The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 312 Lebanon Traveling Lancer

Tataji Varji stood up and said to the bikini man [Kaketo]: "Sir Kaketo, you have never discussed these matters with me first. You want to give our family's industry as a gift to others. , to please others, I wonder if you have asked me!"

He had lived for most of his life and was accustomed to the intrigues and intrigues on Cross Island, but he never thought that one day such bad things would happen to him.

The bikini man [Kaketuo] ignored him and instead made himself a pot of tea. "These teas are treasures from the East. The Belisarius Republic, the Noble Merchant Republic and the Florcana Republic all want to dominate the tea trade, and even want to find the source of tea production, but they set out all the way east, Due to the obstacles of the countries that believe in the God of Beasts, no place has been found to produce tea."

Ivita said: "If it is because of the obstruction of the Seljuk-Roma Empire, then just go around it."

"Go around?" Kaketuo looked thoughtful. "Marco Anson once set out from Cornwall in the United Kingdom of Champagne and Brandy in the north. At that time, he wanted to bypass the countries that believed in the god of beasts and go to the East to find the sources of tea, silk and porcelain."

"But six months later, after he returned to the starting point, he told us that he failed and that the road was blocked."

Iveta's eyes lit up. That trip was probably the time Marco Anson took Puss in Boots to sea. During that trip, he might not have discovered a new route to the east, but he should have. Discovered the New World and later brought volcanic islands to the Black Sea.

If this is the case, then somewhere in the Black Sea, there should be Marco Anson’s logbook from that time.

Ivita said: "Then do you know what laws Marco Anson grafted on when he formulated the laws of the Seven Seas Code?"

Kaketuo grabbed his hiking pole and said: "This... the person who came into contact with Marco Anson at that time was not me. I don't know, but part of our Bikini people's laws has disappeared. But this is not important, I I don’t know if what Mark Anson used for grafting was our law, or if he used our law as a consumable to help Mark Anson graft the law.”

"Anyway, since our nation was defeated by the ancient civilization, our laws have lost their effect."

"The law is used to rule the earth, the sky and the sea, as well as the ends and edges of the world. If the Bikini people are even homeless and have no land of their own, then how can we talk about the law that governs an area."

During the conversation between the two, the faces of the Varji family had turned completely dark.

Tataji Varji banged the table like a trapped animal struggling to fight. "You two are enough. We thought that as long as we paid you ten people to rule the parliament every year, you would protect us."

"I was wrong."

"The Varjis were wrong."

Kaketuo turned his head impatiently and looked at him. "A quarter of the business in Shipwreck Port is ours, how dare you turn against us?"

"Although this is a pirate world, at least one-sixth of the pirates can be directly controlled by us."

"Pirates also need to eat."

Tataji Varji's eyes were red, and he pointed at Ivita and said, "Why should we be sacrificed just for this little boy?"

"Sacrifice?" Kaketuo was also impatient. "If I remember correctly, it was because of the internal fighting in your family that you were easily defeated by the land people because your absolute hard power far exceeded that of the land people."

"You have no value, do you know?! We Bikini people hate people who have no investment value or even negative investment value. Mr. Ivita's value is much higher than yours. He is..."

Kaketo glanced at Ivita and stopped talking.

After observing the situation for a long time, Governor Rollov finally knew how to stand. In fact, he may not necessarily be completely obedient to the ten-man dictatorial parliament among the Bikini people, but of course he must stand on the side that has a chance of winning. A party that brings benefits to him.

Besides, Palembang was built with the investment from Bikini people. Therefore, he was more easily influenced by the Bikini people than other governors.

Governor Rollov waved his hand to Tataji Varji and said: "Forget it, old Varji. We have been friends for many years, so listen to me, I will never harm you, now this kind of Forget it, the safety of your family is more important."

"As long as your grandchildren, sons, and daughters are still alive, this is not much more useful than any territory."

Tataji Varji's face turned red. He looked at his sons and daughters, and saw that all of these people's eyes were evasive. None of them had the courage to stand up at this time and protest to the powerful people who wanted to divide their family.

This made Tataji Varji feel that the blood was surging in his chest, and he felt dizzy.

At this moment, Ray Valji suddenly slapped the table, and the power of the great knight with five extraordinary internal organs came into play. Malice was spread to every participant in the small sailboat through the evil aura.

Ray Varji's face was extremely ugly, and he said angrily: "If you want to carve up my family, you might as well ask me, Ray, if I agree or not!"

Snow Valji took out the hunter's small sword on her body. She was actually a second-level hunter. She looked at Ivita with sharp eyes and said: "As long as I kill you here today, nothing will happen. "

"I won't let you step out of here."

There were some sounds coming from outside the sailboat.

"It hurts~ Why does it hurt so much? Who will help me? Who will kill me, or be killed by me!"

"This air is so uncomfortable. The laws that govern this world make me uncomfortable. No..."

"The principles of this world are rejecting us. We can't adapt. Our bodies are melting. It's too painful and uncomfortable. Who can help me? Let me kill you. I want to kill, and I want to relieve the pain!"

Ivita realized that at this moment, there were many servants of the Black Death infected with the Black Death outside the sailboat. Listening to their voices, it seemed that there were not only a few, but a very large number.

This is not their bad luck or a coincidence, but someone deliberately led these servants of the Black Death here.

The Governor stood up in anger and looked at the Valji family with angry eyes. "You actually brought the servants of the Black Death here, a bunch of idiots who were smugglers. You are asking for your own death. You could at least have a way to survive."

Mr. Tataji wanted to speak, but his grandson Ray Varji said: "What is the way to survive? Survival has always been fought for with one's own hands. I asked my friends to help me bring those Black Death victims to the negotiation venue. It was just to prevent any accidents, but I didn’t expect this accident to be really an accident, and I didn’t even expect it.”

"The people we invited here to seek justice, you turned around and sided with Ivita."

Ray Vargy said like a little gangster: "Then let's fight to the death, everyone."

Ivita looked at each other, the Grand Knight of the Iron Mountain, and the Hearthstone Witch. The Hearthstone Witch sneered and said to Ray Vargy: "Boy, the person who can bring you people infected with the Black Death is definitely not Transformers such as vampires and werewolves, vampires still have elements of life in them, so they are not completely dead. It seems that your friend is a master of necromancy."

"Let me guess, the great wizard of the dead cow, isn't he?"

Ray Vargy was stared at by the old witch to the point of numbness, and even more so when the old witch revealed his friend's identity, he panicked for a moment.

Outside the sailboat, the angry voice of the Dead Ox Wizard rang out, "Ivita, please return our school's inherited magic weapon to us. It's useless for you to hold it. You don't know how to use undead magic! Keep it with you. I have wasted something in my hands, please return it to me quickly!"

"Ah, these Black Death patients attack indiscriminately. Fortunately, I am using the body of an undead creature now."

In the small sailboat, people on board had different thoughts.

Ivita didn't mind completely annihilating Valji's family here. He chanted a spell and used Dragon Palace magic to summon the Tide Fishman, the Water Dragon Soldier with the strength of a second-level gladiator, and the Minotaur Rubber Man.

As three water whirlpools appeared in the boat, three summons came out of the whirlpools.

The people of the Varji family feel like they are facing a powerful enemy.

At that time, [Kake Tuo], who had been sitting silently drinking tea, suddenly tapped the table with his fingers and spoke. "Old Vargy, do you really want to defy the ten-member dictatorship of the Parliament?"

"Are you going to disobey me?"

Old Tataji took a deep breath, and the grandson and granddaughter beside him looked at [Kaketuo] with cold eyebrows.

Tataji's face was filled with uncertainty. He was afraid of the person behind Kaketuo, but he was also unwilling to give away to others what he had robbed and worked hard for all his life, so he hesitated.

[Kaketo] looked at Ray Valji. "Ask your friends to move those servants of the Black Death back home."

"Just like how you brought these filthy things near us."

Ray Vargy gritted his teeth. "That's not fair, my lord!"

[Kaketuo] said: "Fairness? When you slaughtered those weak businessmen, when did you talk about fairness with them? Those who give up morality and law first should not try to use morality and law to protect themselves."

"Those who do things unscrupulously will only be treated in an unscrupulous way. Lei, I know you have been recognized by a famous sword [Thunder Sword]. You are not simple and have high ambitions, but if you offend If you lose us Bikini people, everything you have now will disappear."

"Don't force me to use Lebanon's traveling rifle troops. I have already set up troops here. Young people, listen more to your grandfather, and you will have a way to survive."

Ray Vargy looked at his grandfather, then turned around and said: "No, what my grandfather means is to kill the fish and defeat the net."

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