The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 336 The Frog Princess and Dragon Palace Magic Suppress the Dragon Vein Lizardman Troops (Rev

Contrary to what Kamiziri and the Dead Cow Wizard thought, the food of the lizard people was not bugs, but roasted beef legs, roasted lamb legs on the barbecue grill, and roasted whole chickens.

This is a kind of chicken unique to swamps. Its whole body is covered with colorful feathers. It uses the dense and very long feathers to increase its floating ability, so as to gain the ability to move freely in the swamp.

The most important thing is that unlike the woolly people who build wooden houses on pontoons and trees, the lizard people prefer to live in the open air.

They have few buildings.

The scales on the lizardmen's bodies can keep them warm. Instead, they made many rafts out of sheepskin and cowhide, using which they could move quickly in the swamps.

The banquet was held in the swamp, with barbecue grills and food set up on sheepskin rafts.

Looking at these sheepskin rafts, Ivita understood that they were similar to hovercrafts.

In previous lives, hovercrafts could travel in swamps without even affecting their speed.

No wonder the pirates are still more adaptable to the environment in the swamp than the Duke's army. They can use sheepskin rafts to sail in the swamp, which is equivalent to fighting on the water.

The leader of the Fire Lizardmen was delighted to see Kamizir and the Dead Ox Archshaman feasting. "Eat, eat, they must be starving over there at the Hairy Clan. I know that humans have a similar diet structure to ours. Who would like to eat hard caterpillars?"

Kamiziri looked up at the leader of the flame lizard people, tore off a large piece of mutton leg meat, and said, "Why do you lizard people like to eat barbecue instead?"

The leader of the flaming lizard people chuckled and said: "The reason is very simple. If you don't eat meat, you will have no strength. I know what you want to say, but only small lizards eat bugs, and large reptiles eat meat. On the contrary The long-haired people, they have developed a weird habit of cooking insects.”

Ivita nodded, that's it.

The swamp alien council was halfway through eating when suddenly a tall lizard man with a wooden hammer studded with iron nails stood up and said: "Everyone is very happy that the great lord came to our place today. "

"Great Lord, I am the most powerful warrior in the clan [Lizard], and I am also a noble from a lizardman swamp village. I want to say that today's festival lacks something, and that is fighting. Lord Great Lord, we Lizard people have a cultural custom during festivals, which is to eat and watch warriors fight. Today the leader said, for your sake, we can’t do this, but I feel uncomfortable.”

The great lizard stared at Ivita. "I don't mean anything else. Since you are the great lord of our swamp people, you should respect our cultural customs instead of letting the patriarch help you shirk it. I am here to challenge you..."

The flame lizard took a quick look at Ivita's expression and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that Ivita was just lowering her head to eat the mutton and not immediately getting angry.

With dissatisfaction, he said to the big lizard: "What are you talking about? Today is a banquet in the civilized world. Don't embarrass me. Get down immediately... Besides, you are no match for the great lord..."

Iveta suddenly said: "Well, okay. I accept your challenge."

The leader of the Flame Lizard looked at Ivita in surprise.

However, Ivita understood that now he was indeed the master of the lizard people.

Otherwise, there is no need for others to provoke me.

But it is easy to become the king of their race, but it is another matter to get the respect of almost all the lizard nobles here, because there are so many kings in this world who are not respected by their subjects.

Now he wants to show off his skills and completely shock the land nobles among the lizard people.

Fortunately, the area of ​​​​the swamp is limited. These lizard people only have first-class nobles and the feudal system is not perfect, so they don't have to worry about it.

Iveta raised the water cup covered with lotus leaves in her hand, then dipped some water in it, and then flicked her finger, and the water droplets flew out, fell to the ground, and slowly turned into a [ Mutated water element].

Originally, summoning the summoned objects in Dragon Palace Magic was quite a mana-consuming task. After all, the main body of Dragon Palace Magic was still in Baron Moro.

But as his magic power and level increase, this behavior becomes faster and faster, and the price paid is only a relatively large amount of magic power.

The hand Ivita showed really aroused the respect of the lizard nobles present.

They were whispering and whispering to each other.

"Just by snapping his fingers, he summoned such a big monster. This big lord is so powerful."

"I just don't know the fighting power of this water-like monster. How is it doing?"

"I have seen that thing. Although the size and details are different, when I led thirty lizard warriors to plunder a village in the nearby Viscount Joseph, I met a wizard in that village. At that time, the wizard used The stream behind the village summoned such a two-headed water element. Of course, he is not as relaxed as the big lord, and he still needs sacrifices."

"But the combat effectiveness of this thing didn't seem to be very good. When I poked it with my spear, it fell apart. It looked like a bluff."

Hearing this, some lizardmen who had never seen water elements couldn't help but look disappointed.

It turns out that this thing is not as powerful as it seems.

The next moment, the powerful lizard man swung his special swamp mace and hit the mutated water elemental. With a sinister smile on his face, he was ready to defeat this useless thing in one fell swoop.

But the mutated water element actually hugged his mace with both arms, and its size continued to grow rapidly, turning into a little giant.

Transformed into a mutated little giant water element.

The mutated little giant water element actually held the powerful lizard man's mace, and then tried to snatch it away.

The big lizard man suppressed his blush. "give me back."

"Give me the weapon back."

The lizardmen who had previously said they had seen the water element and thought it was very fragile now suspected that lizards were alive.

What's going on?

Shouldn't this water element be fragile?

Many lizardmen stared at him with probing eyes, trying to determine whether he was bragging before.

After seeing him for a while, the powerful lizard man was unable to snatch the weapon back from the mutated giant water element. The original battle turned into a funny tug-of-war, and many lizard man nobles laughed. , eating barbecue and laughing.

So, he immediately became furious and actually opened his mouth to spit out a breath of ice. The breath of ice hit the mutated giant water element and froze most of the mutated giant water element's body, but he was also hit hard by the water element with his left hand. A fist.

The powerful lizard man let go of his hand and flew out violently, hitting a tree in the distance. After breaking the tree, he himself was rebounded and fell into the swamp.

Most of his body sank directly into the swamp, so that he could not move and was about to sink into the swamp.

Seeing that something was wrong, the lizard man on the side quickly paddled over on a sheepskin raft and pulled the powerful lizard man up.

As soon as the big lizard man got on the sheepskin raft, he couldn't wait to announce that he had won.

Because before he fell into the swamp and almost drowned in the muddy water, he froze the water element monster first. Wasn't this a victory for him?

But who knew that as soon as he finished speaking, the lizard nobles burst into laughter.

The powerful lizard man turned around and saw that the little water elemental giant that he thought had been frozen by his ice breath was now mostly thawed and could move freely.

The vortex in the person's chest is rapidly swallowing sea water, replacing the frozen body parts of the ice slag, and thawing in this way.

In other words, he lost just now.

If he hadn't had the help of his companions, he would have died in the swamp.

The Lizardmen of Strength were completely convinced by Ivita. The other nobles of the Lizardmen also felt that they had an idea of ​​Ivita's strength. He could summon the Lizard of Strength with a snap of his fingers and defeat the most daring Lizard among them. Those who are summoned by humans are indeed qualified to command and rule them.

They will never feel wronged when they obey the orders of such a lord.

The powerful lizard man bowed to Ivita in an unfamiliar manner and performed a courtesy. "Thank you, Lord, for showing mercy."

Many lizard nobles also stood up from the simple wooden chairs they were sitting on and bowed their heads to Ivita.

But there were still some lizard nobles who still did not stand up, but bowed their heads to Ivita to show respect.

Ivita nodded slightly and fell into thinking. He was also observing the fighting abilities of these lizard men just now. ‘Spitting ice? It seems that this is also one of the abilities of the dragon-veined lizard people. I am afraid that the race of lizardmen is related to the ancient civilization's research on the reptilian dragons that died in the ancient dragon era at the bottom of the swamp. Lizards are, after all, deeply related to dinosaurs. The dragon-veined lizardmen among these lizardmen seem to have inherited part of my spirituality at the bottom of the swamp. ’

‘They can acquire abilities such as breathing fireballs, frost breath, lightning, and acid. Coupled with their physical abilities, their combat power is probably above that of ordinary knight attendants, but it is still not as strong as a second-level knight. ’

‘But there are so many of them, and swarming them is also a powerful military resource. There are probably hundreds of lizardman nobles in the lizardman race, and I have five hundred to six hundred dragon-veined lizardmen. ’

‘Just now I was determined to scare them, so I used the power of the Emperor Star to strengthen the Dragon Palace magic. No matter what, if you want to shock, shock thoroughly. ’

Ivita raised her eyes slightly. "The lizard people's racial culture is indeed interesting, but I haven't had enough fun, and you guys have reached your limit? Well, since it's a banquet, let's have fun."

The great lizardman lord of Lili raised his head in disbelief and looked at Ivita. "What does the great lord mean?"

"You want to continue to fight with our tribal warriors?"

The leader of the flaming lizard man felt that something was not good. He stood up immediately and wanted to speak to stop it. He had seen how terrifying Ivita was.

But the next moment, a desperate magic power emanated from Ivita, as if it had become a substance, suppressing all the lizardmen around it.

The great wizard of the dead cow, who was still feasting on the food and focusing only on eating the antelope legs, almost choked with fear from the sudden appearance of the magic power.

"Who is he? So arrogant, but our army is here!" The great wizard of the dead cow raised his head and said in a fake tone.

But when he discovered that the source of magic power was Ivita, he immediately said awkwardly: "It's an adult. That's okay. Hehe..."

Iveta raised the glass of water and sprinkled it on the ground under the frightened eyes of the lizard people. As the powerful magic power was released, the water on the ground where water was poured rose up, and then these Water turns into floating droplets in the air.

These water droplets floating in the air are magical.

Every drop of water reflects a different color of light.

At a certain moment, these water droplets quickly gathered together and turned into huge water elements, standing on sheepskin rafts on the swamp.

Ivita emptied the white water in the cup, and twenty-nine new mutated water elements appeared.

Moreover, a total of thirty mutated water elements, with the blessing of the power of the Emperor Star, all turned into mutated giant water elements.

The lizard people were stunned.

Ivita said: "It's too slow to challenge each one. The most precious thing in this world is time. You all can take on it together."

The lizardfolk nobles admired and feared Ivita's magic.

There are actually thirty more powerful 'Water Giants' just now!

The lizard man noble who said before that the water element was fragile was completely afraid to speak. Even his friends suspected that he was bragging before.

But soon, the lizard nobles suddenly became excited because they realized that it was impossible for Ivita to kill them here. Ivita was their lord and they were Ivita's subordinates.

In other words, they can challenge such a powerful water element monster without worrying about life and death.

Suddenly, all the lizard nobles made a sound of surprise.

"Lord, can I challenge you?"

"My lord, I want to challenge you."

"I also want to try that water giant. I don't believe it. It was obviously easy to defeat at the time. Does it mean that the strength of the water element summoned by each of the wizards in the land people is different?"

About ten minutes later, the thirty dragon-veined lizardman nobles who came to challenge were all knocked to the ground by the water element giant.

Some of the dragon-veined lizardmen wanted to fight again, but Ivita snapped her fingers and released her water magic.

Because the power of the Emperor Star has been used up.

If the fight continues, he will not be able to crush these dragon-veined lizardmen.

At that time, I couldn't keep my face off anymore.

All the dragon-veined lizardmen showed expressions of pity.

"Ah, before I got there, the great lord sent those water giants back."

"Don't say you haven't had sex yet. If you really have sex, you probably won't get out of bed for the next half month."

Seeing how lively the banquet was, the leader of the Flame Lizardmen couldn't help but relax and feel much happier. "Okay, everyone, come and eat meat. You guys are no match for our great lord if we come together."

"Don't be proud just because you are so good in the swamp. The world outside the swamp is bigger."

A lizard man talked back. "The world outside the swamp is big, but our world is only a swamp. We only recognize the rule of Lord Ivita. Don't worry about the Dukes, Marquises and nobles outside, we only recognize the titles in the swamp."

The leader of the Flame Lizardmen stood next to the barbecue grill and laughed. "That's because no matter how majestic they are outside the swamp, they can't enter the swamp without our people leading the way. If their army enters the swamp, they will be completely wiped out."

Ivita glanced at them. In this way, she completely owned the swamp.

The Swamp Land is indeed the place with the greatest war potential among all the territories currently on Cross Island.

Owning the swamp land means that you have two armies that can set off from the swamp at any time to attack the surrounding territories, which will bring a lot of pressure to the surrounding neighbors.

Of course, the swamp people only have swamps and no other resources, so they can be so willful.

I am different.

If the lord can't invade the swamp, why can't he attack his own territory elsewhere?

The thousand-man team that Varji left behind was in shambles, and it didn't look like it could be used for fighting.

And the swamp may not be invincible, because the Duke led the army to fight the pirates sixty years ago, and the result was a complete defeat. The best way to invade the swamp is to find a swamp navy army that can fight in the swamp!

But this is what the pirates can do, but they can't come up with so many resources to organize this army when they are divided.

Beside the campfire, Kamiziz looked at Ivita with great admiration.

I don't know why, but he hates fighting very much and likes to use non-fighting methods to achieve his goals.

And Ivita's way of using banquets to enhance her authority remained deeply in his heart.

Kamiziri touched his heart. He didn't know why, but every time he saw war, his heart would beat abnormally.


Why does he naturally hate war? He is like a veteran who has experienced too many wars and returned to his hometown tiredly.

His heart was already tired of war, but his hands were involuntarily excited.

The next day, in the middle of the default traditional territory of the two swamp tribes, Ivita led an alliance between the swamp lizard people and the swamp hairy tribe. The chiefs and leaders of the two parties, witnessed by Ivita, met on a A permanent truce and a permanent treaty of alliance were signed on the table.

The leader of the Volcano Lizard Clan and the leader of the Savage Bones put their fingerprints on the treaty.

And Ivita also pressed her index finger on it.

Iveta said: "From now on, you two clans cannot fight among themselves in private. If there is any problem in the future, I will be the judge. If someone among your men commits suicide privately, then you two will negotiate to solve the problem." "

"If anyone knocks down the stone statues of any ethnic group again, they will be punished by death. But this is not out of personal revenge, but a law set by me."

The leader of the Volcano Lizard and the leader of the Barbarian Bones shook hands. Although the two of them disliked each other, they nodded to each other at this moment.

Leader Mangu said: "From now on we are a family. I have thought about it before, maybe we went too far in the past, so in the future we can share our iron channels with you."

When the leader of the Volcano Lizard clan heard this, he also smiled and spoke with more sincerity. "Actually, both of us are at fault. The channels for making herbal medicines on my side can also be shared with you Longhair tribe in the future."

After the two sides started talking, the atmosphere suddenly became much more harmonious.

This is the charm of unity.

Unification can eliminate a lot of internal friction, coordinate resources, and better allocate materials.

After solving this matter, that afternoon, Ivita took Kamiziri and the Dead Ox Wizard to the tree house of the Long Hair Clan. Ivita asked Grandma Feng Gu about the [Frog Princess] and [Qinghe]. Bay] thing.

In the tree house, the old woman put down her cigarette rod and blew out a long breath of turbid air mixed with earth smoke. "I'm also very surprised that the name Rock Jackson appears together with the Frog Princess."

"Sixty years ago, Locke Jackson was just a dull, stupid, and wretched kid who wanted to spy on us taking showers all day long. However, the terms "Frog Princess" and "Qinghe Bay" were used in the 1960s. It has been a legend on Cross Island for many years, a term that only appears in fairy tales."

The old lady Feng Gu thought for a while. "Witness?"

"I don't understand what this witness means, and what it has to do with the grafting of the law. You rulers, nothing you do all day long makes people feel relieved."

"Young Swamp Lord, [Frog Princess] and [Qinghewan] are simply fictitious names that appear in fairy tales, and in my mind, Locke Jackson is just a guy with no future and will not be a poor shoe shine apprentice in the future. , he’s just a thief and a pervert, if you ask me why their names appear together, I don’t know.”

In Ivita's eyes, the old lady's expression was full of confusion.

Iveta could only be patient and asked: "Then you might as well tell me the fairy tale about [Frog Princess] and [Qinghe Bay]. I'm still quite curious."

The old lady Feng Gu winked. "Hey, what's there to say? It's just a childish-sounding fairy tale that was well-known sixty years ago. I can't figure out how it has any connection with real people."

"Legend has it that the Frog Princess was originally a princess of a beautiful little country. She lived in the magic black forest and lived a very happy life. But on the day when she was about to become an adult, she met a carpenter who was cutting down trees under the castle."

"The princess fell in love with the lumberjack at first sight, and the lumberjack was not married. The two made firewood and agreed to meet under the castle every day, but the princess's father found out about this..."

"The princess's father was very angry. It happened that the princess's father was a wizard. He threatened his daughter that if she did not marry the prince but chose to fall in love with a woodcutter who had nothing, then he would make his territory and daughter disappear. And turned my daughter into a frog..."

"The princess simply did not believe that her father would harm her territory or her daughter, so she still wanted to run away with the lumberjack at all costs. However, the king fulfilled all his curses on the princess, and he made his kingdom, Qingshui Kingdom, completely disappear. He turned his daughter into a frog, and from then on the princess was called the Frog Princess."

"But the princess who turned into a frog was not recognized by the lumberjack."

"Since then, that kingdom has disappeared forever." Grandma Fenggu said: "Because it is a fairy tale that appeared on the mainland island, and it is so old, I suspect that the original version of the story should refer to the earl territory or the viscounty territory. The person who appeared in the story should be a viscount or an earl. A small island cannot support a king."

"Only that guy Marco Anson has the ability to turn Cross Island into a kingdom. The premise is that everything is true."

The old lady with strong bones rolled her eyes. "After all, it's just a fairy tale that even a three-year-old child in the countryside knows."

Ivita nodded, "I understand. The disappearing territory and the princess who turned into a frog?"

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