The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 361 Fire Phoenix Stone!

Ivita narrowed her eyes, said nothing, and directly used the sublimated golden lord crown firebird magic to attack the goddess. The scorching firebird wings covered the sky and the sun, and the golden firebird divine feathers flew in the air. , causing the surrounding air to burn as well.

With the blessing of the Soul Palace, the Fire Bird attacks the Moon Goddess who controls the tides like an arrow.

The Tide Goddess frowned. She stretched out her hand and tried to use her divine power to directly destroy Ivita's Firebird Magic. However, Ivita's Firebird Magic was very flexible. She quickly dodged in mid-air, jumped several times in a row, and was almost close to her. .

"In the human world, your magic is already very good." The Tide Goddess commented: "To be fair, in the mortal world, there are not many witches below the Marquis of Witches who can surpass you. You can be said to be rare. Law. The fire of magic is indeed troublesome, but your magic will not be useful to me."

"Only witches above the Witch Queen level can defeat me!"

She took off an East Pearl earring from her ear and threw it out. The East Pearl earring swelled up in the wind and turned into a huge water ball with rippling blue waves. The huge water ball was approaching Ivita. The moment the Lord Crowned the Firebird's magic, it doubled in size, and the Firebird, which was unable to escape in time, was completely enveloped in it.

Then the water polo turned into an ice puck.

It actually froze Ivita's Firebird in an ice ball.

Ivita raised his eyebrows because he realized that his fire magic was completely sealed. The Dongzhu projected by the tide goddess not only defeated his magic, but also sealed all his related skills.

Ivita wants to mobilize all the power of the Super Soul Palace and inject it into the Firebird to break through the tidal goddess seal.

It is now more than eight thousand meters above the height of the human soul.

It is a height that is forbidden for mortal beings to set foot on.

So it will definitely not be easy to let yourself go.

But Ivita didn't expect that at an altitude of more than eight thousand meters, what stood in front of her was a real goddess.

Ivita's pupils turned golden for a moment, and the pupils that originally belonged to humans began to transform towards the golden vertical pupils of dragons. The goddess of tides, who was originally confident, suddenly felt extremely flustered at this moment. She actually noticed it through her godhead. To, he is in danger of falling.

The Tide Goddess quickly scanned the surroundings, checking for things that could bring her down. Finally, she set her sights on Ivita.

'Just a could he have the chance to kill me...'

'But God's intuition is often connected with fate, so God can avoid disasters and be immortal... When the Queen of the Full Moon transformed into a mortal princess and was kidnapped by me, she gave me good words and advice. I was aware of the danger at that time. , only then took the initiative to let her go, and then got a chance to live. ’

'Today I also feel a similar death warning...'

The goddess of tides looked at Ivita in disbelief.

This is impossible.

Without the Witch Queen's magic level, it is impossible to defeat her for sure.

Without the magic level of the Witch Marquis, it is impossible to compete with her. Only by possessing at least border magic and dark soul can one be immune to her divine power. Otherwise, no matter what kind of magic it is, it will be frozen by the divine power like just now.

Even the so-called fire of the law.

But in this case, how could this little mortal in front of her make her alarm bells ring loudly.

The Tide Goddess saw that Ivita was activating her magic with all her strength to break the fire magic sealed by her. She rubbed her brows and suddenly felt that the danger was getting closer and closer to her. 'After careful observation, I discovered that this boy was enveloped by a divine aura, which was getting stronger and stronger. He has great spiritual connections. ’

‘But I finally met a living person, and I was really unwilling to let him go. Not letting him go seems to be suicidal. I really don’t know what the background is behind him. ’

'If you think about it carefully, to be able to get here, he must have passed through the Dark Realm and the Plague Realm. He either relied on his own strength or relied on his background...'

‘No one is easy to mess with. With that… there’s a way to get the best of both worlds…’

The goddess of tides suddenly spoke to Ivita. "Boy, don't worry, I don't mean any harm. I am a god. If I target a little boy like you, it will really make people laugh."

"Besides, I have cultivated my moral character in the past five hundred years, which is completely different from before. I am now gentle and don't like to force others to do things."

"I'm ready to fight with you."

Ivita turned her head and gave her a strange expression.

How do you feel that this goddess suddenly had a change in her attitude towards herself? Before, she simply regarded herself as an ant and talked to her casually, but now she seems to be lying to herself and coaxing herself.

Ivita looked her up and down. If possible, he didn't want to get entangled with a goddess.

Quite troublesome.

Ivita said coldly: "Don't like to impose things on others? Goddess of Tide, I think your old habits haven't changed."

The face of the Tide Goddess was slightly stiff for a moment. For a moment, her divine heart was filled with the fire of anger, and the fire almost shot out from her eyes.

The emotions of the gods have power.

Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy will form substances that affect the world.

But she was a water god after all, so she quickly extinguished her anger.

After all, she noticed that the aura of God on Ivita was getting stronger and stronger, so strong that it didn't look like a mortal at all.

The goddess of tides said to Ivita: "I am going to play a game with you, a little mortal. During these five hundred years, I felt bored when I was alone, so I thought of riddles for myself every day, and then solved the riddle myself. .In this way, I will give you a puzzle, and you will give me a puzzle."

"Solve the puzzle, then come up with the next puzzle. Whoever can't solve it first will lose. If you lose to me, stay with me on this moon for ten years... no, no, no... stay with me for three years ten years."

Ivita frowned.

He just felt that this goddess was outrageous.

And I'm not good at solving puzzles or puzzles. Even if I have to fight before I can continue to go to the sky, I have to change to a literary fighting method that I'm good at.

He was about to refuse when the voice of the Frog Princess came to his ears.

‘Promise her, Lady Ivita. I'm very good at solving puzzles and I'm sure you'll win. ’

Ivita was startled. ‘Princess Frog, even here, can you still talk to me? ’

‘Well, Lord Ivita. ’ The Frog Princess said: ‘Because your two physical bodies are in the disappearing territory, you have never left the scope of your soul. The maximum height of a mortal’s soul is 9999 meters. So I can still talk to your soul through your body. Lord Ivita. ’

‘Lord Ivita, I want to tell you something. ’

‘This goddess of tides, I have seen her history. She was once the patron saint of the Principality of Avignon in the north of the Enchanted Black Forest. Because the Principality of Avignon was annexed by the Franks, she lost her restraints and made waves in the North Sea. At that time, the residents of the entire northern shore of the Enchanted Black Forest were young. Affected by floods every year. Therefore, they abandoned the villages along the coast where they originally lived and could only live inland. Then one day she robbed the Full Moon Queen who transformed into a princess. The tide goddess was not able to discern pearls, so she provoked the Full Moon Queen who seemed to be just an ordinary girl, causing great disaster, and was finally subdued by the Full Moon Queen. ’

‘This goddess is proud and arrogant. Later, when I directly present a puzzle related to the moon, she will definitely go crazy. If you go crazy, you will be in chaos and lose to you. ’

Ivita thought for a while and thought it was feasible, so she said to the Tide Goddess: "It's not that we can't fight. But if I lose, I have to stay here with you. What if you lose to me?"

The Tide Goddess said directly: "I will unlock the power of your fire magic."

Ivita was speechless. "What kind of bet is this? If you can't afford it, don't fight with me. It's better to let go of my soul palace now and let me leave here. What do you think?"

The Tide Goddess shook her head quickly. She had been a god on this moon for five hundred years, with no one to talk to or interact with, and she was about to die of loneliness.

At this moment, she and Ivita talked for a while, and both felt extremely happy.

I will definitely not let Iveta leave here just like that.

The Tide Goddess said to Ivita: "How about this, if I lose, then I will give you this treasure in the deep sea [Phoenix Stone], so that your fire magic can be used while you are promoted to the Great Wizard. Evolved to the point of becoming a fire phoenix.”

"This is a very rare treasure. There are probably not ten stones like this in the entire Magic Black Forest. If you miss this opportunity, you won't get it. It is the stone left behind after the Phoenix completely died. For a wizard, it is the best treasure a wizard could ever dream of."


Ivita nodded, and she desperately wanted to get the Phoenix Stone to upgrade her Fire of Law magic.

He was not polite to her, "Frog Princess, come up with a riddle." ’

He retells the frog princess' riddle to the goddess and lets the two otakus compete with each other. "Three, four, and five are like a bow. Fifteen or sixteen is majestic. Everyone says that I live to be thirty, and I will die at twenty-eight or nine."

"Hit an object!"

The Tide Goddess was suddenly stunned and walked around in front of the full moon. "What is this? Is it a mirror? That's not right."

She looked at the full moon, her eyes full of doubts, and she murmured to herself. "Is this a puzzle? It's so messed up. Could it be that kid lied to me?"

Ivita blinked when she saw this, no way, this goddess's level is so low, how could she think she is good at this?

You can figure this out by yourself.

Isn't it the moon?

The numbers involved in the puzzle are basically the moon's waxing and waning schedule.

Wait a minute, the goddess of tides' love for puzzles should have happened during her nearly five hundred years of imprisonment. In other words, she was alone during these five hundred years and had no chance to solve puzzles for others.

She is purely a theoretician.

That's why she mistakenly thought that this was her strength, and then dared to fight with herself.

But in fact her level is very poor.

Ten minutes later, the Tide Goddess shook her head slightly and said to Ivita: "Put this puzzle aside for now. I will give you a question, and I guarantee that you will not be able to answer it. Just listen - sometimes it fails. On the hillside, sometimes it hangs from the treetops, sometimes it looks like a round mirror, sometimes it looks like a sickle. Guess an object."

The Frog Princess' laughter sounded in Ivita's ears.

The corners of Ivita's mouth also twitched, and he didn't even need the Frog Princess to help him cheat. "moon."

The Tide Goddess' face suddenly froze, and her expression seemed to say, how could you answer it so quickly?

Ivita thought that the goddess looked at the moon too much, so she subconsciously used the moon as the answer to the puzzles she had come up with over the past few hundred years. It may be true that most of the answers to the puzzles she had come up with over the past few hundred years were the moon.

But this puzzle is too simple.

I figured it out as soon as I thought about it.

Ivita looked at the Tide Goddess, who was still thinking about the answer to her own riddle, and suddenly wanted to laugh.

The Tide Goddess said to Ivita with an ugly face: "Well, I will pose another puzzle, and you just have to solve it..."

Ivita interrupted her: "I have solved your riddle. The answer to your riddle is the moon."

"Now please solve my riddle!"

"Goddess, are you trying to cheat?"

"Am I cheating?" The Tide Goddess laughed, her eyes full of malice. For a moment, she really wanted to attack Ivita, but as soon as she thought so, an alarm bell rang in her heart, so she immediately stopped the idea. . ‘Oops, I haven’t been to the human world for too long. ’

‘What if the answer to this kid’s puzzle is the new agricultural products, toys, etc. that have been created in the world in the past five hundred years...’

‘My consciousness is sealed in the moon and I can’t get out at all, and I don’t have the chance to search the earth now. Damn it, it’s over. The answer to this mystery is something I’ve never seen before. Otherwise, why wouldn’t I be able to figure it out? ’

The more the Tide Goddess thought about it, the more she felt that she had never seen the answer to Ivita's puzzle, and she should not have fought with Ivita.

After twenty minutes passed, the goddess with a sad face could only sigh at Ivita and throw him a strange stone with a phoenix pattern. "Go ahead and strengthen the fire magic this stone gives you."

The ice ball shattered in an instant, and Ivita's Firebird magic was able to break free of the seal and fly back to Ivita's left eye.

However, the goddess also threw the Phoenix Stone into Ivita's left eye.

The Tide Goddess said to Ivita, who was covering her left eye: "Really, I didn't expect that someone could beat me in this area. Can you tell me what the answer is? It must be something I haven't seen in the mortal world." thing."

"Boy, since you're leaving, why don't you and I make friends."

Ivita was a little worried that she would break the agreement after knowing the answer to the mystery. "Tell you the answer? Okay. But you have to wait until I rise a little higher before I can tell you. Otherwise, what if you suddenly regret it?"

The Tide Goddess waved her hand, and Ivita's soul palace continued to rise. "Stingy boy. You really think I will break my promise."

"Losing is losing."

"Tell me the answer quickly."

In the disappeared territory, the trio of earls looked at the sealed Juhaimen in front of them and laughed.

Job looked in the direction of the Ice Castle. "We can almost go there directly."

Earl Isenhamjian was out of breath. "I want to find settle the score with him!"

The Hearthstone Witch was hiding behind a rock not far away, looking nervous. "It's broken. There is no one protecting me, but the portal has been cracked by them. Now I only have one head left, so I can't stop them."

"This is how to do?"

"I have to delay it for some more time. I have to use my bad intentions quickly and think carefully about any other good ideas."

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