The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 334 Corpse Dragon Konjac! The research institute of ancient civilization! (Two in one super

At the window of the big tree house, Ivita saw the hairy woman implanting the special swamp red flower into the baby's body. The nerves in the baby's body are deeply integrated with the baby.

The baby lying on the 'operating table' that was as big as a dining table cried even harder.

He was crying loudly and enduring severe pain, but the long-haired woman present seemed not to hear it. She began to pick up something that seemed to be spider silk and threaded it with iron needles, and then sewed up the baby's chest. .

At the same time, the baby's body surface undergoes drastic changes.

The baby, who originally had almost no hair on his body except for lanugo, first grew many spike-like hairs on his body, and then began to grow wildly.

Seeing this, Iveta suddenly understood that the hair on these red-haired people was not real hair.

Rather, it is a nerve-like substance.

The hair is basically the product of the combination of human nerves and the tender silk of swamp safflower.

But if this is the case, then the Hairy Tribe is a race of artificially modified synthetic humans. However, the research on electronic synthetic humans in the previous life was in the direction of combining the human body with machinery, and now I am in the swamp. The long-haired tribe seen here is the direction of plant transplantation into the human body related to the extraordinary plants.

The 'surgical tools' used on the opponent's 'operating table' are basically raw materials collected by the Longhair tribe from the swamp.

Ivita glanced at the savage patriarch with an unkind look. In any case, it would be too cruel to transform a living baby into a half-monkey shaggy tribe. "Is the core secret of the Longhair Clan this place where babies are transformed?"

Barbarian Bones did not notice Ivita's bad intentions, because in his eyes, this transformation was a gift, not a very cruel human experiment.

The leader of the Barbarian Bones said to Ivita: "That's right, Lord Ivita, this is the big tree house of our long-haired tribe's pregnancy room."

"Here, we will become different from the hairless tribe outside the swamp. We have excellent physical and neurological coordination. Even a three-year-old child in the tribe can walk on two trees without training. On the hemp rope tied between them."

"Every shag is the best rider."

Ivita looked in the direction pointed by the Barbarian Bones leader's hand, and saw the long-haired children swinging their arms on the canopy of the swamp forest, just like monkeys on the canopy of different trees.

He also saw a young man from the long-haired tribe riding on the back of a swamp monitor lizard that was as tall as a man and unique to the swamp.

With Iveta's eyesight, he noticed that these long-haired people not only had physical coordination that far exceeded that of humans. When the children jumped between trees and tree houses, sharp branches scraped their backs. The long red hair covering the child's naked back will curl up quickly the moment it touches leaves and branches.

There are also adults. When they ride on the swamp monitor lizard, the long red hair on their bodies obviously captures the speed of the wind and the displacement of the muscles of the swamp monitor lizard when it moves.

This just shows that the red hair on the long-haired people is actually a structure similar to nerves.

Those are external nerves.

Ivita noticed that this external nerve was very similar to the extraordinary organs of the knights.

That is simply an inferior version of an extraordinary organ.

Sure enough, the current practice of the Changmao Tribe should be an immature way of utilizing the extraordinary plants from the early days of mankind.

Looking at the density of tree houses along this road, we can estimate that the approximate population of the swamp people, the Longhair Tribe, should be around 50,000.

Then I should be able to use the long-haired people in the swamp to organize a large lizard cavalry force of about five thousand people at most.

This is a very powerful cavalry force.

Yes, although such a cavalry unit will attract the prying eyes of many nobles, the positioning of the long-haired tribe and the lizard people is very similar to the nomadic tribes of the northern plateau in my previous life on earth. These things are to harass the territory. Enemies and scourges are unlikely to be transformed into armies in the hands of territorial nobles.

The reason why he has the opportunity to control such an army is mostly due to Joanna's personal prestige here.

The reason why the lizard people and the long-haired people can get rid of the covetousness of the human nobles is thanks to this swamp.

It is almost impossible for the human army to move forward in this swamp. It is simply unrealistic to march on a large scale. In addition, there is little economic value here, and there are a bunch of aliens harassing other territories. Therefore, over time, the swamp has been ignored by everyone, and has been ignored by everyone. It is believed that whoever's territory is next to a swamp is unlucky.

The leader of the Barbarian Bones was worried that Ivita would enter the big tree house. After thinking about it, he said to Ivita euphemistically: "Even I can't enter the big tree house, because this is where all the babies in our tribe will stay when they are born. Place. Those women believe that us men entering it will pollute the air inside and affect the babies."

"Pollution?" Ivita asked puzzled. "Is there any contamination here? Are you afraid that you will carry foreign bacteria? But I see that you are doing your own 'surgery' without disinfection measures. Basically, you are relying on the self-healing ability that safflower brings to the human body."

He had no intention of getting into it.

It's just that he feels that these swamp people still hide many secrets.

The Barbarian Bone Patriarch said: "It's because when [Swamp God's Blessing] is performed, the mortality rate of male infants is always much higher than that of female infants. All those women think that our men's breath is relatively dirty, and if we enter the big tree house, it will be a threat. to the health of the babies.”

Ivita raised her eyebrows, isn't this just feudal superstition?


The more primitive a place is, the more superficial the observation of nature and the world is. One can only see superficial laws and then make primitive generalizations.

The conclusions drawn in this way are often anti-intellectual.

A voice appeared next to Ivita and the Savage Bone Patriarch. "What nonsense are you talking about? How many times have I told you that there is no such thing as a swamp god, and there is no such thing as a man's turbid breath. It's because of a unique substance secreted by men that reacts with the swamp red flowers. In this way, If it comes, the body of the transplanted male will be greatly strengthened physically."

"So the physical strength of men who have undergone longevity surgery is no longer that of human beings, and far exceeds that of women from the long-haired tribe. However, the price is that the baby boys who are not strong enough will die during the process."

Iveta turned her head, and an old woman with red hair all over her body came skipping over. She was holding a rough homemade tobacco rod in her hand, and she was greedily breathing in the white mist that spewed out of it. Woolen cloth.

When the Barbarian Bone Patriarch saw the old woman, he said to her with fear and respect: "Grandma Fenggu, why don't you live in the tree house and come out. What if you encounter those hateful lizard people?"

"Hmph." Grandma Fenggu frowned, pulled out the cigarette rod from her mouth, and then blew out a smoke ring fiercely, and sprayed it on Mangu's face. "Am I afraid of lizardmen? Even if they are dragon-veined lizardmen, I'm not afraid."

"A man whose body is half buried in the ground is not afraid of thugs and barbarians."

Ivita raised a brow on the side. This old primitive man seemed to think that he was not a barbarian.


As if aware of Ivita's thoughts, the wind-bone old lady immediately glared at her. "The new great lord of the swamp, I come from the civilized world like you. I am the only person who succeeded in the [immortality surgery] led by the Duke of Cross Island sixty years ago."

"In order to facilitate the inheritance and survival of our lineage, I have not interfered too much with the development of the Changmao tribe. Over time, they themselves have forgotten their origins and the etiquette of the civilized world, thus evolving a set of customs belonging to the Longmao tribe. Social ecology. Although I think this is also a good thing, after all, people must get used to forgetting the past. People who indulge in a certain moment are sad, because time will only leave them where they are, while others have already left. That time period.”

Grandma Feng Gu said to Ivita: "There were several lords who came to the swamp before. But we do not recognize the rule of a group of pirates, but you are the lord recommended by Lady Joanna, so as long as you are not a pirate, we, the Longhair Clan, will I will serve you wholeheartedly.”

Ivita frowned.

This old man is testing himself and is difficult to deal with.

However, I am still very curious about longevity surgery.

Ivita said: "I am not a pirate. I come from the mainland."

The old lady Feng Gu showed a satisfied look. "I believe you, Lord Lord, because your skin is so fair, and it is not comparable to that group of weathered pirates. Even if you say that you are a pirate, I won't believe it, old lady."

Grandma Fenggu seemed to be speaking casually and said to Ivita: "Then, Lord, please forgive me for asking a few more questions. Because your answer involves how much I have to tell you."

"I want to ask you a key question. Since you are not a pirate, why did you come to Cross Island?"

Ivita didn't hesitate. "No one can refuse to repay something after they owe me something. Due to some coincidences, I got several territories on Cross Island, but those territories were all occupied by pirates, so I can only come here to claim and plunder them personally. Pirate."

"Hey hey hey... robbing pirates? Young people nowadays are really interesting." The strong-willed old lady winked at Ivita. "Looking at your posture now, I know you succeeded. Well done, it's true that it's tit for tat, hahahaha..."

"Your boy is very suitable to my taste." Grandma Fenggu puffed her cigarette rod with satisfaction. "I believe you must be full of doubts about this weird swamp, just like the mood the Duke and I had when we entered the swamp sixty years ago. Come on, I will take you to see the Duke, so that you can understand everything. .”

"Under this swamp, there are several very important things, which are of little use to us."

"But it's different for you who are eager to expand your territory."

Ivita looked at Granny Feng Gu in confusion.

I never said my purpose.

The old woman with strong character turned her back to Ivita and said: "I am an old man who has lived for hundreds of years. Although I am not a professional, I have gained wisdom through time. Even the notorious swamp is impatient to regain There must be a reason why he can’t wait to expand his territory.”

"But as anxious as you are."

"It doesn't change the fact that you're a good person."

"Come on, I'll take you to see the Duke."

Ivita glanced at the Barbarian Bone Patriarch and followed her. "Duke? After sixty years, he is still alive?"

The old lady with strong character shook her head. "The Duke is dead a long time ago. If the Duke is still alive, then he will definitely not let those pirates occupy the magpie's nest and occupy Cross Island and Cross Sea. It has been sixty years. I wonder if Marco Anson is still alive?"

On the pontoon in the swamp, Ivita thought of Marco Anson's severed finger and said, "It should be considered dead."

"Haha. That kind of bad guy will not die easily." The old woman said with hatred: "I used to be the mistress of the Duke. Duke, he is a very pitiful person."

"In the eyes of everyone, the Duke is a man so incompetent that he has to sign an alliance with the pirates. But I know that the Duke has always hated himself for causing the displacement of his people. Without Marco Anson, he would be a very good person. ruler."

"He is compassionate and has empathy for his people. He can control his emotions when he is most angry and not hurt anyone."

"Such a person, because of meeting Marco Anson, became the king of the country. What a twist of fate."

The old lady with strong bones asked Ivita, "Grandma, I also want to know one thing. Who is holding the Iron Crown of the Principality of Lombardy now?"

Ivita: "It should still be in the hands of the Lombard family."

The graceful old woman lowered her head and said: "The Duke used to be a branch of the Lombard family. The Iron Crown laws of Lombardy are special. At the end of the ancient civilization, among the laws that remained unbroken and corrupted from the ancient civilization, Some laws were differentiated, among which was the law of the Iron Crown.”

"If the emperor of the Holy Golden Rose Empire wants to inherit the throne, he needs the pope to bring him a crown."

"But generally speaking, before the emperor of the Holy Golden Rose Empire obtains the [Throne of the Holy Empire] issued by the Pope, he will first obtain the Iron Crown Law of the Principality of Lombardy."

Ivetta gave her an incredulous look.

Grandma Fenggu laughed and said: "These things are not something that the former Duke's mistress can know, but the Duke needs someone to share the pressure in a desperate situation, so he told me this secret, just like other secrets of their family."

"The royal family of the Holy Golden Rose Empire, in order to obtain the Iron Crown of the Lombard family, often marry their daughters in exchange for the Iron Crown."

"But now that the Iron Crown is still in the hands of the Lombard family, it shows that there is also a huge problem in the Holy Golden Rose Empire."

"You deserve it. The Duke once asked them for help before, but they turned a blind eye. Now they are finally in trouble."

Ivita scratched her head in shame. The royal family of the Holy Golden Rose Empire was the Alsace family. In other words, she had the power to be relatively low in the succession to the throne.

Maybe dozens of digits later.

Hearing what the old indigenous lady in front of me said, I was really embarrassed.

Ivita reminded her. "Well... there is something I want to tell you. The current royal family of the Holy Golden Rose Empire is Alsace, and my surname is Alsace."

The old lady's body was shaken.

Then, she said nonchalantly: "Oh, now is the damn unscrupulous royal family taking over our swamp?!"

“The royal family prides itself on being the universal protector of human society and the nations that believe in the God of all things, but it turns out they can’t even deal with pirates.”

"Sure enough, people are most reliable only when they rely on themselves."

Ivita was silent, but he knew that the current pirates themselves were probably raised by the church to deal with the pirate believers of the God of Beasts.

Then the position of the former royal family of the Holy Golden Rose Empire is suspicious.

After walking for about ten kilometers, the old lady Feng Gu twisted her ankle and said, "I'm tired from walking. Look, the Duke's cemetery is ahead."

"But be careful, the front is the deepest part of the swamp, and there is an inexplicable suction force below. Anyone who comes close will be caught by the suction force, and then fall into the swamp and die. Whether they are knights or witches, they will end up like this. .”

"We, the long-haired people, can use the [external red nerve] to cross this swamp, but I don't know if you, great lord, can do it? Anyway, I'm going over. If something happens, I can't save you, mother-in-law. "

Ivita knew that the other party was testing her, so she didn't care much.

He transformed into a peregrine falcon and tried to fly across the swamp blocking his way.

The old lady Fenggu lowered her head, a cunning light flashed in her eyes.

Ivita, who was flying over the swamp, suddenly felt the huge suction force coming from below. The suction force almost pulled her down. But when she transformed into a peregrine falcon, she was still wearing a cloak of destruction. The cloak of destruction seemed to float. ability.

Ivita used all the magic of the Cloak of Destruction, coupled with the power of the Peregrine Falcon's own flight, to fight against the suction of the swamp.

But this only prevents him from falling.

He still couldn't move an inch.

‘The Duke who was defeated sixty years ago fled into the swamp, but he still had enough resources to resist the suction at the bottom of this swamp. It seems that my current power is still not strong enough, and my resources are still not enough. ’

Ivita thought.

Ivita used the power of the Emperor Star to strengthen the magic of the Cloak of Destruction. The Peregrine Falcon he transformed was surrounded by six spheres of destruction, and its floating ability was doubled.

Then, using all his strength, he rushed forward.

After reaching a certain critical point, he seemed to have pierced a layer of paper. He broke away from the suction below, jumped out, and came to a rocky highland surrounded by swamps. There were many sacred numbers inserted on that highland. 4' wooden frame, and the grave mound behind the wooden frame.

That rocky plateau is full of graves.

The peregrine falcon transformed by Ivita fell and turned into a human form again, and then he found himself standing in front of the Duke's grave, because it was written on the grave - 'Grave of Billy Lombard, the last Duke of Cross Island, born Before death, he came with nothing; before death, he left without anything. ’

The old woman with wind bones was also jumping on the broken wood and gravel floating on the swamp. It must be said that the long-haired people were born to adapt to life in the swamp. With the help of their external red nerves, their control over their limbs was almost inhuman.

The old lady Fenggu said: "It's really amazing. When we were crossing the swamp, most of the people died, but you actually used only a few magic to cross this chasm."

Ivita said: "We have met the Duke. Now you should tell me the [immortality surgery] and the origin of the swamp red flower, as well as the secret of this swamp."

The wind-bone old woman jumped to the rocky plateau and walked towards the Duke's grave while talking to Ivita. "Sixty years ago, during the event of raising the black flag, we were defeated and retreated to the swamp. The Duke wanted to fight them in the swamp, right here, but unexpectedly, he failed."

"Then, here... right here, we discovered [Corpse Dragon Amorphophallus], which is also very rare among the exotic plants in the world, and saw patches of [Corpse Dragon Konjac]'s companion plant - swamp red flowers."

"At that time, there was a naturalist among our broken troops. His name was Peter Pan. He insisted that as long as he found [Corpse Dragon Konjac] and [Swamp Red Flower], he could carry out the research he accidentally discovered among the broken books. In the middle, I saw the [immortality surgery].”

The graceful old woman lowered her head and held the Duke's grave in deep thought. "Of course, Peter Pan also said that as long as you perform [immortality surgery], you can create two results."

"The first result is to create a unique immortal race."

"The second result is that while remaining human, you can maintain your current age and live for at least two thousand years, and your appearance will never grow old, and you can always enjoy youth."

"But this kind of surgery can only be performed with [Swamp Red Flower] and [Corpse Dragon Konjac]."

"Because Peter Pan had given the Duke a lot of good advice, the Duke agreed to Peter Pan's [immortality surgery] plan, and the Duke is also preparing to use the immortal race created by the [immortality surgery] to restore the country."

"..." Ivita: "???"

Iveta's hair almost stood up, because when he heard Peter Pan's name, for a moment, he almost thought Joanna was Peter Pan's subordinate.

But if you think about it carefully, Joanna should be from the Santa Claus family.

He shouldn't be manipulated by Peter Pan.

But then why did he get this swamp, go deep into the swamp, and come into contact with God Pan’s plan sixty years ago?

What role did Pan play when it was founded in Black Sea sixty years ago?

Only now did Ivita realize that the 'human body modification surgery' she had seen in the big tree house deep in the swamp was not the 'glorious' style of the druids?

It turns out that the source of this surgery is really a druid.

Grandma Feng Gu said: "At that time, I was just a young woman with little experience, and could only listen to the arrangements of those big shots. We followed Peter Pan one by one to perform operations, and I took anesthetics extracted from plants in the swamp. When I woke up, I had red hair all over my body."

"But I am alone. The others are gone, and the Duke is reduced to a grave."

"Peter Pan told me that I was the only one who successfully completed the [immortality surgery]. He only discovered halfway through that the swamp safflower interacts with a unique hormone secreted by human males - a substance used to strengthen muscles. Combine and produce mutation.”

"So all the men died during that operation, or the operation failed, and they turned into a red-haired species with a slightly lower IQ than humans and a short lifespan. They are the long-haired people you saw before."

Iveta had a strange look on her face, knowing that she was talking about [testosterone].

Excessive testosterone levels can affect male life span.

But I didn't expect this side effect.

Ivita always felt that Pan Shen must have deceived the Duke and the old woman in front of him sixty years ago. The truth at that time was probably more than that.

What Pan is most concerned about is reviving the Druids.

Wait, before I found the druids and their wind elemental plane fragments in a place where divination couldn't be used and the compass failed, that is, the volcanic island. Did God Pan know that there were wind elemental plane fragments in the Black Sea at that time?

If he knows, then he is probably one of the sponsors behind Marco Anson. God Pan may want to disturb the Black Sea and let the fragments of the crown of the elemental plane sealed by Hell appear.

But since [immortality surgery] was mentioned, Pan Shen's purpose at that time was probably not just that simple.

Ivita thought hard, but she couldn't think of God Pan's purpose here sixty years ago.

The old lady Feng Gu opened the Duke's grave. There was no body in the grave, but there was a big hole at the bottom of the grave.

She said: "Lord of the Swamp, this tomb is used to hide the most precious treasure of the Longhair tribe. The Duke's body has been moved, and this is where we found the [Corpse Dragon Arum] sixty years ago."

"It's also where we, the long-haired people, get the swamp red flowers."

"In the past sixty years, ordinary people can hardly get close to this place. Anyone who comes close will be killed by our long-haired tribe."

"But since it's you, it doesn't matter if I tell you."

Ivita asked: "Why tell me so frankly about the origin and secret of your family? After all, it involves a strange plant from heaven."

The old woman with strong bones shook her head and sneered. "There are three reasons. The first one is that I see eye to eye with you."

"Second, you are the great lord of the swamp. You have the right to know the secrets of the race you rule. It will do us no good to hide it from you. Rather than being discovered by you in the future, it is better to tell you now. If you want to hide it completely It is impossible to pass you."

"Third, Corpse Dragon Arum is a treasure of the swamp, not a treasure of our family. If someone can make better use of it, that would be the best thing, and Corpse Dragon Amorphophallus is almost impossible to transplant to other places. In the final analysis , you still need to rely on us, the Longhair Clan, to protect this place."

Ivita nodded, knowing that the other party wanted to strengthen the long-haired tribe's position in her heart.

The old lady Feng Gu thought for a moment. "Of course there may be a fourth reason. I know that our way of transforming our bodies is too barbaric in your eyes. But most of these people are the descendants of soldiers whose operations failed, and their genes have been severely affected. Only through modification can genes be stabilized."

"That's why I want to explain it to you."

Ivita looked down at the passage behind the Duke's tomb. It looked like a burglar's cave. "Are there swamp red flowers and dragon corpse konjac down here?"

The old lady Fenggu said: "It's not just that. There are also guardians guarding the [Corpse Dragon Konjac] down here."

"Later I heard Peter Pan say that this place turned out to be a research institute of an ancient civilization, specializing in studying the power of the reptile dragons that lived at the bottom of the swamp during the ancient dragon period. Speaking of which, I really miss Peter Pan, he is such a A good person, very patient and gentle with people.”

"It's a pity that he didn't perform [immortality surgery] on himself."

"Then he is an ordinary person. He should be dead by now. Oh, what a pity. People live too long and this is the only trouble. Everyone familiar with you has died one by one."

Iveta couldn't help but look at her sideways.

You really think too much.

Moreover, there is really a big problem with your impression of him.

Ivita transformed into an eagle and flew down the hole under the tomb. After passing through a cave that was so dark that he couldn't see his fingers, his vision suddenly widened and he saw a cave world under the swamp that was like another world.

In the center of this cave world, which covers a very large area, like a small city, there is a huge corpse taro. The outside of the plant is white, but the inner film is red like an onion, and there is also a flower waiting for someone to bloom. Tall flowers.

The whole [Corpse Dragon Konjac] exudes a strange aura.

What's even more spectacular is that the [Corpse Dragon Konjac] is surrounded by hills of swamp red flowers. These swamp red flowers are the source of light in the cave world. These swamp red flowers stretch out countless tender red threads.

Moreover, these tender silks are emitting a faint red light.

Such a picture is simply charming and weird.

Next to the [Corpse Dragon Konjac], in the middle of the sea of ​​red flowers in the swamp, there are many bronze bell-shaped golems engraved with unknown characters.

Some of them are stuck in piles of stones, while others are standing in a sea of ​​flowers. There are many signs of damage on them.

When the peregrine falcon transformed by Ivita entered the cave world, the dozens of bronze cryptographic golems moved and turned their bronze heads. Ivita felt that she was locked by their spirituality. He will attack himself at any time.

But at the same time, an indifferent voice came from the entire cave world.

‘As a wizard visiting the ruins of an ancient civilization for the first time, we will give you a gift. Please choose one from the following three. ’

‘One, the ancient core of the Fire Defenders of the First Auxiliary Legion of Galba. ’

‘Two, the ancient core of the Ice Destroyer of the Fourth Sola Infantry Legion. ’

‘Three, the ancient core of the Thunder Guardians of the Sixth Conqueror Xiao Auxiliary Legion. ’

The voice of a strong old woman came from behind Ivita. "Wait for me, Lord High Lord. At my age, I can't keep up with your speed."

"Ah, have you also encountered the gift of choice? I still have a Fire Defender Ancient Core in my hand, because I am not a wizard and no one I know is a wizard, so I haven't found a way to use it yet. If you want it, I will give it to you, I just ask you to treat the long-haired tribe well, the long-haired tribe is the only thing left by the Duke."

Ivita raised a brow.

In a corner of the Black Sea, on the paradise-like Neverland, a young man with proud and unruly eyebrows stood in front of God Pan. The boy's eyes and expression were very mature. "Captain Peter, the boy you asked me to pay attention to before has actually gone to the Death Swamp."

Pan Shen looked at him in surprise. "Didn't I ask you to stop him?"

The young man said aggrievedly: "Originally I wanted to stop them. But Santa Claus's daughter lost the swamp to him, and when I wanted to create obstacles to prevent them from going, I met the Black Death patients. The power of those Black Death servants It’s gradually rising.”

"That kid named Ivita was so lucky. The servant of the Black Death just stopped me from using the trap."

Pan sighed. "That way, he might know what I did there sixty years ago."

"This is not a good thing."

The boy suggested. "It's easy to cover up that matter. As long as the last person involved dies, isn't it enough?!"

Pan shook his head. "It's too late. I estimate that the last living client has already told him the matter, and with his intelligence, he has probably found the place where [Corpse Dragon Konjac] is. As long as he gets there, what I do will be I won’t be able to hide it.”

"I was too kind back then and actually let the duke's mistress still live. But she was the only transformation I succeeded at that time, and I couldn't bear to kill her. Now that it's like this, we can only help Bei The Lisariu Republic went to kill the governor of Central Port."

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