The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 322 The first battle with the Witch Queen

Ivita looked back and saw the shadow of an adult woman behind them. Her entire body was pitch black, a shadow, and even her luxurious evening gown was the color of shadow. But every detail of this skirt is carefully crafted. The skirt alone is embroidered with patterns of various flowers and plants, and there are even carvings of hyacinths among the black rose petals, which can be described as meticulous.

The shadow had a cold expression.

She looked at the fish shop owner with cold eyes. “Can people live in this world without credit?”

The fish shop owner looked down at his left hand, which was missing a little finger. He screamed in horror and even knelt down. "Do not kill me!"

"Please, don't kill me, please..."

The shadow of the Witch Queen showed a sarcastic smile and said in a very satisfied tone: "It's really ugly."

"You can live."

The fish shop owner raised his head and said in shock: "Huh?!"

The Witch Queen's shadow swept across everyone present. When she saw Ivita, she took a few more glances, and then said to the owner of the fish shop: "Let me ask you, how do you define ugliness and beauty in this world?"

"Ugliness and beauty are contrasted. Only when there is ugliness can there be beauty, and only when there is beauty can there be ugliness. Therefore, only by keeping an ugly person like you can the world know how beautiful I am."

Ivita looked at her saying this. If it were another person, she would feel a little bit arrogant.

But this person was so magnificent that it even gave people a sense of pity and a feeling of such a pity in his heart. Because even the Witch Queen cannot live forever, but if this person dies, the world will lose this beauty.

There will never be another rose like her born in this world.

After the Witch Queen's shadow spared the owner of the fish shop, she looked at the Hearthstone Witch who was begging for mercy, "Level 4? It's a pity that if you were at a lower level, I could let you go."

"Although there is almost no chance that a count-level witch can threaten me, there is still the possibility of posing a threat to the Witch Queen. Regardless of whether such a person surrenders to me or not, I want her to die."

She swept past Wilson and the Iron Mountain Grand Knight. "You are not ugly."

What this means is that they are going to die.

She looked at Ivita and spoke directly. "Who do you belong to? Do you really want to lie to me?"

Iveta was made dizzy by her words, lied to her?

What's the meaning?

"I don't know what you're talking about," said Ivita.

The shadow of the Witch Queen said: "I am the Witch Queen, Queen of Witchcraft, ruler behind the magic of Potsdam, Queen of Potsdam, Dragon Slayer, Enemy of the Elves, Enemy of the Church, Supreme Witch of the North, Lord of the Teutonic Knights The leader, the leader of the Borini Witches, the inventor of the Eternal Sleep Curse, the successor of the Dusk Curse, the inventor of the Apple of Death..."

"Don't you know what I'm talking about? Then sooner or later you will know what I'm talking about. I'm in a good mood today. As long as you kill the witch beside you who surrenders to me, I can let you live."

Ivita raised her eyebrows, and while talking to her, she used her spiritual vision to observe the spirituality of this shadow.

He saw a pillar of spiritual light rising into the sky, which was almost no weaker than the spiritual light produced by Marco Anson's severed limb, but the shadow in front of him was not even the shadow of the Witch Queen herself.

Is this the Witch Queen, the most powerful witch and most powerful magic user to ever walk the earth?

The Hearthstone Witch on the side was dumbfounded. How come she had surrendered and she still wanted to die?

Just because she has a high level?

When she saw Iveta looking at her, she immediately panicked. The Hearthstone Witch suddenly realized that if Ivita really planned to kill her to extinguish the Witch Queen's anger, then she would really be dead.

The Hearthstone Witch said to Ivita in horror: "Your Majesty, please wait a moment. She is just a shadow now. We should fight her to the end. We don't have to be afraid of her..."

"You can't believe what the witch says. You must not fall for her divorce plan."

"We should unite and not be fooled by her rhetoric."

Ivita gave her a look of disdain.


The Iron Mountain Knight on the side was suddenly covered with evil aura. The evil energy on the Iron Mountain Knight, who had six extraordinary organs, was extremely strong and wrapped around his two swords. At the same time, the Iron Mountain Knight's muscles swelled, and his whole body suddenly became thicker. More than twice as big.

This is a spiritual balloon that expands muscle fibers throughout the body!

Under the expansion of special muscle fibers, the Iron Mountain Knight's strength increased more than four times, turning into a little giant.

And a rainbow-colored light appeared on his chest, which was the rainbow psionic substance thymus.

The bad energy cycle established by the three pairs of organs allowed the quantity and quality of his evil energy to reach a peak that ordinary knights could not reach. He jumped up toward the Witch Queen's shadow, crossing his two swords. "It's just a shadow. I still don't believe it. I can't kill you. Don't look down on people too much! Stay away from my lord."

[Tieshan Two-Handed Sword Skill: Jump, Slash and Block! 】

He was like a shadow falling toward the Witch Queen from a hill full of black evil energy.

Wilson looked at this scene in shock. He couldn't withstand such a fierce attack head-on.

The Witch Queen's eyes were full of contempt, she raised her left hand, and with a 'buzz' sound, the air centered around the palm of her left hand, and ripples appeared like water ripples.

The fierce attack of the Iron Mountain Knight suddenly became like cotton falling, and he himself was stunned.

the Hearthstone Witch exclaimed. "Kinetic cancellation spell?"

"That magic can cancel all laws related to kinetic energy. In other words, it does not admit that physical attacks are useful. It is a magic that only the Witch Queen can use. Ordinary mortals are not even qualified to stand in front of the Witch Queen! "

The rainbow psionic substance thymus gland on the Iron Mountain Knight's chest spurted out, and the rainbow spiritual shock wave was sprayed out from his chest as he roared. The leaves of the nearby trees a few meters away were destroyed and fell one after another, but the shadow of the Witch Queen actually appeared. Not even a glance.

next moment.

When the rainbow spiritual shock wave was approaching the Witch Queen, it hit the transparent half-moon arc shield in the air. As a result, the shock wave was automatically reflected back and returned to the chest of the Iron Mountain Knight.

The Great Knight of Iron Mountain, who was facing the reflected rainbow spirit shock wave, had his eyes splitting, "Ahh~"

"Lord Ivita, I'm sorry!"

"Is the gap between the third-level knight and the sixth-level witch queen so big?"

The armor, bones, and muscles of his body were shattered by the shock wave, and the whole person flew backwards. If it weren't for the defenses of [eucalyptus iron right hand], [steel ribs] and [Gestalt spiritual reticular functional thyroid] The supernatural organ of sex was protecting him, and I was afraid he would die under its own power.

Before fainting, the Iron Mountain Knight used his willpower to stay awake and said to Ivita: "Sir, this didn't just bounce back, it also became stronger..."

The Hearthstone Witch's expression was extremely ugly. "I heard that every witch queen will have the most basic universal queen magic. The most famous one is [Queen's Shield]."

"That is the power given to the Witch Queens by the Queen of the Full Moon. This is what the five Witch Kings promised in order to gain the support of the Witch Queens. Legend has it that the [Queen's Shield] can counter all energy and magic attacks, and It bounced back with several times the power, but I didn't expect that she could still use the Queen's magic just by borrowing someone else's shadow."

"But the queen's magic is just the general magic in the Witch Queen."

On the other side, the Witch Queen suddenly held her hand, and a sword appeared in her hand, cutting off Wilson who was rushing toward her and trying to sneak attack her.

The Hearthstone Witch shivered with fear. "That is the sword of the previous fool king of the Kingdom of Potsdam. It is the divine sword [Damocles]. According to legend, [Damocles] is the sword of the absolute monarch of the Kingdom of Potsdam. If the sword holder cannot hold Damocles, He will be killed by the sword. Only those with the ambition and qualifications of a king can bear this sword. It is said that this sword can cut off all things in the world."

The Hearthstone Witch screamed, "Your Majesty, why don't we leave them behind? Let's run away quickly."

Ivita was silent, as if she had something on her mind.

The Hearthstone Witch screamed again. "Your Majesty, her current professional level is too high for us. Let's put this mess behind us and leave. We..."

Ivita shook her head. "I don't. I finally got a piece of viscounty territory and solved the vicious spell that turned more than three hundred people into fish. I don't want to give up here. Hearthstone Witch, if you want to run away, run away, but I am already sure to deal with the witch. The shadow behind."

The Hearthstone Witch said "Ah". She looked at Ivita's uncertain expression and suddenly gritted her teeth. She chose to believe in the devil in the face of danger.

Yes, following the devil is the only way to survive.

As long as you follow the Demon God, there will be a way to solve the problem. This is also the most important reason why the Hearthstone Witch is loyal to Ivita now.

In the river, Count Clovis saw the witch and killed the professionals on Ivita's side one by one. He anxiously shouted to the witch queen: "Queen Regent, you are murdering nobles. The nobles of the entire Kingdom of Potsdam have seen enough. Are your atrocities, your rule based on magic?”

"Hahaha... isn't it? Isn't the basis of your rule based on us nobles?"

"If you go against the grain, you will definitely be overthrown."

"Stop it. I am willing to commit suicide here. Please let Ivita and others have nothing to do with this matter."

The Witch Queen stopped walking towards Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch, and turned to look at him. "I think you have forgotten that I am not only the King of Potsdam, but also the Supreme Witch of Northern Magic. I can rule a kingdom with magic."

"What happened today is because you are weak and don't know how to respect me."

"Do you think that since you are a count, I will interfere with the laws of the kingdom? I am in charge of the Leviathan laws of the Kingdom of Potsdam."

"As for the nobility? That kind of thing is just something that hinders my rule. I will eliminate the cancer of the nobility one after another. I hereby declare that in the future, this era will be full of nobility, and even the republic will be ruled by the aristocracy of the business elite. leave!"

"The king will work with the elite among the common people and small landowners to clear out all the nobles."

The Witch Queen smiled contemptuously at Count Clovis. "Do you really think that I want to destroy your family just because of your wife?"

"Your family is combined with the ancient nobles of the Eastern Kingdom of Potsdam, which goes against my path, so you are the first noble I want to kill. After so many years of management, my rule in the Kingdom of Potsdam has been stable. You These nobles are no longer useful."

"What I want to tell you is that the basis of my rule is indeed not magic, but the basis of my rule is not the nobility. The basis of my rule is those small landowners who are despised by your nobles. They are those who are deeply proud of their own country. civilians."

"The era of the Potsdam aristocracy, which was prone to separatism at every turn, will end. In my hands, there will be a country where both the administration and the military completely blindly accept my leadership. The small aristocratic elite selected by me will become my bureaucrats and officers. My chosen civilian elite will be a common presence in my army and my palace."

"I am the Kingdom of Potsdam!"

"This is the law by which I rule the Kingdom of Potsdam."

"What..." Clovis opened his mouth wide. His two sons and his retainers were all shocked, and at the same time their hearts were filled with turmoil.

They always thought that the Witch Queen was just an inactive monarch and a cruel witch.

Taking pleasure in fooling other people's fate, cruel behavior is blind and stupid.

But in fact, he was wrong.

The Witch Queen just pretended that she was disposing of the nobles at will. In fact, her real purpose was to clean up all the noble lords in the real situation!

Count Clovis stuttered a bit when he spoke. "But without the noble lords to help you rule, how can you possibly rule the Kingdom of Potsdam..."

"It has always been the noble lords who helped the monarch rule..."

The Witch Queen said: "This has always been the case, is it right?"

The Witch Queen turned to look at Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch. "As I said before, if you kill the witch next to you, I will let you go."

"You have no hope of resisting me. Those of you just now proved this. In front of me... all resistance is in vain. The great knight is a waste. The fourth generation of vampires cannot withstand one of my attacks. You and the people around you are useless." The same is true for the witches, you have no hope, you can only surrender..."

Ivita suddenly shook her head. "No."

"In my opinion, it is not meaningless for the Grand Knight of Iron Mountain and Wilson to fight you. When you were fighting them, and when you were talking to Count Clovis, I was fully satisfied with my desire to deal with your shadow. All conditions.”

"Goodbye, Witch Queen, since you are the Supreme Witch of the North, please go back to the North."

The shadow of the Witch Queen was stunned, as if she had heard a joke. "What? You are just a second-level ordinary"

Iveta stretched out her finger towards the ground and pointed.

The Witch Queen looked down and her expression changed instantly, "Teleportal?"

At this time, the Hearthstone Witch opened the control door on the ground and said, "Get out of here!"


The control door suddenly opened, and the powerful space magic sucked the shadow of the Witch Queen in like an absorbing abyss whirlpool.

At the last moment, the Witch Queen turned to look at Ivita. "I remember you boy, don't let me meet you again."

"Clovis, you can be happy that you have met a noble person and run away!"

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