The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 36 The spirit hidden in the fingertips

The old witch keenly discovered that the lightning spell cast by Ivita was not quite right.

The high-quality thunder-attribute magic power flowing from Ivita was continuously injected into the ring, causing a qualitative change in the power of the spell.

A rock on the top of the underground river actually emitted a faint blue light, and then lightning flowed through it.

‘Not to mention the quantity of magic power, the quality of his magic power is very high, making the power of spells originally only at the apprentice level close to the spells cast by formal wizards. ’

The old witch noticed. ‘My guess was right before. ’

‘The reason why the previous charm spell was only averagely powerful was because its attributes were not completely consistent with the attributes of the crown’s magic power. ’

‘So the magic power under the crown is repelling the Ring of Desire. After all, I was too anxious at the time and couldn't find a magic item that fully matched the properties for Your Majesty, so I had to make do with it. ’

‘Something is wrong. ’

Ivita finished reciting the spell, and an almost instinctive feeling made him repeat the spell repeatedly.

Then, very quickly, some new words appeared in the spell.

Unknowingly, Ivita added the word [Zeus] to the original spell.

A bolt of lightning flashed across the Thunder Rock, and a light temporarily lit up in the cave. The shadow of Ivita that appeared on the ground was clearly not his image.

Instead, it was a terrifying figure with four arms holding thunder and lightning.

The old witch was shocked. "Because of the use of this spell, the thunder-attribute magic is getting stronger quickly, and the energy balance is in danger of getting out of control."

"But that's not the most important thing. The shadow under his crown just now is neither his human image nor the image of the six-winged evil dragon."

"Could it be said that if Mian Xia's power of different attributes breaks the balance, Mian Xia will have a different image?"

The dragon before that should have a dragon-like magic power that was too powerful...


The old witch quickly realized that the six-winged evil dragon that Ivita incarnated before was not the image produced by the dragon-attribute magic power breaking the balance, but the image produced by the dragon-attribute magic power and the fire-attribute magic power breaking the balance at the same time.

In other words, if only the magic power of the dragon element breaks the balance, Ivita may become another kind of dragon.

murmured the old witch. "As expected of the powerful Demon God."

"Every attribute that breaks the balance will have a form."

"When multiple attributes break the balance, new forms will emerge."

There was such a loud movement, of course the ogres noticed something unusual.

An ogre was about to disembowel Branton when lightning suddenly flashed, causing him to drop the knife and cover his eyes with his hands. "It's dawn and I'm blind. It's so dazzling."

"Someone go and close the window."

"I'm blind too. Let the tree spirits close the windows for us."

"Stop talking nonsense, we are in a cave, there are no windows at all. We are not on the surface now!"

The lightning went out and the light dimmed.

On the contrary, the ogres were sharp-eyed at this time, and their anger had an outlet. They saw Ivita and others hiding behind the rocks.

When they found out it was a human being, their anger turned into saliva again.

"Gudong~" An ogre was crying. "That's great. These people are different from those village women whose meat tastes soft and fluffy. I like to eat human warriors. The tight muscles are particularly chewy."

It pointed greedily at Ivita. "This smaller one needs to be steamed. According to the tree spirits, only in this way can the taste of the ingredients be fully brought out. The old woman behind him didn't eat the head. She was too old, so it would be better to braise it. Braised in braise, it can hide the texture of the meat. shortcomings."

The old witch was furious: "You stupid pig, don't fart randomly."

"Your meat is the smelliest. No one in the human race is willing to eat the meat of an ogre!"

She threw a ball of flame towards the ogre and hit it on the head.

The ogre immediately held his head and howled. "Sneak attack, this is a sneak attack."

"Go on, kill these bad guys."

Seeing that it was not dead, the old witch said in disgust: "The ogre's anti-magic physique is really disgusting. I originally wanted to just take off its head."

But in fact, it was also because of the ruins of the Holy Mountain that she was unable to exert her strength.

In an instant, the twenty-one ogres at the resting place of the dark river across the way all rioted.

They picked up the sticks on the ground and rushed toward them frantically.

Black Wolf took a half step back. "Every ogre is born with a physique equivalent to that of a human knight's attendant. These guys..."

"How can there be so many here! With their appetite, they have already eaten up the surrounding residents. This is wrong. They cannot live here naturally."

"Who is feeding these ogres!"

Black Wolf's experience made him realize that someone was helping these ogres.

Ivita was still reciting the spell, but the spell in his mouth had already completely changed. Except for retaining a key structure of the original, the rest had been replaced by Zeus.

The old witch also discovered that the spells that had been amplified to be close to the power of formal wizards seemed to be more powerful than ordinary wizard spells.

Although many wizards have the experience of using instinct and intuition to create new spells.

However, Ivita never learned the lightning spell at all, he was just using a magic item.

But he still changed the spell and made it even more powerful.

This surprised the old witch. She had never encountered anything like this before.

The lightning on the Thunder Rock suddenly fell, and in the eyes of the old witch, it fell on Ivita beside her. The old witch was startled. Could it be that there was a backlash from the spell?

All magic comes with a price and spell risk.

The old witch hesitated for a moment, not daring to intercept the lightning for Ivita.

However, when the lightning fell into Ivita's hand, it seemed to have a physical shape, turning into a zigzag thunder scepter.

Ivita was stunned for a moment, because this thunder scepter was particularly similar to Zeus's weapon, and she just instinctively added Zeus's name to the spell.

So what happens if the names of other gods are added to the spell?

Ivita threw the thunder scepter out. The thunder scepter turned into an accelerating lightning in the air and penetrated the belly of the first ogre. Then the lightning spread and penetrated the second ogre. Twenty rays of lightning spread out from the third ogre's belly, hitting all the ogres following the first ogre.

This was a spell more powerful than a formal wizard's spell, and it consumed one-sixth of Ivita's magic power at once.

That is all the magic power of thunder in him.

At the same time, it also restored the energy balance that had been faintly broken.

The twenty-one ogres were also severely injured under this powerful spell.

The crux of the problem was that the bright light of lightning made them lose their vision again. The black wolf immediately used a big sword to chop off the heads of the three ogres closest to it.

Rayleigh also stabbed the ogre's heart with his sword.

The old witch seemed to disdain to use magic against the ogres, so she summoned a carriage with her, took out two mithril swords placed in the carriage, and used fast and sharp two-handed sword skills to kill the two ogres who were close to her. Human demon.

Ivita looked at the old witch in surprise, not expecting her swordsmanship to be so powerful.

When the two one-handed swords are played, they are so airtight that people can't see the trajectory at all.

Six of the twenty-one ogres were killed in an instant, leaving only fifteen, all of them seriously injured.

The ogres now realized how powerful Ivita and the others were, completely different from the villagers they had eaten before, and began to panic.

"We are finished. We must have been discovered by the human army. Otherwise, why would it be so powerful? We can't defeat it at all."

"Aren't these people coming to eat us?"

"Stop talking, didn't that old woman just say that humans think our meat is smelly and don't even bother to eat us? This is our racial advantage. We think human meat smells delicious, and humans think our meat smells smelly. In this way, humans They won’t eat us anymore. If humans thought our meat tasted delicious, we would have been eaten by humans long ago.”

"You are right, I once saw a tiger that liked to eat people, and then it was eaten by people."

"Stop talking, we are going to be killed!!"

"We need the help of the dryads!"

"They are all gone. I told you that they were all liars and deceived us. Let's use that quickly..."

Hei Lang and others, who originally wanted to take advantage of the victory, discovered that five pairs of armors suddenly stood next to the dark river.

There is no one in the helmet of the armor, but it can move on its own.

Black Wolf reminded Ivita and the others, "It is the racial talent of the ogre, and the spirit is hidden in the fingertips."

"These are the undead servants after being killed by the ogre."

"Everyone, don't attack that armor. It's useless and a waste of time. Quickly kill the ogres in the ogre group who use this talent."

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