The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 313: Subordinate Laws of the Tsar’s Law The Sword of the Tsar

Chapter 313 Subordinate Laws of the Tsar’s Law—The Sword of the Tsar

Almost instantly, there was a "bang" sound on the top of the small sailboat, and then four black tentacles tore off the top of the boat and attacked everyone in the sailboat.

Ivita raised her head and snapped her fingers. The cloak of destruction magic automatically protected himself, the Hearthstone Witch, the Iron Mountain Knight, and the heads of [Kaccto] and the Governor. The falling building fragments were all destroyed by the destruction magic. The cloak popped open.

When the black tentacles touched the magic cloak of destruction, they collided with the sphere of destruction. The energy of destruction and the pollution of the Black Death collided with each other and annihilated each other. Circles of energy fragments like falling snow appeared.

There were many scratches and loose threads on the surface of the magic cloak of destruction, but the two tentacles that tried to attack Ivita were also bounced away by the magic ball of destruction.

Ivita protected almost everyone in the canoe.

The governor cast a grateful look at him, and the bikini man [Kaketo] nodded to Ivita and said: "Thank you for your protection, Your Highness Ivita. I said that I have always been very optimistic about you."

But the people of the Valji family in the sailboat can only protect themselves.

Facing the falling fragments and black tentacles.

Ray Valji roared angrily, with a vicious aura lingering around his body. He pulled out his knight's sword and slashed it. During the action, thunder and lightning appeared faintly.

Iveta looked back at the sword and found that when the sword was being swung, a line of universal text showing blue light appeared on the back - 'The sword that records Ivan's achievements. The owner of this sword must aspire to great achievements. Far. ’

The fragments were shattered by the lightning wrapped around the sword, and even the two tentacles of the Black Death servant were cut off by the sword.

Ivita took a few more glances at the sword in his hand, and felt that the sword in the hand of the Valji family's thunder was not an ordinary sword.

After the small sailboat was completely overturned, everyone used their own methods to leave the small sailboat where they were. Ivita transformed into a peregrine falcon, soared into the sky like a missile, and landed on the observation deck of the three-masted sailboat.

The Hearthstone Witch turned into a vulture, and the Iron Mountain Knight used his powerful body strength to jump onto the deck of the three-masted ship not far away, then pulled out two swords and looked around.

Ray Vargy laughed heartily as he chopped off the tentacles of the Black Death servants that besieged him. "This is what will happen to you for betraying our Valji family. Any mediator, any bikini man, or any governor will die!"

Tataji Varji noticed that there was no one around the port. He knew that it was the Bikini Man [Kaketo] who asked Rollov, the governor of Palembang, to clear the place in advance so that no one would disturb their negotiations.

But now it seems that this has indirectly created an opportunity for the Varji family to secretly ambush and attack everyone involved in the negotiations.

There was a sneer on Tataji's face. Although he had made up his mind to kill everyone here, including Governor Rollov and the Bikini Man [Kaketo], he still spoke hypocritically. "What do you think, Mr. [Kaketo] and Mr. Governor, do you want to reconsider and see which side you want to stand on?"

The peregrine falcon transformed by Ivita opened its mouth and spit out a thunder spear, which landed at Tataji's feet. "Mr. Pirate, you are so confident."

With the help of two mercenaries of formal knights, the bikini man [Kaketo] climbed onto the deck of the three-masted heavy ship. As soon as he came up, he said to Ivita, who was transformed into a peregrine falcon on the mast: "Evie Your Highness, you don’t need to take action.”

"I already said that."

"This incident can be regarded as an investment in you by our ten-member dictatorship council. The wealth of the Varji family belongs to you."

"Some people are disobedient."

[Kaketo] turned to look at Tataji: "You were once a friend of our Bikini people, so now I will give you another chance. Will you accept our Bikini people's arrangement?"

Tataji looked angry. "Damn pagans, you bikini people who believe in the God of All Things don't even believe in the Holy Son. You think the Son does not exist at all. You are also worthy of negotiating terms with our orthodox belief in the God of All Things. You are just a bunch of people in the gutter. You thieves, you never dare to touch power, you only dare to be careful in business."

"Hahaha... In all these years, have you Bikini people ever obtained your own independent country?"

"Since the ancient civilization defeated you, you Bikinis never had an independent nation."

[Kaketuo] shook his head slightly. "Then you are our enemy in Bikini. It's a pity that we Bikini people are not only good at destroying our opponents, but also good at stigmatizing our opponents. Now the Varji family has become criminals against humanity who colluded with the Black Death. "

"The Lebanese Traveling Gun Corps, dispatch to eliminate the criminals against humanity!"

Ivita, who was standing on the mast, was a little stunned.

First, where are the Bikini Lebanese Traveling Rifles?

Secondly, although the members of the Varji family are not good people, it would be too much to say they are anti-human.

Could it be said that the Bikini Man still controls the mouthpiece of the pirate world?

That's a big deal.

As [Kaketuo] finished speaking, each of the spearmen wearing black full-body armor jumped out from the cabin of the three-mast ship, holding a three-meter-long black spiral gun. The spiral guns in their hands were cold and cold. Every time he attacks, the gun in his hand is like some kind of drill drilling through others.

The most important thing is that every spearman is an ordinary person.

Iveta was slightly stunned by this, but it was these ordinary spearmen who would cause serious damage to the Black Death servants every time they attacked the enemy with the black spiral spears in their hands. The black tentacles on the Black Death servants were one by one. Falling, melting and disintegrating under the principle that universal law still remains in the world.

There are hundreds of Traveler Lancers.

They formed a square formation of pike troops, like a tank marching on the deck of a ship. The servants of the Black Death suddenly jumped up and jumped on top of the spear phalanx, trying to continue the attack, but the next moment, they were all penetrated into pieces by the spiral guns of the Lebanese Traveler Lancers.

In an instant, four servants of the Black Death died under the Lancers.

This incident changed the face of the Valji family. They originally wanted to take advantage of the Black Death servants to attack Ivita and the others, but under the Bikini army, those difficult and terrifying Black Death soldiers The servant was actually vulnerable.

The most important thing is that those spearmen are ordinary people!

The only thing that might have this ability is the spiral spear in their hands.

Ray Varji asked Tataji. "Grandpa, what is going on? Why can those ordinary people defeat the Black Death servants that are difficult for professionals to defeat? What are the spears in their hands?"

Tataji was also shocked. He only felt that he always thought he knew most things in the pirate world, but now it seems that his knowledge is still too shallow.

Although he has lived for a long time and is old, he has only wandered around the Black Sea in his life and has never seen the world.

[Kaketuo] raised the mountaineering pole in his hand and pointed at the Black Death servant who wanted to attack him from behind. The Black Death servant suddenly howled in pain in the air, and all the black matter in his body was being used by the mountain climber. The magic power on the staff contracts rapidly.

After the magical power and the power of the Black Death were in a stalemate for about a minute, the Black Death servant turned into a black wool sheep and fell to the ground.

The sheep stood up and left a black footprint on the deck with every step it took.

This shows that the power of the Black Death has not been suppressed just because its host turned into a sheep.

But this servant of the Black Death did turn into a sheep.

As the person who led the attack - Ray Varji's face became even worse.

He didn't expect that the servants of the Black Death, who were very difficult to deal with in their eyes, would be vulnerable in front of these bikini people.

[Kaketo] watched the Lebanese traveler spearmen kill the sheep on the deck with a spiral gun, and then he said to Ivita, who was standing on the mast and watching the whole process: "We Bikini people don't like it. Become a professional.”

"Due to some historical issues, we Bikini people cannot use the knight's secret medicine system, nor can we learn magic, nor can we become rangers. And assassins and hunters cannot serve as assassins and hunters because of our special and pure belief system of the original god of all things. , so our family hates becoming professionals, and we would rather spend our precious time reading and studying.”

"And doing business and stuff like that."

"But even though this is the case, it is necessary to protect one's own strength. Therefore, because our ancient clan has existed for so long, we have obtained strength that is different from professionals from this ancient history."

"We have unearthed batches of ancient civilizations before our civilization, and ancient weapons left in various ruins."

"These Traveler Spiral Guns are one of a kind."

[Kaketuo] shook his head and said: "People are always too superstitious about their own power. Therefore, becoming a professional is a bad thing. Believing too much in one's own power and forgetting one's own fragility, this person is... Fallible."

On the deck of the three-masted ship, Snow Varji's face turned red after hearing this. "What do you mean by this? You..."

The next moment, two black tentacles penetrated her chest.

Everyone in the Varji family was shocked.

Tataji shouted crazily: "Granddaughter!"

"Be careful, there are servants of the Black Death behind you..."

But it was too late. The huge and twisted black body of the slave of the Black Death had already arrived behind Snow Valji. At the same time, it flew out a tongue covered with barbs and filled with venom of black viscous liquid, and put it Xue's head was chopped off. Snow Vargy, die!

Died under the plot of her own family.

And those of the Valji family who wanted to rescue her, once again a Black Death servant who was as big as a black elephant appeared behind them. The tentacles and tongues of this Black Death servant quickly attacked all Valji. The back of a member of the Gee family.

For a time, everyone was stunned because of this incident.

The Hearthstone Witch laughed. "You deserve it. You can enjoy the monsters you brought here, hahahaha..."

The Grand Knight of the Iron Mountain watched the surroundings vigilantly to prevent any servants of the Black Death from attacking them from behind and repeating the mistakes of the Valji family. "I don't know if it's my imagination, but I always feel that the power of those servants of the Black Death has become stronger."

[Kaketo] is holding a trekking pole and standing in front of the Lebanese Traveler Lancers, very confident. "Don't worry, everyone, these slaves of the Black Death are nothing in front of the ancient weapon Spiral Gun. Although we don't know the principles of these ancient weapons that have been buried underground for thousands of years and who made them, but it is true that It’s very effective, and the average third-level knight can’t block a single shot from the spiral gun.”

"These slaves of the Black Death are nothing more than this. I have seen many horrific records about the Black Death, but now it seems that they are nothing more than this. It may be that the development achievements of human civilization were limited in the past and there were not so many professionals. That’s why these servants of the Black Death are allowed to show off their power.”

Ivita felt the breath of these servants of the Black Death and confirmed one thing.

Nothing wrong.

The power of these servants of the Black Death has increased.

And their body shape has changed.

The peregrine falcon transformed by Ivita looked up and saw that on the deck not far away, Ray Valji was waving a knight's sword, still resisting tenaciously. Every time he swung the sword, the sword's blade would flash with purple thunder and lightning.

The lightning sparks that burst out bounced in the air, destroying all the tentacles of the Black Death that came close to him.

"No disease can defeat me!" Ray Valji said.

The next moment, a huge black claw penetrated his chest. Ray Vargy lowered his head in disbelief, looking at the blood flowing down his chest. Then he slowly turned his head and saw a huge claw with only the upper body. An eagle formed from the Black Death material, the Black Death eagle flicked its talons and threw Lei away like a piece of garbage. The sword skill in his hand also flew out and flew in the direction of Ivita.

The next moment, a vulture grabbed the sword in the air. "Your Majesty, I picked up something. This is actually a subsidiary law under the Tsar's Law - the Tsar's Sword, which is one of the swords of Thunder King Ivan III."

"Purple is a symbol of the Tsar's law. It represents the most noble color in the world and represents the purple-blooded nobility."

Ray Vargy, lying dead on the sea, stretched out his hand toward the vultures in the sky, trying to get his sword back. "Give it back."

But the vulture transformed by the Hearthstone Witch continued to say to Ivita: "I actually picked up a famous sword. Your Majesty, I have been very lucky recently. I picked up countless swords in any fight. The Lord’s thing.”

"Hey, Your Majesty, aren't you happy?"

Ivita pointed at the almost fully grown Black Death servant, the Giant Eagle, on the sea. This guy's body was still absorbing the Black Death fragments floating on the nearby deck and on the sea, and drawing strength from them.

It is clear that the minions of the Black Death have entered the second phase.

This guy actually entered the fourth level directly.

The peregrine falcon transformed by Ivita hovers over the head of Bikini Man [Kaketo]. "Do you know that the slaves of the Black Death will merge with each other, devour each other, and enter a more terrifying stage?"

"Looking at your expression, you don't know, right?"

The bikini man [Kaketuo] looked stiff. "How could this happen... Could it be that the Black Death is not as simple as the Valji family thought... nor as simple as I thought."

Ivita sighed. "I think so."

"Looks like you need my help or something could go terribly wrong."

Bikini man [Kaketuo]'s face turned slightly red. He just asked people to stay still and just waited for the results.

Now I really need help from others.

The next moment, the black giant eagle flew into the sky, with venom still dripping from its body. When the venom fell on the sea, it made every sea fish turn over and float on the sea.

The black giant eagle landed on the three-masted ship they were on, and in an instant, the entire ship was cut off.

Iveta originally wanted to fight back, but suddenly she heard the sound of artillery and saw seven three-masted heavy ships loaded with heavy artillery coming from the shipwreck port. They were bombarding the second-stage Black Death servants in the sky.

By the way, this is the territory of the pirates. The pirates must have noticed the huge second stage of the Black Death servants, so they came to attack the giant eagle.

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