The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 284 Terminal City

In a building at the transit port, the son of the head of the Vargy family [McLaughlin Vargy] was processing documents for the family business in the office.

When he saw the documents showing the total financial income for the first two quarters, he couldn't help but sigh, and said to the two stewards next to him who were responsible for handling the stores at the transit port: "We sell extraordinary materials at the transit port every three months. The income is around more than 4,800 gold pounds, which seems very good, but just for the cost of maintaining the fleet and hiring personnel here, the monthly maintenance fee reaches one thousand gold pounds. In other words , we can only earn about 1,800 gold pounds every three months."

"But the family also needs money for other things, so there is no way to save money every year."

McLaughlin Vargy narrowed his eyes and looked at the two butlers. "One-third of the main sources of supplies for our family business come from our own fleet, and two-thirds come from pirates on Cross Island and transit ports."

"What I mean is that we can increase the commission we get from helping the pirates sell their goods. And some of the goods obtained from the pirates can be given to our own stores in the transit port at a low price."

The butlers looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

The people of the Varji family are like money-grubbing devils, trying to find a place to get money in every corner, but in fact money is not easy to make in this world.

If it were so easy to make money, there wouldn't be so many people becoming pirates.

The two butlers discussed for a while and said to McLaughlin Vargy: "Lord McLaughlin, if we do this, those pirates will definitely make a fuss."

"Last time we tried to recycle the [Blue Blood Whale Lung Lobe] from them at a low price, we met with total resistance from them."

McLaughlin Vargy cursed a few times. If a single pirate makes trouble, he can just kill it, but when faced with too many pirates making trouble, he must also be concerned.

"The old man of the Valji family is about to die, and he will choose an excellent successor in the next few years. I must work hard to express myself in the past few years, even if it is just to catch the fish."

"Successfully preventing that group of mainlanders from coming to Cross Island this time is one of my achievements. In a way, I have to thank those arrogant people."

He raised the tea cup on the table and was about to take a sip of coffee, but at this moment the door was suddenly pushed open.

"It's bad, all the Naga tribe have turned against them. Now there is not a single Naga in the snake house in the private inlet we provided to them. Those who set off from Belisarius Commercial Republic are still there. Come closer to us.”

The senior cadre of Varji who came to deliver the letter said in panic: "What should we do now?"

The porcelain teacup in McLaughlin Vargy's hand also fell to the ground and shattered after hearing the news. He himself sat silently on the chair for a while, allowing himself to accept the news.

After a while, McLaughlin Vargy stood up angrily and vented his anger on the messenger. "The strength of the Naga clan is not weak at all. They were tricked by us into becoming our slave race. What happened to them that they actually disobeyed our orders and surrendered to the enemy?"

"Aren't they afraid that we will kill their leader and princess? Send someone to summon their leader and princess immediately. I need an explanation."

The messenger hurriedly left here and went out to call the princesses and leaders of the Nagas.

McLaughlin Vargy stood motionless for several minutes after the messenger left. When the two butlers' legs were numb from standing for a long time and they made slight footsteps as they moved, McLaughlin Vargy reacted with a distorted face.

He knew that all the futures he had imagined before could be wiped out in one stroke.

Because these are all based on the premise that he successfully intercepted the land people who were going to Cross Island.

If the interception is not successful, then he will not want to enter his father's heir list.

The two housekeepers were uneasy. "Lord McLaughlin, what should we do now?"

"The strength of the Naga clan is not weak, if they change sides."

At this moment, the study room was opened again, and two "women" with crying voices rushed into the room. Two gold-clad naga prostrate themselves at McLaughlin Vargy's feet, longing for his forgiveness.

"As soon as we heard the news, we rushed over and happened to meet your messenger. Lord McLaughlin Vargy, please forgive the betrayal of our humble tribesmen. We are the direct descendants of the 'Mother of the Sea' .”

"They dare not disobey our orders. Please forgive us, Lord McLaughlin Vargy. We are willing to integrate into the Vargy family..."

McLaughlin Vargy rushed over and slapped the mother and daughter five times.

"Without the Naga clan, what's the point of raising you two losers? What I value is the Naga clan behind you. Do you think I value you two loser Nagas?"

"I'm going to kill you!"

The two Nagas immediately continued to beg for mercy. "Please give us another chance. As long as we are here, those Nagas will not dare to betray you. Just lie to them and come back. When the time comes, Mr. McLaughlin Vargy will kill whichever Naga he wants. Which Naga should die?"

The remaining Vargy stewards were also trying to persuade McLaughlin Vargy.

"Master McLaughlin, they do still have some use to us. Let them live for now."

McLaughlin Vargy glanced at the two Nagas coldly, and then said to the people in the room: "As long as you pass through the transit port, you can enter the transit sea, and then you can enter the [Terminal City] on Cross Island. .”

"We have to stop them in their tracks."

"There are three steps. The first step is to send people to communicate with them and see how much gold and silver can be used to get rid of these bandits from the land."

"At the same time, I'm going to take money to bribe the officials and governors of the transit port, asking them to issue an order to prohibit the ships of those coming from land from entering the port. Then you go and gather all our ships and sailors in the transit port, as well as those who are attached to us. The pirates of the family.”

"This time I will destroy those land people at all costs."

"This time I will no longer control the scope of the price I pay. This time I must make a final decision. I will use a powerful fleet to directly destroy them!"

McLaughlin Vargy looked at the two Nagas who were kneeling on the ground begging for his forgiveness. "Put chains on these two things and tie them to the bow. I don't believe the Nagas really dare to attack us." Launch an attack.”

"But we must also be prepared to prepare our fleet to deal with possible underwater attacks by the Nagas. Use the weapons we used to defeat them once."

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