The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 337 The taboo from sixty years ago!

In the territory of Viscount Joseph, at the castle of Viscount Joseph, Ivita summoned the knight [Khelmo], who was said to be the most heroic and youngest knight in this territory. Of course, he was also the most powerful baron in the territory.

In the reception room on the third floor of the castle, Ivita wore the viscount ring of Viscount Joseph on the middle finger of her right hand, and the [Celtic] knight wearing full body armor kissed Ivita's finger with the viscount ring. This is a very formal etiquette for a lord.

[Kelmo] The knight said to Ivita with admiration: "Lord Ivita, I, Kelmo, am very happy to meet you. Your reputation has been very popular in Cross Island recently."

What is the most important moral for a knight?

It's not about being civilized and loving ladies, but about being brave and conquering new territories.

In the eyes of [Kelmo], Ivita, who can continuously conquer more than ten territories on Cross Island, can be regarded as the person who best conforms to feudalism and chivalry on Cross Island in the past 100 years.

It doesn't matter whether Ivita is a knight or not.

Just like the boss is a god of war who is victorious in all battles, then of course the knights love to follow such a boss, because what knights like most is to conquer and win battles.

Therefore, Kelmo not only had no resistance to Ivita's rule, but even approved of it with both hands.

Kelmo, this middle-aged knight who is still young compared to many elderly lords, although he has a pair of three-year-old children, still maintains a strong enterprising spirit and wants to go further.

However, the weak rule of the original ruler of the Viscounty of Joseph deprived him of this wish.

And now that the Viscount has been replaced by a powerful lord, it is the happiest thing for him.


Knight Kelmo looked at the leader of the Flame Lizard and the leader of the Savage Bones behind Ivita with an unkind expression.

Facing these two old enemies, Knight Kelmer stood up and said to them: "Lord, do you also want to accept these animals into your rule? Of course I have no right to teach you how to do it, but you have to be careful. These alien races will betray us in the future."

The leader of Barbarian Bones was furious: "What are you talking about? The Lord told me the origin of the Longhair Tribe. Sixty years ago, we all came from the mainland, the center of civilization in the human world. You descendants of pirates , are the marginalized figures in the civilized world. It’s so hateful.”

The leader of the Flame Lizardmen was stunned for a moment. He was the only one who was not human. There is only the lizard-human race, which is not the direct descendant of humans and is a sub-race.

He has a guilty conscience and low self-esteem.

But he still said to Knight Kelmo with force and pride: "We don't want to trust humans other than the lord. It's hard to say who will betray whom!"

The three old enemies quarreled over this.

The Kelmo Baron Territory is located to the east of Joseph's territory and is a neighbor of the swamp, so the three of them have fought countless times.

They had accumulated countless hatreds, and for a while, even under the leadership of the same lord, they were unable to resolve their hatred.

Ivita slammed the table. The three of them stopped arguing for a moment and looked at Ivita.

Butler Joe Joseph stood up and said to the three of them: "Why are you arguing? Even if you want to argue, you shouldn't argue in front of the superior lord. It's really shameful."

"Lord Knight Kelmo, I am very grateful for your actions in protecting the territory in the past, but now the alliance between the swampland and the territory is inevitable and cannot be reversed. So please accept this."

Ivita spoke suddenly. "I have talked with the swamp people before. They will believe in the god of all things."

"In other words, you will all be believers in the God of All Things from now on."

Butler Joe Joseph was surprised.


Then, he looked happy. "Lord, this is a very good thing. You can tell the church about this, and the church will definitely reward you."

"Expanding believers for the God of All Things is the church's first major priority. Even on Cross Island, if you can gain the friendship of the church, it will be of great help to you."

Ivita nodded.

He found that after he said that the swamp people had converted to the god of all things, the Kelmo knight's hostility towards the leader of the savage bones and the leader of the flaming lizard people had dropped a lot.

This is probably the reason why the church can create sacred international relations in this world.

Even intelligent creatures with different languages, different appearances, and even different races can still find common beliefs and find this only similarity...

It is easy for people to exclude others because they are different from themselves.

Therefore, many people like to follow the crowd and dare not be different from others.

Using faith as a common point can unite a community culture.

This is also the biggest reason why Ivita converted the swamp people to the God of All Things. Only in this way can the people of other territories, who have suffered from the swamp people for a long time, accept these lizard people and long-haired people.

The long-haired tribe can provide themselves with enough excellent cavalry troops, while the lizard tribe can provide themselves with about 500 dragon-veined lizard warlocks.

These troops will be of great help to us in our future war of restoration with the Kingdom of Alsace.

Ivita glanced at Knight Kelmo among the four people in the room. The only knights she had now were him and the Great Knight Iron Mountain.

Now that we have more territory, we have to keep up with the talent.

It is necessary not only to recruit talents widely, but also to develop talents on the basis of existing ones.

The [Corpse Dragon Amorphophallus] previously discovered deep in the swamp may be of use to him or the Iron Mountain Knight.

Ivita thought of this and asked Knight Kelmo: "Tell me about your combat effectiveness."

Because it was the lord's reasonable request, Knight Kelmo said directly: "Lord, Cross Island does not produce extraordinary plants in the first place. The few that do exist are due to the extremely short-sighted destruction and betrayal of Cross Island by the pirates 60 years ago. resources and live overseas.”

"I was actually born outside the island. Later, when I returned my title to Cross Island and used [Kingdom Law] and [Noble Law] to save myself, I followed my father back to Cross Island from Siena City-State Republic. So I The [Seed of Life] used before was the grass seed of the extraordinary plant [Marble Horse Grass] unique to the Siena City-State Republic."

"Knights who take this seed of life are very balanced in terms of speed, strength and defense. However, the potential of this seed of life is limited, and it can only reach the highest level of the great knight. Because [Marble Horse Grass] is in Tianwai Qizhi's The level is also the lowest. After all, Siena is a small city-state commercial republic affiliated with the three major republics, the Forencana Commercial Republic. The level of the extraordinary plants in its hands will not be too high, otherwise they will be snatched away by others. "

Knight Kelmo said: "The secret medicine I use is the [Fast Sword Secret Medicine System] passed down from my family."

"I have six extraordinary organs. In addition to the [extraordinary heart], there are five extraordinary organs [horse racing right hand], [marble skin], [spiritual endurance whole body muscle fibers], [high-speed extraordinary muscle fibers legs] and [spiritual expansion]. Muscle fibers arms].”

Ivita nodded to show that she understood.

It seems that the life seeds used by Kelmo are relatively balanced seeds, and the types of his extraordinary organs are also very balanced.

Knight Kelmo used all his strength in front of Ivita, and his whole body was suddenly enveloped in three layers of evil energy. This meant that he had constructed three layers of evil energy armor within his body, and his defense was more powerful than that of an ordinary knight.

This is the peak power of the Great Knight.

At the same time, the muscles in his right hand swelled, like a little giant's hand installed on an ordinary human body.

That arm also had some kind of mutation, causing two extra fingers to grow at the end of the palm, making Kelmo's grip strength far superior to that of an ordinary knight under the same conditions.

This should be the hand of the horse racer.

Ivita touched his skin and found that it felt like stone skin.

"I understand." Ivita said: "Now that there is no threat from the swamp people in the territory, your workload will be much less. Please stay with me during this period of time. Because I think Cross Island , a lot of people don’t like me recently.”

Knight Kelmo smiled slightly.

Because this lord has recently expanded his territory so fast that it took almost three generations of his family to expand, it will certainly attract people's attention.

Baron Kelmer said: "My lord, I am honored to be your personal guard and to defend you with the sword in my hand."

Ivita nodded to him, and then said to Butler Joe Joseph: "Now that I have united all the territories in my hands, what suggestions do the neighbors around me have?"

Butler Joe Joseph smiled bitterly. "The lords around you are all viscounts and independent barons, and of course they dare not make any explicit suggestions to you. But in our area - the only earldom in the northwest of Cross Island, we were once pirates, but now we are just The great earl, Earl Isenhanjian, who is behind the scenes of at least a hundred pirate teams, has sent you an invitation letter this morning, inviting you to a gathering at a nearby castle."

"Also, this morning, the great governor of Shipwreck Port - Governor Rollov, who has cooperation agreements with thousands of pirate captains, once again invited you to Shipwreck Port, saying that he wanted to discuss with you the defense of Shipwreck Port."

Upon hearing this, Ivita realized that the governor still had not given up on collecting taxes.

However, this guy is indeed quite obscene as a governor.

He wanted to collect taxes from the pirates, but he didn't dare to take any tough measures, so he could only keep asking for meetings and discussions.

Ivita was not afraid that he would force her to pay taxes and hand over ships, because Rollov was not a person who could persist in power.

The leader of the pirate world cannot be too tough. Otherwise, it will be counterproductive, and you may be killed at home one day, and the murderer cannot be traced.

Ivetta said: "Governor Rollov is my friend. Even if I don't go to his meeting, he won't be angry. On the contrary, it's the earl, I don't know who he is, and he sounds very powerful."

"He probably saw that my power on Cross Island was expanding too fast, so he wanted to stabilize me, an 'unstable figure'."

Butler Joe was worried. "There has never been a person who offended that count and escaped unscathed. Sir, you should keep a low profile recently."

The Barbarian Bone Patriarch was dissatisfied with the housekeeper's cowardice and said to Ivita: "Sir, I am not afraid of that count. His territory is huge, but we swamp people have also robbed his territory. He can only jump in anger."

The two small eyes of the leader of the Flame Lizard were shining. "The earldom of Isenhanjian is full of fertile soil, and the agriculture in their territory is the most developed. Now there is more to rob. Lord Marshal, our Lizard Tribe has dealt with them before. Although their army is powerful, But we swamp people are not afraid.”

Knight Kelmer reminded the two of them: "Now is different from what you were before. If the earldom really launches a war against us, you can't escape by running into the swamp. Before, he didn't care about you, he just looked down upon you. .”

The leader of the Flame Lizard Clan and the Savage Bones leader were so angry that they almost started a fight with the Kelmo Knight.

"What are you saying, you guy? Our swampland is not in the eyes of the count?"

"I think he's just looking for a fight! Salamander, it's rare for me to stand with you this time..."

The study door was suddenly pushed open, and a burly man walked in. "Now it's not just Earl Isenhanjian who wants to embarrass you, your lord, but also your neighbors. There are also people who want to take advantage of your unstable rule to take action on your territory and seize as much land as they want. The land will rob as many people and wealth as it can.”

Everyone in the study looked serious.

The Kelmer knight stood in front of Ivita, and the two leaders of the swamp people almost attacked the intruders.

But Ivita was pleasantly surprised, because the person who came was the Iron Mountain Knight. At this time, the Iron Mountain Knight's face was a little pale. After all, it was the first time he had recovered from a serious injury. He had been injured by the shadow of the Witch Queen before.

The Grand Knight of Iron Mountain was wearing a plain black single suit, with a short man following behind him.

However, Iveta quickly noticed that it was not that this person was short in stature, but that he was already old, so he always walked with a stooped back. If he was young, he would be a sturdy knight.

This person is none other than Old Baron Anto.

He is also a person with relatively high status and high prestige in the original territory of the Valji family. Ivita had previously asked him to handle the task of redistributing the territory.

The Great Knight of Iron Mountain glanced at the Great Knight of Kelmo, and then said to Ivita: "Sir, my injury has healed. Thank you for taking care of me and for your generous treatment."

"But this morning when I wanted to come to see you, I saw old Baron Anto on the street who wanted to come to see you."

Ivita looked at old Baron Anto in confusion.

Old Baron Anto handed Ivita a document. "Sir, I compiled this. It should be given to the nobles who took back the territory. The charges and evidence are written on it."

Ivita nodded. "Yes. You should have offended a lot of people this time, but as long as you are loyal to me, you will soon find that cutting off contact with these people is like removing parasites from the body."

"It will be of great benefit to you."

Old Baron Anto has already thought about it. There is no doubt that he will side with Ivita. "You are right. There is one more thing. The Ice Wolf Viscount next door to us launched an attack on the wealthier village [Meili Village] in our territory. This is..."

The Grand Knight of Iron Mountain said in a low voice: "This is a tentative attack. Behind Viscount Ice Wolf is the encouragement of other viscounts and pirates. As long as we show a weaker attitude, we may be eaten by the pack of wolves."

Old Baron Anto said to Ivita: "Sir, Baron Ice Wolf only has some little pirates who are not worthy of being on the stage. He was once half a subsidiary of the Valji family."

"He is the only great knight, and there should be no other great knights under him. But as far as I know, he hired a lot of assassins and witches this time."

Ivita nodded.

I have been really annoyed recently. First of all, it was the matter of the two witnesses and the frog princess. I always felt that there was a lot of secrets in it. The conspiracy ran through sixty years of history, and it was even related to three generations. It was even possible Related to the Governor of Central Port.

Moreover, he also had to deal with Governor Rollov and the Earl.

Now even Viscount Ice Wolf, a former half-subordinate of the Valji family, has to trouble him, which is really a headache.

Ivita looked at the two great knights, rubbed her brows and said, "Great Wizard of the Dead Ox, two great knights, you can bring Kennedy's thousand-man troops and the hundred professionals I recruited before to handle this matter. Troops, go solve this matter.”

"There are also the Coral Princess Mermaid Witch, the fourth-generation vampire Wilson, and the Hearthstone...witch."

Ivita looked outside the window at the Hearthstone Witch who was riding a broomstick filled with hellfire and laughing arrogantly. She was stunned for a moment and then thought of asking her to help her supervise the war against the viscounty.

The Hearthstone Witch jumped in through the window. "Your Majesty, I have signed a contract with the Lady of Light and Darkness and gained the power from hell. You just seemed to have said that you want me to help you defeat the so-called Ice Wolf Viscount?"

Ivita nodded.

"This war will be fought by you."

The Hearthstone Witch sneered: "As you command."

The rest of the people were all confident when they saw the fourth-level witches pressing down on the formation.

On the one hand, the Hearthstone Witch led the anti-invasion war against the Ice Wolf Viscounty, and on the other hand, Ivita began to search for things about the Frog Princess and her disappeared territory.

Iveta searched almost all the underground intelligence agencies in her territory, but could not find any relevant information. Some people even thought that he was here to cause trouble. After all, it was ridiculous for people to search for fairy tale characters.

But they didn't dare to offend the lord, so they had no choice but to comply.

In the Explorers Guild in Maple Leaf Town, the leader of the guild respectfully brought a cup of tea to Ivita, and then pretended to be aggrieved and said to Ivita: "Sir, it's not that we don't want to help you, but we really do. No one has the guts to take on a mission to find a fairytale character. Failure in a guild mission will affect the credibility of those groups of explorers."

Iveta brought the tea, and he also understood that it was a bit embarrassing to ask someone to find a fairy tale character.

But according to Grandma Fenggu, the source of the story about the Frog Lord is on the land near the Valji family's territory, so he wants to hire people from all walks of life to collect as much relevant information as possible.

It's just that Iveta has collected a lot of this kind of information recently, and without exception, the final conclusion is that fictional characters like the Frog Princess do not exist.

There are some private underground intelligence agencies, and they also cooperate with some scholars. Therefore, in order to please the lord, they wrote several copies of themselves about the moral of the Frog Princess fairy tale, its teaching meaning to children, and some speculations about its origin.

Ivita was interested in the origin of this fairy tale, but obviously the level of scholars who cooperated with private intelligence agencies was really limited, and none of them could give him a satisfactory analysis.

After leaving the Explorers Guild in Maple Leaf Town, Ivita got on the carriage and asked the groom driving the carriage to take her to the core territory of Valghi - the Viscount of Valghi.

The Viscount territory was wealthy, and there was an underground intelligence agency called the [Honeymoon and Snow Bar] on the land directly under the Viscount.

Half a day later, Ivita entered this street bar called [Honeymoon and Snow Bar], and after identifying herself, she received warm hospitality.

But, unfortunately, the bar owner still said that it was just a fairy tale.

Although Iveta had expected it, she was still disappointed when she actually heard it.

Before leaving, the charming bar owner threw a secret letter to Ivita. "This is a gift to you. After all, I still want to hang out in your territory. Recently, the news that you inquired about the whereabouts of a character in a fairy tale has spread in the underground world. Someone also asked me, Next time, are you going to find out how to catch the sun from the sky?"

Ivita raised a brow at her. "Then do you dare to search for information about the current Governor of Central Port's experience sixty years ago? This is not a fairy tale character, but a reality."

After hearing this, the bar owner's face suddenly became serious, even a little pale.

She didn't dare.

The governor was extremely capable and extremely vicious. It is said that he was a fourth-level wizard who once stayed on Marco Anson's ship. He even liked to eat human flesh and blood, but he was the most evil pirate leader. .

A small private independent intelligence agency like theirs would not dare touch such a person.

Iveta said: "You see. Even in real life, there are still characters that you dare not touch and cannot find. From this, it can be seen that if you can't find the Frog Princess, it may not really be the Frog Princess. If it doesn’t exist, it’s probably because you don’t have enough means.”

Since the parchment is real, and the ritual of legal grafting is probably real, then the witness, the Frog Princess, must be real.

The bar owner's wife smiled palely. "That may be because we are really not strong enough."

Ivita turned around and left the bar. He opened the secret message and found that it was the battle report of the Hearthstone Witch, Wilson, the Iron Mountain Knight and the Kelmer Knight under his command. It turned out that the recent war had attracted the attention of the underground world in various territories. .

According to the secret report, his side had the absolute upper hand. The Ice Wolf Viscount who took the initiative to provoke the war was repelled by the Iron Mountain Knight and a small cavalry force less than half a day after occupying the small town of Meli. When retreating to the wasteland next door, they fell into an ambush by the Great Knight Kelmo and were completely defeated.

Then, Viscount Ice Wolf fell into the tragic situation of being constantly hunted by the troops led by Kennedy.

Then there are the plagues and illnesses unleashed by witches and wizards.

One word - miserable.

After this battle, it is estimated that the potential villains will be completely shocked, the strength of Ivita will be shown, and the lords and pirates who are trying to pick up the leak will be able to stop this idea.

You can even go a step further and directly invade the territory of the Ice Wolf Viscount, so that this semi-subordinate can really be swallowed up.

Ivita burned the secret message with fire magic, sat on the carriage, and muttered to herself. "I have my men to protect the territory. I can rest assured now and concentrate on thinking about the Frog Lord and the Witness. But how should I continue to investigate? If the Frog Princess really exists, why can't I find out at all."

"Either this person really does not exist, or the Frog Princess is just like the current Governor, and no one dares to investigate..."

The driver driving the carriage suddenly said: "But the Frog Princess is really just a fairy tale character."

On the carriage, Ivita's eyes were cold, because an ordinary coachman would not know what he was doing.

I don’t dare to talk to myself like that.

"Who are you?" Ivita said coldly. "I was negligent before. The average speed of your heartbeat is one-eighth faster than that of my coachman. I should have discovered earlier that you changed the coachman. How is he?"

The coachman stopped his horse on the road in the forest and said, "My lord's coachman is fine. He just wants to sleep in the bar before. As for me? I'm just an insignificant person. A faceless person who is just a piece of stone, dung, and dirt in the dark night." Sir, you don’t need to know who I am. But Sir, you are different from me. Your future is bigger than mine. It’s just that the master behind my family asked me to pass on a message to you - you can’t investigate the direction of the Frog Princess because it involves Too big."

"As long as you don't investigate further, we can live in peace and harmony. Your Excellency has been having a lot of headaches recently. There is one earl and one governor. If we want to expand our territory, the territory of Viscount Ice Wolf is a good weak point. Why bother to investigate the Frog Princess?"

Iveta began to think quickly about who the owner of this unknown guy was.

Central Port?


Damn it, whose person is this?

Why would this person stop the investigation himself?

Sixty years ago, how many people wanted the death of the Duke of Cross Island! ?

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