The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 286 Plague outbreak, Shenzhen and Hong Kong!

Transit port.

After McLaughlin Vargy learned what happened at the entrance to the transit sea, he immediately called on the half-assembled fleet to go to sea to besiege Ivita and others who wanted to enter the transit port.

Ketan Varji, his close confidant, immediately dissuaded him in the study. "Why not wait until the fleet is fully assembled before sending them to stop Ivita and the others?"

"Right now, half of our ships are still in various small waters of the Black Sea, and we have to wait for them to come back. The pirates who have good relations with us also have no way to come back because they are hunting materials, plundering merchant ships and smuggling ships in various parts of the Black Sea. .”

McLaughlin Vargy suddenly looked back at him, grabbed his collar and said: "Do you think I am unwilling? But I didn't expect that all the strategies originally used to delay those landmen failed. "

"Originally, I spent a lot of money to bribe the governor, but who knew that the central port actually issued a law for this kind of thing, requiring the transit port to accept those land people from entering the port."

"In about another day, they can successfully enter the transit sea."

"It's too late to rally the ships."

McLaughlin Vargy said anxiously: "I heard that the Never Island from the Seven Legendary Pirate Ships was involved in this matter. I originally thought it was just a small matter, but now it seems that this matter is not simple and very serious. Difficult to deal with.”

"If we delay it any longer, I'm afraid things will get more complicated."

"That damn Ivita even killed one of my senior assistants and scared another one of my senior assistants crazy. As a result, I have to ask for your help now, otherwise I won't even be able to run the family industry here. Damn it, why? The owners of those territories are going to suddenly ask us to take them back after a few decades??! Damn it, damn bastards!"

"How could..." Ketan Varji looked surprised, even scared. "Never Island... Oh my god, why are they getting involved in this matter because of those land people? Could it be that the Never Island wants our family's territory? We have indeed made great progress recently in discovering extraordinary materials about underwater creatures. It's quite far away, and our main family even has the potential to become a super smuggler family on Cross Island."

"Could it be that they want our business?"

McLaughlin Vargy loosened his collar and tapped him on the shoulder. "If the Neverland wants something, it will ask us directly. So I think it may just be those land people this time who are lucky enough to get help from the Neverland for some reason."

"That's possible."

"Therefore, we don't need to consider the attitude of the legendary pirate Peter too much when dealing with those landmen."

"Cousin, the heavy ships we currently have at the transit port include two three-masted sailing ships, fifteen two-masted sailing ships, and fifty-seven sloops."

"There are two hundred and ten first-level professionals, thirty-one second-level professionals, four third-level professionals, and a fourth-level professional...the one who received assistance from our family Sir’s help.”

"There are over eight hundred ordinary sailors."

"There are more than a thousand troops in total. This force is more than enough to attack some small city-based countries. Although we don't need to attack those hard-core."

"So things are still within my control."

"Send out the entire army and attack them with all your strength, so that there is no possibility of things changing again!"

Clin Vargy nodded and said, "Okay."

"I'll deliver the order."

After transiting overseas, the previous port administrator [Veronica Alanis] took the initiative to guide Ivita and others, ordering the four ships at the transit port to lead Ivita's fleet to the port.

Along the way, although there were scattered pirates encountered, they all gave way automatically after seeing the black flag of the code.

Some pirates also discovered the identities of Ivita and the others, and knew that they were the group of 'slave ships' that had been operating rampantly in the nearby waters in the past few days. When they saw Ivita and the others approaching, they were afraid to avoid them, so they got out of the way.

So Ivita and the others successfully entered the transit port with their fleet and Nagas.

The Gunara Naga fishman noticed that the officials of the pirate world seemed to have some respect for Ivita, and suddenly felt that their family had made the right choice to worship the god. This was comparable to their family's sacrifice. Mother of the Sea', life was much stronger.

At the same time, the bow of Ivita's flagship, the Britannia, suddenly hit a shark, and the shark actually had a glass bottle tied with a red silk ribbon on its back. There was a small roll up in the glass bottle. parchment.

The Hearthstone Witch stretched out her hand. "Your Majesty, that shark seems to be conveying some kind of Central Port law to us."

"We have a total of six ships, and every ship has actually received this order. The four ships in front of them flying the black flag of the Code also have four sharks carrying glass bottles to look for them. What on earth is this matter that is so urgent?"

Ivita said to her: "Open it and take a look."

The Hearthstone Witch opened the glass bottle and took out the note, her expression changed. "It actually has Gaslot's name on it, let me read it."

"This is... this is the [Ship Hunting Order] among the five major laws of the pirate world. It is an order that must be enforced. It reads - 'Great Knight Gaslot Danny Granger, to Shenzhen Port He brought the plague, which caused the death of at least 50,000 people in Shenzhen and Hong Kong with a population of 350,000 in a few months. He was suspected of carrying some kind of evil plague around him. Everyone who met the great knight Gaslot Danegran Jay's pirates, sailors, captains and wealthy merchants, bosses, and ship owners who use pirate ship components must immediately attack the Great Knight Gaslot Danny Granger and use all efforts to kill him, otherwise you will Components on the ship will lose all effect.'

From the upper city, central port...the governor..."

After hearing this [Ship Hunting Order], Iveta's face suddenly became strange. The 'disease' in the child that the guy was carrying was actually so serious.

No wonder that guy didn't dare to stay longer than in Palvega. After rescuing Lady Alice, he left directly.

It turned out that he had a time bomb with him at all times.

It was probably because he was in a pirate world with a particularly high density of scum that he relaxed his vigilance, causing the plague to break out in Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

Hearing what the Hearthstone Witch said, Arabi and Juno Fuvar, who had been hiding in the cabin of the ship, ran onto the deck because their family, the Fuvar smuggler family, was also in Shenzhen Harbor.

Arabi looked particularly sad, with tears streaming down her face. She seemed to be worried about the Fulval family in Shenzhen, but it was Juno who was only slightly surprised, and then focused on how to please Ivita.

Ivita looked at the two of them coldly. "Didn't I tell you two not to come out unless there is something special?"

"Hearthstone Witch, Wilson, trouble is coming."

The two looked up and immediately saw a huge fleet coming from far away from the sea. The fleet was located in the center of the sea. All the little pirates around them were running away frantically when they saw this.

But there are also some good people who sail the boat closer, as if they want to watch the battle and witness something.

Ivita said: "The real attack of the Valji coming..."

At this moment, Ivita and McLaughlin Vargy really looked at each other for the first time. McLaughlin Vargy looked at Ivita with eyes full of anger, dissatisfaction, anxiety, and irritation.

McLaughlin Vargy placed his hand on the hilt of the one-handed sword at his waist.

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