Ivita and others jumped over the five ghost armors and rushed directly to the five dancing ogres next to the dark river.

However, these five ogres are also protected by their companions.

The black wolf first jumped on the shoulder of an ogre, and inserted a two-handed sword directly into the ogre's head, causing brain matter to overflow.

When the ogre next to him wanted to choke him, he turned around and chopped off its hands with a big sword. Then he pulled out the dagger from his waist and inserted it into the neck of the ogre on the left, killing him.

The demon hunter who has passed four trials is no longer an ordinary person with his physical speed and skill.

Not to mention that these ogres had been seriously injured by Ivita's spell before.

Therefore, the witcher simply rushed into the group of ogres to show the aesthetics of violence, killing two ogres cleanly and incapacitating one ogre.

The old witch also raised two mithril swords, like two rapidly rotating helicopter wings. The sword tips cut through beautiful and complicated arcs. Each sword cut accurately on the ligaments of the ogre warrior's body, and each sword cut again and again. One strike, like a slow knife, left countless wounds on the ogre's body, causing the enemy to die in fear and pain.

In the midst of the witch's killing, the ogres were all frightened by this cold and terrifying witch.

The witch's killing speed is not as fast as the black wolf, but her endless knives dazzle in front of you, leaving you shrouded in fear and terror before death. It is better to be killed by the black wolf with one knife.

The records of Rayleigh and Ivita are similar.

After all, Rayleigh was just an ordinary warrior. He fought an ogre and was still at a slight disadvantage.

And Ivita fought the ogre with a short sword, what the hell, his swordsmanship...

Just don’t mention it.

What is not there at all is indescribable.

Iveta originally planned to use her strength to perform miracles and crush the ogre in front of her, but who knew that in terms of strength, he was crushed.

The ogre on the opposite side was playing with a stick, making a fuss, while he was waving a short sword indiscriminately, which was a complete mess.

Soon, he was caught in the embarrassment of hurriedly dodging the wooden sticks thrown at him.

The ogres on the opposite side felt more and more like they were playing against the odds as they fought, and they were already frightened. "I'm going to eat you."

Something like that.

This guy has become arrogant and was ready to escape.

Ivita looked around and saw that no one could support her, so she raised her right hand, and the ring of desire on her little finger flashed a strange light.

Then, the eyes of the ogre, who felt that he was already fighting a tailwind, turned stupid.

It struggled for a moment, but soon its mind was controlled by the spell.

It was easier to control that human being than when I used the charm spell before.

Ivita used her mysterious connection to order the ogre to raise its hand, and it actually raised its hand.

Then, he ordered the ogres to stand on the side of humans and protect them.

The next moment, the ogre suddenly smashed behind Ivita. The ghost armor that was originally behind Ivita was completely disintegrated by the ogre, and part of the breastplate was severely deformed.

Iveta suddenly felt a chill running down her spine.

He didn't even notice that the ghost armor was already lurking behind him.

The previous situation was very dangerous!

He saw the black wolf on the side rushing towards him. The black wolf had obviously noticed the danger just now.

The black wolf held the swords of the two ghost armors and forced them back. "Your Highness, I'm sorry, I forgot that this is your first battle."

"I should be by your side to protect you. I was so focused on killing five ogre priests that I neglected to protect you."

Ivita said: "Fortunately, I controlled an ogre in advance."

Black Wolf looked back seriously. "Your Highness. You are already very good. This is your first time participating in a battle. You have already seriously injured twenty-one ogres."

"Next, while I protect you, you order the ogre you control to kill the five sacrifices."

Ivita nodded and gave this order to the ogre controlled by her.

The ogre immediately rushed towards the five sacrifices, while the other ogres were already restrained by the old witch.

The five ghost armors were blocked by Black Wolf and Rayleigh again.

The five priests continued to summon ghosts and were dancing and unable to stop. As a result, one of them was immediately killed by the ogre controlled by Ivita.

Obviously the ogres are gone.

Ivita originally wanted to use a harming spell, but the old witch on the other side also solved the ogre warriors and killed the ogre priest.

It didn't take long for these ogre priests to be killed by the old witch and the ogres controlled by Ivita.

Soon, the corpses of twenty ogres were lying on the ground, and the ghost armor also fell apart and fell to the ground.

Green blood filled the ground.

These are the blood of mankind's enemies.

Ivita sat on the rock, panting slightly to calm down the excitement and nervousness of participating in the battle for the first time.

He checked his magic power. Basically, the charm spell only consumed one-third of the magic that Odin brought to him.

His problem now was that there were too few spells to cast, not too little magic power.

At the same time, he should also learn some sword skills.

The old witch kicked the body of the ogre that had scolded her into the water, and the black wolf rescued Blanton from the barbecue grill.

Their injuries were not serious.

The old witch was only injured in her left hand by the ogre, and the black wolf had some sword wounds on his body, which were left by the ghost armor.

Raleigh and Ivita were not seriously injured.

Blanton spent the rest of his life thanking Ivita and others for their help. He thought he was going to be roasted by the ogre.

After apologizing to Ivita for his reckless actions, he sets out to find his sister, Sharon. "Where's my sister?"

"Where is Sharon!"

"The ogres are dead, Sharon, where are you!"

Seeing no one respond, Blanton felt more and more guilty and his voice became sadder and sadder.

Ivita walked around the place where the ogre had been stationed.

There were many bones on the ground.

But he found that the bones of these corpses were less like human bones and more like sheep.

Iveta's pupils suddenly narrowed. "black Wolf……"

"Leilly, come and confirm the origin of these bones."

Black Wolf walked over and took a look. "Most of them are the corpses of sheep and dogs, and there are a few bones of adults. There are some linen clothes around. I guess these adults may be refugees."

Black Wolf looked at Ivita. "Your Highness, you are different from before. You are right. The reason why these ogres do not rush to the ground to eat people is because someone is raising them."

Ivita quickly thought of many things, including the conspiracy of the nobles and Baron Moreau raising ogres.

Because there are so many ogres in Baron Moro, it is impossible for the baron not to notice them.

But that's not right.

Can a human noble really control these unruly, violent and stupid ogres?

Besides, according to the way the ogre eats, the baron will be depleted in a few days.

Why does he raise these ogres?

Could it be that just because he couldn't afford to feed him, he used his own daughter to feed the demon?

Ivita said to Black Wolf: "Check to see if there are any bones of the little girl. This matter is getting more and more complicated."

The old witch suddenly stood by the river, "Your Majesty, you may be going to get rich. I found the ogre's treasure trove! It's in the river! Thanks to me throwing the body down before, I was able to find it!"

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