nagas.

It was probably transmitted from Quetzalcoatl in another universe.

Ivita nodded and said to Captain Sam: "Relax for a while, and then set off to the transit sea!"

Captain Sam bowed to Ivita and said: "Okay, boss."

He turned and shouted to the people on the deck: "Everyone, move!"

"Inspect the ship quickly!"

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