The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 285 Knock on the door! Boundary city! The Great Wall of the Pirate World! !

After a simple sorting, Ivita and the others found that more than half of the pirates in their fleet had died in the battle, or they had escaped and jumped into the sea to their death.

Fortunately, people from the Naga tribe came in to control the sail ropes on the mast, otherwise there would not be enough people.

After leaving the floating sea, they hung up the black flag stolen from the pirates to gain access to the transit port.

Not long after they left the Suspension Sea and sailed, they soon saw in the distance an endless, great Great Wall-like port. The Great Wall Fortress was like a line that divided the transfer sea into two, which was spectacular.

This is actually a Great Wall on the sea.

Tens of thousands of ships of different sizes sailed inside and outside the Great Wall, heading to different areas.

There are many whirlpools of different sizes in the transit sea. Some whirlpools are only more than ten meters long, while some can reach thousands of meters. That can be said to be a super whirlpool.

Iveta imagined that it would be very desperate for a ship to be entangled in such a super whirlpool.

The sailors on the ship could only watch with their own eyes as the ship and themselves were gradually sucked in by the whirlpool.

Ivita stood on the bow of the boat, facing the cool sea breeze. He looked at the Great Wall floating on the sea, and suddenly felt that it was a great miraculous project that was almost impossible to defeat by one person.

The Hearthstone Witch walked to Ivita and opened the spiritual vision belonging to the witch. She said to Ivita: "Your Majesty, please use your spiritual vision to look at the Great Wall over there."

Ivita glanced at her doubtfully, and then turned to look at the transit port. She found that there was a terrifying aurora-like spirituality hanging over the Great Wall. The Great Wall was alive and spiritual!

In Ivita's eyes, the Great Wall, the transit port, separates the inside and outside, not only at the level of the material world, but also at the spiritual level.

Captain Sam looked at the Great Wall with a strange expression. "Every time I see it, I feel that Marco Anson is so great. He spent just a few decades like a mortal to build the pirate world so well. That is what Marco Anson wanted to protect The pirate world created the [boundary city—transit port].”

"Boss, there is such a story."

He narrated to Ivita, "There is a story like this circulating in the taverns of the Republic of Belisarius. It is said that Mark Anson predicted before his death that his death would degenerate the pirate republic that was finally established. It has become a pirate world that is not even a country."

"The pirates will be torn apart, leaderless, and will harm each other. All the efforts he made during his lifetime will be overthrown by the nations."

"Therefore, before he died, he consumed all the favors he had accumulated during his lifetime and invited many fairies, elves and fallen fairies to come over and come up with a solution. He even invited the King of Elves [the Djinn]."

"They finally came up with a way. They wanted to create a Great Wall for future generations of pirates, a Great Wall that could stop the enemy."

"This is the boundary city in front of us."

"This boundary city is said to be able to block guests and laws rejected by the pirate world. It is an important part of the laws of the Seven Seas Code. The greatest aristocratic commercial republic that was once one of the three major republics. I wanted to send a fleet to invade the pirate world and completely wipe out the pirates, but in the end, I failed because of this boundary city."

"Once upon a time, the maritime fleet of the Seljuk-Roma Empire collapsed in front of this boundary city, and the [Padisha] of that generation of the Roma Empire personally warned future generations that if an invincible fleet is not built, Never try to attack the pirate world."

"He gave his attack on the transit port a resounding name - [Knocking Pass]."

"Because the transit port can directly lead to the upper city and the central port, you can [station up] and [catch up] after [knocking on the pass]."

"And in Seljuk, the neighbor next to the Roma Empire, the military oligarch [Mamluk Kingdom] also organized a navy and wanted to attack the pirate world and plunder the territory. The undisciplined pirates had no ability to resist. , suffered a complete defeat in the naval battle with the [Mamluk Kingdom], but in the end had to give up the plan to destroy the pirate world because of this Great Wall.”

"On the other side of the sea, the navies of the Berber countries often compete with the pirates in the pirate world for the ecological niche of piracy, but they do not have this Great Wall, so they have always been at a disadvantage, and their situation is getting worse and worse."

Captain Sam looked at the transit port and sighed. "The reason why the scattered pirate world can look like a kingdom is largely due to the existence of central ports and transit ports."

"It can be said that Marco Anson supported the Pirate Republic at its peak for decades with his talents. During his lifetime, the countries on the Mediterranean coast could only ask their people to move away from their settlements on the coast. Land. Pirates can often enter the land from the sea along the tributaries of rivers and rob countries."

Ivita nodded. Unfortunately, Marco Anson still couldn't prevent the pirate world from falling apart after his death.

"What a pity."

The whole boat fell into silence.

The ship continued towards the transit port. Just when they sailed about two thousand meters, suddenly, five ships came from a distance. The flags of those five ships were not black skull flags, but black code flags.

Captain Sam ran over and told Ivita, the Hearthstone Witch and Wilson, "Boss, that is not a pirate ship, but a public ship at the transit port. In order to centralize power, the Pirate Republic had a huge bureaucracy. But with the death of Marco Anson, most of these institutions fell into disuse.”

"But there's still some bureaucracy left."

"Those code flags represent that these ships belong to the official fleet of the transit port."

Ivita frowned, then what was this official fleet doing when they were about to approach the transit sea?

When the fleets of both sides met, an official wearing a three-cornered hat and a big belly walked out from the flagship deck of the fleet at the transit port. He looked at Ivita and the others with a fake smile, and then shouted loudly: "It's you, the land people who set sail from the town of Lahainavu in the Republic of Belisarius and came here. I am the transit port Port Controller, you can’t go any further. This is the governor’s order, and he made it clear that you are the only people who cannot enter the transit port.”

"Please come back."

Everyone in the boat looked ugly.

Because it's clearly aimed at them. The management of the transit port has always been relaxed, and they can enter as long as they hang a black flag. Why are they suddenly restricted from entering today?

This must be someone from the Varji family causing trouble.

Ivita gave Wilson a look. Vampire Wilson suddenly had a smile on his face, but his eyes were filled with a chilling coldness. He asked the port administrator: "Excuse me, the pirate world has always been able to accept people from different countries, what about us? Why can’t you enter the world of pirates?”

The port management officer looked impatient, "If you can't enter, you can't enter. There is no reason."

"If you dare to break in by force, it will be a [knock-off]."

"This is up to you."

Soon, another ship came from a distance, and the ship carried the black flag of the Varji family.

The two stewards on the deck of the ship had smiles on their faces. They looked at each other across hundreds of meters of sea with the port management officer of the transit port, and the corners of their mouths all curled up into smiles.

The two butlers of the Valji family looked at Ivita and the others with a smirk on their faces, and at the same time, they looked at Ivita and the others with a hint of contempt and hostility.

This time they bribed the officials at the transit port, and of course the officials at the transit port were on their side.

These barbaric people who don’t know whether to live or die, no matter how much force they have, what can they do?

Are they going to try [Knocking Off]?

That was a great Great Wall that even the three major republics, the Mamluk Kingdom, which believed in the alien god of all beasts, and the navy of the Seljuq-Roma Empire, could not break through. The transit port can be said to be one of the least likely port cities in the world to be breached.

In the eyes of the two butlers, they felt that fighting and killing were of little use; power was everything.

They simply bribed the governor of the transit port, and the governor used some minor powers to completely stop Ivita and others who had fought all the way here and overcome countless difficulties.

This is the charm of power.

The two housekeepers of the Valji family said condescendingly to Ivita and others: "Are you, a group of bandits who want to come to reclaim their territory? My master said that as long as you are willing to turn around and leave the Black Sea now, we can give you You give me 600 gold pounds as compensation."

Wilson glanced at Ivita. After Ivita nodded, he sneered and said to the two stewards of the Valji family: "According to the laws of the kingdom and the laws of the nobility, your family illegally occupied my master Ivita. territory.”

"I am here to advise you to return the territory immediately."

"We are not short of money. And your family has been occupying my master's territory to a large extent, so you still have to pay him for occupying two pieces of territory. In other words, you should have given my master money."

"My lord, how many gold pounds do you need them to compensate?"

Ivita lowered her head and said casually that the Valji family could not afford the price to anger them.

"One hundred thousand gold pounds."

When the two butlers heard this number, their faces suddenly became ugly. Because this amount of money, even just saying it, is like poking their lungs.

"It's crazy, crazy, one hundred thousand gold pounds! Even if we sell our property, we can't get so much cash flow."

"Why are you still considering it? Don't forget, they can't enter the transit port at all now."

The two looked at the port administrator at the transit port and immediately calmed down. After all, Ivita and the others could not directly confront the entire pirate world's boundary city, that would be self-destruction.

One of the housekeepers looked arrogantly at Ivita next to Wilson and cursed angrily: "You lunatic, we are giving you a chance to step down, but you still dare to make such an outrageous request. You can't even enter another room today..."

A muffled thunder rang out in the sky, and the sky became covered with dark clouds.

The butler who was yelling at Ivita was startled. However, he quickly realized that he felt that Ivita did not dare to take action.

He continued to say to Ivita: "You don't dare to kill me. Don't scare me. It's useless. Behind me is..."

A bolt of lightning suddenly fell from the sky, and a thunder snake loomed in the sky.

The lightning struck the steward of the Valji family on the head, causing him to bleed from all his orifices on the spot, and he died tragically on the deck.

Another senior butler of the Valji family stepped back in fright. He pointed at Ivita and couldn't believe his eyes. "You actually do it, you actually dare to do it?"


"This is killing someone in front of the port administrator. It's too cruel. Do you want to knock him off?"

Seeing his former colleagues and close friends die in front of him, he was so frightened that his legs became weak, and he could no longer retain any dignity.

On the other side, on the flagship of Codex Black Flag, the port administrator also held the railing and fell into a rage. He didn't expect that Ivita would really dare to kill someone in front of him. "Boy, you are so courageous. If you become a pirate, you must be a good pirate."

"We pirates need a character like yours that is fearless. But aren't you a little too rude? You dared to kill someone on the spot in front of me when we were explicitly prohibited from entering the port."

He raised his left hand. The surface of that arm was covered with octopus accretion disks, and a heavy malice enveloped him. His anger and malice towards Ivita all began to target Ivita through this evil aura as a medium.

Ivita sneered, not afraid of him at all, but started teasing him. "What does it have to do with you if I kill a pirate outside the transit port? The pirate world has been so centralized that it doesn't even care about this?"

The port administrator was stunned for a moment, and most of his anger disappeared, because Ivita was right.

What do they care about this kind of thing? Anyway, they just need to block Ivita and the others from the transit port. As for Ivita killing a few people here, it has nothing to do with them.

It's not like the Varjis bribed them on this issue. If you want them to take control, give them another bribe.

The officials of the money-grubbing pirate world immediately said to Ivita: "You are right. This is a personal grudge between you and we cannot care about it."

The senior butler of the Valji family who was still alive next to him had sweat on his forehead. He turned his head in disbelief and looked at the port administrator who was hinting to him to give him another bribe. He wanted to curse in his heart.

I really can’t believe the pirate’s character! ! !

The steward looked at the cold eyes Ivita looked at him and the tragic death of his colleagues. Suddenly his forehead was covered with sweat and he said to the port administrator: "Sir, I have one hundred and twenty gold pounds here. I want to pay tribute to you." You repair the ship..."

The port administrator suddenly smiled and said, "That's right."

"That wizard over there named Ivita, you can't kill anyone in front of me. Give me some face, I..."

He was puzzled when he saw a grouper on the sea, carrying a glass bottle tied with a red silk ribbon, and came to their boat.

He immediately asked the sailors to fish out the glass bottle.

Groupers are the marine creatures that carry messages when ordinary laws are issued in Central Port.

The port administrator opened the bottle and took out the law inside. His expression suddenly changed. He looked at Ivita and then at the law. The arrogance on his face turned into a hint of flattery at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Lord Ivita, you actually know Captain Peter of the Never Island ship among the seven legendary pirate ships."

"It's really disrespectful. This is a law from Central Port. This law says that you can enter the transit port!"

"Ah, Lord Ivita, please forgive me for being rude just now. This is my treasured magic ring [Emerald Ring]. I hope you can accept it and forgive my ignorance just now. It was not my original intention."

For a moment, Ivita was surprised, Wilson and the Hearthstone Witch felt strange, and the senior housekeepers and sailors of the Valji family were stunned, frightened and frightened.

The senior butler of the Valji family muttered to himself. "Never Island..."

"A natural disaster at can you land people have a relationship with Captain Peter, and even ask him to go to Central Harbor just for you???"

"That's Captain Peter who never fails! The Neverland is the home of children abandoned by their parents on the ocean. The Neverland is also the destination of the souls of children who die in shipwrecks at sea. It is an afterlife. , another pirate ship.”

"That is a ship that specializes in plundering children's souls. You can actually persuade such a person to stand up for you..."

Ivita lowered his head and thought. He didn't know what was going on with the Never Island ship, but if it was Captain Peter...

Puss in Boots once told himself that Pan had a vest named Peter.

Couldn't Captain Peter be this guy?

But apart from Pan Shen, he didn't know any other legendary pirate ship captains, and it was even less likely that the other party would take a trip to Central Port for him.

Therefore, Captain Peter is probably Pan.

This guy has so many vests.

But I didn't expect that he would actually help me here. Originally, I was still thinking about how to enter the transit port.

With Pan's help, Ivita saw that the port administrator's attitude towards her immediately changed, and she also wrote a letter asking the carrier pigeon to fly back and tell the governor of the transit port the information.

Ivita looked at the Valji family's ship, and all the people on their ship. Thunder and lightning fell on both sides of their ship. All the sailors on the ship were extremely frightened. Some begged for mercy, and some wanted to jump off the ship, but they were killed by lightning.

Ivita said to Vargy's steward: "Go back and tell your family managers."

"Tell them that they must pay me back what they owe me, and they must repay it double, and they must also pay me the fees for using my two viscountries over the years."

The Razer magic fades away.

Ivita spared their lives, and the two armies fought. If they didn't kill the envoys, there would be no point in killing them anyway.

Everyone in the Varji family was sweating profusely. Some were even so frightened that their legs and feet were weak. They sat on the deck without any image, gasping for air. The dark scene just now frightened them all.

The senior butler of the Valji family who was still alive did not even dare to say a harsh word. He just kept urging the first mate and the boatswain to turn around and escape from here.

He has to go back and report these things to the head of the Vargy family here, McLaughlin Vargy.

There is a huge secret of their family in the transit port, which must not be lost.

Moreover, their family has a small baron territory on the outskirts of the transit port city. If they are defeated here, they will not be able to keep even this territory.

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