The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 362 Gemini Princess

In front of the snow mountain where the Ice Castle is located.

The Hearthstone Witch's head flew backwards with the sword power of Earl Isenhanjian, and a huge ravine appeared on the ground, which was caused by the Earl's sword power. The Hearthstone Witch didn't expect that after she spent too much mana, she would be chopped away with a sword.

Then, an arrow flashed with silver light and appeared in front of her eyes, which frightened the Hearthstone Witch's face. It was the sealed arrow of the high-ranking ranger!

And it's still a burst of fire.

Three shots came in a row.

"If I had known, I shouldn't have gone in on my own!" The Hearthstone Witch's head rolled on the ground in fright, and she dodged one, but two more arrows hit her in the head, almost sealing her on the spot. , Fortunately, at this time, the Hearthstone Witch summoned a magical plant, the Spiked Cactus, as a substitute, and she turned into a black mist and fled into the distance.

Senior ranger Yopolu quickly said: "I almost sealed that senior witch. Damn it, how could she escape so fast, I didn't even have time to shoot the fourth arrow. The senior witch is very difficult to kill, but It’s not difficult to seal.”

Earl Isenhanjian was furious: "It's this witch who has been causing trouble behind our backs and playing tricks on us. Let us help her clean up the walking dead."

"I'll have to hunt her down alone. It'll be another problem for her to catch her breath."

He was about to chase after him, but was held down by a third-generation vampire on his shoulders, unable to move.

Count Isenhanjian turned to look at the third-generation vampire in confusion. He saw the third-generation vampire pointing at the snow-capped mountains in front of him and said: "Esenhanjian, wait a moment. That witch is probably taking risks to protect others. She may want to We chased her, so we missed the opportunity to hunt Ivita. There is definitely Ivita on the snowy mountains ahead."

High Ranger Jobro said to him: "But that witch also saw things in this disappeared territory. She also needs to die, or shut up."

"If that witch loses her master, it will be even more troublesome."

"It's harder for us to find her and kill her."

The third-generation vampire shook his head and said: "Kill the first culprit first, and then the younger one. That witch is not a big problem, her magical power has been seriously damaged."

The third generation of vampires first walked on the mountain road of the snow-capped mountains. At this time, the snow-capped mountains have declined due to the magical power of the Ice Lich. Many places have turned into clear water, and some green buds have appeared in some places. The snow-capped mountains are about to turn into green mountains. .

Most of the ice castle on the top of the mountain has collapsed. All the outer ice walls have melted, leaving only the inner ice castle.

The head of the Hearthstone Witch, which turned into black mist and escaped, circled twice in the air, then flew back by itself. She hid behind the rock and observed the trio of Earls, complaining secretly in her heart. "Damn cunning vampire, he actually saw through that I wanted to divert the tiger away from the mountain and delay time. I originally thought of letting these people chase me, but who knew, I seemed to run too fast and disappeared in front of them in a flash. Let them just give up chasing me."

"No, I still have to find another way."

The Hearthstone Witch felt her head hurt.

She usually just runs away when something happens, but she didn't expect that today, she had the chance to run away, but she couldn't.

I still have to stay here to think of a solution.

This made the Hearthstone Witch feel dizzy and felt that she had left her comfort zone and was a big test of her abilities.

The trio of counts were on the snowy mountain. When they reached about the mountainside, the third-generation vampire suddenly sneered, looked at a snow doll beside the road and said with a smile: "Although you are not my descendant, I am a third-generation vampire, and you are Fourth generation vampire, do you think your little trick of hiding behind the snowman can hide from my bloodline level suppression?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the snow puppet split open and a vampire Wilson jumped out. Wilson knew that he alone, a fourth-generation vampire, could not stop three fourth-level professionals, but further up was where his master Ivita was, and he could only try his best to delay time.

He pounced on the third generation vampire.

The third-generation vampire's pupils suddenly shrank and turned into vertical pupils, and terrifying fangs appeared at the corners of his mouth, as if he was sullen. A mere low-level fourth-generation vampire actually committed such a crime, let alone dared to expose him in front of everyone before. Is the identity of a vampire.

All this made the third generation of vampires full of anger.

"I am a church knight of the Pearl Tooth Kingdom, the sword of the kingdom, and the defender of the faith in the God of all things." The third-generation vampire drew out the blood-red and strange ominous sword from his waist with his left hand, and struck Wilson with a sword towards him. The sword contains the physical strength of three generations of vampires + the sword power transformed from the evil aura of a high-level knight + the bloody hand of death composed of eight extraordinary organs + the power blessing of the heroic swordsmanship and the killing sword. However, this sword can actually kill a person equivalent to Wilson, who was at the peak of his strength as the Great Knight, was cut in half.

Wilson was so painful that he flew backwards. He used the remaining right side of his body to crawl quickly in the snow.

Senior Ranger Yobulu said quickly: "Chase!"

But who knew that the third-generation vampire turned around and pointed the killing sword at the senior ranger Yobolu and Earl Isenhanjian. Their faces were filled with the scarlet blood unique to vampires, and there was madness in their eyes. "You infidels, I will kill you all today."

As he spoke, his hands turned completely red, and a ball of blood appeared between his hands.

At the same time, the killing sword vibrated and slashed at Earl Isenhanjian and High Ranger Jobro.

Count Isenhanjian quickly raised his knight's sword to block, condensing all the evil energy on the knight's sword, but just like that, his knight's sword also had a gap cut by the third generation vampire's sword, and he himself was also knocked away. .

But in this way, the third generation vampire returned to normal, and his eyes regained clarity.

The third-generation vampire looked at his two companions coldly, snorted coldly, and continued walking forward. "Damn Ivita, let those difficult men deal with us all day long. When I see him, I will make him pay the price."

High Ranger Jobro shrugged. "You're doing this old habit again. I told you not to do anything."

He walked to the snow pit not far away and helped the count up. Count Isenhanjian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and asked the high-ranking ranger Yobolu. "What's going on with that guy? Aren't you going after that fourth-generation vampire? Why did he suddenly attack us?"

"What's up with him?"

High Ranger Joble sighed. "There is no way. This is also an injustice. You also know that the Pearl Tooth Kingdom took back most of its territory from the pagans in the past few decades. It took them two hundred years to conquer what was originally theirs. territory."

"The believers of the God of All Things in the Pearl Tooth Kingdom, who were brutally oppressed by the pagans, are the most devout and violent."

"Having been born in such an environment since childhood, he has a very extreme personality. And having trained his vampire power and knight power to their peak, plus being the master of the killing sword, once he takes action, he will fall into an extreme paranoia and will not continue. The state of attacking the enemy until death and never giving up.”

"He was able to stop in time just now because he has recently exercised his willpower."

High Ranger Yobulu said: "His pair of bloody hands are composed of eight extraordinary organs in the whole body in addition to the extraordinary heart, from the blood skin with strong defense, to the extraordinary muscle fibers that can instantly output huge power, to Special arm meridians that produce blood energy, and as a result, he is even more sensitive to blood and enemies."

Earl Isenhamjian couldn't help but be afraid when he thought of the looks in the eyes of the three generations of vampires just now. "It's really scary..."

The trio of earls continued to walk forward. When they were about to reach the top of the mountain, a black mist appeared above their heads. It was the Hearthstone Witch who had returned.

The Hearthstone Witch laughed loudly and shouted above them: "Hahahaha you are dead."

Earl Isenhanjian rolled his eyes, why is that witch here again?

Are you annoyed?

The third-generation vampire trembled with anger when he saw the Hearthstone Witch's 'self-entertaining' head. "Damn witch, you still dare to appear in front of me. Ethan Hanjian, go kill her for me!"

The Hearthstone Witch shouted loudly: "You three are about to die, and you don't know yet. Earl Isenhanjian, and the other two people. My lord Ivita has already ordered more than 10,000 people to be placed on the top of the mountain." The army is just waiting for you three to fall into the trap."

"There are more than one cannons for Type 4 pirate ship components alone."

"If the three of you go up, you will die immediately! Hahahahahaha..."

After hearing this, the trio of earls all showed cautious expressions.

Earl Isenhanjian said to the two of them: "If there are really many troops above, wouldn't it be like falling into a trap if we just go there like this? Could it be that Ivita led us all the way there just because he wanted us to fall into his trap?" Trap? That's not right. If that's the case, why do you want that witch head to remind us here?"

The third-generation vampire said: "She is so proud that she may have said it accidentally."

Senior Ranger Yobulu said: "Why do I feel that she is just talking nonsense? This snow-capped mountain is so difficult to travel, how can the army come up at once? Moreover, the disappeared territory is shrouded in special ritual magic, and ordinary people cannot enter it at all. Go. Even if someone enters occasionally, they will be teleported out."

"Only powerful enough space magic can break this magic."

"But in fact, using such powerful magic to teleport armies... is unimaginable."

Earl Isenhanjian said: "But along the way, that Ivita is indeed very cunning. What if there is an ambush above?"

The third generation vampire became impatient. "I also think that witch is talking nonsense..."

The three people who were discussing did not know that a nearly transparent and extremely weak soul body suddenly appeared next to them. This soul body suddenly interrupted them and said: "Stop arguing. Don't I know what is going on above? I It’s the Ice Witch, a pirate who guards here.”

"For some reasons, your target Ivita defeated me. But I feel that your strength alone is not enough to defeat Teacher Ivita."

The Ice Lich said to the three of them: "How about each of you give me a bowl of blood, and I can regain my basic magic power."

The trio of earls were surprised to see someone beside them.

The third-generation vampire narrowed his eyes and said to the Ice Lich: "I have only heard of your name before, but I didn't expect to meet you and realized that you are really not worthy of your name. A witch marquis was defeated by a second-level official wizard, hahaha …”

The Ice Lich sneered and said nothing.

The third-generation vampire said: "What exactly is going on on the snowy mountain? You tell me first."

The Ice Lich doesn't mince words. "That witch lied to you. There is no one up there except Ivita and a few of his useless students."

"Ivita is being promoted to Grand Wizard."

"Now is when he is most vulnerable. Even if an ordinary person comes close to his body, it may kill him."

"As long as you seize this opportunity, you can easily kill him, just like crushing an ant. But if you miss this opportunity, you will be dead."

The third generation of vampires, Jobro and Earl Isenhamjian were all overjoyed when they heard this.

They didn't expect that their luck would be so good!

The third-generation vampire said: "Hahahaha... Even if he does advance, he will only be a third-level wizard, so we are not afraid."

"Not to mention, he is in his weakest state now. No wonder he kept delaying us before..."

"So that's it."

Earl Isenhanjian couldn't wait to go up immediately.

The Hearthstone Witch on the side didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. The damn Lich had no power, but he could still cause trouble!

As expected, a witch marquis cannot be underestimated.

The hearthstone witch's head suddenly said to the three counts: "The soul of that ice lich has been controlled by my master. What she said is what my master wants to tell you. It's up to you to believe it or not."

The ice witch looked at the trio who were looking at her, and said slowly: "Don't worry about that witch. Go up the mountain and kill Ivita."

"You believe her nonsense when she treats you like children!"

The count was almost dying. He pointed at the witch's head and said: "Damn stinky witch, are you treating us like monkeys? You will be dead after I finish killing your lord!"

The third-generation vampire also stared at the Hearthstone Witch in mid-air, feeling that the other party was insulting his intelligence.

Jobro noticed that the Ice Lich said that Ivita was her teacher and fell into deep thought.

High above the soul world, the moment the Tide Goddess knew the answer to the mystery, she almost wanted to attack Ivita.

However, Ivita had risen high enough that she could not catch up for a while, so she could only give up in frustration.

to the ninth thousand meters.

Ivita and his soul palace broke away from the full moon realm and entered the star realm. As soon as they entered the star realm, his body and soul palace radiated the brilliance of the Six Emperor Stars, causing asteroids, comets and planets to appear for a while. Don't dare approach Ivita and her soul palace.

Even the ordinary stellar master couldn't figure out the situation on Ivita's side and had been in a wait-and-see state, allowing him and his soul palace to continue to rise.

When she was about 9,500 meters away, Ivita noticed that many parts of her soul palace had been crushed by pressure. At this point, even just simple pressure was about to cause her soul palace to disintegrate.

At this time, in front of his soul palace, two goddesses shrouded in starlight appeared. After they saw Ivita, they introduced themselves: "We are the Gemini princesses, the lords of the starry sky who are in charge of all the stars in Gemini. My friend, are you still not satisfied after reaching this height? If you don’t stop here, you will become a great wizard in no time.”

One of the twins said: "My friend, it is indeed true. Everything will be bad after it is over, and good things will turn into bad things."

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