The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 321 Queen-level magic!

In the rapids of the river, more than 300 fish quickly grew in size and deformed in the face of the sun. The fish scales on the surface of the body fell off piece by piece. Each fallen scale fell off completely. After falling on the bottom of the river, It became as hard as iron armor and reflected sunlight on the bottom of the river.

Thousands of fish scales just fell to the bottom of the river.

exclaimed the Hearthstone Witch. "What kind of magic is this? Just the fallen residue can be turned into treasure! Those scales embedded in ordinary armor can make that armor invulnerable."

Ivita had given all her attention to the fish in the river. Those fish were like people inside their mother's body. They first took on the shape of a fish, then began to grow limbs, then turned into a human form, and finally the fish turned into a human being.

These people were all naked at first, but after the magic was completely lifted, dozens of light points swirled around them, and their clothes were restored, and most of them were dressed like soldiers.

The fish worth a hundred gold pounds turned into a middle-aged man wearing a gilded lord's crown, a knight's sword with a finely carved hilt at his waist, and a layer of silk over a yellow coat. , His temperament is graceful and luxurious.

The two fish worth fifty gold pounds turned into two teenagers about sixteen years old with a layer of down around their mouths. They wore cloth clothes sewn with many iron pieces.

At first glance, those clothes were not affordable for civilians.

The Hearthstone Witch's eyes widened, and there was even a hint of fear in her tone. "Becoming a human... the magic that makes people turn into fish for a long time or even permanently, if you don't use magic items, you need Duke-level, Prince-level and Queen-level witches to use it. The witches of these three are all sixth level. She is the most powerful witch besides the witch kings in heaven."

"The Witch Queen and the Wizard Prince are different, and they are different from the Wizard Duke. Each has its own characteristics. But they are both disasters walking on the continent. As long as they appear, it means that a place will not be peaceful."

"Could it be that a witch queen came to the Black Sea?"

On the side, Governor Rollov and the three big pirates, who had been very dissatisfied with Ivita before, were now speechless. They looked at this strange scene and fell silent.

What kind of terrifying magic can turn more than three hundred people into fish, and have them all be eaten!

This is too vicious.

Although the Governor and the others were not good people and usually loved robbing, they were frightened by the cruelty and power of the witch who attacked them.

This is truly the most insulting and painful way to kill someone.

Governor Rollov said to Ivita: "Lord Ivita, within an hour of going to Maple Leaf Town, you encountered something like this?"

"You're so lucky..."

Hearthstone Witches have gotten serious. "Normally, powerful spirits will attract each other. In words you can understand, it means that on a piece of sea, two ships encountered a huge whirlpool at the same time and would involuntarily get closer."

"This is also one of the risks of magic. Using two powerful magics in the same place can easily lead to accidents. The two magics can easily get close to each other, creating unknown risks."

Captain Aoyama wiped the sweat from his forehead. "If someone turns all my sailors into fish... that would be really scary. Well, it turns out you have been looking at the water to observe this kind of thing... I thought... you were just looking at the fish..."

Captain Volcano shook his head. "The Black Death...the Republic of Belisarius...and these fish, Cross Island has become more and more chaotic recently."

The governor said: "When will Cross Island be free from chaos?"

On the other side, after those fish turned into humans, more than 300 people stood in the river, even blocking the flow of the river.

After a brief daze, they soon realized that Ivita had saved them.

The leader, Count Clovis, took his two children and led them to bow to Ivita and said: "Thank you, Lord Ivita. Although we were fish before, we still retain human thinking and hearing abilities." , so we all know what happened."

"Thank you for listening to the prayers of my son, Camizih Clovis. You are the kindest person this child has ever met."

Ivita raised a brow. "Not begging, just asking."

"You are such a good person, you are so polite. We were really begging for that situation." Count Clovis smiled bitterly. "I am Count Clovis, a count from the Kingdom of Potsdam located in the former Marquis of Brandenburg."

The Hearthstone Witch's eyes rolled wildly. "There are not many witches in the Kingdom of Potsdam. The witches there are all servants of the Witch Queen. If they are not servants, they will be suppressed."

"The person who cast the spell on you is the Witch Queen - the Witch Queen?"

"The current guardian of the Kingdom of Potsdam?"

Count Clovis nodded. "That's it. We were put under a spell by her. My entire family, including the dozen or so small families that we have cultivated for decades and are closely related to our family, were all turned into fish by the Witch Queen and specially taken away from Potsdam. The kingdom’s distant Black Sea trade has left us dying one by one at the hands of pirates.”

"But the Witch Queen has always cared about the noble rank, so she didn't want the fish we turned into to be sold at a low price, so she had to set a high price."

A young nobleman with a knight's sword intervened and said: "But it is also because of this that we have been bought away in the past few days, and only a few of our brothers and friends have been killed. Most of them are still here, and our earl is fine. "

Ivita asked: "But what did you do to offend her? Are you rebelling?"

Count Clovis smiled bitterly. "It would be great if this were the case. We would feel more comfortable because at least this is a more serious reason. But the reason is just because my wife is the most beautiful lady in the local area. She aroused the jealousy of the Witch Queen and asked the Witch Queen to devise a plan. Let us become treasonous criminals, and then she will personally turn our family into fish. Kamiziz happened to be out of the country because of his engagement with the nobleman of Politau, otherwise he would definitely not be able to escape the evil hands. "

Ivita and the others, as well as the governor, were a little surprised that the Witch Queen wanted to persecute an earl family just for this reason.

So powerful, so willful, the whole world seems to be centered on her and serving her.

She can do whatever she wants.

Count Clovis said: "By the way, I am willing to pay for the territory that my son Camizir promised you. This is our family's sincere gratitude to you. Our family used to use it on Cross Island a generation ago. I inherited a viscounty territory through marriage. It was a good territory with fertile land...producing a plant called cold fruit grass, lord, what is behind you..."

Iveta suddenly noticed that there was a person standing behind her at some point!

The Hearthstone Witch was even more frightened and screamed. "ah!!"

"Master Witch Queen, this matter has nothing to do with us. It was done by people from the Clovis family."

Iveta looked at her speechlessly, you surrendered faster than I expected.

He surrendered without even having time to look back.

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