The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 290 Pan’s Warning to the Governor

After the Dead Ox Wizard jumped into the sea and fled, Ketan Varji was also horrified, knowing that they were defeated, and now the time was too short for other ships to rush over to support them.

At the moment when he was distracted, Wilson opened his mouth wide, exposed his fangs, bit his neck, and began to suck his blood crazily.

The Hearthstone Witch's Sad Flower seemed to sense it automatically. It suddenly changed its direction, stretched out its stem, and bit Ketan Valji's shoulder. The latter originally wanted to survive the attacks of the fourth generation vampire and the high-level witch. He resisted and used evil energy to ward off the two, but the Sad Flower injected [Sadness Liquid] into him at this time.

Ketan Varji's eyes suddenly became blurred, showing an extremely sad expression. "I...may be hopeless..."

"It's no use if I keep fighting."

Wilson glanced at the Hearthstone Witch in surprise, then he also looked at Ketan Varji with his eyes, and said: "Yes, I am implanting an idea into you here: What you think is right now, you can do whatever you want now. It’s useless, you can only accept death.”

The Hearthstone Witch laughed. "The venom injected into him by the Sad Flower has the effect of causing depression. The Dead Ox Wizard is determined and will not be affected. But this third-level knight is not immune to my spell."

"Your mental compulsion has aggravated this phenomenon. Just continue to be depressed like this..."

Ketan Valji, who had lost his fighting consciousness, automatically dissipated the bad energy on his body. The bad energy, a special energy substance composed of the knight's mental thoughts and body energy, would automatically reflect the knight's mental state.

When a knight is in battle, his strong will to fight against others means he is also very malicious towards others, and his evil aura can naturally exert its full power.

However, if the knight's fighting awareness is insufficient, it means that he has no ill intentions towards others, and the performance of his evil spirit will be affected.

A knight who loses his fighting consciousness is equivalent to losing most of his combat effectiveness.

Ketan, who fell into a state of depression, was soon sucked into a human by Wilson. On the contrary, after the vampire Wilson absorbed this high-quality blood, his body muscles expanded slightly, his eyes and pupils were bright, and they actually strengthened a bit. The feeling of being divided.

At the same time, Ivita's huge magic hand kept attacking McLaughlin Vargy with repulsion and gravity.

McLaughlin Vargy could still resist at the beginning, using sword skills to block the magic hand and delay his defeat. However, after he made a mistake, he continued to be beaten by Ivita. .

In the attack of repulsion and gravity, his evil energy was exhausted. After losing the evil energy that broke the law, he was like a warrior without weapons, a tiger without teeth and claws, without any means of defense or attack. .

Ivita quickly broke his limbs and ribs with her magical hands, then stretched out her left hand to summon the Destruction Cloak, called the Destruction Ball, and used the Destruction Ball to attack McLaughlin Vargy's body.

Let every inch of McLaughlin Vargy's body be soaked in destructive energy, destroying the spirituality of the extraordinary organs within his body.

Ivita opened her spiritual vision and observed the supernatural organs in McLaughlin Vargy's body and the spiritual cycle established by the extraordinary organs, and was overwhelmed by the terrifying destructive energy.

Those three destruction magic balls are the additional magic that comes with the destruction magic cloak, but they are used in this situation at the moment.

Because McLaughlin Vargy was, after all, the eldest son of the Vargy family and was entrusted with important responsibilities, so Ivita felt that it would be a pity to kill him. Instead, she kept him in her hands, which might be of some use.

McLaughlin Vargy kept screaming during the attack of three destructive spheres, "I am the eldest son of the Vargy family, let me go! Kill me, and you will be avenged by the Vargy family. "

"Let me go now!"


Not only were his screams and accusations useless, but they made the pirates and sailors on the flagship of the Valji family fleet feel that Varji was doomed. Many pirates had already put down the rescue boats on both sides of the ship. Paddling away.

Some sailors jumped into the sea and swam towards the transit port.

The Witch of Hearthstone used ten piranha plants to bite off the Valji family flag hanging from the mast.

When the flag of the Valji family fell, the entire fleet of the Varji family that came to support was in chaos, because the flag system is very important in the army, and all the troops will automatically gather in the direction of the flag.

Without a flag, the entire chain of command collapsed and the army collapsed.

Only the most disciplined iron troops can continue to fight after the flag falls, and pirates are the complete opposite of such an army.

The troops of the Valji family are all pirates or sailors who have lived on smuggling ships all year round. After seeing that the Varji family was gone, these rabble-rousers did not choose to avenge the Varji family. Instead, they rushed to escape by boat.

The big pirates who were watching the battle were also shocked after seeing this scene.

Originally, a group of several small boats from the outer sea sailed all the way to Cross Island. It was simply a fantasy to have Cross Island return his property and let the pirate world spit out the looted property.

A small versus many naval battle made almost everyone watching the battle feel that Ivita and the others would lose.

But after this naval battle, what shocked people was the disastrous defeat of the Varji family.

It is true that Ivita did not defeat the Valji family head-on, but as long as they can win on the battlefield, it is a good tactic.

Now it is actually the fleet of the Valji family that is completely defeated!

Pirate Captain Robert's eyes widened. "How is this is this possible!"

"The fleet of the Valji family, which has a numerical advantage of more than ten times, failed like this?"

"This is simply...I can't believe it. I originally thought that McLaughlin Vargy, who has tolerance and talent, would be the best heir to the Vargy family, but now Ivita has completely defeated Mike Laughlin Vargy.”

Pirate Captain Robert shook his head slightly. "If this is not a personal grudge, but a naval battle between countries, then this will be a very classic naval battle."

A pirate captain on the side said: "Huh, you were bragging about McLaughlin Vargy before. Let me tell you, now the entire Vargy family is in danger. This battle is not that simple. How many members of the Vargy family Enemies, knowing their defeat, will swarm them like flies at a stink.”

"Pirates are all scoundrels who are unscrupulous."

"The pirates who were originally attached to the Valji family will also scatter and gradually leave. The smugglers who covet the Varji family's business will also start to attack the Varji family."

"Behind the big smuggler families in the pirate world, there are great nobles of various countries, and even kings of various countries. The Valji family has now become the fat in the eyes of the major smuggler families."

"Even if Ivita is defeated by the Valji family using up their last resources, the Valji family will be dead this time!"

Captain Robert glared at the pirate captain who spoke. "You still don't think highly of Ivita? That's ridiculous."

"Now I feel like everything is possible."

Governor Sirshiva lowered his head and glanced at the letter in his hand. It was the letter written by God Pan to him. There were only two lines written on it——

‘First, don’t help Ivita, you don’t need to worry about his safety. ’

‘Second, pay attention to Ivita, don’t let him destroy the boundary city of the pirate world, otherwise things will cause a big fuss. ’

Governor Sirshiva narrowed his eyes.

‘Captain Peter of the Neverland…the legendary pirate who never ages or matures, asked me not to help the young man named Ivita. Now I know some of the reasons. ’

'Just with the power he showed, it seems that he is still far away from the Great Wall on the Water that threatens the pirate world. Even in front of the Great Wall, any personal power is insignificant. ’

‘Why does Captain Peter want me to be careful about the young man named Ivita and prevent him from destroying the boundary city? ’

‘Is it just a matter of spreading suspicion? ’

Governor Shirshiva shook his head and saw that the big pirates around him were sailing to attack the ships of the Valji family that had broken up and fled.

Pirates have no moral integrity. How could you miss the opportunity to rob?

The fleet of the Valji family, which was currently dominant in the transit port, has been defeated. Looting the enemy when they are fleeing is the best time to grab the most loot. Therefore, the pirates who had been watching the battle immediately started their own business and began to rob the Varji family's ships.

On the other side, Ivita, who was on the flagship of the Valji family, was not surprised after seeing this scene. This was originally within his plan.

After defeating the Varji family's maritime fleet in this way, it actually cannot completely disintegrate the opponent's naval power.

Because these originally disintegrated troops would go to the Valji family's headquarters on Cross Island to reintegrate and restore a certain degree of combat capability.

But now the pirates are beating up the drowned dogs and taking advantage of others, which is enough to ensure that the defeated fleet will cease to exist and will never recover.

Moreover, the Varji family may be in a situation where they are constantly being tested and suppressed.

Ivita shouted to the sea with a voice that contained magic: "Gunara, take the Nagas to intercept the ships of the Valji family, and seize as many ships as you can!"

Meanwhile, Ivita threw McLaughlin Vargy on the deck. This guy was dying. Although he was not dead yet, the extraordinary organs in his body were almost destroyed, and only a little spirituality remained.

He has no fighting power.

Ivita said to the Hearthstone Witch: "Find a way to lock up McLaughlin Vargy for me."

"We have to get to the transit port quickly. Otherwise, the Valji family's property there will not be robbed by this group of starving pirates. In a group of strongholds full of bandits, we must move quickly. Otherwise nothing will be left for us.”

"Okay, Your Majesty. If these people provoke you, they are committing suicide." The Hearthstone Witch began to think about how she should imprison this idiot of the Valji family.

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