The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 399 The relationship between the Sun God Cult and the Great Library

"Is this...the Great Library?" Ivita frowned. He felt that the library was full of death aura, but the death aura must be alive before death.

Ivita saw a pile of bones in the corner of the great library.

He walked over and checked it out, only to find that most of the bones here were old and were not the product of recent death.

Moreover, the foreheads of these skeletons were marked with sun patterns.

"Either people from the Sun God Cult have entered here and died in the Great Library for some reason." Ivita said: "Or the Sun God Cult has mastered some method of sacrificing the body and entering the Great Library. .”

Ivita dropped the bones in her hands.

He picked up a book next to him and opened it. Fortunately, the words used in this book were magic words, otherwise Ivita would not be able to understand various ancient languages.

The book in his hand is a very primitive ancient magic.

Roughly, a plant called citron is used to extract the essence, cast a spell and add black sheep blood, and then ingest it to people, which will have the effect of paralyzing people and losing consciousness.

But this magic book boasts that it can make the person unconscious and look like a piece of wood.

Ivita finished reading it quickly and said: "It seems that the early primitive magic was not completely separated from medicine. I am afraid that the citron herb already contains anesthetic ingredients."

"And the subsequent effect should just paralyze the person's body. It's not that exaggerated."

"But it's a good thing to enrich my magic accumulation."

Iveta stood up and randomly picked out one of the two books in the previous book. The name of the book was "The Destruction of the Witch". He quickly read the book and found that it only recorded a witch. The process from learning magic to being attacked by magic.

Ivita used the Cloak of Destruction to levitate, flew into the air, took twenty books with her hands, and opened them at the same time. The pages made a clattering sound as she flipped through them.

After reading these books, Ivita frowned.

"This is the Great Library? It's so disappointing."

After reading these twenty books, Ivita discovered that these twenty books were all unfashionable miscellaneous books. They were either low-level primitive magic or biographies of people of the time. Moreover, these biographies were all related to and from the time. Biographies of people related to ancient civilizations.

In modern times, it is almost useless.

It is only useful to experts in ancient history.

Unbelieving, Ivita used her magical hands to grab fifty more books from the pile. With the Light Soul and the Soul Palace, his memory has already surpassed ordinary people countless times.

Even scanning fifty magic-related books at the same time is possible.

"It still needs to be checked. Maybe the high-end books in this large library are hidden in these messy miscellaneous books." Ivita said: "There must be a reason why the Iron Crown brought me here. "

"And it seems that the Iron Crown has not only guided me, but also the Sfinwell family."

While Ivita was frantically reading books in the library, he didn't notice that the corpses of Sun God believers he had found in the corner were slowly moving.

The bone palm is automatically crawling, integrating with the bone arm, and each bone is automatically returning to its original position.

Originally, the fluctuations in magic power and spirituality caused by this behavior should not be able to escape the inspection of Ivita's light soul. However, Ivita's light soul is now dim and does not automatically emit magic radiance. Therefore, Ivita's light soul is dim. Tower didn't notice that there were undead creatures automatically forming behind him.

And Ivita, who was reading fifty books at the same time, shook his head. After reading these fifty books, he was even more disappointed. There was nothing special about these fifty books.

They are all useless miscellaneous books.

There are roughly some secrets to the success of magic, the self-confidence that spellcasters must have, etc. There are also biographies and unofficial histories of magic.

Historians may be overjoyed to discover these books.

But for me, these books are of little use.

Ivita frowned, and once again expanded the number of books to read, selected a hundred books from different bookshelves, and then used her magic hand to flip through a hundred books at the same time.

But in this way, his reading speed will be much slower.

About half an hour later, Iveta finished reading most of the books. He frowned and thought, if he flipped through so many books, he couldn't find anything of value.

Then the books here probably really have no value.

Moreover, he also discovered a problem, a problem that anyone else could discover in an instant, but that only he needed a long time and a lot of patience and concentration to discover.

That is, since he came here, his magic power has not been consumed.

No matter how many times he used a little magic.

If it were anyone else, the consumption of magic power would always be noticed quickly, just like if a small cut was made on one's finger.

But the problem is, Ivita has unlimited magic power, and has not paid careful attention to the consumption of magic power for a long time.

Therefore, it took him half an hour to notice that he had never consumed any magic power.

Ivita was suspended in mid-air, thinking, "Not only has the magic power not been consumed, but even my hunger level and physical strength consumption have not changed at all. In other words, I am afraid that time has stopped inside the Great Library. .”

"Why is this? Moreover, the Hearthstone Witch and others have not come in yet. Maybe they have gone to other places. In other words, the Great Library must have more than the space it has now."

"There must be room for others."

Iveta was about to check if there was any mechanism inside, but she was shocked. A light that was completely different from the surrounding environment appeared around her body floating in the air.

This makes Ivita floating in the air look like a god.

"The light soul that has been dormant for a long time has finally recovered."

The moment Ivita recovered her light soul, she discovered the skeleton that had been hiding in the corner, secretly piecing together her own body. Ivita turned to look at the skeleton. The skeleton that had already assembled half of its body was now in its own light soul. Under the power naturally emitted, it tends to collapse.

If Ivita was still an ordinary wizard apprentice, it would be quite troublesome to deal with this thing.

But now he is no longer what he used to be.

"Has a spirituality that is approximately as strong as a formal wizard." Ivita examined the skeleton. He had some doubts that the skeleton might be related to the mechanism in the library, so he did not use the light soul to obliterate it immediately.

In fact, undead creatures of this level pose no threat to themselves.

What he needs to fear from formal wizards is their wisdom, not their power.

Ivita waved her hand, and the half-body skeleton creature that had been secretly put together disintegrated again, leaving only a head.

The skeletal creature head yelled angrily at Ivita.

However, because he has no vocal organs, he can only make his upper and lower teeth collide multiple times to express his dissatisfaction.

The skull head was so angry that, in order to bite Ivita, it actually rolled up on the spot.

Like a football.

It's a pity that Ivita is half-floating in the air.

"Although it has ill intentions towards me and wants to attack me, this is its instinctive reaction. Although there is death aura on its body, there is no evil aura. This shows that it has not killed anyone since it became an undead creature."

"As for the reason why it turned into an undead creature, it should be that there were too many professional-level corpses and skeletons nearby. As decades passed, an undead creature naturally appeared." Ivita thought about it. "It seems that this thing is not a mechanism in the big library or a guardian designed in advance. It should be rubbish thrown into the big library by the Sun God Cult privately. I just don't know what channel they used to throw it over."

"It happened because I suddenly assembled myself. I'm afraid it was because I was a living person and suddenly walked into this library that had been closed for thousands of years. The breath of living people stimulated the skeleton, causing it to react to me."

"It is the nature of undead creatures to hate strangers."

Ivita's light soul gradually filled the entire library with its light, brightening up the originally dark, silent and strange library and turning it into a warm space.

Then he noticed something unusual and suddenly looked at a book in the library. "Come out."

As his voice fell.

The light soul automatically scanned the book that Ivita was looking at. Under the squeeze of Ivita's light soul power, the book that looked like a big dictionary was turning the pages crazily.

"Ah hahaha~ I've still been found." The book stopped turning the pages, and in the golden light, there was an elf the size of a human thumb, with wings like book pages on its back. "You are much smarter than your companions, and you actually discovered my existence."

"Ah haha~ Well, uh..."

The next moment, the elf was targeted by Ivita's light soul, and was pressed hard against the dictionary. It was like being hit by a fly swatter, and its body became flat.

"How can there be a wizard who can still use light souls in this library?" The dictionary elf lay on the dictionary and complained. "I don't mean any harm. I am the guardian spirit of the library on the first floor."

"Let me go."

Ivita's eyes were cold. "You seem to have mistaken your and my positions. Only by adjusting our positions can we communicate with each other. First, where are the people who entered the big library with me now?"

“Second, what is the structure of this library like.”

"If your answer doesn't satisfy me, I don't mind. I will use the light soul to deconstruct your body and deny your existence."

The dictionary elf became anxious. "Wait a minute, I will tell you everything I know, and don't do anything to me. My God, your light soul can deny the existence of a living object."


"No wonder the Great Library chose you as its heir."

When Ivita saw its nonsense, she began to use the light soul to erase the dictionary elf's phenomenon. The specific manifestation was that in Ivita's eyes and the dictionary elf's own eyes, its body was gradually disappearing.

Ivita has no intention of killing it, because erasing its existence will kill a living body, and erasing the phenomenon just makes it invisible to everyone.

Let him enter, a strange state in which others may see him but not see him, and hear him may not hear him.

It was also when Ivita was reading those miscellaneous books just now that she could infer the use of this light soul from the fragments of words in dozens of books.

It's just that the light soul is not strong. If you do this, your own light soul will be shattered.

The Dictionary Elf saw its body and the dictionary it was hosting gradually disappearing, and even its memory began to become incomplete. It finally began to panic, and realized that the wizard who broke into this library a thousand years later was definitely not What a simple role.

I'm afraid that many of the tests originally set up in the library were directly ignored by the wizard in front of him.

The Dictionary Elf quickly said to Ivita: "Wait a minute, I can explain."

"Your friends are safe now. They were sent to the parallel space on the first floor of the Great Library just because they are not the heirs of the Great Library. In other words, they can theoretically be in the same place, just because of the phase Different, therefore, in a completely different place than you are.”

The Dictionary Elf said: "I can communicate with the Dictionary Elf in all phase spaces in the same location, so if you want to talk to them and ensure their safety, you can use me to do that."

"As for the second one, the structure of the library, this is also very simple. You can understand that the entire library is underground, so this is the first underground floor, located on the shallowest surface of the library, so the books here are the most Simple and ordinary.”

"It can be said that these are the most ordinary books on this level."

Ivita said: "Then how do I enter the next level?"

The dictionary elf said quickly: "It's very simple. There are thirteen thousand books here. Just read them all and you'll be good to go."

The dictionary elf felt guilty and did not dare to look at Ivita's eyes. It was afraid of Ivita's anger and directly used its light soul to erase its existence. "And you have to memorize the contents of these books verbatim."

"This is your test to get to the next level of the library."

Ivita narrowed her eyes.

The Dictionary Elf quickly said: "Time here almost stands still and flows very slowly, so you don't have to worry about what is happening in the outside world or your friends."

"On the other hand, your own lifespan may not be long enough."

"Only lifespan here is not static. This also puts a little pressure on the heirs."

"And it will be of great benefit to you after reading these books."

Iveta was still angry, but suddenly thought that she learned to use the light soul to deny the existence and phenomena of others. Wasn't it just after reading more than a hundred books here that she realized it?

Those magic books are admittedly too low-level.

But for a magic novice who needs the Hearthstone Witch at this moment, isn’t it really what he needs?

I have relied on Mang all the way and reached the stage of high wizard. If I want to find information about the dark soul, don't I really need to add some common sense about the magical black forest?

And right now, this might be an opportunity.

Ivita restrained her anger and said to the Dictionary Elf: "One more question, what do the Great Library and the Iron Crown have to do with the Sun God Cult?"

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