The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 331 The King of Rats (2-in-1)

In the spiritual world and the dungeon of the Soul Palace, [Asmodeus Hellfire] led [LS Yana] and Karl Pruitt into a dead end.

The next moment, the half-rusty thick chain in the corner of the dungeon suddenly moved. The chain jumped out like a giant snake and tied up Karl Pruitt, who was unable to dodge in time.

This abominable man first wanted to break free from the chains, but this struggle did not matter, but more chains were attracted and tied to him.

At the same time, [Asmodeus Hellfire] and [LS Yana] saw this scene, quickly turned around and left the dead end, returned to the fork in front of the maze, and walked into the fork. The second fork over there.

When Karl Pruitt saw them running away without hesitation, he wasn't surprised. After all, that's what demons are like.

Karl Pruitt made an unwilling voice. Its power actually merged with the three chains tied to it, gradually becoming a whole, and the dominance of its power was taken away.

The demon's humanoid body lost its power and turned into a stone statue.

Then, an image of a red demon head surrounded by hellfire appeared in a corner of the spiral tower wrapped by six emperor stars. The demon head was also covered with iron locks.

It is the power of the chain demon [Karl Pruitt].

This power turned into a stone statue as [Karl Pruitt]'s body was turned into a stone statue, and was forever preserved in the Soul Palace.

On the foundation, the earth shook, and a small side hall covered in darkness rose up from the dust. The name of the devil [Karl Pruitt] is written on the inner ceiling of the small side hall.

At the same time, [LS Yana] and [Asmodeus Hellfire] who had escaped before chose the right path and ran quickly for a thousand meters. A fork appeared in front of them again, and Two roads.

[Asmodeus Hellfire] had a gloomy face. He twisted his graceful waist and said to [LS Yana] beside him: "Judging from the result of us taking the wrong path in this maze just now, as long as we choose If you go the wrong way, you will be attacked by the iron locks of the maze dungeon.”

"As long as you choose the right path, you can continue walking. I have carefully observed and thought about it. There are no shortcuts or tips. As long as you choose, you will definitely choose the wrong one. Karl Pruitt has been swallowed by this dungeon maze, so …”

[Asmodeus Hellfire] said cruel words to LS Yana. "Choose a way forward for me."

LS Yana opened her bloody mouth at [Asmodeus Hellfire] and roared.

But [Asmodeus Hellfire]’s eyes did not change at all. Under its coercion, the ordinary demon LS Yana could only move forward, because if not, [Asmodeus Hellfire] would Hellfire] will attack it directly.

LS Yana chose the path on the left. Ten minutes after it entered, [Asmodeus Hellfire] stuck out his head in confusion, wanting to see if he had chosen the right path.

If it chooses the wrong one, it just needs to go the other way.

Who knew that at the next moment, LS Yana would be completely thrown out from the entrance of the maze passage.

[Asmodeus Hellfire] showed a surprised look, "How is that possible!"

An entity that [Asmodeus Hellfire] did not expect came out of the maze passage. Every time that entity took a step, there would be the sound of iron chains hitting each other.

The person who came was none other than the messenger of hell, Karl Pruitt, who was shirtless, his eyes full of violence, and his whole body bound by chains of hell!

[Asmodeus Hellfire] Beautiful eyes wide open. "Sure enough, that good-for-nothing LS Yana Demon still chose the wrong path. But I didn't expect that Karl Pruitt had been captured by this dungeon and became the guardian of this dungeon."

[Asmodeus Hellfire] turned to look at LS Yana, and saw it being locked by the dungeon chains and gradually being devoured, and the ruthless voice of Karl Prut appeared in its ears. "Those who trespass into the underground palace will die!"

[Asmodeus Hellfire] heard the other party deploying the Hell Chain and wanted to attack herself, but she could only use the physical fitness of an ordinary person here.

It was so panicked that it actually ran around in this hell like an ordinary human woman.

But Karl Pruitt, who became the dungeon guard, always followed her. It walked very slowly, but it always followed [Asmodeus Hellfire], so that it could be destroyed in the most fearful way. wipe out.

[Asmodeus Hellfire] gasped and pressed against the wall, saying to Karl Pruitt: "Stop, please stop. Have you forgotten that we are allies? We are all from hell?!"

Karl Pruitt, who was following it, said in a low voice: "I remember, I remember everything, but because of this, I am so sure that I have seen an existence that is more mysterious than the devil. I have sublimated."

It saw [Asmodeus Hellfire] hiding behind the wall on the left, but it deliberately walked back and forth at the fork in the road, making footsteps, making [Asmodeus Hellfire] look like an ordinary Fear like a mortal.

"The moment I was caught in chains, I saw the truth of the world."

"That was an extremely beautiful moment. Please hurry up and take the initiative to be caught by the chains!"

[Asmodeus Hellfire] behind the wall snorted disdainfully. "It's simply crazy. What is going on here! Is this really a mortal soul world? Just a wizard... The power of this spiritual world and its vast area are absolutely impossible for an individual It can be achieved with strength. This..."

It looked down and its pupils suddenly shrank because the chains under its feet moved.

It... took a wrong turn.

It looked up and saw that the path it had chosen was a dead end. It was walking too fast just now. While running away, it didn't notice that it had entered a dead end.

what to do?

Just when [Asmodeus Hellfire] was thinking about what else to do, there was an existence on its left side that walked into the maze passage. That was also [Asmodeus Hellfire]. Fire] a familiar presence.

It’s LS Yana.

At this time, LS Yana's eyes also turned cold, and she said in a ruthless tone: "Yes, Karl Pruitt is right, I also see a higher mystery above the devil."

At the same time, the entire underground palace shook again, and three black pyramids rose from the depths of the underground palace.

[Asmodeus Hellfire] At this moment, its legs are bound by the maze chains, and LS Yana and Karl Prut are chasing it in front of it.

It began to fall into despair and regretted that it should not have possessed Ivita in the first place.

On the other side of the maze, the Lady of Light and Darkness said to the Hungry Demon: "I can easily choose the right path with divination, and the maze alone cannot trouble me. Divination comes from my spirituality, just like my limbs, so This labyrinth can suppress our power, but it cannot stop my divination."

Facing the fork with three roads ahead, the two demons stopped again.

The Lady of Light and Darkness threw three black dice on the ground. The upward numbers on these three black dice were 1, 3, and 5 respectively. The Lady of Light and Darkness swept the points. "The total number is nine, and the third path from the left is the right path."

It points to the far right road. "That's the one."

"Although the maze can't stump us for the time being, this spiritual world and the maze are not simple, and the status is too high. Let's leave here quickly. After leaving here, we should leave Ivita's shadow as soon as possible."

"Originally we just wanted to occupy the body of a potential new noble. But now it seems that we have blocked the way of some beings."

"If we dare to block this road, we will definitely pay the price."

The leadership of the female demon of light and darkness has completely convinced the hungry demon who is also a high-level demon. "That's right, we finally came to the mortal world, there is no need to take risks on Ivita."

"How far have you traveled through the maze in this dungeon now?"

The girl of light and darkness shook her head and said: "Two thirds, and the last third is left. I hope nothing bad will happen. Our luck should not be bad..."

The underground palace suddenly shook, and black pyramids rose up in the dark dungeon.

Weird sounds filled the entire dungeon maze.

The sound made the entire dungeon maze sound like some huge underground tomb.

The Hungry Demon said to the Dark Girl of Light: "Those three..."

As he spoke, the fourth black pyramid rose up in the underground palace.

"What are those four black inverted cone towers?"

The dark girl of light looked at it faintly. "Can't you see? This is the place where the demons that entered Ivita's spiritual world before were captured and their power was suppressed. It's so ridiculous that we demons have actually become prey and are hunted by others."

The hungry demon gasped. "Actually, I've always had an idea."

"Say." The girl of light and darkness looked around, trying to search for something.

The hungry demon said: "Actually, if you think about it, what kind of camp are the beings who can hunt demons? The emperor-level witch kings can do it, and maybe the beings behind the church can do it, but next What? The kings of various countries may also have the resources to do this, but it is obviously not their style of doing things now."

"I want to say... is the non-human camp targeting us and deliberately setting up a trap to make hell and witches and human nations quarrel?"

The bright and dark woman's face changed slightly. "I saw Ivita wearing a Druid's conference ring before. I always thought it was something insignificant, but now it seems..."

"During the Time War, the Druids still got some of the plague, but most of it went to humans. But the first Black Death happened before the Time War, so I ignored the connection between the Druids and the Black Death. .”

"But what if the birth of the Black Death was deeply related to the druids?"

The hungry demon is furious. "Damn druids. Ten hells and ten sources of plague combined are not as hateful as the druids."

At the fork in the road in front of them, many flaming bird-men with their bodies covered in flames suddenly appeared.

These flame bird monsters all surrounded them.

The face of the Lady of Light and Darkness is extremely ugly. It can use a little bit of the law of hell remaining in its body to temporarily restore its strength, but even so, it is impossible to be enough to deal with so many flaming bird monsters in the dungeon maze.

These flame bird monsters all appeared after the four pyramids appeared. This shows that the power of the dungeon labyrinth was not so powerful originally. It was only with the absorption of the power of the four demons that these monsters appeared.

The next moment, the Dark Lady of Light fought with these flame bird monsters. As for the Hungry Demon, it had been swallowed by the flame bird monsters, and its power was also swallowed up by the dungeon maze.

About ten minutes later, all the flame bird monsters at the fork of the original dungeon had been cleared away, and the ground was covered with scorched black marks left after the flame bird monsters were beaten and exploded.

It was just that at the second crossroads, the girl of light and darkness was surrounded by the flame bird monsters and finally exhausted.

She was sealed in mid-air by the chains of the dungeon maze, and those chains were devouring her power.

At the last moment, she shouted: "Please wait a moment."

"You can't seal me here."

"I was ordered by Hell to help mankind fight against the common enemy the Black Death. I cannot be sealed here. You have sealed the Hellfire Demon in the wizard's spiritual world and turned it into your power."

"The hellfire demon is the witch, the one who was supposed to sign the contract."

"However, I can substitute and sign a contract with that witch."

In just a few seconds, two-thirds of her power was absorbed by Ivita's soul labyrinth, and it was still being absorbed, and accelerating.

Two new black pyramids rose in the maze.

These black pyramids distribute energy throughout the maze, shaping the Flame Birdman monster. Even after gaining the power of two new demons, they created a giant Flame Birdman monster that is three times the size of the ordinary Firebird Birdman monster.

These flame bird monsters are not real fire magic, but maze guards that extract demonic energy and create them in the spiritual world. They are a type of spiritual magic.

But they are indeed part of the soul labyrinth, the source of Ivita's magic power, so they actually increase Ivita's magic power in disguise.

Ivita's originally huge magic power doubled in size again after the dungeon, six black side halls, and pyramids appeared in the spiritual labyrinth, and the power of six demons was absorbed.

Now, compared to ordinary wizards, his magic power can be described as a vast ocean.

The Dark Lady of Light saw that it had almost no power left, but Ivita was still absorbing its power. Its expression changed greatly. Could it be that the other party must kill them all?

It itself has forgotten that when it was running rampant in Ambrose's witch cemetery, how could it ever forgive its enemies?

The woman of light and darkness shouted in horror: "I have one last resort. As long as I am sealed here, I will detonate the hell coordinates stored in the essence of my existence, open the passage to the hell world, and let thousands of low-level demons Enter Cross Island, where you are now.”

"Maple Leaf Town and nearby territories will be instantly reduced to nothing."

"The six viscounties and three baronies you just obtained will become meaningless."

But the power draw didn't stop.

The girl of light and darkness was so frightened that she began to talk nonsense, just like every ordinary human would talk nonsense before dying. "I can't die. You don't understand. I was sent by Hell to stop the Black Death."

"I followed you all the way because I wanted you to take me to find the boy who carried the source of the Black Death."

"Ah! Damn human, damn wizard, who are you!"

Feeling her extreme weakness, the girl of light and darkness became indifferent and began to curse casually. "Damn wizard."

"Damn Demon King Lilith."

"Damn the Lord of Hell!"

"Damned Lord of All!"

"Only I can tell who the Nutcracker is!"

"When I die, you all can go to hell."

The next moment, it was shocked to discover that the power drawn from it had been cancelled.

Then, it will be thrown out of this spiritual world.

what happened?

Wait a minute, it seems to be saying that only it can recognize who the Nutcracker is, and only the power of the Nutcracker can restrain the host who is the source of the Black Death, the King of Mouse.

Therefore, the being behind this prison for the devil, he...or their target is probably also the source of the Black Death.

In the deepest part of the spiritual world, Ivita's human consciousness has been sleeping, and the more she sleeps, the sleepier she feels.

He longed more and more for an eternal sleep from which he would never wake up again.

But the more he slept, the more fragrant his dreams became. In his dream, he saw the entire Cross Island sinking into flames of war. It was humans, werewolves, vampires, and even an alliance with demons, fighting against a kind of evil that had spread all over the island. Pictures of monsters composed of black viscous substances.

At that time, Cross Island was already a purgatory.

No longer suitable for human survival.

In the middle of those servants of the Black Death, something like a sphere descended at the shipwreck port (Palembang), but that thing was a foreign object that tore the sky apart and descended from outside the world. All laws They are all being torn apart.

Even the greatest protection in the pirate world, the Great Wall on the Sea, was almost bent in half in front of this existence, and was about to break completely.

Iveta's consciousness was wondering, is this the final stage of the Black Death? !

The next moment, his consciousness floating in the air automatically flew over, flew over the shipwreck port, and flew in front of the monsters derived from the final stage of the Black Death.

From a distance of only one meter, he saw with his own eyes that this was something that was not allowed by the law.

It was the first time Ivita had seen something so terrifying, and she even felt fear.

This is the enemy of all existence in the world.

Ivita floated in front of this terrible enemy, and he finally realized——

The essence of the Black Death is the enemy of the law, political corruption, anarchism, and the ultimate force that returns mankind to primitive society.

This is raw power!

It was obvious that he only saw the scene in his sleep, but he felt real fear.

Ivita saw that the black sphere in front of her began to change. It was wailing and enduring, just like every mother giving birth. Although it was painful, it was full of hope and joy.

This thing was born from the many servants of the Black Death.

It's just a placenta for the purpose of giving birth to a higher-level existence.

After the black ball split open, a tail that was obviously a rat's tail stuck out. There was no hair on the tail and it looked very ugly.

The black ball is telling and singing. 'My King, please come, flatten the nations, destroy all things, kill the ugly and the beautiful, kill humans and demons, kill the strong and the weak, kill the chaotic and the orderly, kill the immortal of and perishable. ’

‘Kill all laws, kill all universal laws! ’

‘This happened in the past, it happened now, and it will happen in the future. ’

‘Keep happening, keep ending, until all the laws in the world are broken, humans return to primitive society, lose civilization, and join us rats. ’

Suddenly, a crack opened in the black ball, and an eyeball appeared from it. The eyeball looked like a single eye of a mouse. It swept past the numerous armies and pirates in Cross Island Shipwreck Harbor. "The army won't work after I give birth to my Rat King."

"My king is supreme!"

But around the shipwreck port, a boy wearing a red guard uniform and a crew cut, who looked to be only sixteen years old, raised the knight's sword in his hand and waved the knight's sword at the black ball. "But what you say will never come true."

"There are no limits to human evolution, and human kindness is never-ending, and cannot be corrupted. You who stand in the way of the evolution of human society are just a difficulty that we need to overcome."

"As long as I, the Nutcracker, are here, the plan of you and your king will not be possible. All armies, listen, don't be afraid, the army can defeat all enemies. There is a limit to the power of one person, but the power of all people can be added up, Then our power is infinite. The power of the Rat King is powerful, but the power of human beings is infinite. If it fights the infinite with the limited, it will inevitably fail!"

Ivita was shocked, Nutcracker?

But did the scene he saw happen in the past or now?

The eyes on the orb suddenly shifted their gaze, "Peeping Xiao Xiao? Predictive dream?"

"Bastard thing."

"You even dare to spy on my dreams, then I will give you the curse of the rat! This is the curse from the rat - even if you see it, you can't stop me. Even if you want to change your destiny, in the end you will Accept your fate despite setbacks.”

Ivita was forcibly awakened. The next moment, he got up from the ground, looked around, and found that he was lying in a narrow stone house with a stone bed.

Then there are the previously possessed ten-year-old girl and the girl's mother, as well as the Hearthstone Witch and the Dead Cow Archwizard.

Ivita stood up and dusted off her hands.

By the way, my strength was out of balance again before.

It would have fallen into an eternal slumber, with divinity taking over humanity and submerging the human essence as divine essence.

But because his divinity was too strong, he began to automatically predict things about Cross Island, and had a precognitive dream, predicting the arrival of the Black Death itself and the prophecy that the Black Death would give birth to the King of Rats and begin to destroy the whole world.

Seeing himself, the King of Rats, was actually awakened from his eternal sleep, and humanity once again took over.

Ivita let out a breath, she was lucky, if not, she would have been doomed.

Also, those demons were deliberately planning to take advantage of him when he was not prepared, and actually attacked him at the moment when the Hearthstone Witch contracted with the demons.

It seems that the devil cannot be underestimated.

I almost overturned my car today.

It couldn't be said that, Ivita felt that her divine self and her human self seemed to be the same person. So he couldn't tell whether this was considered a near-risk of death.

This is a bit close to the concept of obsession.

Ivita felt that his magic power had tripled. He was stunned for a moment, and then began to check his soul palace, and found that his soul palace had begun to take shape.

There are already six short side halls on the foundation. Under the foundation, there is a maze full of chains, flaming bird monsters, huge flaming bird monsters, and six black pyramids.

Ivita instantly realized that the demons that had possessed her before had actually become part of her unfinished soul palace.

‘Completing the Soul Palace requires the principles of law, but the prerequisite for obtaining the principles of law is that I have an earldom. ’

Ivita swept across the wooden house and saw the very weak Dark Girl lying on the ground; she paused for a moment on the little girl hiding in her mother's arms, then looked past the Hearthstone Witch and looked at the dead cow with a half-smile. wizard.

Ivita half-smiled. "Great Wizard of the Dead Ox, old friend. It seems that you have seen a lot of my secrets this time."

The Great Wizard of the Dead Ox looked at this ruthless man and his whole body was trembling. He really wanted to dig out all the 'true gods' and 'traps' he had heard before from his memory.

The great wizard of the dead cow hurriedly gestured to Ivita. "I heard nothing, saw nothing, I'm just a little wizard."

"You forgot about me."

Ivita said nothing but stared at him.

The great wizard of the dead cow was even more panicked. "What do you want to do? You..."

"Are you trying to kill me to silence me? I will definitely not tell the church about these things."

The Great Wizard of the Dead Ox quickly covered his mouth. He looked at the silent Ivita and thought to himself, it's terrible. He was afraid before and accidentally said what he was thinking.

He really wanted to report to the church that there was an unknown person, disguised as an ordinary human being, wandering in the Black Sea.

Seeing that Ivita remained silent, the Great Wizard of the Dead Ox thought that Ivita was bent on killing him, so he panicked and said in a panic: "Wait a minute, Lord Ivita, I want to take refuge with you!"

"Okay." Ivita turned to look at the Hearthstone Witch, and then at the weak Lady of Light and Darkness beside her. "Can you make a contract with it?"

The great wizard of the dead cow said "Ah", why did he feel that something was wrong.

The Hearthstone Witch was relieved to see that Ivita was fine. "Okay, it seems to be afraid of you. As soon as it comes out of your spiritual world, it demands to sign a contract with me. It is half a level higher than the previous Hellfire Demon."

Ivita nodded. "I saw that the girl seemed to be possessed by a demon and had magical talents. She and her mother were taken away."

The Hearthstone Witch said: "You are the lord of Maple Leaf Town, and you already have this power."

Iveta said: "The situation is a bit critical now, and we need to speed up the process of gathering together the earldom. In the afternoon, we will go to the swamp and Joseph Viscounty that we got today, which is equivalent to the size of the standard viscounty, to establish our identity as lords. "

The Hearthstone Witch reminded Ivita: "Joanna reminded us before that it seems that the swamp is occupied by some kind of inhuman force. I have also heard that there is a type of creature called swamp people who love to live in the swamp. . I guess they occupy that piece of death swamp that belongs to you."


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