The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 398 Entering the Great Library!

The Hearthstone Witch circled around in the elephant god's weapon, and finally found a flaw in the tail of the elephant god's weapon. The tail of the elephant god's weapon seemed to carry some kind of mechanical weapon.

Therefore, there are many gaps as big as ordinary doors between its tail and the main body of the Ganesha weapon. The Hearthstone Witch was about to fly into it when she discovered that there were many small golem mechanical structures inside the Ganesha weapon. All of these small golems lifted He raised his nose and launched an attack on the Hearthstone Witch.

Flames filled the sky and attacked the Hearthstone Witch from the trunks of these small demon elephants.

The vulture transformed by the Hearthstone Witch cursed in his heart. He really didn't know where the Sfenwell family got such good luck to obtain such a powerful thing from overseas territories.

She tried to use magical power to distort the laws of physics so that fire could not harm herself, but as soon as she entered the elephant god's body, she found that she could not do this with legal magic.

Because within the Elephant God's institution, the law is self-contained and the structure is very strict, which suppresses her legal magic.

‘This is not something overseas countries can produce. There was once a witch marquis who transformed this institution. ’ The Hearthstone Witch thought: ‘This way I won’t be able to get in. ’

If legal magic is used to distort the effects of flames, the vulture she incarnates can be resurrected from the fire.

But if you don't do this, how can your mortal body wander in the flames?

Just when the Hearthstone Witch didn't know what to do, a flaming phoenix suddenly flew from a distance and destroyed all the small elephant mechanisms at the tail of the Elephant God's weapon in a very short period of time.

The Hearthstone Witch laughed. "Thank you very much, Your Majesty."

She rushed right in.

In the elephant god's control room, the elephant god in the purple crystal ball endured the pain and was thinking about how to deal with things.

Elephant God said to Sfenwell Qixiong: "Master Sfinwell, it currently takes five minutes to repair the steering mechanism of Elephant God's weapon."

"I recommend that you activate all your artillery shells and attack the enemy. Otherwise, you are likely to be in danger of your life."

Sfenwell Qixiong clenched his fists. He was not a playboy, but he had previously boasted of possessing the elephant god's weapon and had relaxed his vigilance.

Faced with pressure at this moment, his thinking speed accelerated.

The family must obtain the Duchy of Lombardy to strengthen its voice in the Kingdom of Champagne and Brandy, maintain its independence, and not be suppressed by the increasingly authoritarian king.

The countries in the Enchanted Black Forest are all developing in the direction of autocracy, and the living space of the nobles is getting less and less.

It's like a spring that is gradually drying up in the desert.


Absolutely not.

If the artillery of Ganesha Weapons is consumed now, it will have a serious impact on his subsequent plans.

five minutes?

You must find a way to delay it for five minutes.

Sfenwell Qixiong said to the Elephant God in the crystal ball: "Stop attacking, retreat, and show your sincerity in giving in."

He said to the people around him: "Get ready for our extraordinary plant - the Jinying Sacred Tree."

"Ganesha, give this thing to them, and then activate the loudspeaker module. I want to talk to them."

"That day, Wai Qizhi expressed our sincerity in backing down and our apology for attacking them."

After thinking about it, Sfenwell Qixiong decided to cut off his tail immediately to survive. He had an intuition that continuing to fight would definitely not be a good thing.

The Elephant God in the crystal ball looked at Sfenwell Qixiong in amazement as he fell into reflection.

He originally thought that Sfenwell Qixiong was a playboy who would pay the price for his frivolity as long as time passed.

But unexpectedly, it was the one who looked down on Sfenwell Qixiong.

In the desert, Ivita noticed the elephant god's weapon, and actually gave up the counterattack, put away the elephant's trunk, and then retreated.

He was stunned for a moment, and immediately knew that the other party wanted to retreat.

Then, he saw the belly of the elephant god's weapon and opened a mechanical door. Four small elephant mechanisms jumped out of the door. The four small elephant mechanisms were carrying a tree that shone with golden light.

Ivita blinked, immediately became amused, and recalled the Thunder Dragon and Fire Phoenix.

Since the other party has taken the initiative to seek peace and expressed sincerity, he does not want to continue fighting, because in this desert, all supplies are scarce, and there are monsters lurking everywhere in the desert.

No matter how you look at the opponent's elephant god weapon, it doesn't look like something you can win without paying a price.

Therefore, Ivita did not want to fight with them in the first place. The previous destruction of the leg mechanism of the Elephant God weapon was just to cover the Hearthstone Witch and allow her to enter the Elephant God to destroy and obtain the Three Sisters Grass.

A voice came from the elephant god's weapon. "I am Sfenwell Qixiong. I should not have attacked you at will before, and misjudged your strength. But I think everyone should be going to the location of the Iron Crown and inheriting the Iron Crown. Continue. What good will it do to us if we continue to fight?"

"This is part of the resources given to me by my family to gain the favor of the rulers of the Principality of Lombardy. Now I am giving this extraordinary plant to you as an apology."

"Look, let's stop here today, okay?"

Ivita thought for a moment and looked at Robinson Knight and others.

Robinson Knight urged him: "Sir, I think it is acceptable. If we continue to fight, we will both lose. I don't know if others will take advantage of us."

Miss Karp's eyes widened. "I've heard of the Strange Plant from Heaven, but I never thought I could see it so close today. Oh my God, is this the Strange Plant from Heaven, the rarest resource that only the most powerful lord can possess??!"

Ivita glanced at her, waved her hand, and summoned the Jinying Sacred Tree carried by the little elephant machine. She checked it briefly, and after using the light soul to confirm that there was no problem, she handed it to Knight Robinson and asked him to put it in. in the backpack.

Ivita said: "If you are rich and powerful, even the most exotic plants in the world can be used as resources for communication."

"It seems that to gain the true inheritance of the Iron Crown, I will have to face far more enemies than I imagined."

Knight Robinson comforted Ivita: "Sir, don't worry. The other party is just relying on the family, and his own strength is simply not enough to support the resources he has."

"When we reach the Iron Crown Mountains, it's hard to say who will win."

Ivita nodded.

He used magic power to amplify his voice, and then said to the Ganesha weapon in the distance: "I accept your surrender."

"You leave immediately."

Ivita used the Dark Portal to summon the Hearthstone Witch from the Elephant God's weapon. In just a moment, the Hearthstone Witch reappeared in front of him.

And he was holding three grasses in his hand.

The Hearthstone Witch complained to Ivita: "Your Majesty, I just found the location where they store the treasure. Give me another minute and I can sweep the treasure house. Now I only got the Three Sisters Grass!"

"But one thing, I have to tell you, I saw a lot of gunpowder inside that giant elephant. It was all gunpowder."

Ivita nodded, just as she had worried before, such a large mechanical device might threaten herself even if it self-destructs.

The current result is pretty good for me.

Ivita said to the Hearthstone Witch and others: "In order to prevent their revenge, I will use the Dark Portal to leave here. I already know the location of the Great Library. You can go there now."

The Hearthstone Witch said: "Okay. There are countless secrets recorded in the ancient library, and I want to go there too."

Knight Robinson whispered: "I once learned about the name of the ancient library of the ancient civilization in the church's great library. I also want to see it."

In the control room inside the Elephant God Weapon, Sfenwell Qixiong banged on the table. He felt that he had suffered a hidden loss.

If he hadn't had any scruples, he would have let the Elephant God weapon output at full power.

"How much energy do we have now."

The Elephant God in the crystal ball hesitated for a moment and said: "There are still 69%."

Sfinwell Qixiong said in surprise: "The energy is consumed so quickly? It seems that it is impossible to dominate the Principality of Lombardy with just a elephant god weapon. There must be a lot of support from big families behind those heir candidates. Previously, I'm too arrogant."

"No. I must strengthen my strength as soon as possible. Didn't we get the Three Sisters Grass before?"

"Take it out. I want to eat it. If I can master some of the power of the Desert God, my fighting ability will be greatly enhanced in the desert. I heard that the Desert God was once in the desert before he was destroyed by the church. It left behind the army it wanted to make a comeback, but before it could use this army, he had already been exiled by the church."

The elephant god in the crystal ball frowned. "I'm afraid that won't work either."

"Why?" Sfenwell Qixiong looked at him strangely. "Are there not enough ritual materials?"

"That's one thing." The old elephant god in the crystal ball said: "The more important reason is that during the battle just now, a witch on the other side seemed to have used extremely powerful magic to enter the inside of the elephant god's weapon. You know, there are many machines inside Ganesha that we control as guardians, just like human white blood cells."

"But the other party's magic power was too powerful, and she used divination to accurately find the location of our treasure house and took away the Three Sisters Grass. Fortunately, she had not had time to take away the other materials in the treasure house."

Sfenwell Qixiong was almost furious.

Too much bullying.

Sfenwell Chichion slammed the table. "Go back to me. I will kill them at all costs. This is too much. Not only did they take away my Tianwai Qizhi, they also took away my Three Sisters Grass!"

"I have already thought about how to use the Desert God's army and made a series of plans for it. Now you tell me, these things are gone?"

"That's how I take it."

"Turn around again, we have to go back and kill them completely."

The elephant god in the crystal ball said: "But...but..."

Sfenwell Qixiong said: "Go back immediately."

Ganesha couldn't persuade him, so he had to control Ganesha's weapon to turn around and return to its previous position, hoping to find the location of Ivita and the others.

But there were only bare sand dunes left in that place.

Endless as far as the eye can see.

No one.

Sfenwell Qixiong looked at the bare sand dunes and shouted angrily, "You bastard, just wait for me. If we face each other again in the future, I will make sure you die without a burial place."

Using the Dark Door, I arrived at the coordinates of the Great Library stored in my memory.

Ivita put the Golden Ying Sacred Tree and the Three Sisters Grass in her pocket, and then said to everyone: "Everyone, the big library is in front."

The Hearthstone Witch, Robinson Knight and others looked up, only to find a bare sand dune in front of them.

The Hearthstone Witch was dumbfounded. "Your Majesty, there is nothing in front of you. Moreover, there seems to be no concealment spell."

"There just wasn't anything there."

Robinson Knight and others also looked at Ivita, waiting for his explanation.

Iveta said: "Yes, there is nothing in front of me now. If the Dry Well Elf hadn't told me the specific location of the Great Library, I would have thought that there was nothing in front of me. But look at the clouds in the sky. There are many clouds in the sky that day. Among the clouds, there is one that is thick and lingers, it is a magic cloud."

"Even if it floats in the sky for hundreds of years, the magic cloud will never dissipate."

Robinson Knight said: "Then the great library is on the clouds?"

The Hearthstone female guard immediately retorted: "How is that possible? Unless the Great Library is also made of clouds, the clouds cannot support anything at all."

Iveta shook her head and said, "No. I just said that there is a cloud in the sky that will never disperse and float in this sky. But I didn't say that the Great Library is up there."

"Actually, Xiao put the shadow of the cloud into the entrance of the library."

While Iveta was speaking, a very ordinary-shaped cloud in the sky blocked the sun, and that cloud seemed to have an entity, actually reflecting the same shape of shadow on the earth as the cloud in the sky.

Iveta took the initiative to take the lead and walked over, standing in the middle of the cloud shadow.

"The entrance is right here."

The next moment, he disappeared into the middle of the shadow.

At the same time, the Hearthstone Witch, Robinson Knight and others were stunned for a moment.

Who would have thought that the entrance to the Great Library is right here!

They quickly followed.

In the large library, Iveta observed the surroundings vigilantly and found that she was standing in a huge patio. The surrounding circular walls were like a giant's residence, and everything was so tall.

There are many wooden frames built on the walls.

The wooden shelves were filled with dusty books.

At one o'clock on the wall of the library is a statue of a goddess standing a thousand meters high. The statue has a sun pattern mark on its forehead, just like the marks on the followers of the Sun Cult that I encountered before.

That's right.

The Sun Cult, a rebel group in the Principality of Lombardy, has deep connections with the Great Library of Ancient Civilizations.

I just don’t understand what Iron Crown was thinking when he asked him to come over.

Iveta looked up at the sky above the patio and found that there was at least a thousand meters from the top of the patio wall to the bottom, but there was a starry sky above the patio.

But the time when I entered this library should be in the afternoon.

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