The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 333: Extraordinary Plants! Extraordinary plants in the swamp!

The peregrine falcon transformed by Ivita stood on top of the stone statue, observing the battle taking place below.

In the swamp, the lizard people raised their spears and rushed forward, clashing with the hairy people, both sides roaring out of hatred.

It took two-thirds of the lizard people to entangle the long-haired people, and the two sides beat them to a bloody head. About one-third of the lizard people took out what they carried with them and tanned them with bush bark. The leather rope was tied to the human stone statue on one side, and he pulled hard to the side to push the stone statue down.

Many people in the Changmao tribe saw this scene, their eyes were bright red, as if they had seen the enemy who killed their father.

They raised their wooden spears and roared.

"They are pushing our idols, kill them!"

"Kill all those lizardmen!"


With a "bang" sound, the lizard men were seen tugging on the leather ropes and actually pulled the stone statue to one side.

The Great Wizard of the Dead Ox flew over with Kamiziri and landed next to Ivita.

Ivita asked the two of them. "Have you heard about the stone statues in the Dead Swamp?"

Both of them shook their heads.

Ivita frowned. The scene was now very tragic, and the nearby swamp was stained with blood.

But until now, Iveta didn't understand what kind of rare treasure the stone statue they were fighting about was.

He was tempted, so he didn't stop the lizard men from knocking down the stone statues.



Ivita looked down and saw that there were actually some lizardmen among the lizardmen. They were relatively large, and their whole bodies were red, with red translucent ore horns growing out of their foreheads.

These lizard men spit out fireballs at the long-haired people. When those fireballs exploded, the stones around them were often exploded. The high temperature could even melt the stones.

The Dead Ox Wizard said to Ivita: "That's a dragon-veined lizard man. I heard that he can summon flames and shoot fireballs. I don't know the specifics."

Dragon-veined lizard people?

Ivita opened the [Spiritual Vision] and found that the spirituality of these lizard people was very similar to the energy accumulated at the bottom of the swamp. It seems that the lizard people have lived in the swamp for generations, and some lizard people were accumulated by the bones of dead dinosaurs in the swamp. Negative spiritual sources polluted the bloodline, leading to the emergence of the so-called [Dragon-veined Lizard People].

With the help of the dragon-veined lizard people, the long-haired tribesmen immediately fell into a disadvantage. Each long-haired tribesman was blown into the air, and their corpses fell like raindrops.

In this way, there will be more lizardmen to knock down the stone statues.




With the concerted efforts of the swamp lizard people, the stone statue collapsed.

The mud in many swamps splashed out, and the stone statues also fell into the swamp, leaving behind the despairing long-haired people and the ecstatic lizard people.

The Changmao people looked desperate. "The hunting team wasn't here, so we couldn't stop the reptiles, but we were screwed, the statue collapsed."


The lizardfolk raised their wooden spears in ecstasy.

"Hahaha... we won, these stone statues of the Hairy Clan were knocked down by us!"

The long-haired tribesmen raised their weapons with an angry look on their faces. The leader of the long-haired tribe, a strong man with bare upper body, raised a wooden spear and threw it at a little lizardman next to the lizardman leader - the son of the lizardman leader. , and suddenly the little lizard man seemed to be skewered on bamboo sticks and thrown across like a barbecue.

The clan leader roared, "Kill all the lizardmen and we will fight them!"

"Kill! Either kill all the lizardmen here today, or we will all die, otherwise we will never stop!"

The leader of the lizard men saw his youngest son lying on the ground beside him, and a pool of blue blood appeared in the swamp. His pupils suddenly shrank, and he said heartbrokenly: "Damn swamp humans, this is not their place in the first place, ours The ancestors should not have taken them in."

"Kill them all for me. If I don't kill them all today, I will never stop."

Seeing that the two sides are about to fight and fight thoroughly until one side is completely destroyed.

The peregrine falcon transformed by Ivita hovered in the sky. He circled high in the sky, creating dark clouds and thunderstorms. The sky above the swamp was suddenly shrouded in lightning, and bolts of lightning fell, hitting the lizard tribe and the long-haired tribe. on the border, smashed into the middle of the battlefield.

The swamp was so windy that even the bushes were bent by the wind.

Iveta's voice came. "Stop, stop the private fight immediately! Your actions have seriously violated my interests in the swamp, affected my territory, and damaged my property."

"Stop the private fight immediately. This is an order from the lord."

The lizard man leader and the long-haired tribe leader all raised their heads and saw with horror the terrifying thunderstorm in the sky, and the thunder dragon that loomed behind the thunderstorm.

In the past, they had encountered outside lords leading troops into the swamp and claiming that this was their territory, but they were all repelled by the combined efforts of the two tribes, but this was the first time they had seen such a terrible natural disaster.

The lizardfolk and the woolly folk were whispering.

"This is the land we have lived in for generations. How can a person say that he should rule us if he suddenly comes here with some crap?"

"Yes, what the lizard man not wrong. People outside the swamp should be allowed to get out."

"We have our own protector - Miss Joanna!"

"The general army may not be our opponent yet..."

The leader of the lizardmen's eyes flickered, and the leader of the long-haired clan looked thoughtful.

Immediately, the leader of the Longhair Clan stepped forward, faced the being behind the thunderstorm in the sky, and said with awe and unruliness: "Everyone, shut up, this should be the new lord of our swamp. You should be our new lord." Protector, the great Lady Joanna came to me one day ago and told me of your existence."

The leader of the lizard people stared at him and said to the being behind the thunderstorm: "Great lord, Lady Joanna has also come to see me. Now is the time for you to come, please fulfill your responsibility to rule this swamp. , to bring justice to us.”

"It's the people from the Hairy Clan who knocked down our stone statues first, and then we will cause trouble for them today."

"It is the ruler's prerogative to judge justly for his people, and now is the time for you to show up."

In the sky, in the thunderstorm, Ivita understood. Sure enough, this swamp, as the prize that the Hearthstone Witch got for throwing darts for herself, at least guaranteed that it would definitely belong to her in the past few years, and she didn't have to worry about conquering it at all. Joanna had already made arrangements for herself.

But the two swamp people below are really troublesome.

They are still somewhat unruly and challenging. How can you decide on this matter where the public is justified and the mother-in-law is justified?

Then, this time my ruling will most likely serve as the future relationship and positioning between myself and the two tribes in the swamp.

Because be careful.

Ivita thought about it and realized that the simplest way is to eliminate one of the two parties, because only two parties will have conflicts. As long as one of them is eliminated, the current so-called dispute will disappear.

If one of the two parties really wants to be eliminated, Ivita is inclined to eliminate the long-haired people, because the lizard people seem to have such things as dragon-veined lizard people, and the spell-like abilities used by those dragon-veined lizard people are all He is almost approaching the second level of official wizard.

Seeing that among the hundreds of lizardmen, there were at least forty or so dragon-veined lizardmen, I was a little tempted.

It's just that Iveta didn't want to take such a one-size-fits-all approach. There were still many questions about this swamp. If she solved the problem so roughly, she would miss many opportunities.

Moreover, it would not be good to let the lizard people dominate the swamp, especially since these lizard people are somewhat hostile to humans outside the swamp.

Ivita thought that if there were only lizardmen in the swamp, it would mean that the swamp was the territory of the lizardmen.

This is a typical nationalist territory.

Then he, a human lord, would definitely be rejected by the swamp.

If there were several races in the swamp and the racial boundaries were weakened, that would be a different story.

Thinking of this, Ivita understood that today was to persuade the two tribes to cease the war and establish her own authority.

A huge flame appeared in the peregrine falcon's left eye, and it lowered its head and swept across the swamp. "When I used the power of the Emperor Star to use Thunder Dragon magic, something in the swamp echoed to me, but this feeling passed by in a flash. This means that there is a treasure I need in this swamp, but I don't know what it is."

The lizard people and the long-haired people saw that there was no movement from the thunderstorm in the sky for a long time. They were anxious and about to start fighting again. Both sides looked at each other with hatred.

Just when the two sides were about to fight again, a huge firebird appeared from the thunderstorm in the sky. The spectacular scene was like a flame burning the sky, wonderful and full of danger. There were boiling flames in the thunderstorm.

The flame suppressed the flames of all the dragon-veined lizardmen, causing the lizardmen and the hairy tribe to panic. At the same time, they now knew that behind the terrible scene in the sky was their new lord, so they did not continue to fight. .

From the thunderstorm, Ivita spoke. "I said, stop fighting immediately. This is a private fight. Don't negotiate terms with your lord, and don't test your lord."

The lizardman leader was immediately unconvinced. "But they killed my child. Did my child die in vain? This is not fair!"

"You are the supreme ruler in the swamp. You cannot ignore our hatred and enforce your rights. Can a ruler ignore the emotions of his people? You are a newbie here, shouldn't you be more fair? ?”

The leader of the Changmao Clan also looked aggrieved. "They knocked down our stone statues. When Lady Joanna was here, she would definitely punish them. Please punish them too, since you have such great power."

He looked at the natural disaster in the sky with a little more awe in his heart. It seemed that the new owner of the swamp was still strong.

A huge firebird rushed out of the thunderstorm and turned into gold in an instant. The golden firebird stared at the lizardman leader. The lizardman leader had some simple carved wooden spears in his hand, which burned in an instant.

The leader of the lizardmen was startled and took a few steps back. "grown ups?"

The firebird opened its mouth, and Ivita's voice came out. "You are angry when they kill your children, but how many children of the Changmao tribe have you and your people killed, and how can you compensate them?"

The lizardman leader subconsciously wanted to speak, but when he opened his mouth, nothing came out. Instead, he fell into deep thought.


If others kill his children, he wants others to compensate and take revenge. Then he has killed so many children and the fathers and mothers of so many children, so what kind of compensation does he have to make?

Seeing that the leader of the lizard people was speechless, Firebird understood and turned around to stare at the leader of the long-haired tribe. "Stone statue? Did you build that stone statue? What is its use?"

The chief of the Longhair tribe thought Ivita was on his side and immediately complained. "That stone statue was built by us swamp people. The purpose of that stone statue is... the purpose is... I don't know what the purpose of that stone statue is, but in short it is very important and cannot be torn down."

Ivita was silent.

He thought that both sides were vying to knock down the other's stone statue because it must have some importance. But who knows, even the leader of one side didn't know what the stone statue was for.

The golden firebird controlled by Ivita turned to look at the lizardman leader. "You should know what the stone statues are for, right?"

Facing the fire of law, the leader of the lizard men couldn't help but lower his head and said with fear: "I...I don't know either. I only know that the stone statue is very important. As for its function, I don't know. But every time It makes me sad to see the hairy people knocking down stone statues."

"As for the effect..."

The scene was silent for a moment.

Because no one present knew what the stone statue was used for.

They just didn't want the other side to knock down their own stone statues. Over time, both sides developed a common understanding - if they wanted to extremely insult the other side, just knock down the other side's stone statues.

An old lizard man came out from the lizard man side. The scales on his body were all gray. "Lord, I may know what happened in the beginning. I heard from my grandfather that about sixty years ago, a group of humans and a human wearing a duke's crown suddenly broke into the swamp."

"They claimed to be the Duke of Cross Island who was being hunted by pirates and the Duke's army."

"The Duke of Cross Island said that his army was destroyed in the highlands by pirates led by Marco Anson, the Lord of the Seven Seas, and that all the castles in the remaining territories have been breached."

"They had no place to go. They could only hide in the most complex area on Cross Island - the Death Swamp. So the leader of the swamp tribe at the time - Elder Thunder Lizard, agreed to the Duke's rude request . Those humans seemed to want to fight the pirates in the swamp, but they still lost. They did not expect that the pirates were actually better able to adapt to the terrain outside the swamp than they were."

"The defeated Duke led his minions deep into the swamp, and none of the lizardmen knew what happened to them."

"I only know that the Duke and his cronies died later. The few who survived were covered with long red hair. That day was also the day when the Longhair tribe was born."

Ivita fell into thinking, so the dispute in the swamp is actually related to the Black Sea pirate invasion.

The old lizard man continued: "In the beginning, the long-haired tribe and us lizard men were allies, but soon there were some minor conflicts between us. But I don't know which long-haired tribe member knocked down our stone statue first. Then we started tearing down the stone statues of the Longhair tribe in retaliation, and then a vicious cycle formed.”

"Actually, these stone statues are just ordinary stones."

Hearing what the old lizard man said, the lizard men and the hairy tribesmen were very angry.

The long-haired tribesman pointed at the old lizard man and said: "You were the ones who attacked us first and knocked down our stone statues. Moreover, the stone statues are very important. How could they be ordinary stones? That man is one of yours. It's all nonsense." .”

The Lizard people also said angrily: "We also suspect that this person has been bribed by you. He is just talking nonsense. The stone statue is very important."

"Since you also have questions about him, why not kill him together!"

This statement was recognized by all the lizards and the hairy people.

The old lizard man looked horrified. "I knew you wouldn't listen if I told the truth. But in fact, what I said is true. Those stone statues were our lizard people's cultural tradition at the beginning. We like to make huge lizard people stone statues. They are just some works of art. But it’s not particularly important at all. Even if it’s pushed down, you can just lift it up. How could it cause the end of the world?”

"But because we wanted to insult each other and be hostile to you, the Hairy Clan, our stone statues were attached with all kinds of special meanings. Even now, not many people know that the stone statues were just ordinary stone statues at first."

After hearing this, Iveta finally understood what was going on with these stone statues.

These lizardmen and hairy people should be regarded as providing the power of blindness and ignorance to the stone statues.

The stone statues were really ordinary stone statues, but because of the fight between the two tribes in the swamp, they gave these ordinary stones many special meanings. In the end, they began to enter a repetitive cycle of knocking down and raising the statues.

During this process, most of the lizards and hairy tribesmen themselves did not know why they did this, they only knew that they had to do this.

They put the meaning of their lives on something that has no meaning at all, and use this as their life goal.

Ivita fell silent, as if he saw some kind of truth in the world, he saw the beauty of cycles, the beauty of stupidity, and his soul palace was vibrating rapidly, as if in response to this.

"This is probably the law." Ivita thought. "As I rule the territory, I will see more and more of the truth of the law. I will get closer and closer to the truth of the law, and I will eventually capture it."

Iveta looked down and saw that some lizards and hairy men wanted to attack the old lizard man who told the truth. Thunder suddenly fell, and five thunderbolts split the lizards and hairy men who attacked the old lizard man into pieces. ash.

For a moment, neither the lizard people nor the long-haired people dared to make any moves.

During the thunderstorm, Ivita slowly said to the leaders of the two tribes: "I already know the causes and consequences of your conflict. Leader of the Hairy People, why don't you just let your people lift up the stone statue? Lizard Man Leader, take your people and leave here."

"Immediately. The penalty for disobeying me is death."

The leaders of the two tribes were afraid of the huge golden firebird beside them. Their foreheads were sweating, and both sides were weighing the benefits and losses.

The leader of the Changmao tribe was unconvinced and said, "Are we going to just let it go?"

Ivita sarcastically said: "Even if you want to have a war, you must inform me. Now I rule the swamp, not Joanna. And I only have one request from you, which is to obey my rule."

“If a man cannot restrain himself, he must obey the orders of others.”

The firebird lowered its head, and the majestic fire rushed towards the leader of the long-haired tribe, making his face pale and weak. The firebird heard Ivita's voice. "I don't care what happened between you. I am not a platform or a tool for you to discuss right and wrong. But let me tell you, what I care about. I care about peace in the swamp, and I care about the swamp obeying my orders. "

"So, you two, are you going to offend me here and make me completely fall to one side? Or are you going to obey my orders here?"

The leader of the Longhair Tribe's pupils suddenly shrank, and he said to Ivita: "I understand, Sir. You are my superior, so I should think about your preferences, not the other way around. If I want to get your help, I must It’s in your interests. I can just let this matter go.”

The leader of the lizard tribe also figured out that if Ivita sided with the long-haired tribe, it would be of no benefit to their swamp lizard tribe.

Ivita had made it very clear.

His interests must override the interests of the two tribes, because he is the owner of the swamp, instead of making him pay interests to please the two tribes.

Although the leader of the lizard tribe knew that this was Ivita's power, due to Ivita's strength and identity, he could only accept this power. This was the authority from the feudal superiors.

The leader of the lizard clan lowered his head to the firebird and calmed down. "I understand, you are right. If I ask others to pay for the death of a child, then there will be too many people seeking revenge from me."

"I'm also willing to take a step back here."

The thunderstorm in the sky gradually disappeared, and the falcon transformed by Ivita fell to the ground and turned into a handsome fourteen-year-old boy. He walked over slowly, which made both the lizards and the long-haired people a little surprised and moved.

They thought Ivita should be older, the kind of wizard with eyes full of wisdom, or an old wizard with a sinister face.

But I didn’t expect that Ivita was so young.

The lizard leader opened his mouth wide. "Sir... big..."

"What's wrong?" Ivita glanced at him indifferently.

This shocked the leader of the lizardmen. Ivita's magic power was so powerful that just looking at others could make them feel as cold as winter. "'s nothing, it's just that I thought your age would be more..."

Iveta's eyes were even colder. "Then how many years will it take for me to come back?"

This was a rhetorical question, but it was like spring thunder in the ears of the lizardman leader, making his muscles all tense in fear. "No, no, that's not what I meant. Great Lord, what I meant was that the Flame Lizard elders are too old."

The leader of the Longhair Tribe is more like a savage in the wilderness. His whole body is made of muscles and tendons, and he is covered with an animal skin. He has an aura of wilderness.

He said to Ivita: "Lord, Lord Joanna once taught us the concept of feudal lords, so your rule over our clan will be smooth and logical without having to worry about it. My name is Aljemin Savage Bones."

Ivita said to him directly: "There is a very powerful energy under the Death Swamp. I suspect it has a lot to do with your transformation from ordinary humans to the long-haired tribe. Take me to the core area of ​​your tribe."

He glanced at the two tribes. "Since I am already the lord here, I need to know everything here. Not only here, the Joseph Viscounty and the former Valji family territory are already my territory."

A short woman with red hair next to Aljemin Barbarian was very angry when she heard Ivita's words. "Even if you are our lord and protector, you cannot go to our most core place. Today you have shown your authority and made us all stop, just to listen to you. You..."

Aljemin Mangu slapped her with his backhand.

"Shut up!"

"Sir, this is my spouse, don't be angry."

"From today on, she is no longer my spouse."

The woman looked at Aljemin Savage Bones in disbelief, "What are you doing?"

Algemin Savage glared at her. "How many times have I told you not to provoke those who are more powerful than you."

He turned to look at Ivita. "My lord, I can take you there as you are the new lord of the swamp. But can you keep our secret?"

Ivita nodded and said to the leaders of the two clans at the same time: "Tomorrow I will hold a meeting of all the nobles at Joseph Castle. You should also send people to attend. I know that you had a lot of friction with the Viscount of Joseph in the past, but now since We are a family, so we need to find a chance to resolve your disputes."

The leader of the lizardmen, the Flame Lizardman, and Aljemin Barbarian Bones looked at each other. Although they had great conflicts, they both had their own worries about going to the civilized world.

They are not fools. Of course, they can faintly feel discrimination from the civilized world from various channels.

Ivita saw the worry in their eyes, so she said to them: "You don't have to worry about trouble. I will write documents in advance to inform the various nobles and local lords in Joseph's Viscounty of your arrival. If anyone gives you trouble or is By preventing you from entering the territory, you are working against me. I will let my student Kamiziz take you there tomorrow."

Ivita said: "Okay, Barbarian Bones, you take me to the core area of ​​​​your clan in the swamp."

In the sky, the Dead Ox Wizard said to Camizir: "Mr. Ivita handled the matter really quickly. In just a moment, the two parties stopped fighting. They seemed to be calling us. Let’s follow.”

Kamiziz also sighed. "Only a teacher with such powerful power can solve things simply and crudely. He is almost the most powerful wizard I have ever seen. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to do that at all. I might give up some of my own interests and come to Let the two races stop and make peace. Let them stop hating by distributing benefits to them."

The great wizard of the Dead Ox turned his head and glanced at Kamizir. "That would be too troublesome."

Ivita followed Aljemin Savage to the depths of the swamp, where there are many trees unique to the swamp. These trees form a forest with lush leaves, and many wooden buildings are built on the trees.

In addition to the tree house, there are also many pontoons made of logs placed on the swamp. These pontoons are the key to accessing the swamp.

On the way, Ivita had already roughly understood the political system of the Longhair Tribe through Aljemin Barbarian's dictation. Contrary to what she had guessed, the Longhair Tribe seemed to have inherited many of the customs of previous humans, so they were actually feudal. Made.

Nothing but tribal feudalism.

That is, although there is a feudal concept, there is also a primitive concept of tribe. The tribal system and the feudal system are like two parallel lines, influencing each other but being independent of each other.

The long-haired tribe and the lizard people interacted with each other, causing the lizard people to actually have a tribal feudal system.

The supreme leader of the lizard people and the long-haired tribe is the [Lord of the Great Swamp].

This person used to be Joanna, but now this person is herself.

Under the position of [Lord of the Great Swamp], there are the clan leaders and leaders, and then there are two parallel local forces-the swamp petty nobles and the tribes of the swamp people.

Under this primitive feudal system, there were not many feudal hierarchies, so everyone was a parallel small noble of the same level.

Under the influence of primitive tribes, the leader of a lizard man village or a hairy man village may not necessarily be a local minor noble, but may be a prestigious family in the tribe.

This leads to the fact that the people of the swamp are very uncentralized and cannot even be considered completely feudal. They are neither superior nor inferior, so the power they can mobilize is very limited.

Soon Ivita followed them deeper into the swamp.

Among the black tree houses, Iveta saw a very tall wooden house located in the middle of the swamp. The base of the wooden house was formed by pouring limestone into the swamp, and then a layer of gravel was laid on the limestone.

The big tree house in the middle is nestled between six century-old trees.

The combination of black trees, big tree house, and white salt-alkali material on the edge of the swamp makes this big tree house like a landscape painting.

But there were many miserable wailing sounds of babies coming from the big tree house.

Iveta frowned and walked over to take a look. From the window of the big tree house, she could see many long-haired women cutting open the baby's abdominal cavity with iron pieces and inserting a red energy The moving tentacles, which resembled smelly flowers, were implanted entirely into the baby's abdominal cavity.

Ivita was stunned.

What the hell is this?

He opened his spiritual horizons and discovered that although those plants were not extraordinary plants, they still contained powerful spirituality and seemed to be affiliated plants of some extraordinary plants.

In short, someone actually did not eat the Tianwai Qizhi, but directly cut open his stomach and transplanted it directly.

Isn't this method too primitive?

Yes, the individual quality of these long-haired people is much higher than that of ordinary humans. It turns out that this is the reason.

Ivita realized that this primitive method should have been eliminated long ago, but the Duke of Cross Island and his servants should have a lot of information on the knight's secret medicine system, but why are they still using this primitive method?

Moreover, those babies had no red hair at all, just like human babies.

Could it be said that the people of the long-haired tribe are like this due to acquired influence? Rather than being born with it?

Ivita glanced at the savage bones around her. In short, the special customs of the Longhair tribe must be related to the secrets deep in the swamp.

This swamp took too long to form, and there must be a huge secret hidden in it, otherwise I wouldn't feel anything strange when I use lightning magic.

Just thinking about it, many wizards and witches must have visited here before, and they must have returned without success.

You may not be able to find out the secret of this swamp yourself.

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