The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 330 Traps for six demons, the underground palace of the soul palace (two-in-one)

Under the erosion of the three demonic forces, Ivita's spiritual world seemed to be experiencing an unprecedented storm. The storm mainly eroded the location of Ivita's spiral tower. Three unprecedented darkness blocked the sky above the spiral tower.

Moreover, these three darknesses will erode the lost city deep into the soul.

But if the darkness wants to truly spread to the entire world, it must destroy the foundation of the soul palace that is blocking them. In front of the demons.

The foundation contains the power of the soul flame, soul coffin, soul stone and death flower. These treasures are protecting the foundation of Ivita's soul palace.

Those darkness quickly polluted the foundation of the Soul Palace, but the polluted parts were quickly burned away by the flames emitted by the Soul Fireball, suppressed by the power of the Soul Coffin and Soul Stone, and obliterated by the breath of death.

At the same time, the strength of the foundation itself is also different from that of ordinary wizards. Even two ordinary demons and a high-level demon felt that they were in a place like an iron wall, and they didn't know how to start.

‘Is this wizard’s spiritual world too vast? Not to mention its strength and the treasures in his spiritual world, just this vast world is something that ordinary wizards can never reach. ’

'Do not care! Even if there are some strange things, as a second-level wizard who has not even completed the construction of the soul palace, he is definitely not our opponent. In his spiritual world, there are no legal principles of third-level wizards or world elements of fourth-level wizards. ’

'As long as we delay this, we can completely pollute this spiritual world. ’

‘In this case, it is better for us to simply leave the darkness, emerge from the darkness, and enter his spiritual world in human form. This will make it easier to discover the weaknesses of his spiritual world. ’

Having said that, three evil forces came out of the darkness, namely the avatar of a woman wearing sexy leather clothes [Asmodeus Hellfire], the woman wearing a retro national costume [LS Anna] and the avatar of A man who looks like a violent maniac, with his upper body naked and his lower body wearing leather pants [Karl Pruitt].

The three of them looked at each other and smiled cruelly.

They understand better than anyone what it means when three demons possess a person.

This will completely destroy the person.

[Asmodeus Hellfire] became excited at the tall and vast foundation of the Soul Palace that stood in front of them. She loved destroying beautiful things. She stretched out her finger, and a streak of hellfire appeared at her fingertips.

Then, the sky of the entire soul world seemed to be destroyed.

The sky of the entire soul world is filled with falling hellfires. Those hellfires are like meteors piercing the sky, impacting the sky, destroying the sky, and destroying the sky.

[Asmodeus Hellfire] doesn't care how much harm this will cause to the master of the soul world.

Those hellfires hit the foundation of the Soul Palace one after another.

To destroy that foundation.

Karl Pruitt and LS Yana looked proud. "Under the flames of hell, even if there is any abnormality, it will disappear completely, right?"

"If we really wait until his army arrives, then we may have no choice but to retreat. Possessing a person is one thing, but facing the army head-on is another."

Asmodeus Hellfire said with a ferocious smile: "We would like to thank the Queen of Darkness for giving us darkness. The power she gave us allowed the demons who could only use violence to collect souls to directly enter the human spiritual world and distort it. capabilities of the human spiritual world.”

"Because the Witch Kings previously pulled the Witch Queens to bet on humans with Hell, so in principle, Hell actually belongs to humans, and this has not changed until now. So, with this protection, we You can use the Queen of Darkness, the power of darkness, to hide evil, chaos and distortion in darkness and enter the human spiritual world."

Karl Pruitt smiled grimly. "Humans are not at a loss. Among the hundreds of billions of souls suffering in hell, humans are still the main body. Going to hell? Do you really think that all souls are qualified to go to hell? If hell is not the human camp. , How can humans qualify to go to hell! If they go to hell, we won’t be able to eat many fragments of human souls.”

LS Yana conveys the dark power forcibly linked to evil to the foundation of the Soul Palace.

In a stone house in a narrow alley in the real world, a ten-year-old girl looked in horror at the dead cow wizard, the Hearthstone Witch and Ivita who appeared in their home.

She looked at her mother. "Mom, who are these people and why do they appear in our house?"


The next moment, the girl noticed her dead father on the wall. "dad!"

The girl's mother hugged her and covered her eyes to prevent the child from seeing this tragic scene. "My child, your father is a beast. He actually wants to give you to the devil."

"He is no longer worthy of being your father."

"This is all my fault."

"These people are the ones who save you, don't be afraid."

The Hearthstone Witch glanced at them coldly. "Because all the demons have left, has the little girl been released from possession? Huh? Because she was possessed by demons, her spirituality has actually changed and she has the qualifications for magic. That's right, the spirituality of people possessed by demons It has been forever changed by twisted magic, and its personality, physique, and talents have been forever changed.”

"People who have been possessed by demons will never be able to escape the mental damage in their lives."


Ivita was half squatting on the ground, his eyes were bursting with flames, which were hellfire, and his skin was emitting some white mist that could only be produced after being burned, which was the mist of the soul.

This shows that hellfire is raging in his spiritual world.

Ivita did not lose too much reason. He felt his heart beating fast and noticed that his shadow had turned into the shape of a pull.


Hellfire shifted the balance of power within itself.

Now it was the power of Ra that had the upper hand.

Ivita felt his heart beating faster, and he seemed to hear an auditory hallucination - 'The name of God has the power to drive all things. ’

Fusang Po was yelling at the Hearthstone Witch. "Letting me go is your only way to survive. You haven't even caught my true body. My true body is still in hell. It's not a good idea to offend me."

"Witch who is afraid of death! Why haven't you reacted yet?"

The Hearthstone Witch glanced at her. Of course she would not react, because although she was afraid of death, I was afraid that the person who was present to control her life and death was not Fusang Po.

The Great Wizard of the Dead Ox looked at Ivita, who was possessed by the three-headed demon.

He stared at the cow skull bracelet that Ivita was wearing. After hesitating for a long time, he took half a step and whispered to Ivita: "The bracelet on your hand is mine. Please return it to me."

"That's what my teacher gave me."

He took another half step closer, and then seeing that Ivita didn't respond, he took another step closer, bending down to grab the bracelet from Ivita's hand while Ivita was haunted by the devil.

But the next moment, two powerful negative energies suddenly emerged from Ivita's shadow. A demon even grabbed the hand of the dead cow wizard, then opened its big mouth and ate the right hand of the dead cow wizard in one bite. arm.

"Ah!" The Dead Ox Wizard watched this scene in horror, because after the three demons descended on Ivita's spiritual world, two more demons came out of Ivita's shadow and ate him in one bite. 's right arm.

How many demons are around this Ivita?

This is the body of all demons.

It's because the body is being targeted by demons.

If it had been any other wizard, his body would have been completely eroded long ago, and his soul would have become an item for the demons to fight over.

‘Hiccup~’ The demon who ate the dead cow and the great wizard burped. "The quality of this meat is good. Ever since I was trapped in Ravenna and the church's monastery territory, I have rarely been able to eat human meat. I didn't expect that I would eat the meat of a great wizard here today."

The high-ranking demon Hungry Demon glanced at everyone. "Let me introduce myself. I am a hungry demon under the command of King Beelzebub, the seventy-two demon king. I like to eat, and anyone who is possessed by me likes to eat."

It looked at the Dead Ox Wizard, "Are you a servant of Ivita?"

The great wizard of the dead cow instantly felt his scalp numb. "What servant? I am his enemy, you..."

The next moment, the hunger demon instantly possessed the body of the ten-year-old girl who was held in the woman's arms. The ten-year-old girl immediately raised her head, the pupils in her eyes turned pitch black, and her teeth became darker. Pointed and sharp, her tongue was covered with black veins.

Her mother was screaming. "Why is my daughter possessed again?"

The girl possessed by the hunger demon instantly rushed to the dead cow wizard and opened her mouth. The degree of opening of her mouth was more than four times that of an ordinary person. The originally small mouth of a ten-year-old girl became It turned into a huge, fully opened mouth like a lion, and the girl's elongated and thin skin looked really terrifying.

"go to hell!"

The girl swallowed the dead cow wizard's head in one gulp, and then began to chew it.

This scene almost frightened the girl's mother, "Why do you always possess my daughter? Why don't you possess me!"

The Hearthstone Witch came over and said, "Don't worry, it's not the wizard's head that it's eating. The reason why your daughter was targeted is because here, she is the youngest and the weakest in mind."

"Staying next to demons will forcefully change human beings' mental state, making them irritable, irritable, narrow-minded, and small-minded."

“But those most susceptible to being possessed are those with the weakest minds, including those with depression, anxiety, children and the elderly, those with a heavy conscience, and of course those with severe personality disorders. "

In the corner of the stone house, the Dead Ox Wizard was breathing heavily. He glanced at a skeleton where he was originally. If he hadn't changed the positions of the dead spirit and his body, he would have been eaten by the hungry demon.


There are too many demons here, and just staying in this place will distort and weaken his magic.

There are now three high-ranking demons and three ordinary demons here.

When the army comes, I'm afraid they won't be able to hold on to this situation.

The second demon who came out of Ivita's shadow was the mother of Hugo's bastard demon, the high-ranking demon [Light and Dark Girl] who was chased by the source of the plague and fell into the Ambrose Basin.

The Lady of Light and Darkness said: "Everyone, I am the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force under the Seventy-Two Demon King Lilith, the Lady of Light and Darkness. I am also the eldest daughter of King Lilith, who is in charge of all selfish sexual desires in the world. In this world sealed by the Chitose Fire After hundreds of years, I still really can’t get used to the laws of this world.”

"Hateful Black Death! As long as I get this kid Ivita, I will have a way to avenge you and make you pay the price for provoking me."

"Hungry demon, don't waste any more time on these witches and wizards. We finally found this opportunity, we must seize it."

"This is the time when that boy Ivitana is at his weakest!"

With an elegant smile, the Lady of Light and Darkness entered Ivita's soul world together with the Hungry Demon, turned into a soul composed of black smoke entangled with hellfire, and disappeared into the stone house.

The Dead Cow Wizard glanced at Ivita in fear. There were five demons in Ivita's body now, including three high-ranking demons. Although they did not come physically, they just came with the core consciousness of their souls, but that was also terrifying. .

He didn't dare to get close to Ivita, let alone want to take the opportunity to get back the inherited magic weapon of the Dead Ox System that was worn in Ivita's hand.

The Great Wizard of the Dead Ox finally chose to escape and gave up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He said to the Hearthstone Witches: "Aren't you going to run for your lives?"

The Hearthstone Witch shook her head.

The dead cow wizard looked strange. "If you don't run away, I'll run away. The girl and her mother over there, you should run away quickly. Everyone, I'll see you again. I don't want to stay in this ghost place for a moment. A small town with six demons will also Be destroyed overnight.”

"But this kind of thing has nothing to do with me anymore. Let's let the church and the pirates have the headache."

"I don't want the inherited magic weapon anymore." The Dead Ox Wizard looked at Ivita, his teeth trembling. Next, Ivita will be controlled by six demons, and then turn into a moving natural disaster, right?

Then he will definitely not be able to get the inherited magic weapon of his school.

He opened the door and wanted to leave the stone house and enter the narrow alley. Then he rushed to Palembang that day and left this land of right and wrong overnight.

But as soon as he walked to the door, the door automatically closed tightly. No matter how hard the Dead Ox Wizard pulled, he could not open the small wooden door.

After Ivita closed her eyes, she suddenly opened them again. This time, her eyes were still filled with the hellfire of madness and evil.

But when Ivita spoke, there was no emotion in her voice. "I got you."


He suddenly stood up, and a giant hand made of fire magic appeared in the palm of his left hand, grabbing Fusang Po who was controlled by the Sad Flower.

In an instant, the giant orange flame hand turned into a golden hand of law.

The flame burned the sad flower.

"What's going on?" Before Fusang Po could be happy, she was forced into Ivita's spiritual world by the hand of flames, but this was not out of Fu Sang Po's wishes.

Fusopo was horrified because it sensed certain qualities from Ivita's current spiritual world - the qualities of a prison.

That spiritual world turned out to be a trap, a prison where six demons were restrained at the same time.

Iveta glanced at Fusang Po indifferently, "The last one."

"Capture completed."

Fuso Po tried her best to hold on and not be absorbed into Ivita's spiritual world, "Who are you? This is definitely not the power of an ordinary wizard!"

"We didn't take the initiative to possess your body, it was you who kept seducing us and possessing you!"

"Who are you?"

"But our bodies are in hell at this moment, and the only thing here is our body consciousness."

'Ivita' turned her head and looked at Fusang Po. At this moment, Fusang Po's whole body was trembling, because that kind of look that was not affected by any emotion and was always full of reason, even above reason, was called - divinity.

That was a look that even evil gods could not have.

That is the look that only a true god can have.

That is the look that surpasses all the wisdom of mortals and is completely superior to it, seeing everything as ants. It is the look of the most perfect existence in the world, the divinity that can balance all discord and coordination.

Fusang Po noticed something was wrong. "There is summoning magic in that prison? No, that's divine power! Your purpose of capturing six demons is to actively summon our bodies into your spiritual world in the spiritual world. Where are you going to summon us? What the hell are you doing? What is the purpose? That place, that never-ending world, is the prison you built to restrain the twisted magic. It is the world of repetition, and it is the...under the foundation of the Soul Palace - the dungeon."

After all, it has the limit of a demon, and finally it couldn't hold on any longer, and was captured by the giant flame hand into Ivita's spiritual world.

At the same time, Ivita fell into a long coma, but his spiritual world entered spontaneous changes. The originally unfinished foundation was still unfinished, but mazes began to form automatically under the foundation. , turned into a real dungeon.

The original spiral tower also appeared in the center of the deep underground palace, transformed into and penetrated the underground palace and the foundation, rushed high into the sky, and turned into a load-bearing column.

In other words, the strength of the spiral tower also determines the height of the soul palace.

The accumulation at the first level also partially determines the accumulation at subsequent levels.

Originally, it was necessary to pay a huge price and an unknown amount of effort to continue to improve the spiral tower when the spiral tower was already completed.

But now Iveta's spiral tower changed automatically, and iron chains appeared. These iron chains stretched rapidly and made a violent sound like the movement of iron locks.

These chains are an undeveloped part of Ivita's previous accumulation, hidden in the spiral tower, but now they are fully brought into play under the leadership of 'Ivita'.

These chains are scattered throughout the maze. Some chains were covered with rust and looked like ancient things; some chains were perfect, as if they had just been made.

These huge chains fill the back of the maze, making the dungeon look even more eerie.

In the dungeon, the six demons were located in various places in the underground palace. Only now did they realize that their bodies appeared in the underground palace. But then they were surprised to find that they were walking in these underground palaces just like ordinary mortals walking in a maze.

They cannot leave the underground palace by flying, destroying walls, or burrowing into the ground, nor can they instantly know the terrain of the underground palace.

[Asmodeus Hellfire], [LS Anna] and Karl Prut were the first demons to be pulled into the underground palace. They were dragged under the foundation by countless chains and walked in the maze of the underground palace. I don’t know how long.

[LS Yana] panicked and said: "Our body was forcibly summoned, but we can't leave this mere underground palace. What are the thick iron chains like human bodies placed in the maze roads used for?"

Karl Pruitt walked over and tried to carry the chain with his body soaked in hellfire. But the chain fell down automatically after it left the ground a little. "There is no way, our power is limited here. Here, we are like ordinary mortals."

[Asmodeus Hellfire] raised the hellfire in his hand, but the hellfire didn't last for half a second before it went out automatically. "Even if it is a universal law: hell has no way to survive here, will it exist for a long time?"

"Such a terrifying power has turned us high-ranking demons into ordinary people. The existence behind this labyrinth is at least at the level of a true god. Only a true god can compete with universal laws. Although I cannot invoke the real hellfire, I can The Hellfire projection cannot even burn, which only shows that there is no universal law here: hell.”

[LS Anna] was shocked and angry: "We are just dealing with an ordinary witch. Why would we enter such a place? How can we get out!"

[Asmodeus Hellfire] raised his eyebrows. "Since it's a maze, there must be a way out."

"However, this time, we can only walk in this maze as ordinary people, and the situation is reversed."

On the other side, Mrs. Fusang, who was captured alone, was already hiding in the corner of the maze shivering, motionless.

Less than two hundred meters away from her, the [Light Dark Girl] and the Hungry Demon in the maze were also filled with doubts, because they originally thought that entering a mortal body would directly enter their spiritual world.

Then, it is enough to directly pollute that spiritual world.

But now, they are in an inexplicable, invisible dungeon maze, and they are almost unable to exert any power beyond that of ordinary humans. This is simply incomprehensible.

The Dark Lady of Light and the Hungry Demon walked at least a thousand meters, and the Hungry Demon was so hungry that he clung to the wall. "I can't stand it anymore. I really can't walk anymore. I'm almost starving to death."

"Didn't you say that this was when he was at his weakest?"

The dark girl of light fell into deep thought. "We have never entered his spiritual world before, and now it seems that we have entered the tiger's mouth and are seeking death."

"It's very troublesome to get out now."

"Based on what we just walked, I found that the maze here is constantly looping."

As long as the Hungry Demon is hungry, he will lose his mind. "What's the meaning?"

The girl of light and darkness said: "What I mean is that the labyrinth that keeps looping cannot be affected by distortion magic. It is like an infinite repetition of the same thing. No matter how you twist and turn it, it will still be the same."

"This is a prison specially designed to deal with demons. But beings who have the ability to create this kind of prison should have no reason to go against demons like us. Because we are too small and cannot enter the opponent's sight."

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