The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 291 Obtain the Dead Cow Magic System! ! Capture eight ships and four type component cannons!

The Hearthstone Witch thought for a while and decided to use the Heartbreak Flower against McLaughlin Vargy.

She had the Heartbreak flower bite McLaughlin Vargy on the shoulder, and then kept pumping the guy's depressing Heartbreak fluid.

Soon this guy was succumbed to depression and fell into a situation where he didn't want to do anything and wouldn't resist at all.

McLaughlin Vargy looked up at the sky, his eyes full of melancholy. The thoughts in his mind were no longer about how to recover from his injuries and how to get out of the predicament, but about what life meant to him and what benefits death would do to him.

This waste of time thinking will continue to consume his little remaining mobility.

Even if no one was guarding McLaughlin Vargy, McLaughlin Vargy would not want to escape.

Ivita praised the Hearthstone Witch and said, "This new magic you have researched is very effective. Does it have any weaknesses?"

The Hearthstone Witch was stunned for a moment, and then quickly glanced at the people on this broken heavy flagship of the Valji family. Then he walked over and whispered into Ivita's ear: "Your Majesty, only a moderate amount of electric shock is needed. If the electric shock hits the person with the Sad Liquid, it will disrupt the influence of the Sad Liquid on him and help him get out of his depressed state."

"If two iron objects hit each other, the sound they make will scare away my sad flowers. Because indeed everyone will be sad, and sadness is unstoppable, but my magic plants are all afraid of iron objects, so they can be killed with iron objects. My Sad Flower, or the sound made by the iron tools, weakens the Sad Flower's attack power."

"As for whether there are any other weaknesses that I haven't noticed, I don't know yet, because this is a magic I just developed."

Ivita nodded and said to her: "Treat McLaughlin Vargy for a while."

"Just stop his bleeding and prevent him from dying."

The Hearthstone Witch nodded immediately and said, "Okay, Your Majesty. There is one more thing...that Wilson is addicted to blood, and I have to guard against him."

Ivita looked up at Wilson. Wilson, who had been squatting next to McLaughlin Vargy, coughed suddenly, then awkwardly stood up and moved away from McLaughlin Vargy.

At the same time, Wilson glared at the Hearthstone Witch angrily.

Why did you go out of your way to tell Ivita about this? Isn’t this exposing someone’s shortcomings?

The Hearthstone Witch raised her head solemnly, without even looking at Wilson.

The hunting activity for the remaining fleet of the Valji family continued until evening.

Almost none of the Valji family's ships could escape. They would either be captured by the big pirates Lao Liu who were watching the battle around them, or they would be hijacked by the Nagas on Ivita's side.

The Nagas seemed to have found an outlet for being oppressed by the Varji family for nearly five years.

They killed the Valji family members when they saw them, and were so crazy that they could hardly control themselves. Their original leader, who was hung on the bow of a two-masted merchant ship, was also removed from the bow of the ship and brutally killed.

The former leader's eyes widened, as if in disbelief. She looked at Gunara Naga, who was standing aside and watching her death indifferently, and vomited blood from her mouth. She looked up at the harpoon stuck in her belly and said, "Gunara, have you betrayed your ruler?"

"It was you who betrayed us." Gunara lowered her head and said, with a flash of sadness in her eyes. But after a moment, she firmly believed that their family belonged to the great Ivita forever.

The original leader stared at Gunara and the other six priests. "The Mother of the Sea will avenge me."

When Gunara heard this, she suddenly sneered. "If the Mother of the Sea comes to us, she will be killed by the great Lord Ivita. Ahemeneca, we not only abandon you, we also abandon the Mother of the Sea. The hearts of the Nagas are very Small, they can only have room for one god in their hearts.”

The former leader of Naga stared at Gunara and finally gave up. Her internal organs had been severely damaged by Ivita's thunder dragon magic before. If it weren't for the blood of the Mother of the Sea in her body, she would have died long ago.

Before she died, she looked at Gunara and the others with her eyes widened. I don’t know if it was because Gunara called her by her name, or because the Naga people actually abandoned the ‘Mother of the Sea’ and believed in a mortal.

In the evening, everyone in Ivita would gather together. They captured a total of seven two-masted ships and one three-masted ship that was severely damaged and required carpenters to repair it. The cursed components of their previous fleet were all shattered to pieces under the opponent's artillery attack.

But now they have seven newly captured pirate ships that have been carefully cultivated by the Valji family. These ships have various components on them. There is even a Type 4 Valji cannon that is rare in the entire pirate world.

Moreover, the outer panels of these two-mast pirate ships are all made of at least thirty pieces of Type I component sperm whale skin outer panels, Type I components man-eating dolphin skin outer panels, Type I components man-eating crocodile outer panels, Type I components red It is composed of toothed shark skin outer panels and other pirate ship components. It can be said to be armed to the teeth.

These outer panels can increase the rigidity of the boat to varying degrees and reduce water resistance.

These two-mast pirate ship sails are generally composed of two type-two components, and there are three types - black dark elf leather sails, white velvet sails and yellow sun coral reef sails.

The Dark Elf Leather Sail increases the sailing speed of the ship in the night, the Velvet Sail makes the ship more stable and not afraid of wind and waves, and the Sun Coral Sail increases the sailing speed of the ship in the daytime.

These components are all common components for pirate ships.

Therefore, these pirate ships are better than the ships before Ivita and theirs. It was carefully cultivated by the Varji family.

Moreover, each two-mast pirate ship is also equipped with five type II artillery pieces - the whale cannon, and is also equipped with a type III component artillery piece - the siren cannon.

The attack speed of the giant whale cannon will be slower than that of Ivita and their previous whale oil cannons. But after experiments, Ivita and the others found that the attack power of this kind of artillery would be more powerful, and the siren cannon was even more powerful.

Ivita stood on a two-masted ship and watched Wilson order the five soldiers and two trainee hunters he hired to operate the siren cannon and fire at the sea in the distance.

Only two soldiers were seen. One filled the gunpowder into the barrel, and the other stuffed the solid iron cannonball into the barrel. Then they lit the cannon.

The artillery fired an ammunition towards the sea surface, and accompanied by an infrasonic attack, the sea surface was not only smashed into a big crater, but the infrasound waves hit the sea surface, causing all the fish under the sea surface to die. Scattered floating on the sea.

Ivita couldn't help but nod. The professionals who have been following him, as well as Hearthstone Witch, Wilson and others, are also very satisfied with this.

When they exchange ships with the Varji family in this way, it can be said that they exchange shotguns for cannons.

Behind them, the sailors of the Valji family who were captured by them looked downcast.

Next, Ivita asked Captain Sam to find someone to test the power of the Valji cannon, the fourth type of pirate ship component on the three-masted ship.

I saw them putting one of the five remaining special cannonballs on the ship into the Valji cannon. Following a thunderous sound, a reef that was exposed at a corner of the water 2,500 meters away was instantly blown up.

The professionals on Ivita's side of the ship all exclaimed.

Captain Sam exclaimed to Ivita: "On this sea, the best long-barreled cannon can only hit an effective distance of 1,500 meters, but this giant cannon can effectively attack more than 2,000 meters, and even It can target farther, and its power is amazing."

The Hearthstone Witch looked at the cannon that was filled with astonishing mysterious power, "This cannon is already in danger of causing serious injuries to the great wizard and the great knight."

Captain Sam nodded and said: "A weapon for naval warfare."

"It is also a relatively expensive weapon in Belisarius's navy and is not accessible to ordinary soldiers."

"I suggest changing the name of this cannon to the Ivita Cannon."

Ivita laughed. "I agree, Captain Sam."

Wilson was silent for a while and said: "But the Valji family, which has such a powerful weapon, still lost to Lord Ivita."

"Does this mean these weapons are not as useful as they seem?"

Ivita shook her head. "It's not a problem with these weapons, it's a problem with people."

"Things are good things. Too bad there's something wrong with the people who use them."

"No matter how good a thing is, it needs better people to use it in order to exert its power."

The Hearthstone Witch immediately said: "Yes, the Ivita Cannon is even more powerful in my hands, and it will bring an even more terrifying reputation in this sea area!"

Captain Sam said to Ivita: "Boss, Type 4 components are extremely rare, and we made a profit today. Because this is probably the best Type 4 component with an owner, and wild components are extremely rare."

"Type four components are generally only in the hands of large smuggler families and super-large pirate fleets on Cross Island, and the components in their hands should be in single digits. Only legendary pirate ships will have the luxury of going from deck to sail, and then to the ship. The cannons and rudders are all equipped with Type IV pirate ship components."

"Part of the reason why those legendary island ships can run rampant on the sea and make people look like natural disasters is because they have many Type 4 pirate ship components."

Ivita asked casually: "Well, we are lucky this time. What about the type five components?"

Captain Sam shook his head and smiled bitterly. "That's something that's almost legendary. Maybe there's something like this on the legendary pirate ship, but it's just a possibility."

Ivita nodded.

The black and gold cloak of destruction automatically fell on his shoulders. Then he floated in the air with Ivita and floated to the last severely damaged heavy ship in his fleet. Seeing this, the Hearthstone Witch also transformed into a vulture, and then landed next to Ivita.

When Captain Sam and Wilson saw that Ivita had left for something, the two of them began to command the fleet and let the fleet enter the central port following the four code ships of the port administrator of the transit port who had returned.

As the port management officer of the transit port is a bit too obscene. During the naval battle just now, he didn't know where he ran. After winning the battle, he automatically ran out of nowhere. But following these ships can at least make the scattered pirates give way automatically, saving a lot of trouble.

On the heavy ship, Ivita raised her lips and looked down at the emerald magic ring in her palm. This ring seemed to increase the power of plant magic. Ivita threw it to the Hearthstone Witch. "This thing is of no use to me, so I'll give it to you. If you think you have no use for it, just sell it."

The Hearthstone Witch was flattered and covered the ring with both hands. "I will not sell the things your Majesty gives me."

Ivita nodded, then pointed to the Minotaur skeleton and the arm that fell off before the Dead Ox Wizard left, and said: "The Minotaur bracelet on his arm seems to be able to control this Minotaur skeleton. This Minotaur skeleton can resist my attack." The Fire of Law has good combat power, and I want to store it."

The Hearthstone Witch circled around the tauren skeleton. "This is necromancy magic and is not suitable for you. But I noticed before that your Dragon Palace magic has the ability to assimilate outside existence. You can include this skeleton warrior in your Dragon Palace magic."

"That arm is of no use, and it is deeply connected to that unfortunate great wizard. There is no benefit in keeping it around."

"The spirituality of the great wizards is like parasite eggs that cannot be burned to death at a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius. They are very troublesome anyway. They are people like them who are dead but not stiff."

The Hearthstone Witch decisively pulled the cow bone bracelet off the wizard's arm, and then threw the arm directly into the sea.

"Just let the shark eat his arm."

"Green and pollution-free."

Ivita raised her brows with a funny expression, then nodded. "It's up to you."

"Huh?" Hearthstone Witch looked at the cow bone bracelet in her hand. "This bracelet is not simple. It is not something belonging to a great wizard. It is actually a school inheritance artifact used by witches to pass down the school."

"Your Majesty, you see, we got a big deal. He actually dropped this kind of thing when he was running away."

Iveta suddenly thought that he had seen before that the Hearthstone Witch's Sad Flower controlled the Dead Ox Wizard. The other party must have been trying to escape, so he had no choice but to give up part of his body, but the school's inheritance magic weapon happened to be worn on on the left side of his body.

Ivita also didn't expect that this time he would get so many things when he launched an expedition against the Valji family.

The risk is directly proportional to the reward.

He gained the allegiance of a Naga tribe, a third-level Minotaur, and a well-established naval fleet.

Next, he will also take over the Valji family's territory and industry in the transit port. Of course, since he is seriously short of manpower and is in a world of bandits, he will definitely lose a lot of things.

This is reasonable to give up some benefits.

It's like a snake. If it eats an object that is too big, it will be unable to digest it, and eventually it will burst its stomach and let others take advantage of it.

The Valji family is still too powerful compared to Ivita now. Therefore, Ivita can only find someone to work together to swallow up the Valji family at once, completely eliminate the enemy, and let others share the power of the Valji family's death struggle.

Ivita looked at the cow bone bracelet in the hand of the Hearthstone Witch and found that there was a small line of text written on the inside of this ordinary white bone bracelet - [This is the inheritance from the Dead Cow Witch. Please read the following. Spell, operate this bracelet. 】

The Hearthstone Witch frowned. "Your Majesty, this is a little trick to deceive people."

"We can't recite the spell above. If we recite the spell, it should automatically attack the person holding the bracelet. Witches like to play tricks like this."

"Hmph. But I'm the expert at this."

She input a mana to the ring, and the universal text on the inside of the white bone bracelet suddenly disappeared, and another text appeared - [Yes, she is actually a fourth-level witch. You are qualified to know the Dead Cow Witch. story. 】

[This is a magic weapon inherited from the Dead Cow Witch School. It contains the magic system and understanding of magic completed by the Dead Cow Witch. The person wearing this Dead Cow Bone Bracelet will automatically obtain the power of necromancy magic equivalent to the second level. The bracelet itself can serve as a source of external magic. 】

[The Dead Cow Witch once saw through the mystery of life and death in a cow, and knew the boundaries between heaven and hell. In the end, she became the manipulator of neither the living nor the dead. Now she will tell you what she once thought. 】

The Hearthstone Witch was stunned for a moment, and then said to Ivita: "The other party seems to be a witch above the high-level witches. Only this kind of witch can think about the philosophy of the world, form their own theories, and create their own memes. "

Ivita became even more interested in watching the magic weapon inherited from the school of the dead cow witch. Maybe I will create a similar magic weapon in the future.

[About a thousand years ago, when the Dead Cow Witch was just an eight-year-old girl, she got a cow of her own. The cow was very honest and good at working. Every day she worked and cultivated the fields for their family during the day, and slept with her little mistress at night. In this way, the Dead Cow Witch spent her childhood. 】

[The family members of the dead cow witch have always been very proud of this old cow and told the neighbors that this cow is like their family, so hard-working and cute. 】

[The neighbors of the Dead Cow Witch's family are envious because their family owns this cow. 】

[But when she reached the age of eighteen, the cow became old and the cow could no longer work. 】

[Every time the owner sees the cow, he will sigh involuntarily, as if blaming it, the cow is old and can no longer work. 】

[The original praise for the cow was gone. Instead, everyone began to think that the cow was old, useless, and very lazy. 】

[That day, the cow understood one thing. It praised workers only because they were working. And when workers get older, people begin to think that they are very lazy. 】

[After some time, the Dead Cow Witch’s family wanted to kill it while it was still alive, sell its meat, and then use the money to buy nice clothes for the Dead Cow Witch so that she could To be able to have a good reputation in the future husband's family. 】

[But when the dead cow witch’s family wanted to do this, the cow actually rushed ahead of the dead cow witch’s family, found the dead cow witch, knelt in front of the dead cow witch, and treated the dead cow witch Start crying. 】

[The old cow told the dead cow witch, 'I started taking care of you day and night when you were eight years old. I have been with you day and night for ten years. Now someone wants to kill me, you should protect me. Because although I am not your mother, I have assumed some of your mother's responsibilities. A human cannot watch others kill her mother. ’]

[The old cow wanted to live, and luckily, the Dead Cow Witch thought it had a point. 】

[That’s how the cow survived. 】

On the deck of a heavy battleship at the end of their fleet, behind Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch, the sailors they captured were moving the ship in an orderly manner to keep up with the fleet.

Ivita, on the other hand, looked strange.

Because how can a cow speak human language?

The Hearthstone Witch looked even stranger. "A talking animal... It seems that this cow has part of the bloodline of a talking animal. It may be an atavism, but it may not be true."

New text reappears inside the cow bone bracelet.

The Hearthstone Witch and Ivita continued to read, and saw words continued to appear on the bracelet——

[This would have been a happy ending. The Dead Cow Witch felt so, and so did the old cow. But then something happened that no one could have imagined. One day after this incident, the cow was hit in the waist by a carriage while walking in the wild with the Dead Cow Witch. The old cow was dying on the spot. 】

[Before the cow was about to die, the dead cow witch cut its body open while it was still alive, took the meat to the market to sell, and then exchanged it for beautiful clothes to use as her dowry. To a handsome and handsome young man. If you wait until it dies before dividing the meat, the beef will be less valuable. 】

[The dead cow witch felt that she had been deceived by fate. She had already made preparations to treat the old cow as a filial mother and convinced her family. Then one day later, the old cow was killed. The Dead Cow Witch asked Lao Niu, what is the difference between you being killed by my family yesterday and you being killed by me today? 】

[The cow was silent for a long time, and finally said, 'There is no difference. But if I had known that I would die today, I would have chatted with you all night last night.' 】

[That day, the Dead Cow Witch realized two truths about death - 'Principle 1: Everything and everyone in the world will inevitably die. Nothing and no one can stop this process, just like the sun will rise. If the sun sets, the fruit will wither when it is ripe. As long as everything has life, it will lose it one day. ’]

[Principle 2: Only by understanding death can we know how to live. 】

[On that day, the Dead Cow Witch embodied the talent of magic and used these two principles to create a Dead Cow magic system composed of two magic chains. Through this bracelet, you can use this magic system. 】

[1. See through that all things will die and cannot be stopped. The dead cow's instant death magic - the dead cow's magic eye magic chain. 】

[If you only use this bracelet without learning the Dead Cow Magic System, you can use the first-level Bull's Eye Magic once a day and the second-level Bull's Eye Magic once a day! 】

[Two, understand the dead cow’s magic that is neither living nor dead—summoning a dead cow skeleton magic chain. 】

[If you only use this bracelet without learning the dead cow magic system, you can use the first-level magic of summoning bull-headed skeleton warriors once a day and the second-level magic of summoning bull-headed skeleton heavy warriors once a day! 】

[If you want to truly learn the Dead Cow system magic from this bracelet, inject your spiritual power into the bracelet, and you will get the Dead Cow Witch's unique philosophy of death and the Dead Cow magic system. 】

Ivita looked strange. He looked at the Hearthstone Witch and said, "Do you want to learn her magic system?"

The Hearthstone Witch shook her head. "Hearthstone's plant magic has its own system, with complete paths and a more unique philosophy. I don't need to learn this kind of thing. Your Majesty, do you want to learn it?"

Ivita shook her head. "I don't need to learn it, but it's not bad to use it as an external magic source pendant. You can use four additional magics in battle."

The Hearthstone Witch nodded. "That makes sense."

No new words appeared on the bracelet, probably because Ivetta and the Hearthstone Witch silenced it.

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